In The Line

Autorstwa tendivtwo

156 6 1

It's ten years before the 100 arrived on Earth. This is a story about what was happening on the ground at tha... Więcej

Touch The Sky
Ghost Of The Past
Best Laid Plans
Incoming Storm


8 1 0
Autorstwa tendivtwo

Fourth chapter here... Sorry if I made any mistakes, English is only my second language.

I will try and post a new chapter every week. There are six more.


"So, best case scenario we have to deal with three clans worth of Free-People. Right? "

"Worst case scenario?"

"Let's just say it'll be one of us for each one of them."

"So, what then?"

"Let's say two more fingers, Rale."

Trini was under the impression that bringing a map to their secret meeting site was too dangerous. That's why today, when they really needed it, they were forced to improvise. Several suggestions were made. They ended up using their hands. Trini was very familiar with the map of the known world. She spent many nights studying it, after all. And she had the skill required to arrange the seconds' fists in the proper way to represent a map. Then they would hold out fingers to represent the number of people. Each finger was five hundred.

"This isn't working, Trini." Luna looked at her friend in concern.

"I know. Even if only half of them had guns." Trini stepped back to think.

"We don't know how much ammo they have. Maybe they're short." Don tried to contribute.

"No, no. We need Azgeda to win. We have to acquire an Ice Nation representative." Trini spoke up.

"Not Ontari?" Luna asked.

"Ontari is too loyal to the Queen. Does anyone know someone else who we could trust?"

Everyone was quiet. Not a single hand in the air. The truth was Azgeda mostly couldn't be trusted. They didn't exactly try to make friends. Just like their Queen they didn't want anything to do with the other clans. They considered themselves special.

"Fine. We'll come back to that next time. Meeting adjourned." Trini gave everyone a hand signal and soon they were all clearing out of the room. By now they've learned that exiting at the same time arises too much suspicion, so they left the room in pairs until there was no one left but Trini, Lexa and Luna.

"You were great today, Trini. The opening speech was inspiring." Luna patted her best friend's back.

"I liked it, too." Lexa smiled.

"Well, I can make a thousand great speeches, but it wouldn't get us anywhere. We need someone to represent the Ice Nation or we're doing all of this for nothing. Isn't there anyone from there who has a normal relationship with Trikru?" Trini was looking desperate.

"I actually have a suggestion", Lexa just remembered there was one person from Azgeda that she didn't hate, "Roan. You should ask Roan."

"Prince Roan? Lexa, I appreciate you trying to help, but he is Nia's son. He would never go for it. Would you help someone work behind your mother's back?"

"I'm helping you." Lexa smirked.

"That's different. I'm your sister. I have no connection to Roan."

"But Anya has."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw them kiss. In the woods. They thought me and Costia couldn't see them, but I did."

"He must be the mystery man." Luna sounded excited.

"Lexa, I need you to be absolutely sure." Trini immediately saw an opportunity. She didn't like blackmail, but sometimes the end justifies the means. She already had a certain pull over Anya for that lie about abandoning Lexa and now she had this as well.

"I'm sure."

"Then that's settled."

"What will you do?" Luna asked.

"I am going to have a little chat with the Prince of Azgeda. And I need you to go and help Lincoln. He's asking around to see what the people think about the upcoming war. When you're done come to my room."

Luna and Lexa left the room. Trini started putting out all the torches they've used and slowly started climbing the stairs.

When you have the faith of every man in the 12 clans to worry about it's not uncommon that something slips your mind. It's easy to get distracted. In the last three days since these secret meetings started Trini has been quite forgetful. She's lost a couple of throwing knives here and there. She also skipped quite a few meals, since she just forgot about them. And now, she was supposed to be training with her master Indra. She wouldn't have remembered at all if Indra wasn't waiting for her at the top of the stairs from the basement.

"Enjoying our morning, are we?" Indra asked, calmly.

"Indra, I... I was just looking for my sister to send her on her training. I didn't mean to be late." Trini was so scared. If Indra was here for long she could have seen all the seconds and Nightbloods exit their meeting. This was trouble.

"I just saw Lexa and Anya walk pass me. Anyway, whether Lexa makes it to her training is not your concern."

"My sister is my concern." Trini wasn't letting up. She knew if she did Indra would know something was wrong. Trini had to be just as stubborn and disrespectful as she usually was if she planned to keep this secret.

"Fine then. Let's walk to the training room. That should give me enough time to think of a punishment for you."


Costia sat in a very uncomfortable chair. Across the table from her was Keni, general of Frikru and his two guards. All of them knew Costia wasn't supposed to be here. She was just ten years old, had no experience when it came to negotiating, wars or strategy. But yet, she was here talking to an enemy leader trying to prevent a war.

Since both Lexa and Trini were forbidden from leaving the tower, Costia was the one that had to go and talk to their father. He and his men were camping just out of town waiting for the Commander's answer to their request. For the first time the fact that Takoma payed very little attention to Costia was a good thing. The little girl managed to slip into the Frikru camp a number of times in these few days. As soon as she said Trini sent her Keni agreed to see her. Keni asked her to pass a lengthy apology to his daughters for him and also to tell him a little about each one of them. He also told Costia the real story of how Frikru came to be, hoping his daughters will change their views of the situation.

It went down like this. Two generations ago there was a real shortage of Nightbloods. The only one old enough to be the Commander was a really cruel, bothering on insane, man. He did as he pleased, so there were a lot of people who wanted him dead. There was also a group of people that though this was the right time to abandon this belief in the Commander's spirit and start choosing the wisest among them to lead. The Commander found out and tried to have that entire group killed. They escaped far, into the desert. There they joined with some wonderers who had some useful knowledge and Frikru was born. A clan of people committed to rebuilding humanity as it once was. Now, they take in children and adults who need a new home and teach them their ways. The recruitment is always voluntary. Keni himself was recruited by a Frikru member alongside other people and followed them into the desert.

Today, however, Costia was here to discuss peace between him and the Commander.

"So that is what you came here for? To ask for more time?" Keni stared at the little girl. He tried not to be rude since she was just the messenger, but the offer was unacceptable.

"Trini is trying to talk Heda into taking your offer. She was unsuccessful so far and she is asking for more time." Costia rocked her feet that hang from the high chair.

"It is very sweet of Trini to try and talk some sense into her mother, but unfortunately Takoma will never change. I will not waist another day here."

"One day isn't that long. And it could stop a war and save countless lives."

"I said no. I'm sorry. Tell my girls I am. But there's nothing I can do. Trini is skilled but she is not the Commander and has no power to stop this. I will wait here until sunset and then Frikru is at war."

Costia tried to say something, but couldn't form the sentence.

"You better get back home. It's almost time." Keni finished.


It was, indeed, time. Takoma knew what she had to do. She had to go face Keni, the man she once loved, one more time and tell him no. Like seeing him again after all these years wasn't hard enough, now she will have to go to war against him.

She walked through the halls of the tower like a ghost. She has already decided she won't accept his offer, but still she was thinking it over one more time. With the corner of her eye she saw Indra walking with her older daughter.

Takoma knew Indra for a long time. It's true they didn't always see eye to eye, but Indra was as loyal as a person could be. Neither one of them would go so far as to say they are friends. They just had respect for each other. Takoma felt like this would come easier to her if Indra was with her so she ordered her to leave Trini and accompany her outside the gates. Indra of course obeyed and Trini got her chance to talk to Roan.

She got lucky and found him in the tower fairly soon. Usually he was roaming about in the forest.

"I need to see you in private, Prince. Would you follow me to my room?" Trini approached the young man.

"I'm sorry, skaipeka [little bird]. You're not really my type." Roan smirked.

"Not that", Trini rolled her eyes, "Believe me. You want to hear this."

He was amused at how serious she was, so he followed her in hopes he'd get a laugh.

"What is it then?" Roan asked arrogantly once they were alone in her room.

"Yeah, what could we talk about? Maybe our mutual friends. That seems interesting." Trini walked in a circle around him.

"What mutual friends? I don't hang around with children."

"Not children, no. You're too busy with Anya."


"That's what you're going with. Who? That is bad..."

"Are you implying that I lied?"

"I am not implying anything. I am disappointed you're not a better liar. I will need you to lie for what comes next."

"Now when I think about it, I believe I once trained with someone named Anya."

"Just stop it, will you? Lexa saw you kissing. And my mother will believe her children, so I practically own you now."

"What do you want? And please say it's not a kiss."

"Oh, get over yourself. You're not that good-looking."

"So? What will it take to keep that mouth of yours shut?"

"Now, I need you to focus. What I am about to tell you is very important and secret."

"Fine, bluma [flower]. Talk. You have my undivided attention."

"After today we are at war with Frikru. The Commander is going into this war with no motive and no knowledge of the enemy. She didn't want to listen to my advice. So... I formed a small council out of the seconds and the Nightbloods. To see if it is indeed in the best interest of the coalition to fight this war. All we need is an Azgeda representative."

"So you want me to sneak behind my mother's back to cover up sneaking behind her back?"

"No. I want you to save lives by preventing a war with me."

Roan smirked. He never looked at Trini as more than just a child. A stupid little girl that got all the perks for being a Nightblood as well as the Commander's daughter. She was pretty, he couldn't deny her that and as he heard skilled at combat, but a military mind? No.

"Did I say something funny?" Trini was a bit offended by his attitude.

"I find it funny, that you like to play council with your little friends."

At that moment Costia entered the room followed by Lincoln and Luna. She was saying something in a hurry, but quickly shut up when she saw Roan standing there.

"No. Go ahead, Costia. He's one of us now. Tell us how the negotiation went." Trini shared a meaningful look with Roan. It's like she was teasing him.

"Well, the General listened to the offer and declined. He said that he knows how stubborn Takoma is and that no one can change her mind."

"You went to the General? Who are you anyway?" Roan was a bit confused. What kind of a leader would receive a little girl for negotiation?

Trini completely ignored the Prince and walked over to Costia, putting her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Did you try tearing up? Or crying? That had to work."

"I followed him out of the tent and burst into tears. I even told him you and Lexa were like sisters to me. Nothing. He only said if you were the Commander he'd reconsider. But, you're not." Costia stopped to take a breath.

"He only offered to help you escape and join Frikru." she continued.

"That will never happen. He can forget it.", Trini walked over to Lincoln, "Did you two have any more luck?"

"They're satisfied to finally stand up to Frikru." said Lincoln.

"We tried to ask around for someone that was starting a riot against the Commander, but there is no one. Everybody hates Frikru. They are ready to die fighting them." Luna sighed.

"That will change as soon as they see what we're dealing with. It's too late anyway. My mother is on her way there now. She'll tell the General her answer remains the same and that is it. He'll come back with an army."

Roan was listening carefully. He was beginning to think maybe he judged Trini too soon. She spoke like she was an experienced leader. Her people seemed to be devoted to her. Maybe she was serious about this.

"What is the plan, then?" He asked, finally with a serious expression on his face.

"Negotiation has failed. We're at war. I respect the Commander, but she is not taking this seriously. She has no idea what she's up against. We need to find out." Trini was feeling a change in his attitude.

"So you plan to take the Throne?"

"No. We help the Commander. Work in the shadows. We're mostly children. No one takes us seriously. We take advantage of that."

"How many men are on your side? How many can you trust?"

"Twenty, twenty-five at most. That is plenty for what I am trying to do."

"Well, you have me too now. And I'll talk to Anya. She always spoke highly of you."

"Now, has your mother said anything to you that we might find useful?"

"I regret having to tell you this, but as soon as your mother leaves Polis to fight Frikru, the Queen's army will storm the capital and take it for themselves." Roan felt a bit guilty, sharing that, but Anya's life was at stake. If the Commander found out, so would Nia. And she was capable of unspeakable things if she thought she was protecting her child.

"That is her plan? To take Polis?"

"Hold the capital, hold the state. That's what she always thought me."

"You will tell this to my council. Take Lincoln, find a secure place to meet and then find the other members."

"Your wish is my command, Strikheda [little commander]." Roan faked a bow and started walking out.

At that moment, Indra opened the door. She was expecting to find Trini, alone, getting ready for their training, but there she was with her sister's friend, a boy from Ton DC, the Floukru second and the Azgeda Prince. It didn't take a very smart person to tell this wasn't normal. They appeared to have been in the middle of a very serious discussion and stopped as soon as they saw her.

"What is happening here?" Indra raised her voice.

"We were just getting to know each other." Roan's annoying smirk came back.

"You listen to me Ice Nation scum; you have no right to be in a room belonging to the Commander's daughter. I will never see you near her again, is that clear?"

"Indra!" Trini yelled. Her master had a tendency to be overly-protective from time to time. This was one of those times.

Roan left immediately and the others soon followed. After calming down Indra finally gave Trini her punishment. Since Frikru left the capital she was now allowed to leave the tower. Her master gave her the usual punishment. There was a river, at the edge of Trikru territory. It was called the Purple River, because the rocks in it were all covered with purple algae. Trini had to bring one to Indra while it was still wet from the river.


Costia had to find Lexa and bring her to the meeting with Roan. The only problem was she didn't even know where to start looking. Luckily she soon heard the sound of swords clashing and followed it.

There she found Lexa sword fighting with Ontari in the middle of the hallway. There were a few guards watching and of course Queen Nia. First Costia was a bit scared for her best friend but soon realized they were fighting with dull swords.

Ontari was fighting very aggressively. She was trying hard, but totally forgetting defense. Lexa took advantage of that and "stabbed" her.

"Dead!" Lexa yelled and giggled.

"I should have known! You are pathetic! Of course you couldn't beat her. We will just have to harden your training." Nia immediately stood up and started pulling Ontari by her hand. The little girl looked really scared.

"I have a special punishment for you today." the Queen continued.

"Come on, Lexa. Trini needs us for another meeting." Costia walked over to her friend. Lexa was just looking in the direction Nia took Ontari.

"We must help her." Lexa said calmly.

"We must what?" Costia hoped she understood her friend wrong.

"Help Ontari. She fought well. She's improved since the last time we fought, but it doesn't matter to Nia. She'll punish her just because I'm better."

"That doesn't have anything to do with us."

"She's in the same position we were. We must help her, Costia. It's the right thing to do."


"He said to meet them here?" Luna asked worried.

"Yeah. Right here near the waterfall. I don't understand..." Lincoln was confused. He parted with Roan here and now there he was nowhere to be found.

"They'll come eventually. I think you and I finally have some alone time. And we deserve it.", Luna leaned in and kissed him, "We can start where we left of at the flower field."

Lincoln sat down on a rock close to the waterfall and Luna settled on his lap. They were taking turns kissing and gazing into each other's eyes. Luna felt so good with him. Like there was nothing else in the world.

"When you're done, we're all waiting." she heard Trini's voice. She suddenly opened her eyes and jumped off Lincoln when she saw Trini standing next to them.

"Aren't you supposed to be half way to the Purple River by now?" Luna pulled herself together.

"Even if we didn't have more important things to do, I wouldn't go. I always have a few of them here. Just in case."

"Smart. I don't see the others. When are they coming?"

"Follow me." Trini walked into the waterfall from the side and disappeared. Luna followed and then Lincoln. Inside was almost everyone standing in a circle around Roan and Anya. The two of them were holding hands.

"This is..." Luna started. She's never even thought about being behind a waterfall, but it was absolutely beautiful and private, which they needed.

"Majestic? Roan's idea." Trini interrupted.

"It's kind of our spot." Roan looked at Anya and smiled.

"He was just telling us about his mother's plan to take Polis. But you've already heard it. I just wonder where Lexa and Costia are." Trini frowned.

"As I was saying", Roan continued where he left off before the interruption, "The coalition is threatened by Nia and by the General. Personally, I think we better focus on Frikru, because I don't think there is any way we could convince my mother to be on the same side as the Commander."

The crowd turned to Trini.

"I agree with the Prince. We must come up with a strategy how to defeat them. I already have a plan in motion so you have no reason to worry. We will discuss this further tomorrow. The only thing you need to know is that since an hour ago we're at war with Frikru." Trini finished and the children slowly started leaving.

"You don't have a plan, do you?" Roan whispered to her.

"Oh, shut up."


Ontari kom Azgeda was a pretty fearless little girl. The only thing that absolutely terrified her were great heights. That is exactly why Nia chose to punish her by locking her in a very small room near the top of the tower that was missing a wall. Ontari had to stand inches from a fairly big fall. Nia, not unlike Takoma, loved using children's fears to punish them.

There was even a guard posted in front of the room to make sure Ontari is properly punished. He was bored out of his mind, of course. If he wasn't required to stand he would sure be asleep by now. He was day-dreaming a bit when something hard hit his head. He turned around to look for the source of his pain and saw Lexa standing not that far away, holding a bunch of rocks. She didn't run when she was seen. She threw another rock, hitting his forehead.

"Stop it! I know who you are. You think just because the Commander is your nomon I won't punch you?" he asked as his face turned all red with anger.

"That's what I think." Lexa smiled and threw another rock.

"Come here you little..." He tried to grab her but she quickly started running away laughing. He started chasing her and soon both of them were out of this hall. Then Costia walked over from the other side and leaned on the door he was guarding.

"Are you all right in there Ontari?" Costia asked.

"No..." Ontari's voice was quiet and tremoring. You could easily tell that she's been crying.

"Well, I'm going to get you out." Costia stepped back and started kicking the lock on the door with a big rock. It broke almost instantly and the door opened. Ontari ran out still sobbing.

"You're safe now." Costia put a hand on her shoulder.

"I didn't ask for your help." Ontari answered.


In the meantime that guard was still chasing Lexa all through the tower. Lexa was just too fast for him. Unfortunately she slipped and fell. By the time she got up he was already pulling her hand. She tried to break free, but couldn't. This surely wasn't a part of the plan. Next, he raised her a few inches from the floor holding her by her shoulders and pinned her to a wall.

"You are going to pay for that." he said.

Lexa was scared, but didn't scream, or change her expression. She was not going to give him the satisfaction.

"What do you think you're doing, man? Put her down this instant!" Takoma was just walking by when she saw an Ice Nation warrior attacking her younger daughter.

"Commander, I... I didn't... She..." he let go of Lexa.

"I might not be the Commander of Azgeda but you will not come to my home and attack my children. Are you hurt, Lexa?"

"I'm fine, nomi. It was a misunderstanding." Lexa smiled.

"There better not be another one. Or I'll have your head decorating the gates to Polis." Takoma turned to the man.

He nodded and went back to his post without saying a word.


Later Takoma returned to her chamber to find Trini there waiting for her.

"You wish to speak to me?" Takoma took off her shoulder guard.

"I do. It's about-" Trini started but was interrupted.

"Help me with this, would you?"

"Sure, mother." Trini approached her and started taking off the Commander's armor.

"How was the meeting with dad?" The younger woman continued.

"I wouldn't call it a meeting. I walked up to their camp and said I'm not going to fight against the Mountain with him. That is all."

"I meant how are you feeling? Dad leaving and all?"

"Trini. You know that Heda must never let emotions dictate her actions." Takoma said that, but today was difficult for her. A part of her wanted to share that with Trini. And just cry on her shoulder for a while. But she couldn't allow it. Anyway, now that Keni was gone she was finally getting her emotions back into balance.

"Of course I do."

"What did you want to ask me?"

"It's about Indra. I am seventeen years old, mother, and still follow her around like I'm a child. I believe I am far too old to still be a second. I am a skilled warrior and I think I don't require a master anymore." Trini knew she won't be able to sneak around without Indra finding out for much longer. She needed to distance herself from her.

"You are the Main Natblida. You'll be the Commander's second until my death, when you'll likely succeed me. As for Indra. If you are no longer a second, you must pick a second. That is the offer."

"But mother, usually a warrior has a few years to gain experience and only then is he given a second."

"You are not any warrior. You are a Nightblood and you can't just do nothing for a few years. Be a second or be a master. Your choice."


Trini was furious. How dare her mother create special rules just for her? Now if she wants to stop Indra from checking on her every day, she will have to have a little kid following her around. It was a nightmare. She had to think carefully about her next move. She stepped into her room, hoping to have some quiet time to ponder, but her room was already occupied. Lexa and Costia were lying on the floor around a board with colorful stones on it. It was a game Trini invented. There was someone else with them. Trini didn't believe her eyes. It was Ontari! Ontari was in her room, playing with her sister.

"Lexa, Costia, a word please." Trini said calmly. The girls followed her out of the room.

"Why is Ontari in my room? What is happening?" She asked once they were outside in the hall.

"Nia was torturing her. Making her stay in that room with no outer wall. We had to." Lexa explained.

"Had to what? What did you do?"

"We broke her out."

"You... Did anyone see you?"

"No, Trini. We had to help her. Second to second. Like you always say. We have to be there for each other."

"I know what I always say. But getting between the Ice Queen and her second? We could be in serious trouble."

"I told her." Costia was beginning to regret listening to Lexa.

"Doesn't matter now anyway. What is done is done." Trini turned around and entered the room. She sat down on the floor opposite Ontari and looked at her.

"Are you hurt?" she asked seeing a stream of black blood pouring from the girl's forehead.

"No. Not really. Every time I disappoint my Queen she draws the symbols on my face one more time." Ontari answered.

"With her knife?" Costia was horrified. How could someone be so cruel?

"Yes. She says I should be honored. One day the scars will symbolize my hard training." Ontari touched her wounds.

Trini looked at them too. She always had a soft spot for children.

"My mother used to hurt me too." She lifted her shirt and showed Ontari the scars on her back. They weren't kill marks. They were reminders of the time her mother cut her and burned her. Maybe they weren't so different.

"What did you do?" Ontari leaned in to look at the scars more closely. Trini had quite a number of them. Many of them overlapped and looked very deep.

"Mostly nothing. She wanted to make me strong. This is from a sharp piece of metal," Trini pointed to a particular scar, "and this one is from a burning metal shaft."

"I got that one the first time she caught me kissing a boy," Trini continued, "She called me weak. But I am not. I know that now. And you are not either. You're not alone in this."

Trini took Ontari's hand since she saw she had the girl's full attention and admiration at the moment. Ontari looked over to Lexa.

"Did your mother ever-" Ontari started.

"No. She tried to punish Lexa once. With some kind of whip. But I jumped in the way and took the punches for her. I'd never let anyone hurt my sister," Trini removed her shirt from her shoulder and showed yet another scar, "That's why this is the one I'm most proud of. I took it to protect someone. This one means something. It represents love, not hate."

Ontari didn't know what to say to that. She looked up and down the older girl's back and wondered if that is what she'll have to go through too.

"Now, how long were you supposed to be locked in there?" Trini asked.

"An hour."

"This is what you do. You can stay here until the time comes. No one will look for you here, it's safe. Then you will find the guard and tell him you won't tell Nia he lost you if he doesn't tell her you escaped."

"But I can't lie to the Queen."

"Listen to me. Second to second. Nothing bad will happen if you don't tell her about one little thing. You have a chance at becoming Commander one day, just like us. You have to learn to think for yourself. Be your own person. You are a Natblida, that means Nia doesn't have the right to control you and neither does anyone else."


Thins important to the plot:

- Trini's "council" gets Roan and Anya

- Trini is offered to get a second of her own

- Frikru and the Coalition are at war!

- Nia is planning to attack Polis while Takoma is fighting Frikru

- Lexa and Costia are befriending Ontari

Hope you're enjoying the story...

Czytaj Dalej

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