bittybones fanfic cherry and...

By toothlesslover098

55K 1.4K 559

Cover does not I repeat DOES NOT belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owner I'm not saying anything els... More

Bittybones sum-up
Chapter 1
Bitty shop
Chapter 3
Little house and cooking
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5
Lexi and blindberry
Chapter 6
Jordie ref
Lexi's visit
Chapter 8 (not canon)
Chapter 8 (real chapter)
Have you seen him?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/THANK YOU
Chapter 12
I'm WHAT?!
Chapter 14
Heat That's not good
A/N Sorry
Ready for Halloween
Making Costumes
1K YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 18
Marissa's Visit
A/N Shipping??
Chapter 20
A little something for KimahriRae
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I have told a lie (kind of cannon)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N I'm Upset
Chapter 27
Chapter 29(NOT CANNON)
I haz found cute picture
Chapter 29(real)
3K woo!!!!
A/N New story
Another Update
Happy Birthday mom
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
AE Know who you are
Chapter 37
A/N Another Question
Savage love
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
AE (Alternate ending)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Hot Husband
Chapter 58

Chapter 19

661 17 3
By toothlesslover098

Hello everyone nice to see you guys again and I still can't believe that this story has 1.1k reads my mind is just blown that people are reading this it means so much to me and knows that I should keep writing more for all of you ^^ btw that's the scientist that kidnapped Jordie at the top. Creepy right but since Halloween is right around the corner creepy is good.

Chapter 19: Nightmares continue


While Jordie went to work she wasn't doing very well basically falling asleep whenever she was sitting one of her co-workers noticed and went up to ask her tapping her shoulder lightly making her jump "Jordie are you alright you don't look real good are you sick?" "no I'm fine *yawn* nothing to worry about" "no Jordie something is definitely wrong what is it" the co-worker demanded. Jordie sighed "it's because I'm having nightmares I can't sleep once I have the first one I'm to scared to go back to sleep so I stay up so I don't have to go through it again" "well at least try to get some rest tonight Jordie I don't want you to be sleepy all the time".

*Le TimeSkip*

Once Jordie got home she quickly fixed dinner for cherry, brass, and buster then just flopped down on her bed tired from not sleeping and the work she donned. Cherry noticed "mama are you okay?" he asked climbing up her bed Jordie held him up to her face "yeah sweetie just a little bit tired is all I just need some rest is all" she said kissing him on his skull "can I lay with you mama" ''sure but if you wake up before I do you can go watch some cartoons with brass in the TV room okay" "alright mama".

*Jordie's pov/dream*

It was pitch black I couldn't see a thing "hello is anyone there?" I asked then I heard footsteps again. I looked down again seeing the chain on my neck there was a light the scientist came into view again "g-get away from now!'' I threatened he slapped me "SHUT UP you worthless piece of trash" he ordered I growled "I got away from you once and I won't stop until I'm free again" "SHUT UP" he shouted this time with a whip he slashed my back "AHHHHHHHH" I screeched. He kept doing it over and over again I was soon bleeding on my back shaking I looked up he smirked "your mine and always will be. Such a naughty little pet disobeying her master" he then unhooked me from the chain being to weak I couldn't fight back.

Leading me to the table I cried this was it I was going to dye and no one was going to know it my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa no one will see me again. I started to hear a voice "mama it's okay wake up your alright" I couldn't recognize the voice I was to scared to remember anything. The scientist then got another needle with the serum in it ''nonononononononononon ... please no" I begged but he stuck it in me anyway I started to breath heavy my teeth were sharp to a point I tried to break free of the growling and hissing but the straps were to strong holding me back ''MA SNAP OUT OF IT" I heard another voice.


Brass was holding Jordie down with his magic she was trying to bite and snarled "MA SNAP OUT OF IT" he yelled but it looked like their mother was nowhere to be found inside her. "Mama please stop, your scaring us this isn't the mama know please" cherry begged Jordie suddenly stopped and calmed down going back to her regular peaceful sleep. "Brass I'm worried about mama what are we going to do" cherry said tears rolling down his face "Be there for her like she did for us" brass replied gently putting down Jordie on the couch.



Sorry it's short but it's real late where I'm at right now so I do hope you guys like it love you all bye~~<3

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