Erin the Fire Goddess: The Be...

By LaviniaUrban

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Erin Tait is a 15 year old girl, who thinks of herself as a freak. She's moves to her parents home town of Ga... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Seven

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By LaviniaUrban

It was the last day of school, before the summer holiday. Kasey-Ray was going to Claire's house straight from school. She'd told our parents that Claire was having a sleepover. She had just failed to mention that she and Claire had dates that night. She'd told me earlier in the week that Matt Whitburn, a year five student, had asked her out. I had known she liked him and I knew it wouldn't take long before he found out too.

School had gone quickly. We spent the whole day in our form room playing games. We had been told we could bring in games from home. I had decided to just bring in my Nintendo DS, as I knew the rest of the students wouldn't invite me to play any of their games.

There was a buzz in the air after sports day, the day before. Each winning form had been taken up to reception to have a group photograph next to it. I didn't really see why I should be in the picture; I didn't compete in any of the events.

Either way, I was so glad when it was time to go home, I could relax and not worry about what other people were thinking, or whether Jessica had found out about my meet-ups with Sean or not.

I walked through the school gates and headed home. I was about half way, when I spotted them. Sat in the black Fiat Punto, were Sean, Paul and James, with Kelly in the driver's seat. A few steps away I spotted Justin and Jessica, who seemed to be having a heated argument. Mainly one sided. Jessica's red hair seemed to blow fiercely around her, even though there was no wind.

I stopped and paused for a moment, unsure whether to continue walking or not. Jessica hadn't bothered me for a while now, but that still didn't stop me from feeling on edge every time I saw her, especially when she was so angry.

I looked to the field on my right. I could easily climb the fence, walk across the field, through the trees at the far end. It should bring me out two streets away from my home. I hadn't noticed that it had gone quiet and they were all watching me.

I looked over at their faces, and for some reason they all looked nervous. Then my eyes fell on Jessica. She was furious.

"I warned you!" She seethed. I could see her slowly moving towards me. Her teeth grinding together and her hands were clenching and unclenching in fists.

My heart started to beat faster, my palms became sweaty. It was hard to swallow, with the huge lump that had appeared in my throat.

"Jess!" I saw Justin place his hands on her arms. "It's not time." I think I heard him say, as I saw movement from the car and the others started to get out.

Jessica had noticed too, making her start running towards me.

In that second I knew I had to jump the fence. I dropped my rucksack and hurtled over the fence, throwing myself into a sprint across the field. But it was too late. She was too fast.

I felt like my head was being pulled off. I screamed as she dragged me to the ground and started kicking and punching me. I was sure one of my ribs broke. The pain was excruciatingly unbearable. I couldn't stop screaming.

Why was no one helping me? Why had no one got her off me? Why me? What had I done? Why? Why? Why?

I started to feel angry. The feeling of heat from my anger was building and building to the point where it took over the pain. I couldn't control it. I'd never felt so angry before. That's when I heard Jessica scream.

"She's burnt me!" Jessica yelped both in pain and confusion.

"There's a towel and a couple of bottles of water in the back of the car." I heard Kelly say. "Paul? James? You go get them. Justin?" She paused for a moment. I was still curled up in a ball. I had no idea what was going on. Who burnt who? All I knew was my anger was starting to fade and the pain was taking over. Tears streamed down my face. I still couldn't look up when Kelly continued. "Get her out of here!" she snapped.

I expected to feel hands on me, dragging me up, but I felt nothing. It sounded like I was alone. All I could hear were my muffled cries of pain.

"Erin?" I heard the concerned voice of Sean whisper in my ear.

I didn't move or speak. I started to take deep breaths to try and overcome the pain.

"Can you hear me Erin?" Kelly asked in a soothing voice.

Then I felt someone stroking my left cheek. I froze. Was my mind playing tricks on me? My breathing started to accelerate and the stroking stopped, but the hand didn't move off my cheek.

"Shhh, it's okay, we won't hurt you." It was Sean again. It must have been his hands on my cheek. He went back to stroking my face as I heard footsteps approaching.

"We phoned Kate, and she's going to meet us at the cottage." I heard Paul and James chorus.

"Erin?" Kelly spoke this time. She didn't wait for a reply. "I'm just going to put some water on you and wrap you in a towel." She told me gently, as I curled up tighter in a frightened ball.

I couldn't feel water on me, just the sound of something hissing. I did start to feel cooler though, which was a plus, but the pain was still there and taking control of my body.

I didn't even want to look down to examine myself. If I was in this much pain, I could only imagine how bad I looked.

Suddenly I felt someone put a towel around me and lift me up into their arms, in one quick movement.

Before I could open my eyes or try and get away, everything went black.


I wasn't sure what had happened next, how I got here, or even where I was. I could just hear voices around me whispering heatedly. I was sure I recognised my parents, but I couldn't be certain.

What I was aware of was that I was lying in someone's arms. Their shirt was open and my head was pressed against their chest. I could hear the rhythmic beating of their heart. But what I really noticed was their hand stroking my left cheek.

It felt like I was dreaming. Not in a million years would I be lying here in a boy's arms. The only man's arms I'd ever laid in were my Dad's.

I slowly opened my eyes and peered through my lashes. I was in a room made purely of stone blocks. There was an unlit fire place next to me, with a shelf above it that held candles and picture frames. I couldn't make out who were in the pictures, but there was something familiar about them. I was sure I'd seen them before.

My eyes continued to search the room. I'd made the conscious decision not to move my head yet. Along one wall stood a giant bookcase, full of old books I'd never seen before.

I could still hear voices coming from somewhere behind me. Now I was more than positive that my parents were there, as I heard my Mum's furious voice saying something about Justin and how he should train his pets better.

Slowly, I tried to move my head up.

"Hi." Sean whispered gently. I could feel his warm breath on top of my head. I managed to slowly pull my head up to meet his gaze.

His eyes were full of concern. I couldn't believe my face was so close to his. His eyelashes were so long, and his eyes so deep and tranquil.

I could feel and smell his breath on me. I couldn't quite tell what it smelt of, but it was delicious. His lips were evenly proportioned, covering his perfect teeth. It would take me less than a second to press my lips to his.

"Sorry," was all I could I could get out. Mainly for what I was just thinking, but also because he'd had to put up with me in his arms.

It hurt to talk, and I tried to adjust my body into a sitting position, then winced and gasped in pain.

"Erin?" Before I could blink, my parents were on the floor, at my feet, with faces full of concern.

"Hi!" I croaked and without thinking I rested back against Sean's chest. I still didn't know why his shirt was open, but, right now, I didn't care. It felt warm, and safe.

His hand still remained on my face. Though now he had stopped stroking it. I felt his cheek rest on the top of my head, and I was sure his lips just brushed by hair, but I couldn't be sure. Everything felt so surreal.

"How are you feeling?" My Mum's voice worried asked, as her hands stroked my leg.

"Sore." My bottom lip trembled as I started to remember why I was in so much pain. Tears started to fill my eyes.

"Shhh!" My Dad soothed. "It's ok. You're safe now. She's not here and she won't get anywhere near you."

Just hearing him mention her, without even saying her name, made me anxious and scared. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and Sean's smooth fingers gently brushed them away and resumed stroking my left cheek again.

It was comforting. I had no idea why he was still here, why I was still in his arms, why he hadn't run off and left me? Why would someone as perfect as him want to be so close to someone like me?

Yes, my parents had always told me that I was special and unique. That God had left his mark of love on my left cheek, because he thought I was special too.

No matter how many questions I had, I didn't want to leave his warm, comforting embrace. It felt like his arms were made just for me.

"It's ready." Kelly spoke, interrupting my thoughts.

Why was she still here? And what was ready?

"Thanks." My Mum replied, then turned back to face me. "Erin?" She was now standing and had her arms out, reaching for me.

Before I could respond, Sean had stood up, with me in his arms.

"I'll carry her through, if that's okay?" It wasn't really a question, and I saw my parent's exchange a glance.

Sean, seeing the panic in my eyes tilted his head forward to whisper in my ear.

"It's okay. You're safe. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. I'll be right here when you get back."

Back from where?

I think the alarm in my eyes had asked the question.

"Don't worry." He then kissed the top of my head. This startled me. He saw this and smiled. I could have stayed like this forever. This was probably what heaven felt like, apart from the pain in my ribs that hurt every time I took a breath. But something broke my thoughts, or rather a smell. It smelled like lots of flowers and fruit. I could only pick out the smell of Lavender and Oranges.

My Mum was already two steps ahead and had already opened the door to where the wonderful smells were coming from. Then I realised we were in a bathroom. Not too big, it fitted a bath and sink on one wall and a toilet on another.

Sean gently placed me down on the floor. It hurt to stand, so I leaned into him for support. He didn't seem to mind, but my Mum did.

"You'll need to leave now!" She told him sternly, making me panic. I didn't want him to leave. He said he would stay with me.

Before the rantings in my head got the better of me, Sean stroked the left side of my face with the back of his hand.

"I'll be in the other room." he smiled reassuringly.

Once he'd left the room and shut the door behind him, my Mum helped me take my clothes off. I gasped when I saw all the deep purple bruises. Some were raised and some had broken skin, with dry blood surrounding them. Some had dried to my clothes and I cried out in pain as my Mum pulled my fabric out of the already dried wounds. Where I'd been kicked and stamped in the ribs, there seemed to be a footprint. My body shook as I saw myself naked. How could anyone do this to a person?

My clothes were ruined. My Mum had told me that she was going to have to throw them in the bin.

She eased me slowly into the bath. I couldn't remember the last time she had seen me naked, let alone put me in the bath. She placed a bath pillow carefully behind my head, whilst I watched her face. She looked like she wanted to cry, but she was putting on a brave face for me.

"Where are we?" My voice was no louder than a whisper, "And why are we here?" I had so many questions I wanted to ask. But I didn't want to ask her the main questions, which were all about Sean. Why wasn't he repulsed by me?

My parents hated it when I spoke negatively about myself. So I knew this type of question would just upset her more.

"We are at your grandparent's cottage." She stood up straight and went to light some incense sticks that were on the window-sill. "But there's no need to worry yourself with trivial questions right now." She turned back to me and smiled. But all I could do was think about Jessica. I tried to sit up in a panic and ended up crying out. "Hey, hey!" she soothed. "You're fine. We will answer any questions in due time." She leaned over to kiss my forehead. "I'll be back shortly. Just lie back and try to relax." Before I could reply she was gone.

I'm not sure how long I lay there for. Fifteen minutes? Thirty? An hour? Too long, in my opinion. I had let my mind run over things that had happened today. Where was Jessica now?

I didn't hear my Mum return. I was too deep in my own thoughts. I jumped when she touched my arm. She smiled at the confused look in my face. Why hadn't it hurt when I moved? Actually, I didn't feel any pain. I looked across my body to examine my bruises, which were deep purple when I'd gotten into the bath. Now they were a yellowy brown colour.

"It's the medicine in the bath." She answered my unspoken question, as she laid what looked like some clothes on top of the closed toilet seat and opened a large bath sheet and hung it over the radiator. "I've brought you some pyjamas and I've called Kasey-Ray and told her where we are and that we'll collect her tomorrow evening." She turned back to me thoughtfully. "When you've finished, just get out and get dressed. I'll be in the other room. I'll have a mug of hot chocolate waiting for you."

Without waiting for a reply, she smiled at my opened mouth expression, and left the room.

Reaching for the soap, I started to wash myself. I couldn't believe I felt no pain. When I was finished, I climbed out of the bath and wrapped myself in the towel. It was so warm and soft.

I walked across to where the clothes lay, to examine them more closely with a feeling of dread. I hoped my Mum hadn't brought my favourite pyjamas, which were too short in the legs and full of holes. The sense of relief filled me when I realised she hadn't, as I picked up a pair of pink satin pyjama's, which I hadn't seen before, let alone worn.

I slowly dressed and brushed my hair, without looking in the mirror. Then I sat on the closed toilet lid, chewing my fingernails, I sat there for at least five minutes, trying to build up the courage to go into the next room. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and took the five steps from the toilet to the door and placed my hand on the door handle.

I could hear different conversations, but I couldn't make out what was being said. I think my Dad must have told a joke because I heard Paul and James laugh in unison.

With another deep breath I turned the handle and opened the door.

Everyone turned to look at me, which made me feel self-conscious. I was used to people staring, but not with smiles on their faces.

The fire was lit. It smelled wonderful and the sound was so relaxing. On the floor were the twins and Kelly. The twins seemed to be hanging on every word my Dad said, who sat on the seat next to my Mum on an old two seater sofa. My Mum and Kelly were talking about... cooking, I think.

Sitting alone in the armchair that Sean and I had sat in, facing the fire, was Justin. He wasn't smiling. In fact, he looked depressed, like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

In the middle, facing directly to the fire, was a three-seater sofa. On one end, making me gasp as I took in how even more beautiful Sean was, with the colours of the fire reflecting off his face.

How could one person get better looking every time I saw them?

He was smiling a huge smile, which made his eyes dance and my heart flutter. He patted the seat next to him and held out his hand. I hesitated for a moment, not completely sure what to do. Everyone else had gone back to their conversations. So taking a deep breath to slow my racing heart, I took the eleven steps over to where he sat.

He pulled me down next to him and gently put his arm around my shoulders before reaching over to grab a mug of hot chocolate from the table next to him and handed it to me.

Then without warning, he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. Instead of releasing me, he kept me pressed against him as I drank my hot chocolate. I was aware of the feeling of him burying his head into my damp hair. What was going on here? I wanted to shout.

"You smell nice." He murmured into my hair.

I didn't reply. I was too confused with what was happening, so I just sat and drank my hot chocolate.

When I was finished, he took the empty mug from my hands and placed it back on the table, then he reached back with his free hand and placed it on mine. Without realising, he had moved the hand that was furthest away from him, and placed it around his waist, like I was embracing him. I wasn't complaining. I was confused.

"Tired?" He asked, moving his head to look into my eyes.

I quickly shook my head, not wanting to admit that I was shattered.

My eyes glanced across his shirt, to see if it was still open. Unfortunately, it wasn't. I sighed, I knew I must be dreaming and eventually I would wake up. Then I felt his fingers gently stroking my left cheek. My body started to relax, my eyes grew heavy and I fought with them to stay open. I knew that if they closed and I opened them again I would be in my own bed and none of this would have happened.

I couldn't fight it anymore and eventually my eyes closed.


I woke to the sound of birds singing and the smell of bacon cooking. My eyes were still closed, but it felt like I was in my own bed, cuddled up to my duvet, which was pressed against my bedroom wall.

Damn, I knew it was a dream.

Then my duvet seemed to shake and a quiet laugh escaped from it. My eyes flew open and I saw that my face was nestled against a man's chest. I jumped and nearly fell off where ever I was lying, but his arm caught me protectively.

"Hi sleepy!" Sean smiled widely as he leaned down to kiss my head.

We were still on the sofa. He lay against the back, propped up on one arm with my whole body pressed against his.

"Hi." I smiled shyly, putting my hand over my mouth, so he wouldn't smell my morning breath.

"Hungry sweetheart?" I heard my Dad ask from behind me.

I wanted to turn around and reply, but I didn't want to move. My Dad sensed this and appeared behind the back of the sofa, just next to Sean's head.

"Uh-huh!" I replied, still keeping my hand tightly over my mouth.

"Okay, I'll go tell your Mum that you're awake and hungry."

Then he disappeared, leaving my heart racing, as Sean lowered his head to the pillow we were sharing.

"You sleep well?" He gazed into my eyes with pure adoration. What the heck was going on here?

I nodded, and he smiled sweetly at me.

We lay like that for a long time, neither of us saying a word or looking away. It was my Mum who broke my gaze, by leaning over the sofa to inform me that breakfast was ready. All the time Sean continued to watch my face. It was like he was studying it. Cramming all the information he could get from my face for some big test.

He only broke his gaze when I tried to move. Then he adjusted his body, so he could help me up.

As he helped me to a standing position, I felt his hand slide, slowly and gently, down my back, instantly sending shivers up and down my spine.

"Did you bring my toiletry bag over?" I called to either of my parents.

"Your Dad's just left to go get it and pick you up some fresh clothes." My Mum called from the kitchen. "He'll be back by the time you finish your breakfast."

"Okay!" I sighed. I really did want to brush my teeth before I ate.

Still, I could go and see if there was any toothpaste in the bathroom that I could put on my finger and run around my mouth.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, sighing when I realised there was no lock on the door.

After I'd finished using the toilet, I walked over to the sink, to look for the toothpaste. Just as I started, I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom cabinet.

"Mum?" I called in my normal voice. "Mum?" I called again, louder and more urgently. I was about to call her again when she burst through the door.

She stood with her back to the closed door, watching me carefully, as I looked away from her and back to my reflection in the mirror.

Slowly I raised my hand to my left cheek and stroked it. I looked back at my Mum with questions in my eyes, and then turned back to my reflection.

My birthmark was still there, but it seemed to have shrunk and faded.

"What's happening?" I asked with tears welling up in my eyes. I wasn't sure why I was crying. I'd always wished it would disappear, but I had never expected it.

Turning to face my Mum, she looked like she was trying to find the right words.

"Tell me!" I almost screamed at her, taking a step towards her, and it hurt and confused me when she stepped back. "Mum?"

She went to turn and reach for the door handle and this infuriated me. What was she hiding?

Before I could reach out to grab hold of her, she was gone.

"Mum!" I shouted angrily, as I went to follow her.

By the time I'd left the bathroom, my Mum was standing behind Sean. I wasn't sure where the others were. Then I heard my Mum speak quietly to Sean, like she was hoping I wouldn't hear.

"Sean, do something."

"Do something?" I yelled. "What the hell is going on? Why are you acting like you are scared of me? I don't understand. I don't even know why Sean is here!" I screamed as I pointed at him. "I want to know what's happening? Why...." My voice trailed off as I went to reach up to touch my left cheek and I saw that flames were covering my arms.

I screamed and started waving my arms frantically; causing me fall to the ground, as I noticed the rest of my body was on fire too.

I didn't feel like I was on fire. I just felt scared.

Out of the corner of my eye and through my screaming, I saw Sean quickly approach me and reach his hand to my face.

Why wasn't he catching fire?

"I don't want to die." I cried hysterically.

He didn't look scared. He just looked concerned. He touched my left cheek and started stroking. This calmed me slightly, and before I had a chance to do, feel or say anything, he had pulled me into his arms and stayed there with me on the floor, rocking me back and forth, whilst resting his face on top of my head and stroking my left cheek.

I was unsure how long we stayed like that before I stopped crying and pulled away from him to look at my arms. I couldn't see any traces of them having been on fire. I started to touch his chest and check his arms, and he was still as perfect as ever.

Tears started to fill my eyes again.

"What's going on?" I looked up to his face and pleaded with him. "Am I losing my mind?" The last word caught in my throat, as tears trickled down my face.

He shook his head and before I could look back down he placed a finger under my chin and stared into my eyes, intently.

"No, you're not losing your mind."

"What's happening to me?" My face crumpled and I moved my head down and buried it into his chest.

"You're my fire goddess." He whispered in a serious tone.

I pulled away and stared at him in disbelief.

He didn't look like he was joking. I was ready to start shouting at him, when he put his fingers to my lips, stopping me from speaking.

Eventually, when he knew I wasn't going to say another word, he moved his hand and eyes to my left cheek and stared thoughtfully at my birthmark. Without saying a word, he cupped my face in his hands and leaned his face closer to kiss my birthmark. By the time he pulled away, my eyes were closed. He waited until I opened them before he spoke.

"I can't explain it fully." He placed a finger to my lips again, stopping my attempt to talk. "But this is what I do know." He removed his finger from my lips and placed it back on my birthmark, "when you manage to completely control this!" His other hand stroked my arms as his other finger gently lifted off my birthmark and then placed it back again. "Then this will disappear."

I shook my head and moved away from him, as I scrambled to my feet before he could stop me from talking.

"So the fire is real?" I started to pace the room. By now, my Mum had left. Sean nodded as he slowly got to his feet and went to reach out for me. "Don't!" I growled, stepping out of his reach. "What are you doing here?" I pointed at him as he flinched. This hurt him, but I didn't stop. "You could have any girl in Galladale, probably any girl out of Galladale too, but instead you decide to hang around with a monster! I just don't get it." It was my turn to put my finger to his lips. "What's even going on here?" Removing my finger to point from him to me.

I knew I was probably being stupid. Here was this gorgeous guy, who seemed to want to be with me, and now I was rejecting him. But how could I continue to move forward with anything in my life, when I didn't even know what was happening to me.

Sean sighed and stepped forward. This time I didn't move away and stayed frozen as he reached for my hand.

He raised my hand to his cheek. I hadn't noticed that flames were coming from my hands. As my hand touched his face, the flames fizzled out.

He left my hand on his cheek, as he slowly moved his hand up my arm, from my wrist to my shoulder. As his hand moved over my body, the flames dispersed.

"W-w-w-what a-a-are y-y-youuu?" I stuttered.

He didn't answer me. He just slowly stepped closer, until eventually I was in his arms.

Without another word, he leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

When he pulled away he reached his hands to my cheeks.

"You are not a monster!" He paused to look at me, before he continued. "And I don't want just any girl. I want you!" I was about to say something when he kissed me again. When he moved away, he placed a finger back to my lips. "I've always wanted you, and as corny as it may sound, you complete me." He paused for a moment, like he was trying to find the right words. "And in answer to your question, I can only tell you the basics. I am sure Dr Hammersmith can explain in more detail when he gets here later."

He didn't let me interrupt as he continued talking, like I knew exactly who Dr Hammersmith was and that he was coming.

"You are my fire and I am your water!"

This comment actually made more sense than it should have.

We stood there in silence for a long time, just staring into each other's eyes.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." He said as he pulled me towards the kitchen.

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