Just A Dream (completed)

By cali1girl

6.1K 87 8

The story of how James and Jenna met and how their relationship began. When James met Jenna at that meet and... More

the night they met
The Day They Meet Again
The Night Of Their First Date
The Day They Became A Couple
The Day Their Secret Got Out
author's note
Chapter 7: The Day Jenna's Life Started Changing
Chapter 8: The Day Jenna Was Popular For A Day
Chapter 9: The Day Of Their One Month Anniversary
Chapter 10: The Night They Had A Big Time Christmas
Chapter 11: The First Day Of A New Year
Chapter 12: The Day Of Their First Valentines Day
Chapter 13: The Day That Their Love Was Approved
Chapter 14: The Night Of The Big Prom Disaster
Chapter 15: The Day After The Disaster
Chapter 16: The Night Of The Pop Tiger Awards
Chapter 17: The Night Of Their Perfect Prom
Chapter 18: The Night Of Jenna's Graduation
Chapter 19: The Day Jenna Moved Into Her Dorm
Chapter 20: The Day James Showed His Broken Heart
Chapter 21: The Night Of Their First Argument
Chapter 22: The Night Before Their First Anniversary
Chapter 23: The Night James Got His Feelings Hurt
Chapter 24: The Day Jenna Took Care Of James
Chapter 25: The Night They Went To A Big Time Party
Chapter 26: The Day Jenna Defended The Guys
Chapter 27: The Day They Left For The Big Time Tour
Chapter 28: The Day The Tour Began
Chapter 29: The Night James Showed His Insecurity
Chapter 30: The Night They Spent In Rio
Chapter 31: The Night They Spent In Vegas
Chapter 32: The Day Jenna Gave In
Chapter 33: The Night They Went Home
Chapter 34: The Night They Threw A Big Time Party
Chapter 35: The Day Of Their Second Anniversary
Chapter 36: The Day Of Both Love and Loneliness
Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama
Chapter 38: The Day Of Their Big Time Beach Day
Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together
Chapter 40: The Day James Asked A Special Question
Chapter 41: The Day They Made The Announcement
Chapter 42: A Day Of Planning The Big Time Wedding
Chapter 43: A Day Of Paparazzi And Wedding Plans
Chapter 44: The Day James Got A Surprising Call
Chapter 45: The Day They Found Their Perfect Home
Chapter 46: The night of Jenna's Bachelorette Party
Chapter 47: The Day They Said I Do
Chapter 48: The Night They Celebrated Their Marriage
Chapter 49: The First Day Of Their Honeymoon
author's note
Chapter 50: The Day They Got A Special Surprise
Chapter 51: The Day Their Surprise Was Confirmed
Chapter 52: One Day In Her Third Month
Chapter 53: A Day Of Mood Swings Gone Wild
Chapter 54: The Day Jo Returned To The Palm Woods
WARNING: Very angsty ending (Be prepared!)
Chapter 56: The Day Everything Changed
Chapter 57: A Day Of Grieving
Chapter 58: The Day They All Said Goodbye
Chapter 59: The Day They Returned To Their Hometown
Chapter 60: The Day James Started To Move On
Authors Note

The Day James Asked For A Date

177 2 0
By cali1girl

James's family life has always been pretty...weird. He has lived a privileged life, but his relationship with his parents is different. He and his mom are pretty close, but Brooke Diamond can be a control freak. She won't take no for an answer and she doesn't really have to worry about hearing the word because no one ever says no to her. In other words, she always gets her way. She has made a lot of decisions for James. When he and his friends wanted to take snowboarding lessons, she made them take ballet. When James wanted to take Brittany Hansen to the school dance sophomore year, Brooke didn't let him because she didn't think Brittany was right for James. That's stupid in James's opinion. He had no plans of being in a serious relationshio with her. They were just going to the dance together.

As for James's dad, he doesn't even like to talk about the man. Samuel Diamond betrayed the family. His relationship with Brooke only lasted for eleven years of James's life. For a big part of James's childhood, he didn't get to have a real relationship with his father because Samuel cared more about partying. Finally, Brooke couldn't take it anymore. She filed for a divorce from her husband. That really hurt James, but that's not the worst part. What really hurt is what happened about ten months later. Samuel remarried. He married some girl that is fifteen years younger than him. It's like Brooke wasn't good enough for him. Lately, he has been trying to get in touch with his son, but James isn't having it. Samuel doesn't deserve to have a proper relationship with James. If he had really wanted to, he would have tried to contact James much sooner. Basically, James can't stand his so called father.

He sits on the bed, staring at his cell phone screen. Five missed calls. Why does his dad even bother trying? He can call a million times, but he doesn't even realize how much he hurt James. It's almost like he never even wanted James in the first place. When James was due to be born, his dad got to the hospital late. He had been out that night and he got a call from Brooke's mom, saying that the baby was coming. He obviously wasn't in any hurry because he ended up being ten minutes late. James shouldn't hate anyone, but he can't think of another word to describe how he feels about his father.

He clenches his jaw and puts his phone on the bedside table. He doesn't want to think about his father. He wants to think about something that makes him happy, like Jenna. He's eager to get to know her. Although he barely knows her, he's interested in knowing more about her. What are her hobbies? What is her favorite flower? What does she plan on doing after high school? What would she like to do on a first date?

Speaking of Jenna, he sent her a friend request on Facebook. He wants to see if she has accepted him yet, so he grabs his lap top and clicks into the internet. He goes to his Facebook account and checks his notifications. Sure enough, Jenna has added him. He silently cheers in excitement, going to her page. He looks at her profile picture. She's laying on her bed, cuddling a teddy bear in her arms. James finds it to be really cute. As he looks at her posts, he finds himself smiling more with each one.

I'm really craving Subway:P

That was posted a couple of hours ago. It also gives James an idea. He'll order a Subway sandwich, take it to Jenna's house, and maybe she'll accept a date with him. He doesn't want to be too forward, but he can't help that he would really like to go out with her. They don't even have to call it a date if she doesn't want to. All he wants to do is spend more time with her.

He smiles as he logs out of Facebook and closes the lap top. He jumps off the bed and runs over to the dresser, checking his reflection. He looks good, as usual. All he has to do is get the pretty girl a sandwich.

"Where are you going?" Carlos asks from the couch.

"Subway!" James says before grabbing the keys to the Big Time Rush mobile, rushing out the door. He walks down the hallway and into the elevator, wondering what kind of sandwiches Jenna likes. He personally likes the spicy italian sub, so maybe she would enjoy it, too. She enjoyed the hazelnut latte when he recommended it to her.

As he exits the elevator, he accidentally runs into Camille Roberts, Logan's girlfriend and one of James's closest girl friends. She's known as the Palm Woods Method Actress Queen. She's very serious about her acting and she can frequently be seen in character. She's cool, though. She and Logan are complete opposites, but they're a great couple. James occasionally helps her rehearse for auditions.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" She asks him. "Does it have something to do with that girl that Logan told me about?"

"Does everyone know about her?" James complains.

"Hey, it's okay." Camille says in amusement. "Logan said that she seems really cool, even though he hasn't actually talked to her. Are you gonna see her any time today?"

"I'm going to get her a sandwich." James says before walking past her. He runs out to the parking garage and looks for the Big Time Rush mobile. When he finds the red convertible, he gets into the drivers seat and puts the key in the ignition. He knows where Subway is, but he hopes that he'll be able to find Hollywood Gardens. He does not feel like getting lost in a big city like Los Angeles. He wants to surprise Jenna with a little "gift" and put his plan into action. Yeah, he's putting together a plan to get a date with Jenna.

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and drives out of the parking garage.

James ordered the sandwich and it's sitting in the front passengers seat, while James searches for Hollywood Gardens. He's using GPS, so he should be arriving in the neighborhood any minute. Finally, he sees the "Hollywood Gardens" sign. On each side of it, there is a rose bush. Right past the sign is the neighborhood entrance. He turns right and looks at the beautiful homes. He hopes that he can find Jenna's place. He really hopes that he can find it.

Each Hollywood Gardens home is made of brick and are either one story or two stories tall. Since it's November, some people have started putting out Christmas decorations, such as wreaths. James and the guys are planning on going back to Minnesota for the break. He slows down when he sees two brunettes standing on the front porch. He recognizes one girl as Jenna, while the other girl must be her sister. James watches as the other girl walks out to a shiny blue car and gets into the drivers seat. James anxiously waits for the sister (He thinks that her name was Chris) to leave and when she is finally out of sight, James parks in front of the home.

He grabs the sandwich and steps out of the car, walking to the porch. He rings the doorbell and waits patiently. Is it weird that he's visiting her home when they don't even know each other? They've only met a couple of times, so he hopes that he's not scaring her. He's not trying to, but some girls don't like guys that are too forward. Should he leave the sandwich at the doorstep and get out before she knows that he was here? Or should he stay? Before he can make a final decision, the door opens.

"James?" Jenna questions. "What are you doing here?"

"I read on your Facebook that you were craving Subway, so I got you a Spicy Italian sub." James says, handing the sandwich to her. She looks grateful when she accepts the sandwich, which is a good sign. Maybe James isn't making a complete fool of himself. James Diamond is smooth, calm and collected, not a socially awkward idiot with no experience with the ladies. He's pretty sure that he knows how to impress a girl like Jenna.

"You really pay attention to these things, don't you? I appreciate that." Jenna says, leaning against the door frame. James finds himself staring at her with passionate desire. She's not wearing anything special. Just jeans, a black tank top, and purple zip up jacket, with her hair pulled into a pony tail. But James likes it. He likes it a lot.

"I didn't want you to have to keep waiting for something that you could have right now." James says. He hums awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. What is he thinking? He doesn't even know. He's normally great with words, but something is preventing him from speaking. What is happening to him? Maybe it has something to do with him falling out of bed and hitting his head on the floor this morning. Could he be suffering from some kind of damage to his brain? Ugh, that's a stupid excuse. He just needs to face it. Jenna Harper makes him nervous, but not in a bad way. It's the kind of nervous that happens when you really like someone.

"Thanks." Jenna says. "Do you want to come in? My parents are at work and my sister just left to go to work, so I could use some company."

"Um, sure." James says as Jenna steps aside. He enters the home and Jenna closes the door.

"Okay, you got me a foot long." Jenna laughs. "You wanna help me eat this thing? Because I sure won't be able to finish it myself."

"Sounds great." James says, following her into the dining room. They both sit at the table and Jenna removes the sandwich from the bag. She hands one half to James and takes the other for herself. They eat in silence, not wanting to embarrass themselves by talking with their mouths full. While James eats, he occasionally glances at Jenna, holding back a chuckle when he sees some mayonaise around her mouth.

"How was school today?" He asks.

"Pretty good." Jenna answers. "Except I was picked second to last when we were picking teams in PE. That was kind of a downer. But Lacey got picked last. One of the team captains, Anna, hates Lacey because she played a really horrible prank on the girl last year."

"Do I even wanna know what the prank was?"

"No, you don't." Jenna giggles softly.

"Oh, you've got something right here." James says, grabbing a napkin and gently wiping the mayonaise from the girl's mouth.

"Oh my god, that's embarrassing." Jenna groans, covering her face.

"Hey, don't worry about it." James says, eating the last of his sandwich. "Well, I should probably get going now. The guys and I are gonna go to the hockey rink later, so I need to get ready."

"Thanks for the sandwich." Jenna says. She really does appreciate his kind gesture. It was sweet and unexpected. Heck, she's amazed that he was able to find her house. She has read articles about him being the pretty boy of the band and there have even been rumors of him being a player and a bit self absorbed, but she doesn't know how anyone could get that idea. Would a self absorbed guy bring her a sandwich when she didn't even ask for one?

"No problem." James says before walking out the door.

"Wow, I knew you could be forward, but this is just crazy." Kendall says as he and James put their skates on. He's not telling James to stop flirting with this girl, but bringing a girl a sandwich when James has only known her for two days is just crazy. And taking it to her house? Kendall doesn't believe that anyone should visit someone's house unless they really know that person. Jenna seems like a cool girl and she probably is, but James should get to know her first.

"She said on her Facebook that she was craving Subway, so I was being nice." James argues, putting his helmet on. Kendall has been taking things slow with Jo and James is going to do the same thing with Jenna. Bringing a sandwich to her home is not what James would consider forward. He's just doing something nice for somone. He doesn't see anything wrong with that.

"Of course." Kendall whispers sarcastically as they step onto the ice, hockey sticks in hand. They are suppose to be playing a game, but Carlos and Logan are in the middle of an argument. Just as they are about to start slapping each other, Kendall hits the puck, making sure it hits Logan's helmet. That gets their attention and they glare at each other before getting into position.

"Ready to go down?" James asks them.

"Yeah right." Logan scoffs. "We're gonna take you down first."

"Sure you will." James says before hitting the puck. Carlos stands in front of the goal and tries to keep the puck from getting past him, but that is a failed attempt. The puck flies past him and enters the goal.

"Maybe next time." Kendall calls out. Before he can say anymore, the puck is flying past him and into the goal he's suppose to be defending. Then he sees Carlos and Logan smirking at him and James.

"How was the hockey rink?" Ms. Knight asks when the boys return to apartment 2J.

"Did Logan get knocked out like last time?" Katie asks from her place on the couch. She's watching Spongebob Squarepants, but she never misses an opportunity to tease the guys. She might actually stop if it truly offended them, but they don't seem to mind so Katie hasn't even considered stopping. It's much too fun for her. Why stop something if she enjoys it?

"No, I didn't." Logan mutters, remembering the incident. He doesn't even want to think about it. All he remembers is Carlos accidentally hitting him in the head with a hockey stick, then he passed out.

After a couple more minutes of conversing back and forth with Ms. Knight, the boys head in separate directions. James chooses to go back to his shared bedroom with Kendall. He returns to his bed and grabs his lap top, logging back into Facebook. He's contemplating whether or not he should ask Jenna out. Maybe Kendall was right. Maybe he's moving too fast. Only two days and he's already considering asking her on a date. Then again, it's not like he hasn't rushed into things before. He only knew Annie for a day before they decided to go out. It didn't take very long for him to ask Rachel either. Why should Jenna be any different? He's going to ask her out over Facebook and pray that he gets the desired response. Yes, James Diamond! I would love to go out with you! Well, that's what he wants her to say, but he knows that there are no guarantees.

Before he starts typing a message, he goes to her photos. He has only seen two pictures of her, but he wants to see more. He looks at each one and he finally decides that his favorite is the one of Jenna and Lacey at the beach. Lacey is wearing a zebra striped bikini, while Jenna is wearing a purple bikini. Their hair is soaking wet with salt water and James loves it.

He eventually takes his eyes off the pictures and goes to the messaging section of Facebook. He hums softly as he thinks of what to say. Something short and simple. He just wants to ask her out, but he doesn't want his message to be boring. It needs some kind of flair because James Diamond doesn't do boring. He doesn't roll that way. He likes to keep things interesting.

Just as he is about to start typing, he sees Jenna's name on the IM list. He smiles excitedly and clicks on her name, then types.

James Diamond: How's it going? :D

Jenna Harper: Good:) My sister just got home from work, so we're watching Glee

James Diamond: I love that show:)

Jenna Harper: Seriously?

James Diamond: Is that weird?

Jenna Harper: Not at all:P It's actually really cool

James Diamond: Awesome:) Anyway, could I ask you something?

Jenna Harper:Ask away!

James Diamond: Do you think it's bad to ask a girl out over Facebook?

Jenna Harper: It depends on whether they know each other or not. If a guy asked me out over the internet and I had never seen him before in my life, I would be a little creeped out. Now if I've met the guy and I know that he's not a forty year old stalker, I guess I wouldn't mind. Who's the girl that you wanna ask out?

James Diamond: You? :P

Jenna Harper: Me? Really? You sure you don't want to date someone like Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez?

James Diamond: I don't always have to date someone famous, you know. Sometimes it's nice to go out with a normal person:)

Jenna Harper: Okay, what do you think about going to the park? Maybe we could have a picnic or something

James Diamond: How about the beach?

Jenna Harper: Even better:)

James Diamond: So it's a date?

Jenna Harper: It's a date:D

James Diamond: I'll see you this Saturday night

Jenna Harper: Sounds good to me:) I've gotta go now, but I'll talk to you later

James smiles cheerfully as Jenna logs off. He just has to wait four more days before he can enjoy a picnic on the beach with a beautiful girl.

His smile fades slightly as his best friend's come to mind. He hates when they tease him about Jenna and he can only imagine what they would say if they knew he's gonna go out with her, so he chooses to keep it a secret. Besides, it'll be much more romantic if no one but him and Jenna know about it. He sees him and Jenna sitting on a blanket, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, singing random songs, and maybe a little cuddling (Well, James is hoping). He's going to make sure that this date is perfect.

He wonders what it is about Jenna that excites him so much. She's humble, down to earth, soft spoken, attractive, innocent, and so much more. He also likes that she doesn't act too eager. She's friendly toward him, but she doesn't freak out when she sees him. Some girls don't hesitate to say yes if he asks him out, but Jenna was a lot calmer about it. Man, he loves that.

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