
By AnimeAngel04

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" Even if our love is forbidden, I want to protect you." An angel in love with a demon. A demon in love with... More

The Language Of Flowers
Chapter One // Jasmine
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen // Maroon
Chapter Fourteen // Jasmine
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen // Maroon
Chapter Eighteen // Jasmine
Chapter Nineteen // Maroon
Chapter Twenty // Third Person
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Nine

2K 78 3
By AnimeAngel04

   White Clover ~ The clover flower suggests feelings of vitality, and it is conventionally given to those who need a little good luck.

   " How did this happen?" My father questions, glaring at the guards who stood in front of my father while I sat in the corner of my father's office with a butler pressing a rag against the wound to help stop the bleeding.

" S-Sir, we were had been chasing the demon when we found your daughter." One guard states, keeping his gaze on the floor," And as you can tell, she was dressed in something...unfitting for someone of royal blood."

" Can tell." My father replies, his gaze falling on me," But what does that have to do with this?"

" My lord," a new guard appears from behind the two originals, smiling smugly as he wears a scar proudly across his face," what my men are trying to say, is that we think the princess was trying to run away. With the demon."

" That's apastress!" My father exclaims, anger in his tone," My daughter would never-"

" We have proof, my lord." The scar-faced guard states, waving his hand over to another guard, who held my nightstand drawer.

A wave of fear crashed over me," Y-You went through my things?" I question as the guard presents the drawer filled with Maroon's letters to my father.

" Well, of course. We had to be sure if there was any evidence of you doing an act of treason." The guard answers, a smug smile plastered onto his face; what was his problem?

My father plucked a few letters from the drawer and read, my heart hammering against my ribs," This...can't be true...." my father mumbles in disbelief, reading letter after letter, as if to find proof that these were fake.

" But it is, my lord." The scar-faced guard replies before gesturing towards me," You can ask the princess yourself."

My father turned his gaze towards me, and for once, he had an expression on his face: a fearful one," Jasmine..." he begins, looking at me with pleading eyes," Please...tell me these are fake. Tell me that this isn't true."

Tears swell in my eyes, and I am unable to meet my father's gaze," I-I'm sorry..." I cry, looking down into my lap,"...They are true."

The whole room gasped, not including the scar-faced guard," How...why..?"

" I fell in love, father." I reply, a smile lightly gracing my lips at the memory of Maroon," He is funny, and kind. Is loving and loyal, and is true to his word. He has...the heart of an angel."

" But he is still a demon." The scar-faced guard states," And if I am correct, being associated with a demon is the highest act of treason."

My father, with a grave look upon his face, slowly nodded," Yes...that is correct."

" Then, by law, the princess should be executed at the kingdom's court?" My father nodded again," Well...case closed then. Guards? Arrest the princess and throw her into the dungeon."

I was terrified, and yet, an unknown anger surged through me," You don't know him like I do...." I mumble, clenching my fist as the two guards from before grab both of my arms, pulling me towards the door. I look directly at my father with anger burning in my eyes," You don't know him like I do and yet you frown upon our love because he is a demon!"

" Guards. To the dungeon with her." My father states coldly, not making eye contact with me.

" You heartless monster!" I scream, kicking and thrashing around in the guard's' grip," You would throw your own child in the dungeon for falling in love? How cruel are you?!"

" Guards! Get her out of here!" My father demands as the guards continue to drag me out of the room.

" Monster! Evil, cruel, monster!" I scream, my wings flapping frantically behind me," You care for no one but yourself! Not your wife, or your daughter!"

The scar-faced guard turned towards me, a sour look upon his face. He raised his fist in the air, making contact with my face before everything went black...

I awoke in a dungeon cell, the smell within it disgusted me. I slowly sat up on the cold stone floors, wincing from the pain in my head and face," Doesn't he know that it's rude to hit a girl...?" I mumble, holding my right cheek in pain, the place he had hit me.

" Obviously not." I hear a voice say, causing my head to snap towards the cell in front of mine. It was a boy, around my age or so, with brown hair that covered his chocolate-colored eyes," You're talking about Mister Scar-Face right?"

I nod my head, surprised to see someone else down here; this place being 'heaven', I wouldn't think many people got thrown in the dungeon," Yeah, that guy is a jerk. I wonder how he even got into 'heaven'." the boy states, leaning against the cell wall with his arms crossed on his chest.

" He was a cop in his past life..." I state, keeping my gaze on the damp floors," He was a good man, but he wasn't the most liked..."

" No dur." The boy replies before actually looking in my direction," Hey. Aren't you..the princess?"

I nod, not meeting his gaze," Yeah...well, at least I was."

" What are you doing here?" He asks, the look of curiosity in his eyes.

" Well, I was obviously thrown down here."

" I know that. But how?"

I fumble with my fingers; I was going to die either way, so might as well tell him," I...was charged with treason."

" How could the princess be charged with treason? Aren't you, ya know, pure of heart."

" I am, but..." I adjust my position on the floor, now leaning against the wall," I broke biggest rule of them all: association with demons."

" D-Demons..?"

I nod my head," Yeah...I fell in love with one."

" You...fell in love with a demon, but they're-"

" No! They're not! Not all are evil!" I shout, whipping my head around to meet the boy's gaze. He jolts back a bit," S-Sorry...it's just...he was different."

" How so?"

" I don't know how to explain it...he was just...pure of heart." I reply, smiling at the memory of Maroon," He was sent to kill me, but he didn't. I think that says a lot by itself."

He nods his head," Yeah, I agree."

" You're not...going to hate me, are you?" I ask, sheepishly looking over at him.

The boy shakes his head," Nope. I actually...understand where you're coming from."

" How's that?" I ask, now curious.

" I too, fell in love with someone I wasn't suppose to. A mafia member to be exact." The boy states," I had gotten myself in some trouble, by accident, and he saved my as- butt. After that moment, he began to keep tabs on me, for a reason that was unknown to me. People warned me not to associate myself with him and his group. But being the young and dumb kid I was, I got myself tangled into Theo's life. And after weeks upon weeks of us getting to know each other, he finally...kissed me. And there, I fell hopelessly in love with him."

" What a sweet story." I say as I smile at the boy. A moment of silence went by before I finally asked," What's your name?"

He looks at me, giving me a smile," Jamie."

" Well, Jamie, I-"

The dungeon door swung open, the small tap tap tap of shoes echoing throughout the dungeon till Carla appeared in front of my cell," C-Carla...?"

Tears sprang into her eyes as she rushed to open the door, closing it behind her as she kneeled down in front of me, placing a med kit at her side," Jasmine! Oh my lord...I am so sorry..." she cried, cupping my face in her hands.

" Carla..." I place my hands over hers," I-I'm so scared...."

" Shh shh, everything will be alright dear..." Carla cooed, even though she knew my fate.

" T-They took my bag Carla...t-they took the picture and mom's belongings...." I cried, resting my head on her shoulder, soaking it with my salty tears.

" Don't cry no more child, I'm here..." she stated, petting my hair soothingly," N-Now. Let me fix that foot of yours. You got it stuck in a bear trap, didn't you?"

I lift my head off her shoulder," Y-Yeah..." I sit back, extending my foot to Carla. She opened the med kit and began to patch up my bleeding foot, wrapping it in a white cloth once she finished," C-Carla...?"

" Yes Jasmine?"

" Am I...going to die?"

Carla froze, the look of fear and uncertainty written across her face. She cleared her throat and looked at me," Y-You're a strong girl- no, woman. You will be able to make it through this."

I smile, tears creasing down my face," T-Thank you Carla."

" Anything for you my dear." And with that, she left.

My heart ached once I heard the dungeon door closed. I felt so scared and alone. But I knew, deep down that if I didn't do what I did, Maroon would be dead, and I would still be here," M-Maroon..." I began to silently cry to myself, wrapping my arms around me as my wings covered my shoulders like a blanket. I laid myself down on the damp stone floor, sobbing," I-I miss you...so much..."

And I slowly cried myself to sleep.

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