
By crimsondragin

3.8M 108K 31.1K

Highest rank #1 General fiction 14th August 2017 Two mafia families. An age old rivalry between them. No one... More

1*. The Valentini Don
Family tree { contains few spoilers }
2. Arrival Of A Princess
3. Secret identities and Calls
4. The Revelation
5*.Questions, curiosity and Complicated systems
6. The Letter
8. A New Dawn
9. Their First meeting
10*. More Questions
11. Alyssa O'Reilly
12. Taken
13. Bring her back
14. In the Enemy's lair
15. The Aftermath
16.* Unexpected Meeting
17. And so it begins
18. Enigma
19. Library confrontations
20. The Lost Frisbee
21. Midnight conversations
22. Disturbing Events
23. Confessions and Punishments
24*. A Hunt Begins
25. An Epiphany and A Challenge
26. Under the Moonlight
27. Start of Something New
28. A Couple At Last !
29. The Gift
30. Departure and New Arrivals
31*. Hunted
32. First Day Chaos
33. The Heart of A Dove
34. Titan's Fiery Wheel
35. The Dancing Warrior
36. Old pain, New wounds!
37. Playing with Fire
38. A Devil's Vow
39. For Whom The Bell Tolls
40. The Beginning Of An End
41*. A Beast and A Dove
Author's Note
42. A Match Lit, A House Burnt!

7. Meetings and War Declarations!

71.6K 2.3K 210
By crimsondragin

Hotel Il Pellicano Syrene, Italy.

Patricia Sullivan was not impressed with what she was hearing, not at all.
"Will you care to repeat that again, dear husband? I think I heard you wrong the first time."

"You did not", Sean Sullivan stated in a hard tone. "You won't be accompanying Logan and I to the Romero mansion. I do not want to risk it, darling. Bernard Romero has promised us safe passage for the duration of our meeting but there is still a high chance that things won't go smoothly. I cannot potentially take you to a place, that would prove to be dangerous. I will leave half of our guards here for your protection", he continued.

"I am not going to stay here while you go and meet our granddaughter", she replied, appalled at the very notion. "I don't trust you men enough not to make the whole situation more complex than it already is."

"Careful now, darling. You, out of all should realise that how important this is for our family. If it weren't for Amara, I would have already declared a war on the Romero's." he stated in a hard voice.

"But you can not, Sean. I already explained to you that Amara might be emotionally connected with them as she's been living here for the past six months....they are her family as well, we can't take the chance of hurting her that way. If we do something like that then she won't ever be receptive to our family. "

"And I took your advice into consideration. I did something that I didn't even do for my own son. I sent a letter requesting Bernard Romero for a meeting. But it does not mean that I'm not ready to take any action against them if it comes to it. Our closest allies have already been notified to be ready for any action. One wrong move taken in the Romero estate and they will be on the move." he replied back.

"Exactly! This is why I want to accompany you. You have never see eye to eye with the Romero's, both the families never have ,not since many generations. There is a high chance that something might go wrong with only you men present for the meeting. They will see it as a threat if you go to their home demanding that they hand over a girl whom they have been taking care of for months, to you. My presence will lessen that threat Sean, please why don't you see it? ", she pleaded.

"This is not something that you need to trouble yourself with darling, I promise you that I won't try to instigate Romero if he doesn't try it first . I'll try my best to resolve this peacefully " really bothered him to see such a distressed look on her face. Even after almost 30 years after marriage he did not like seeing even a trace of unhappiness on his wife's face.

"Please Sean.....", she whisper, looking him in the eye. Her own clouded with uncertainty and conflict.

Just then they heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in ", Sean called already knowing who it would be.

Logan opened the door of his parents suite and entered inside, sensing that he had walked in on something important. But it was not a time to dwell on it now. Looking straight towards his father he said,
"Everything is prepared father, it's time to leave for the meeting. "

Sean nodded. "Go and wait downstairs for me", he ordered.

Logan glanced at his mother once before walking out.

Both husband and wife stood there quietly for a few minutes, not saying anything. Knowing that he was getting late, Sean walked towards her and hugged her tightly to himself before kissing her softly,

"I'll bring her back safely Pat, don't worry. "

But before he could leave, Patricia caught his wrist in her hands. Her face void of any expression,

"Almost five years ago you said the same thing to me. You said that you will bring our son back home, but it ended with a war from both the sides because you were too proud to compromise with Bernard Romero.
What does peace matter in front of an enimity that runs so deep that not even our children's love could overcome it.....It means nothing to both the Sullivan and the Romero Don's, nothing. I'm not going to sit back here and watch history repeat itself Sean, it's the matter of my granddaughter's future. I am not going to make the same mistake I made last time", she completed.

Letting go of his wrist, she stood straighter and looked him in the eye before stating confidently,

"I'm coming with you Sean whether you like it or not. This time war would not be an option. I will not let it ruin our families again. "

Romero estate, Italy.

The entire compound was buzzing in anticipation, the air surrounding the area was thick with tension. The front lawn was filled with the Romero guards all of whom were armed with guns and were standing at their posts, the security being heightened for the birthday celebrations of the young heir as well as the looming meeting with the Sullivan Don.

For those who had dedicated their whole lives to the organization, understood how monumental this night would be in generations to come. For the very first time the heads of both the families would be meeting alone in a setting, which did not involve a third party and they would have complete control here unlike their previous meetings.They had off course come face to face numerous times before at social events and business meetings but it had all stopped in the past five years.

And now after five year's this turn of event was shocking to most.

Rickard stood outside along with the family's consigliere Tony Orlando waiting for the Sullivan's to arrive. He had a hunch about what this meeting was going to be about and it seemed as if his father was of the same thoughts because he had sent Amara along with Rose and his son's away from the estate after the celebrations, under a heavy guard.

If those Irish bastards think they can come to my territory and take my niece away from her family then they are sorely mistaken.... he thought furiously.

His fists clenched tightly as he heard the screeching of tires and one by one many cars were permitted entry in the estate, almost all which were filled with the Sullivan guards except for the car in the middle in which the Sullivan Don rode.

Rickard wasn't surprised in the least when he saw Sean Sullivan stepping out of the car, his face stoic and hard as ever,authority dripping from every movement he made but what really surprised him was the presence of his wife Patricia Sullivan. To bring her along in the enemy's lair, was a dangerous risk indeed.

Patricia Sullivan for her part looked as vibrant as Rickard remembered her seeing five years ago in an event. There was no doubt about the fact that she had aged gracefully. He looked around searching for more Sullivan's when he saw Sean Sullivan's second son Logan, getting out of another car.

The stretch of silence which followed their arrival was fraught with tension , no one daring to make a move. Rickard sighed internally, decorum needed to be maintained afterall.

"Greetings to the Sullivan Don and his family. I welcome you to the Romero mansion.", he said stepping forward to shake hands with the men while bowing down slightly in greating to the only woman present amongst them.

"Thank you for accepting our request for this meeting. I understand that it must have seemed quite sudden to you. ", Patricia replied back graciously.

Before Rickard could reply back Sean cut in, "Enough with the pleasantries, I'd like to meet your father now ".

Rickard's eyes narrowed a little at his authoritative tone but he calmed himself, "off course, if you would follow me." He said and turned to walk back inside followed by Tony and a few Romero guards.

The party consisting of almost half a dozen Romero guards plus the Sullivan family and their guards walked as one through the corridors of the mansion, which was also lined by more armed Romero guards.

When they reached the meeting room, Rickard knocked twice and entered already knowing that his father would be ready for the meeting.

Bernard Romero was seated at the head of the long table. When the door opened and his son entered inside followed by the guards and finally the Sullivan's and their guards he stood up in greeting. Beside a short nod of acknowledgment by both the Don's, no words were exchanged between them. Rickard along with the Romero men moved to stand on his side while the Sullivan's moved to the other side of the long table. The family members took their seats amid the crackling tenseness in the office and the meeting finally began.

"I'm quite curious to know why you asked for this meeting Sullivan. Finally ready to swear loyalty to my organization? "Bernard asked Sean, a mocking edge to his question.

"You would hope for that to happen, wouldn't you Romero? Afterall the state's are very large and who would miss the chance of establishing their control there? If memory serves me right, your ancestors did try it once but alas my family defeated them, quite soundly too I have heard", Sean fired back.

Bernard's eyes narrowed infinitesimally at the jibe but his composure did not break.

"Yes our family's do share a gruesome and violent history, that's why imagine my surprise when I received a letter requesting for a meeting from none other than the Sullivan Don. State your reason quickly Sullivan, I'm already regretting my promise of a safe passage to you......"Bernard said sharply.

"Don't play ignorant with me Romero, you very well know why I'm here ", Sean stated coolly.
And then confirming their suspicions he carried on ," I want to meet my granddaughter. I'm here to take her back to her father's house. "

Rickard who had been trying to control his anger the whole time finally snapped at hearing Sean Sullivan's last sentence. He stood up furiously, his chair falling back with a thud.

"You are not going anywhere within twenty five miles of my niece. How dare you waltz in and demand such a thing from us? She is a Romero and she is going to stay with us in Italy where she belongs , he seethed.

"She is a Sullivan as well. William's blood runs through her veins as much as her mother's does. She is as much as my niece as she is yours. Do you think that we have come all the way here just to return empty handed ", Logan hissed back

"You stand there under my roof and dare threaten me?", Rickard asked astonished.

"ENOUGH", Sean thundered.
He too stood up from the table, "I demand to see my granddaughter Bernard Romero, otherwise I will declare a war on your family. All my allies are ready for my signal, one wrong move here from your side and it's consequences are going to be far reaching for you and your entire family. "

Bernard remained seated, an unreadable look on his face. When he finally got up after a few moments he nodded at Sean once.
"Very well ", he stated. "If that's what you want, I have no qualms with agreeing to this request of yours.......let there be a war"

At once, guards from both the sides raised their guns pointing towards the other side, separated only by a long table and stood with waited breath for their boss's commands

But before any commands could be issued, a timid and shy voice was heard from the doorway making all the activities stop in the room........ "nonno? "

Hello everyone 👋

This was my longest chapter this far in the story, I hope the confrontation was worth it!!!

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