Riddle Me This, Riddle Me Tha...

By Superwonderkid

472 0 2


Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That!!!

472 0 2
By Superwonderkid

Animal Riddles

It has a tail, likes catching mice and sounds like ‘hat’.

A Cat.

It lives in the sea and sounds like ‘park’.

A Shark.

It's green, jumps very well and sounds like ‘dog’.

A Frog

It stings, sometimes lives in a cage and sounds like ‘word’.

A Bird

It eats grass and sounds like ‘now’.

A cow

It doesn't have legs and sounds like ‘cake’.

A Snake

It's always hungry, has a little beard and sounds like ‘boat’.

A Goat

It flies at night and sounds like ‘pat’.

A Bat

It's very big, swims in the sea and sounds like ‘tail’.

A Whale

It's very small, eats cheese and sounds like ‘house’.

A Mouse

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