Burning Chains of Ice

By ChrisGayle16neko

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In the kingdom of Arendelle, the King and Queen had two lovely daughters. They lived happily together as they... More

First of all...
Chapter 2 - The lonesome princess
Chapter 3- For The First Time
(Discontinued) - Author's Note

Chapter 1 - Light of Dawn

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By ChrisGayle16neko

Life is a long road to walk alone.

"The Songs and whispers of the lone, cold wind haunted me. For some unknown reason, Though it had kept me company, it felt like it understands me." I muttered unknowingly. I don't know why, but it felt like I know it's true. I have said these lines all my life, yet I do not know why. It felt comfortable as I spoke these words little by little. Could there be someone out there who understands me?

The floorboards creaked as I walked upon it. I could hear the splashing of water and the loud noise of seagulls. I felt a bit afraid that maybe sooner or later, the ship might crash or tip overboard and sink us all to our last breathe. I stood there by the kitchen door, carefully drugging his meal with a bottle of rum. "This'll do the trick.." I whispered to Scott, The captain's pet husky and companion.

He covered his ears whimpered. "Come on, Don't look at me like that." I bent down and patted him. His fur was soft as cotton, white as snow and gray as silver. He looked at me with sad eyes and rubbed his cheek agains my palm.

"I won't be gone for long. It would just be a few hours. I promise." I smiled and noticed his tail waved from side to side. I guess he's fine with me gone for a few days. To think, a few years ago when we first met he was snobbish towards me.

I was a pure blood from the Kingdom of Rybeth, A kingdom found at Northern areas. I was The King and Queen's only heir to the throne. I had a wonderful life. A Young man with great plans for the world, A dreamer you may say. I was well known throughout the lands due to my expeditions with the captain and my father. And why am I suddenly living in the ship, you ask? Well let me just say that there was this incident that ruined my life. An Incident that made me want to wish my existence would cease. So I hid my true identity from the world, and I changed my life. I am now known as Travis, it suits me more than my real name.

It was long ago when the captain found me stranded ashore. He was a close family friend. So, he took me in and gave me the shelter and care I had lost. Let's just say, to me he was my second father, my teacher, and my friend. He and his crew were my new family. He told me stories of magic and tragedies that he faced. He also knew of my... Situation. And thus, he kept me company and told me of a legend to find the cure. But for some reason, he forbids to tell me where to find it. And now, with the crew's help, we're headed towards the given destination.

I picked up the food tray and walked towards his room. At this time, he's probably awake. The crew knew, though they were at my side, and they helped me set my plan into action. I opened his door and placed the tray in. I winced as spoke as his voice was dark and rough. "And what is it that you want?"

"N-nothing! Can't a young man just give his godfather some warm breakfast?" I felt my voice crack and I gulped hard. I am doomed.

"Hmm." He stared at the soup and took a sip. "Did you add anything to this soup, me boy?"

"No! ... What I meant to say was, Why would I?"

"Because we're in Arendelle."

"How did you--"

"First of all, You're a horrible liar. Second, I overheard you speak to my crew last night. Third, Scott is holding the rum bottle."

I stared back and saw the clever figure smiling at me with such irresistible eyes. That little devil! And it was true, he had the bottle of alcohol in his mouth. I glared at him. "I thought you were on my side?!"


Before I knew it, Jon, the captain finished the soup. Confusion seeped into my brain.

"But I thought--"

"It's a waste of rum if I don't consume it. *hic* Want to hear a secret? Here's a secret me boy, The kingdom of Arendelle holds a past with The kingdom of Rybeth!" He whispered at my ear, and I could smell the scent of alcohol. What does my kingdom have to do with Arendelle?

"Was that why you were trying to stop me?" I played along, knowing that he easily gets drunk. And now was my chance of getting the answers that I wanted. Maybe I could find out more of this dreaded curse. I could find out more about my cure. And, I could know more about my kingdom. This is my chance!

"You know what they say. Alcohol's the drink of the gods, me boy!" He let out a hearty laugh. Not even answering my question. Sigh.

Few minutes later, he was peacefully asleep. Perfect, I thought. "I'm sorry Jon, but i had to do this the hard way. You understand right?" I said as I chained him to the bars of the bunk bed. "I'll be back soon." I saluted him and went out of the ship.


I sighed and glanced at the view in front of me. "So, This is the Kingdom Of Arendelle, huh?" I said as I stood by the bridge, with lamp posts decorated with colorful banners.

Large Crowds of both native and different people from distant places scattered in, as the gates opened. I walked slowly as I gazed at the view by the lake, on how the rays of early sunshine would touch and blend with the gentle deep blue waves by the water. Large ships ascend to shore with passengers, whose faces were filled with excitement and joy.

The wind began to whistle against the long tails of my dark black and red suit. The inner white sleeves folded out is firmly buttoned with golden buttons, and folded. I tapped and checked my pocket watch. It was old and never really worked for a while, but it was very important to me. It had such memories so close to my heart, and engraved on it was the letter, but it's barely visible enough. I found it upon the shore, the very same shore i was rescued by the captain. He told me it was rare and probably belonged to a majestic mermaid, Of course he was entirely joking. But I know, one day, take me to where my destiny leads it to. I wonder when and where that'd be, I thought to myself.

I shook my head as my attention grasped itself to the sounds of children running around the streets, and mothers running after them. It wasn't long until I reached the front of the kingdom gates, which was rumored to be closed to all visitors, as ordered by the King and Queen.

Ladies flutter around their different colored dresses and fan themselves whilst they gossip. I could notice their eyes avert to my direction, without hesitation, I smiled and bowed at them, politely. Their cheeks flushed red behind their fans as they giggle.

And Just as I was about to enter the gate, I accidentally bumped into an 'unseen force', so i thought, until I glanced down. An irritating sight made my nose crinkle a bit. "The Duke of Weselton..."I muttered.

"It's WEASLE TOWN! I mean.. WESELTON." He yelped unknowingly as I stood by him. It only took him some time to notice. "Oh, It's only you. I-I mean, Forgive me your highness. I didn't see you from here." He cleared his throat and patted off dust from his clothing. I could hint the sarcasm in his raspy, annoying voice. "And I'll have you know, I will not stop my investigation on Rybeth's case-"

"Look, I don't want any trouble." I cut him off while biting my lip. Geez, he's irritating. He just HAD to be here. Of course, he's going to try to give out his "smooth moves" towards the royal family in order for him to arise his power and trade.

"'You Don't want any trouble?' My boy, You ALWAYS brought trouble, wherever you go. No matter how far. You are bad luck! Only a little runt of the litter. So I suggest you leave this kingdom before you destroy my image and reputation. Not again will some kid ruin my name, you've already soiled it in the southern isles and I will mot let you create that same mistake!" He scowled. The two men behind him nodded at each other and laughed. Are they making fun of me?

"Watch your tone. Perhaps you've forgotten who you're dealing with here, Duke." I hissed at him as I was clenching my fists. My face felt hot and I tried to calm myself down.

"Oh? But you're just some... Tramp who is long gone and long forgotten. It means that you have no power nor high status. Such a pity you are. HMPH! Enough wasting my time on a nobody like you, the New Queen needs me. And I happen to have high standards, unlike you." He turned around in an awkward-looking manner and walked away with his two 'body guards'.

Thank god he left. If he didn't... Sigh. I just don't want the same accident to happen like before. Perhaps, he was right, I am just a troublemaker. But there's no more turning back, for this is the only way I could find a cure. A cure for my ...Ailment.

-End of Chapter 1-

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