Erin the Fire Goddess: The Be...

By LaviniaUrban

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Erin Tait is a 15 year old girl, who thinks of herself as a freak. She's moves to her parents home town of Ga... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

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By LaviniaUrban

We eventually got back to the cottage, just after 4pm. My Mum was busy in the kitchen, making dinner. Whatever it was, it smelt delicious. I stayed in the kitchen to help her, whilst Sean went into the other room.

As I was laying the table something dawned on me, "Kasey-Ray!" I said out loud, freezing where I stood.

My Mum looked over, understanding exactly what I meant.

"No, she doesn't know." She turned back to the pot. "And no, we have no idea if she has any gifts. We are hoping it may pass her by."

I nodded at this thoughtfully.

"When is she coming home? Is she coming here?"

"Your Dad's going to collect her just before Dr Hammersmith gets here, but he's taking her home first, to pack an overnight bag."

"How are we going to explain why we are here?" I finished laying the table and went to stand next to her.

"Not sure yet, but I'm sure she'll be more preoccupied with you and Sean." She laughed warmly, making me blush.

She carried on cooking, as I went into the other room. I walked up to the sofa, where Sean sat and leaned down to slide my hands down his chest.

"Hey you!" I whispered in his ear, as I kissed his cheek.

He smiled happily as he placed a hand on mine and the other he stretched up to slide his fingers through my hair and kiss me tenderly on the lips.

At 7pm sharp, there was a knock on the door. I was cuddled on the sofa with Sean, with one hand running though his hair. I paused as a tall man with long grey hair, tied into a pony-tail, wearing a grey suit and carrying a briefcase, stepped into the middle of the room and stared at me carefully. A slow smile spread across his face as he reached over to shake my free hand.

"You must be Erin!" It wasn't a question and he went to sit down in the arm chair, next to the fire, without taking his eyes off me. "I've waited a long time to finally meet you!" He saw my puzzled expression and raised his hands up, as he placed his briefcase at his feet. "All in good time."

He slowly looked at Sean, then back to me.

"It's wonderful that you two have finally found each other."

Sean moved uneasily in his seat and pulled me closer to him, protectively.

"It's okay, I'm not going to run any tests today." I looked at Sean and back to Dr Hammersmith, who eventually turned to look at me. "We will be running tests on you, like Sean said." I hadn't heard Sean speak, I thought, making Dr Hammersmith laugh.

He composed himself before continuing. "I'll need to test your strength. Your powers, so to speak."

I didn't like the sound of that, and feeling my unease, Sean reached up to gently stroke my left cheek.

Ignoring my unease, Dr Hammersmith continued to talk.

"Every century, one force dies and takes hold in another vessel, – body." His face was very serious as he leaned forward "The day that each of Sean's great grandparents died, you were both born, possessing their unique gifts."

Sean looked at me and I could tell he didn't realise this. He had told me that he had never gotten the chance to meet his great grandfather, as he had died when he was a baby, and his great grandmother had died a couple of years after. I could see the pain in his eyes as the velocity of this hit him and now we were being told that I was born on the day his great grandmother died. Bittersweet.

We looked at each other, and it was my turn to stroke his face. His eyes closed, as he placed my hand over his mouth to kiss it.

Dr Hammersmith was still talking. I'd heard him mention something about only children who were descendants of Galladale can possess the powers, and they all end up returning, which made me think of my parents.

"You will find it hard communicating with regular people from now on."

I laughed as soon as he said this. I'd always found it hard to communicate with regular people.

Then what he said next stopped me in my tracks.

"Especially now there are eight of you and in time there will be more."

"Eight?" I said out loud.

This time Dr Hammersmith was the one who looked puzzled.

"Yes Eight." He thought for a moment, as if he were counting. "You, Sean, Kate, John, Justin, Paul, James and Kelly. Yes that's definitely Eight."

I looked at Sean, who sheepishly looked away.

"Ahhhh" Dr Hammersmith said, with understanding. "No one has told you about the other four and their powers." He chuckled to himself. "Let me briefly explain." he said, looking at his watch, "Paul and James are magnets, north and south, so to speak. Kelly is..... Hmmm, how can I say this? She is an EMP. Electrical magnetic pulse, and she is the glue that holds Paul and James together. Very special and powerful force them three." He smiled to himself, as he thought about them. "Justin is a trainer, and well you know what your parents are."

"Trainer?" I wanted to know what a trainer was, but Dr Hammersmith was ignoring me, and rooting in his briefcase.

"I would like to see you both next week." He told us and he pulled something from his briefcase. "Here is your I.D card, to get in." He handed me a plastic card with my name on. Then he closed his briefcase and stood up. "I look forward to seeing you both." Then he was gone.

I sat there for a few minutes, staring after him, as I tried to get my head around what had just been said. I was about to turn and ask Sean when Kasey-Ray came bounding in.

"Well ain't this a quaint place!" She grimaced, as she fell back on the sofa, next to me.

I didn't speak, but watched her carefully as she lay there with her eyes closed.

Slowly, she opened one eye to look at me, then the other as she spotted Sean's arm around me, and slowly she sat up to look at Sean.

"Hey I know you, don't I?" She asked as she looked from his face, to mine, and then back to his, "Jacko isn't it?"

Sean smiled and nodded, "That's right!"

"Sean, his name is Sean." I corrected her.

"Touchy." She laughed and raised her eyebrows at Sean. "So what are you doing here?"

Anger slowly started to build up inside me. Sensing this, Sean looked at Kasey-Ray and squeezed my hand.

"Cos I'm in love with your sister!" I froze. We were still on day one. How could he love me? Of course I felt like I was in love with him too. I'd never felt like this about anyone before.

I hadn't realised they were both watching me. Had they asked me something?

"Well?" Kasey-Ray pressed.

"Sorry what?" I shook my head and looked at my sister. She sighed and shook her head.

"Do you love him?" She pointed from me to Sean. "Duh!"

I looked at Sean, who was staring intently into my eyes, like I had his heart in my hands and I could squash it at any time.

I nodded and touched his face, "Yes!"

The relief in his face was unreal. I am sure that, one day, I would get my head around how this beautiful person could love me so much. But I doubted that.

I was still smiling when he kissed me. When he pulled away he sat there staring into my eyes, as Kasey-Ray started talking about her date.

Apparently, everything had gone well, but she wasn't sure if she was into him as much as she thought.

"Anyway, where are the bedrooms in this place?"

That night I shared a double bed with Kasey-Ray, whilst Sean stayed in one of the single beds, on the side of the room where I was.

After Kasey-Ray had talked my ears off, I rolled over to face Sean, as he lay there watching me.

He reached over to hold one of my hands, and we stayed like that until we fell asleep.

The sun was shining brightly, pulling me from my sleep. I was lying on my back, staring at the ceiling when someone's arms smacked across my face.

"Ow," I cried in pain, pushing my sister's arm back, which didn't even wake her. I sat up and looked around the room and at the empty bed, where Sean had slept.

I walked sleepily out of the room, and after a detour to the bathroom, I trudged to the kitchen, where I had heard voices coming from.

Sean, who was sat eating a bowl of cereal, looked up when I got to the doorway. He smiled and reached out to pull me onto his lap, and after a quick kiss he continued eating, even offering me a bite.

"We're going to head home after lunch." My Mum said, without looking up from her own breakfast.

"Okay!" I nodded, as I slid off Sean's lap to go make myself some toast.

After lunch, Kasey-Ray, my Mum and I climbed into my parent's car, as my Dad went to make sure that everything was locked up.

Sean was at my window, stroking my face.

"I'll pop over after dinner, if that's okay?" He leaned over and kissed me. I just nodded.

We hadn't been apart for the whole two days and I felt like my heart was being pulled out. I didn't want to feel needy or clingy. I just wanted him to be there when I got home.

He stood staring after me as we pulled away.


It was only a few hours, but time seemed to drag. I stayed in my room the whole time, sitting on my window seat, staring out of the window waiting for him. I didn't eat my dinner, even when my Dad brought it up to me. He had told me that he was keeping Kasey-Ray out of my room, in case I set her on fire. This made me laugh.

At 5:58pm, I saw his orange Ford Focus ST, pull into the drive and I almost flew down the stairs and into his arms. I smothered him in kisses, making him laugh as he kissed me back, whilst keeping a tight grip of me.

"You want to go grab something to eat?" He pointed at his car. I wasn't sure if my stomach rumbling had given me away or not.

"Uh-huh" I happily said, as he carried me round to the passenger seat. I wasn't sure where he was taking me, but as long as I was with him, I didn't care.

I didn't have to wait long to find out, as we pulled into the car park at his family's gym.

"I thought we were going for something to eat?" I asked puzzled.

"We are." He laughed as he climbed out the car and came round to hold my hand. "I thought we could eat here." I raised one eyebrow at him. Was there something he wasn't telling me? "We have a nice little cafe here you know!" He smiled as he led the way. Ahhh well that would explain it. "Also, I thought you could meet my parents." I stopped dead, panic spreading across my face. "They don't bite." He tried to assure me, as he stepped in front of me to stroke my face.

"I couldn't find the right words to say, but before I could he was already talking.

"They know everything, and they've wanted to meet you for a long time."


"But nothing." He ran his fingers across my lips. I was so scared. What if they didn't like me? What if they took one look at my birthmark and were repulsed by me and wondered what their son saw in someone like me? I could feel the panic rising even more at all the questions that were spinning around my head.

"Come on, for me please?" He leaned down to kiss me softly. "I promise everything will be fine." How could I refuse him? I sighed as I pulled away, and looked at him seriously.

"I am only doing this cos you asked me to!" A huge smile crossed his face as he took my hand again. Taking a deep breath I let him guide me into the building.

"Hi Samantha." He smiled and nodded at the girl at the reception desk.

"Hi Sean." She giggled. Even the way she said it oozed, 'I want you', out of every pore, making me want to slap her. I protectively moved to grab his hand, I was already holding, with my other.

"My Mum in the office?" He asked, not stopping as he walked past.

"Yes, she sure is." I couldn't blame her for acting that way, I probably would be too, or probably was and didn't realise it, but didn't she see me holding his hand? Probably not I was just some plain Jane who she probably thought was lost and he was helping me out.

She was attractive. Her brown hair was tied in a neat ponytail, her make up perfectly applied, and her body did look amazing, even in the tracksuit she was wearing.

She'd probably thrown herself at him many times and he had probably even dated her. I shivered at this thought, trying to shake it out of my head

"You okay?" He looked at me, trying to study my face.

"Yeah fine!" I forced a smile. I didn't want to tell him that I was just picturing him with that Samantha girl.

We walked the short way down a corridor, plastered with all sorts of posters on fitness, and then he knocked on the final door, next to the staff room.

"Come in." I heard the polite voice of a woman call, from the other side.

Slowly Sean opened the door, as I hid behind him.

"Hi Mum." He said as he walked through the door, almost dragging me in behind him.

"Hi son." I heard her reply. I still hadn't plucked up the courage to look round.

"I want you to meet someone!" He turned to move me to his side.

The woman sitting behind a table, full of a pile of paperwork looked past Sean and right at me.

"You must be Erin." She smiled warmly as she got up from her seat and walked round to give me a hug. "I've heard so much about you!" I nervously looked from her to Sean then back again.

"Hi." I smiled sheepishly, my throat beginning to dry up, "All good I hope." I laughed nervously.

"Very much so." She laughed, "I was beginning to think he'd made you up." She stepped away then to sit on the edge of her desk. I would say she was in her late thirty's and at least 5'10" or that could have been her heels. She had short brown hair and red glasses, which emphasised her beautiful face. I could definitely see where Sean got his good looks from.

Sean moved back to my side and put his arm around my waist, pulling me protectively towards him.

"So what brings you two here?" She was still smiling as she took her glasses off and placed them on top of her head.

"I thought Erin may like to try some of Wendy's cooking. Is she still working?" I had no idea who Wendy was.

"Yes, she doesn't finish 'til 8pm."

"Okay, we are going to go eat." Sean started leading me out the door.

"Don't be a stranger Erin; pop in anytime. The door is always open!" She called after us.

"What's your Mum's name?"

"Sorry." He laughed, as he put his hand to his head, "Ruth and my Dad is called Brian. You will get to meet him after we've eaten." I nodded and smiled at him.

"She's nice," and I meant it. His Mum was really warm and friendly, and looked genuinely happy to see me. I also liked the fact that he had apparently been talking about me and for a long time as well.

"And she seemed to like you too." He pulled me close to kiss the top of my head, as we reached a set of double doors that read 'Wendy's Cafe' above.

"Who's Wendy?"

"She's my adoptive Gran." He smiled fondly as he mentioned her. "And she is the best cook I've ever met."

"Sean!" I heard a stout, robust lady call as we stepped through the double doors of the blue and green cafe. I'd never actually known there was a cafe in the gym. I would have to tell my parents. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked as she released him from her embrace, and turned to look at me "Oooooh, this must be Erin?" She looked back to Sean, with a look saying she was hoped she was right.

"It sure is!" He said as he took my hand.

"Well, ain't you the cutest wee thing!" She said as she quickly embraced me in a tight squeeze. Well I've never been called that before. I laughed to myself.

"I thought I would let Erin try some of your wonderful cooking." He smiled lovingly at her.

"Well, you are in luck." She turned to walk away. "I'll just pulled some lasagne out of the oven. Be back in a mo." Then she disappeared through another set of double doors, which I assumed was the kitchen.

"You okay?" He asked me again, as he led me to a table in the middle.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded as I looked around. There were only two other people in here. They looked like they had just been for a workout and were happily digging into a salad.

"Sure?" he squeezed my hands gently, making me bring my eyes back to the table.

"Yes." I smiled as I looked into his eyes. I wasn't used to all this friendly attention. I was starting to feel slightly intimidated.

"I love you, you know." He picked up my hands and leant down to kiss them. It was only the second time he'd said that, and I was still unsure if I fully believed it. I couldn't get my head around it.

"I love you too." My heart catching in my throat, my face was turning red. This was going to take some getting used to. It may be easy for me to love him as deeply as I did, but saying it was hard, mainly because I was sure that I would end up with a broken heart.

"Here you go!" Wendy was back with 2 plates of steaming lasagne and salad. "Tuck in." She smiled at me warmly. She stood there watching me and I realised she wasn't going to leave the table until I had actually tried it.

Nervously I picked up a fork and gently stabbed it into the lasagne, it came away so easily, apart from the stringy cheese that didn't seem to want to separate from my fork or plate. Using my fingers I gently separated it, blushing as I realised her eyes were still on me.

Carefully placing my hand under the fork, I slipped it into my mouth. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but this certainly wasn't it.

"Wow." I said with a mouth full of lasagne. Sean laughed as he gave me a triumphant smile. It was like it was melting in my mouth. I don't think I'd ever tasted lasagne this good.

"What are you up to this evening?" Wendy was still standing there. I was kind of oblivious now as I ate her delicious food.

"We are going to the DVD shop after this. Erin's family have a DVD night every Friday." I stopped eating to look at him. I had actually forgotten it was Friday.

"That's nice." she told him. "Well, I'll leave you to it." She started to turn away, but looked back at me. "Nice meeting you, Erin! Don't be a stranger, okay?" I nodded, knowing full well that I would probably want to move in here with food like this.

"You too." I smiled as I took another forkful. "I can't believe it's Friday already." I looked back at Sean, who was already half way through his food.

"I hadn't forgotten. I was going to come with you all, but your Dad texted me to say you hadn't eaten, so I thought I could bring you here first and meet the rest of my family and meet your family at the DVD shop later."

I groaned at the fact my Dad had told on me, but I was slightly happy, as I wouldn't be sitting here right now eating this heavenly food.

"She really is a great cook." I said as I pushed my empty plate away.

"I told you." Sean laughed. He'd already finished, and had sat patiently waiting for me to finish. I probably could have eaten quicker but I was afraid that if I rushed, the food would probably end up all over my clothes.

"Are we heading to the DVD shop now?"

"Just got to take you to meet my Dad." he smiled nervously. A fresh wave of nerves swept over me again, almost making me feel sick, and I did not want to bring up the food I'd just eaten, I didn't think Wendy would feel like such a good cook if I did that.

"You okay?" He reached over to hold my hand. I smiled weakly and nodded. "Come on let's get this over with." He stood up, still holding my hand, pulling me to my feet. "See ya later Wendy!" Sean called as he waved.

"Bye." She waved as I waved back, as I cuddled into Sean's side.

I half walked and was half pulled out of the cafe and along the corridor. When we reached reception Samantha was talking on the phone and when she spotted Sean she seemed to smile and flutter her eyelashes as she gave him a small wave. Hello I'm here too ya know.

Sean was oblivious as he peered through the circular windows, and then knocked on the glass. He took a step back, pulling me with him, as a smallish, muscular man with thinning hair appeared.

He seemed to be distracted as he kept looking back through the doors.

"Everything okay?" He hadn't even looked at me yet.

"Everything's fine, I just wanted to quickly introduce you to Erin." He turned then and almost gasped as he looked at me, but not in repulsion. More from amazement as it seemed to pull him from whatever was distracting him.

"Erin." He barely got out. His eyes kept looking to my birthmark, making me feel self conscious.

"Dad!" Sean firmly and sharply said his name.

"What?" He looked to Sean then back to me, obviously seeing me looking uncomfortable. "Oh, sorry" He quickly apologised, looking back to Sean then to me again, as he held out his hand. "I am really sorry, it's just..." His voice trailed off as he looked back to Sean, questioning him with his eyes, then back to me. "You look like my Gran." He blushed then as the realisation dawned on me. "I didn't think I looked like the woman in the picture, but I could understand, with me sharing the same type of birthmark on the same side of my face. It must be hard for him seeing me.

"Dad." Sean spoke again.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry, I just didn't fully realise." He nodded without taking his eyes off me. "It was really nice to meet you." He reached his hand to stroke my arm. "I would love to see you again when I'm not as busy." He smiled apologetically.

Before anything else was said he nodded and disappeared through the same doors he'd come from.

"Wow," I gulped, when he'd gone.

"I'm so sorry." Sean apologised as he led me through the main doors. "I did tell him. I think." he said mainly to himself.

"Don't worry about it." I didn't want him to beat himself up over it. His Dad hadn't been repulsed by me, even if that's what I had thought at the beginning.

"Don't say that." He stopped in front of his car. "That was so bloody rude." He was angry now as he leaned on the bonnet of his car. I stepped in front of him and watched him rub his temples, in an attempt to calm down. "Right now I want to go and drag him out here." He stood up and pointed towards the gym.

"Sean?" He stopped to look at me. For a second, I thought he was going to shout at me, then his face calmed as he reached out to stroke my left cheek.

"Sorry." He pulled me into his arms. "I never want you to get hurt or feel pain." I looked up to his agonised face.

"Sean?" It was my turn to stroke his face. "It's okay." I put my finger to his lips as he tried to speak. "Don't! Your Dad meant no harm. Don't give him a hard time, cos he is probably feeling guilty." I released my finger and stroked his cheek. He sighed then and leaned down to lightly kiss me.

"Come on, we best go meet up with your family before I get grief." He finally smiled as he released me and made his way to the driver's seat.

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