
By InfinitelyMaybe

650 123 270

The fiery red headed "Weasley King" of the Golden Trio is now replaced with an emotionless Auror, who stops a... More



86 16 39
By InfinitelyMaybe


The light streamed in from the windows, the birds chirped happily, disturbing Ron from his dream world. Not yet fully awake he felt a weight pushing down on his hand. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he saw the Parkinson girl asleep crouched by the sofa, her hand over his.

"Stupid girl," he muttered as he pried her hand off his. As he got up, the cold draft hit his bare feet like icicles, he carefully lifted her and placed her where he just was.

After getting dressed, he decided to fix up the guest bedroom. He quickly spelled scrougify around the room and transfigured a bed and dresser. If she wanted anything else then tough. After he was done he decided to head out to get some breakfast.

Soon after he had left, Pansy had awoken, the warmth of his hand replaced by the cold air. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes to get rid of her sleepiness. As she looked around the room, she was surrounded with sheer silence. She hated to be alone. It gave her time to recall and recollect torturous moments. Her eyes pricked with tears begging to be spilt. Truth be told, she didn't want to cry. She didn't want Ron to find her like this. It would give him another reason to hate her and Pansy didn't want that. All she wanted was to show him that she could be strong and brave too. However, as much as she tried to wipe her tears and contain her sobs, the past had overpowered and taken control of her once again.

* * *

Ron entered the flat, only to be welcomed with Parkinson on the floor by the foot of the sofa where he had found her this morning, rocking back and forth. So lost in herself she did not notice him placing the bags down on the counter joining the kitchen and living room.

"Parkinson," he said as he squatted beside her. Getting no response he brought up his fingers to her face and snapped them."Parkinson," he repeated.

Slowly she turned towards him, her face red and nose dripping. How charming. He grabbed a tissue from the box on the table in front of them and handed it to her, "Wipe your face, I brought breakfast."

Taking the tissue from him, she watched his back retreat towards the counter. She was glad he didn't question her, she wouldn't have known what to say. That she was scared. Scared to be left alone because she was weak.

She slowly joined him on the counter, watching him efficiently work.

"This is a muggle neighbourhood so the food is, well muggle," his voice cutting through the silence.

He pushed the plate to her, "This is French toast, though i'm pretty sure we get it in the wizarding world too."

Pansy signed to him as if to ask where his food was, repeatedly pointing to the plate and to him. 

"Oh, i'm not hungry," he finally replied.

She picked up the knife and fork, placed by the plate and attempted to cut a piece. However her hands were shaking so hard that even after many attempts she was unable to. Noticing her trembling hands, Ron lightly held her wrist and took the cutlery from her. He then proceeded to cut small squares and handed her the fork.

As the light fluffy toast touched her tongue, her taste buds erupted in glee. She had never tasted anything like it. Hurriedly she took another bite, enjoying the sweet sensation in her mouth. However, she had not been used to eating such heavy portions that her stomach began to churn and she felt nauseous. The bile begin to crawl up her throat as she rushed to the bathroom.

Gripping onto the toilet bowl Pansy emptied her stomach feeling cold hands at the nape of her neck holding her hair back. Ron lightly patted her back, and handed her a small cup.

"It's mouthwash, it'll make you feel better."

Ron waited in the kitchen for Pansy to return. He couldn't deny that he wasn't curious as to why she reacted like this but he knew better than to ask her. Though he could bet she was just acting like the princess she thought of herself to be. Fucking pureblood. If she thought she was too good to be eating what he brought her, then she could fucking starve for all he could care.

He pushed a glass of water towards her and she eagerly took it, greedily downing it in one go. Ron then picked up one of the bags he brought with him and put it in front of her.

"In there is a parchment and quill. I charmed the parchment so that once you have written something, it will erase and you can use itagain. Also if you tap it with the quill, it will speak what you have written. The quill is one of those which doesn't need an ink pot so you can use it anywhere. I just thought it would be useful for you to communicate."

Pansy took the parchment and quill out from the bag, and with great concentration controlling her shaky hands scratched thank you.

Ron nodded his head in acknowledgement and then proceeded to say, "I have to head out to the ministry, you can cope for a few hours right. I'll be back before you even know it."

Just as he was about to apparate, she grabbed his arm to stop him and held up her pinky. She then grabbed his hand and intertwined his pinky with hers. Her eyes bored into his face as she stared at him - the childlike vulnerability in them caused Ron's heart to wrench. The lack of tease in her eyes didn't relieve him, in fact he was truly scared that it was gone. What had become of the girl he knew.

"Yes I pinky promise Parkinson," he sighed, "Now can I go."

Ron wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, a grown man making a pinky promise and that too with his worst nightmare. He wanted to taunt her, just as she taunted him but in that moment he knew it was best to ignore the past, for now.

* * *

As soon as Ron arrived at the ministry he rushed to Harry's office. Not bothering to knock he barged straight in. Harry was sat at his desk, as usual, scribbling away on parchment.

"Ron you shouldn't be here," Harry spoke warily looking up.

"What do you mean, I shouldn't be here?" questioned Ronirritably, "I have done everything you have asked me too, I brought Parkinson to the flat."

"I know Ron."

"Then why in the hell should I not be here. Do you know how fucking tired I am? I have been with her, by her side constantly."

"I understand it's taking a toll on you but-"

Furiously Ron cut him off, "Taking a toll on me? Are you fucking kidding me right now. Bloody hell Harry. I'm emotionally exhausted. You know me and you know that I can't handle this."

"Listen to me Ron," Harry said, "You're doing just fine. I know you and I know you can do this. But that's not the problem right now."

As Ron remained silent Harry continued, "A rumour has spread al lover the ministry, that you were targeting Parkinson. The fact that no one was found there, people have assumed that you were after her. Your hate for Death Eaters is no secret and that's why they think-"

"Think what?" interrupted Ron, "That I tried to kill her?"

Suddenly Ron began laughing humourlessly, "They think that after attempting to kill her, I would bring her to my own home. Fan-fucking-tastic. If I wanted her dead she would have been gone by now."

Harry stood up and walked over to his friend, placing his hand on Ron's shoulder he spoke, "I know and I know that you're not behind any of it. But because I want what is best for you, you can't be at the ministry or on Auror duty till it blows over."

"If you knew what was best for me, you wouldn't be saying that," scoffed Ron. "You know how much being an Auror means to me. I haven't worked my arse off to be taken out of the loop when the ministry can't handle a situation. And as my best mate you're supposed to be by my side, you're supposed to support me."

"I am Ron, I am on your side. But I can't go against Shacklebolt, I don't have enough power," Harry reasoned.

"Bloody brilliant. You're the boy who goddamned lived. The saviour of the fucking wizarding world," Ron hissed sarcastically. "You have power to do anything but it's clear i'm not even worth an ounce of that." And with that Ron turned on his heel and stormed towards the door.

"I'll try Ron, I promise. I'll fix this."

"No you won't. You only care about yourself. One day Harry, your world is going to come spiralling down and then when it'll hit you, it's gonna fucking hurt."

"Wait Ron," Harry pleaded.

"Save it." Ron snapped, slamming the door as he left.

So lost in his fury that Ron failed to see that behind the rimmed glasses were puffy bags underneath Harry's bloodshot eyes. Harry was suffering, every day and every night. He was cursed with carrying a weight on his shoulders, a weight which only got heavier.

While Ron had found an outlet, a way to unleash his emotions. Harry had not.

* * *

Instead of heading back to the flat, Ron wandered around London trying to cool down his anger. As he was aimlessly meandering he heard someone call his name.

"Ron! Ron! Wait up!"

As he turned around he saw Hermione making his way towards him. In all honesty he wished she hadn't seen him. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone – especially her.

"How have you been doing," asked Hermione as they walked side by side.


"I'm here shopping for mum and dad's anniversary, it feels good to be back in the muggle part of London. What about you?"

"Just things," he muttered.

"Well how about you join me, and then we'll grab some coffee?" Hermione offered. As much as Ron wanted to decline, he knew he couldn't. Hermione would tell Ginny he said no, and Ginny would then go on to tell their mother, who would then lecture him for hours about how they were best friends before anything first.

"Right then, I only I have one place to check out so I won't be dragging you along that much. But it would be a great way to catch up, right."

Hermione led him towards a large store with a huge Harrods sign on it, "I'll be super quick," she spoke. "You can look around and i'll meet you back here?"

Ron nodded in approval and Hermione whizzed away in hopes to find something. He walked slowly and pointlessly around the store until a salesgirl came up to him.

"Sir do you need any help," she asked.

"No. I'm good," he answered as politely as he could.

"Shopping for anyone in particular," she further questioned.

"No not really."

"Well I saw you come in with a gorgeous lady and we have just gotten a new stock in jewellery. Would you like to check it out?"

"Alright then," Ron replied. He just wanted the salesgirl off his back and it looked like she wasn't going anywhere until he purchased something.

He followed the girl to a counter and she began pointing to different things under the glass, explaining what they were. It was so tedious he wanted to hit his head against the counter. He would much rather be back at his flat. Though he hated Parkinson, praise Merlin she wasn't able to talk and he could at least enjoy moments of quiet. This girl was just downright fucking annoying, constantly yapping away in his ear.

Suddenly an idea struck him and he asked, "Do you have any rings?"

"Oooh yes," she pointed to a a velvet tray, "These just came in."

"Can you show me this," he spoke pointing to a simple ring, with a small diamond at it's centre.

"This is super cute," said the salesgirl. "Your girlfriend will absolutely love it."

Ignoring what the girl had just said, he continued, "Right i'll take this one, and that one too," he said pointing to another.

Ron patiently watched as she placed the rings inside a velvet box andrang up his total. He absolutely hated dealing with muggle money. Though he was in and out of the muggle world it still confused him to no end.

"Thank you for shopping," cheerily spoke the girl as Ron grabbed the small bag, tucking it into his inner coat pocket and returned to the entrance where he was to meet Hermione.

Hermione had been watching Ron from where she was, and she curiously wondered what he was up to. Maybe he had gotten something for Mrs Weasley or even Ginny. She hurriedly paid for her items and made her way over to him.

"See I told you i'd be quick," she spoke. "Did you see anything you liked?"

Ron shrugged in response, not really answering.

"Well, lets grab something to eat then," she said eyeing him skeptically, "I know this really good cafe, it's a five minutes walk from here."

The walk to the cafe was nothing but awkward for Ron. The atmosphere between them was tense, and neither attempted to cut through it by making conversation.

Reaching the small cafe, they found a table by a window and a waitress soon approached them.

"What would you like?"

"Um, I could really do with a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of orange juice please," Hermione requested. "What about you Ron?"

"Just a coffee would do."

The waitress wrote down their order, "Coming right up in fifteen."

"Coffee? Don't you want anything to eat?" questioned Hermione as the waitress left to bring their food.

"Not really hungry."

"So what's happening in the Auror department these days? I ask Harry but he never fills me in, he's always like Auror business is Auror business," she mocked their raven haired friend.

Ron was secretly glad Harry knew when to keep his mouth shut and was grateful he hadn't informed anyone of what was going on. He couldn't deal with all the questions right now.

"He is right you know."

"Well I guess so." And with that they were silent again.

After what felt like hours did the waitress eventually bring over their order.

"Oh yes food, finally!" exclaimed Hermione, digging into her sandwich.

Ron just stared at his coffee, his fingers tracing along the rim of the cup.

"You know it's going to get cold," Hermione said, pulling him from his thoughts. As he looked up towards her, his eyes flickered over to the clock and only then did he remember. Shit Parkinson. Hours had passed since he had left her, and as he looked out the window, he could see it getting darker.

Abruptly he stood up, "I'm sorry Hermione, I have to go. It was great bumping into you."

He fumbled with the change, the coins rolling around as he placed them on the table.

"Will you be coming to the Burrow sometime soon?"

"I don't know Hermione, I'll see."

"Your family miss you Ron, think about it."

He nodded and rushed outside trying to find a place away from muggles to apparate.

* * *

Ron entered the flat and Pansy was nowhere in sight. Worriedly he made his way over to his room and saw her curled on top of his bed, sobs wracking her body.


She moved her head so she could see him and without wasting a moment, she rushed towards him. Pansy flung her arms around his neck and continued to cry into him. He knew he was at fault, he should never had left her. But he had told her he would be back. Perhaps she was just being dramatic.

"I'm sorry Parkinson. But look I kept my promise and I came back," Ron spoke into her ear. "And the flat has charms in place warding it, so no one would have been able to get inside. You had nothing to worry about."

Maybe he was being too callous but she had to understand that her behaviour wasn't healthy for either of them. He removed her arms from his neck and beckoned her to follow her into the living room.

"Sit," he motioned to the sofa. "I brought something for you."

Ron took out the bag from his pocket and removed the nestled rings from the box, setting them onto the table. He then brought out his wand and murmured over them. Picking up the smaller one, he handed it to her.

"It's for you. I've charmed it just like mine." He said picking up and showing her his silver band. "If you're ever in danger or you need to contact me, just rub the diamond on top and my one will start to burn."

Giving the ring to her, he continued speaking, "Parkinson, I am going to be in and out. You can't expect me to stay by your side all day. That's just not me. However this way you can contact me. Secondly this is my flat, I am not going to leave you and runaway. I will come back and you need to take my word on it."

Placing the ring on her finger, she nodded. At least she now had a connection to him at all times and that brought her comfort.

"Stay here and i'll bring you something to eat."

Ron had a pounding headache by now and all he wanted was to be in bed right now. He rummaged through his cupboards looking for something edible, he'd have to go food shopping some time. Taking a tin of soup out he poured it into a saucepan waiting for it to warm up. Once it had, he shifted the liquid into a bowl and grabbed a spoon.

"Here," he said handing it to her. He hoped she'd be able to keep it down, he didn't want to handle a repeat of this morning right now."I'm going to get changed and then show you to your room."

Pansy took the bowl from him and hesitantly tasted it, instantly loving it. Though after several spoonfuls she felt full. She placed the bowl onto the table and patiently waited for Ron to return.

"Over here," he motioned for her to follow him, once he returned.

Ron pushed open a door, with her close behind him.

"The bathroom is there," he said pointing to the door across the room. "I'm beat and i'm heading to bed, so er see you tomorrow." Leaving her in the room he left.

He picked up the bowl she left on the table and moved it to the sink. She had barely touched it and that aggravated him. What did she want from him. Ignoring his irritation he headed to his room and as soon as his head touched the pillow he was out as a light.

Pansy looked around her new room. Though it was small and bare, it was enough. She crawled into her bed and lay there trying to sleep. But just like other nights, no matter how much she tossed and turned,it would not come. She didn't bother turn out her lights, she hated to be alone in the dark. Anyone could hide in the darkness, it would shelter them. Whereas the light let everything be seen, providing her with inner solace.

Today was terrible, she had been absolutely petrified since the moment Ron had left. She had subconsciously attached herself to him. He was the only right in her world of wrong. Slowly she crept out of her bed and left her room, quietly making her way to his. She softly opened his door and cautiously made her way over to his bed. She pondered for a moment whether she should, but decided she would deal with the consequences tomorrow. And with that decision she slipped into his covers beside him. Though asleep, his presence radiated with comfort and familiarity, and that was all she needed.

Super important question, when I copy my chapter into Wattpad, the sentences bunch up together. Sotheyarelikethis. Does anyone know why it does that, and how I can stop it? Because it then takes absolutely forever to separate them.

Aaaaand what do you like/hate so far?

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