Life After Pain

By diggys__bae_

94.7K 3.1K 401

Sequel To 'Trying To Love Again (A Diggy Simmons And Yn FanFic)'. More

Life After Pain
So, We Meet Again
Meeting Up
So What Happens Next?
The Couples (Short Chapter)
Not What I Expected: Part 1
Not What I Expected: Part 2
Moving Day
Chicago Tribune
Recruit #1
You Did What?!
Short Chapter
The Return
"Like You're Saying Goodbye"
Saving Daniel

Recruit #2

4.8K 163 31
By diggys__bae_

Yn's POV

*Two Days Later*

I put makeup on my bruises and dropped DJ off at school and came back home. I haven't talked to Diggy yet, and I know I need to. I walked in and saw him laying down upstairs watching TV.

"Diggy" I said still sanding in the doorway. He ignored me. "Diggy" I repeated. He still ignored me.

I walked into the room completely and turned the TV off, putting my hands on my hips. He sighed. "What was that for, Yn?"

"Because I know you heard me talking to you, so don't ignore me."

He sat up in the bed and had his shirt off. Dammmmnnnn. Lord knows I wanted to hop on him right now but I was still angry that he had ignored me.

"What's the point?"

I looked confused. "The point of what?"

"Even trying."

I sat down on the bed next to him. "What do you mean?"

"I try my hardest to get to you, and it still isn't enough. I try to stick up for you and be there for you as much as possible. But there's no getting through to you. So, tell me Yn. What's the point?"

I sighed and looked him straight in the eye. "I'm sorry to make you feel this way, Dig. I really am. It just comes natural for me to push people away because of my trust issues."

"I know it is, Yn. That's why I'm trying to be there for you again. Just open up to me. Please."

I thought about it for a moment. "Okay, Dig."

He smiled and gave me a hug. I feel so safe in his arms. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Dig" I said.

He let go and looked me in the eyes. "Really? You love me again?"

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes."

His smile got even wider as he gently kissed me on the lips. Everything was perfect.

*9 Hours Later*

I went to pick DJ up. I signed him out and helped him gather his things. He looked upset. "What's wrong, DJ?"

He sighed. "This boy keeps bullying me."

I felt my anger growing. "What's his name?"

"Joshua. He's always messing with me and calling me names."

I grabbed his hand and walked over to his teacher. "Excuse me, Mrs. Thompson?"

She turned and looked at me with a smile. "Hello, Miss Yn. What can I do for you?"

"DJ is telling me that he's being bullied by another boy. Do you know anything about this?"

Her face creased with concern. "No, I honestly don't. Who is he being bullied by?"

"A little boy named Joshua."

"Oh yes, I know who you're talking about, however I've never seen any sign of bullying. Would you like to schedule an appointment to see if anything can be worked out with his parent?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, that's actually a great idea. Or is his mom coming to pick him up? I can talk to her today if it's not an issue with anyone."

"Um, I'm not sure. Feel free to wait here and see if you'd like."

I nodded my head and grabbed DJ's hand. We sat in two empty seats. A few minutes later, a very familiar looking girl with blue hair walked through the door.

"Hi Mrs. Thompson. I'm here to pick up Joshua today."

She nodded. "He's right over there. However, a parent would like to speak to you. It concerns bullying going on between your son and hers. She would like to talk to you today if you don't mind."

She glanced over in my direction and glared at me. That's when I saw who it was. Zonnique. I haven't seen her since we fought four years earlier.

She turned back to Mrs. Thompson. "Okay, that's fine."

"Would you like a private room to talk in?"

"I guess" she replied. She got Joshua's stuff together and told him to sit down and wait for her. Then she turned in my direction. "Whenever you're ready."

I got up from my seat. Mrs. Thompson led us into a private room. Before leaving she closed the door. Zonnique and I sat in a seat across from each other.

"Yn, Yn, Yn" Zonnique began. "Long time, no see."

I rolled my eyes with a big sigh. "We aren't here to talk about the past, Zonnique."

"And why not? Now's the perfect opportunity."

I shook my head. "Not with how heated I am already. DJ told me that Joshua is bullying him."

She shrugged her shoulders and put a smirk on her face. "I haven't heard anything about it."

"But that doesn't mean it's not true" I said feeling my blood boil.

She leaned over a little bit. "I don't believe my son would bully DJ. He's the sweetest thing I know."

"Well, I know DJ would never lie to me. Especially about being bullied. He's never talked about bullying until now."

She must've ignored everything I said. "DJ stands for Daniel Jr., doesn't it?"

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?"

She sighed. "Oh, nothing. It just reminds me of the time we... ya know."

I rolled my eyes. "Let's get back on topic."

She ignored what I said again. "Of course, you two were together at the time."

"He was also drunk and out of his right mind, too" I countered.

She rolled her eyes. "A few days after we fought-"

"It wasn't a fight because if it was, it would've been clean and equal. You got your ass beat, end of story."

She rolled her eyes again. "I found out I was pregnant. Of course, the first person that came to mind was Diggy, who had disappeared at the time."

Me eyes widened. "So, what you're saying is, Joshua is Diggy's son, too?"

"I wish."

"So, who's his dad?" I asked, ignoring what she just said.

"A guy I had sex with a month before I had sex with Diggy. Before I even went to Frenton Prep with you guys."

How can someone not feel like a slut after doing something like that? I rolled my eyes. "Now can we get back on topic?"

She ignored me once again and smirked. "Have you seen on him 106 & Park? Or heard his song on the radio? He left all of you guys just for that life of luxury."

"For your information, he's back" I said through gritted teeth. "And what happened is none of your business, smart ass."

"Just because he's back doesn't mean he wants to be with you."

I felt myself getting frustrated. "Zonnique, he never wanted to be with you. If he did, don't you think you guys would have been together after the sex? Whether he was drunk or not? But did that happen? No. It's been four years and he still doesn't want yo desperate, thirsty ass. We have a son together that he wants to be there for. When are you going to get that past yo colorful ass hair and yo thick ass skull?!"

Her face grew with obvious anger. "Are you just jealous because he's back in Chicago with another girl preggo? Or maybe it's just the fact that your little 'relationship' with Justin didn't last very long. I mean, come on. Everyone's seen that article about you in the Chicago Tribune and those bruises are obviously noticeable. Or you could just be bitter that I slept with him while you two were together."

I kept my calm and countered what she said. "Yeah, Zonnique. All of that did happen. But let's get the rest of the story in. Desiree isn't even pregnant with his baby! She cheated! Who's living with him now, as we speak, taking care of our son? Who's the one he just told this morning and every other day that he's been back that he loved her? Me or you? Oh, and for the record, I'll never let a slut like you make me bitter."

She stood up and I felt her hand slap across my face. That was it. I literally jumped over the table onto her and knocked her over. I started punching her in her face and all she did was slap me once and pull my hair. Mrs. Thompson, along with a few security guards broke us up after struggling for a few seconds.

Zonnique got up with her nose bleeding and lip her busted. I came out with no damage at all.

"Bitch don't you ever hit me again!" I yelled. "You're lucky they came and saved yo skittle lookin' ass or the damage would've been much worse! Trust me."

She wiped a little bit of the blood off her nose. She just glared at me and remained silent. The guards gave her some ice.

I struggled since the guard didn't let me go. "Let me go so I can get my damn son!" Zonnique sat down in the chair and pretended to just stay calm but a few seconds later, she tried to run up on me. Weak much? I punched her right in the eye off reflex and the guards broke us up again. This time her eye was swollen too.

"Zonnique, don't you ever learn your lesson? Tell your son to stop bullying DJ. And next time, keep your damn mouth shut!" And with that, I walked out.

I grabbed DJ's hand and drove him home.

"Mommy, why did Joshua's mom have a bloody nose? And why was there so much yelling and bumping?"

I blushed with embarrassment. I should've handled the situation better for his sake. "Mommy went a little overboard..."

"Huh?" he asked in confusion. He wanted me to clarify more.

I changed the subject. "Do you want ice cream before we go home?"

He nodded his head with excitement. "Yes! Oh and did Mrs. Thompson tell you? I get to skip two grades and get into advanced placement classes, that is, if you want me too.."

My face beamed. My baby is so smart! "Of course I want you to, DJ. But, I think it's best if you just skip to first grade. The school year just started so I want to make sure you understand everything before you skip all the way to second grade. Do you agree?"

He nodded his head. "You're right. That is very logical explanation that you just produced and I definitely agree with everything you just said."

''Logical explanation?'' I giggled a little bit. "Are you sure you're four?"

"Why yes, I'm quite sure.. unless you're hiding something that I should know..."

I laughed. "No, I'm not hiding anything from you, DJ. Even if I was you'd find out. What kind of ice cream do you want?"

"Hmmm" he said. "It appears that I'm torn between the two. I want vanilla, but I also want chocolate. What do you think I should do about this predicament?"

I giggled again. "Get whichever one you want, DJ."

After another moment he spoke up again. "I suppose I should go for chocolate.. Yes, that's what I choose. Chocolate ice cream."

I smiled and shook my head. I ordered his chocolate and ordered vanilla with sprinkles for myself. We sat on the bench outside of the ice cream parlor and ate everything. We threw our trash away and drove home.

We walked through the door and Diggy looked at me strange and sat down on the couch. "Hey you two. DJ, can you go upstairs for me while mommy and daddy talk?"

He nodded his head. "Sure. I'll be reading if you need me." He went upstairs and we heard him close a door a little bit, but not all the way.

"Hey baby" I said as I straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What's wrong? What do you want to talk about?"

He had a serious look on his face. "DJ's school called today. Yn, what the hell were you thinking? You could've gone to jail!"

I smacked my lips and took my arms from around his neck. "That bitch slapped me first! And her son is bullying DJ! Zonnique hasn't changed one bit! I swear-"

"What did you just say?" he asked, lost in thought.

"Which part? How I said Zonnique hasn't changed?"

"Zonnique is the mother you fought?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah... I thought they told you. Why is it so important?"

"Her son... he isn't-"

"No, her son isn't yours" I said, answering his question. "She had sex with a guy month before she did with you. That's who she was pregnant by."

He sighed with relief. He stared at me. "Damn" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're just so beautiful" he said.

I blushed. He leaned forward and gently kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck again as he sat back on the couch, not breaking the kiss. The kiss got deeper and deeper until the doorbell rang.

"Dammit!" he yelled as I got off his lap so he could answer the door. "There's always an interruption! Damn!"

I giggled as I pulled out my phone and got on Instagram. I took a selfie and it had 699 likes a few seconds afterward. I was scrolling through my timeline when I heard Diggy talking.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in irritation. Who was at the door? I couldn't hear who was there, but I heard Diggy speak up again. "Look, you need to go."

I walked over and peeked behind him. "Oh hellll no! What the hell is she doing here?!"

Desiree's POV

"Bitch, you're not apart of any if this" I responded as Yn came behind Diggy.

"Bitch? Did you really just call me a bitch? Let me show you what this 'bitch' can do." She started taking off her earrings and putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Yn, baby, you need to calm down" Diggy said, holding her back. After she calmed down, she glared at me and walked away. I narrowed my eyes at her. I don't know who the hell that person was that I was talking to at the club, but one thing's for sure: I can't wait for this hoe to get out of the picture.

"Diggy, I have Janay's test results" I said after an awkward silence.

He put his hand up and shook his head. "I don't want to hear that shit! I already know she's not mine. She looks nothing like me!"

I rolled my eyes. "No, she isn't yours. But, I still need your help as far as money goes. I don't have a dime."

He shook his head. "Not my problem."

"Can I at least come in so we can sit down and talk about this like adults?"

He shrugged his shoulders and extended the door so I could come in. I sat on the couch and Yn sat on the couch next to Diggy. She glared at me the whole time. Ugggh.

"Does she have to be here?" I asked him with attitude.

"Yes, bitch, I do" she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, Diggy. Be reasonable. You and I both know I don't have any money. I got laid off today so times are harder than before. I can't live with my mom all my life and now I have a daughter to take care of."

He sighed heavily. "Why are you asking me and not Hassan?! He's the father!"

I chuckled. "Hassan doesn't have anything either."

He sighed and went through his pockets. Everything was going well until Yn opened her mouth. "So, you're really about to give her the money that easily?! That baby isn't even yours!"

I scoffed. "And just how do you know DJ is his?"

She looked really pissed. "I only had sex with Diggy once during the relationship, the months add up, not to mention they look exactly like each other and that I was faithful throughout the relationship."

"Yn, you don't have to explain anything to her. No, Desiree, I'm not giving you money."

"What?! You weren't opposed to anything until she started running her damn mouth!"

"Bitch, do you have an issue you need to settle? Because we can handle it right here, right now."

I narrowed my eyes at her. Without hesitation, I pounced on her and slapped her. I only got two hits in when she had flipped me off of her and got on top of me. She kept punching me in my face harder and harder.

"What the fuck?! Yn! Desiree! Stop it!" Diggy kept yelling while trying to break us up.

Yn kept hitting me harder and harder. I never knew she had hands like this! I tried blocking my face but it didn't work at all. Diggy finally got her off of me and I struggled to me feet. I threw a shoe at her, causing her to break free from Diggy and pound my face in again. Diggy got her off of me and pinned her onto the couch.

I felt my nose bleeding heavily and my eye was swollen. My lip was busted, too. I staggered up to my feet again.

"This isn't over bitch!" I yelled as I walked out the door.

Yn's POV

These hoes never learn. But, until they do, I'll be more than happy to beat some ass!

Diggy pinned me on the couch until he heard Desiree's car pull off. "Yn, what is with you?"

I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean, Diggy?"

"Two fights in one day? Four years ago, this would've been normal. But now, we're 20 with a son! You can't keep doing this!"

I stood up. "My son is worth fighting for. You are too. That's why I constantly get into it with these hoes! I'm not gonna let anyone disrespect me or y'all."

He stood up next to me. He was so talk compared to me! I was at least 5'3 and he was at least 6'1. "I understand that. But it's time for both of us to grow up."

"I am grown up! I'm a grown ass woman!"

"Acting like the 16 year old you were four years ago."

"Like I said, i don't care about what might happen. Im always going to fight for y'all."

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too" I said with a big smile.

He grabbed my hand. We checked in DJ's room and he was asleep with a book in his hand. We walked into our room and...

Zonnique's POV

I was walking out of the grocery store, covering up my face. I feel just as stupid as I did four years ago. Yn was right. I shuddered as I remembered everything Diggy had said to me the day before he disappeared.


I saw Diggy walking up and took it as the perfect opportunity to talk to him. "Hey bae" I said to him.

"Zonnique, I'm not your 'bae'! I never have been and I never will be! You ruined my relationship with Yn. I loved her more than life itself! And you fucked it up for me! I don't even want to look at you right now." He started to walk off.

I grabbed his arm, hurt by his words. "But, Daniel, I thought-"

"No! You weren't thinking, and if you were, it was only about yourself! I don't give a fuck about what you have to say Zonnique! I really don't. Yn is pregnant with my child, and now she wants nothing to do with me because of your little scheme." he said to me. He tried to walk away but I pulled his arm again.

I started crying. "Daniel, you don't mean that! I know you don't!"

He snatched my arm away from me, causing me to flinch. "Let me repeat myself. I don't like you, I never have liked and I never will like you. I don't want anything to do with you. I just want for you to leave me alone! I don't want you to talk to me, touch me, look at me, or even think about me! So just leave me the fuck alone. Fuck off!" And with that, he walked off.


I was so embarrassed that day. I felt the lowest of the low and the weakest of the weak. I was loading my car and closed the trunk when I felt something hard hit my head. After that everything went black.

I woke up later with a huge headache. I saw that I was sitting in a chair with my hands and feet tied up. Where am I?

I had to squint to get my vision correct again. I saw a guy, I assume, with all black and a mask on. He was walking up to me.

I looked around. "Where am I? And who are you? Why am I here?!"

He looked at me. "You want to be with Diggy, right?"

I thought about everything that happened and shook my head. "Not anymore" I mumbled.

He continued to stare at me. "What about Yn? Do you wanna get back at her? From the looks of it, she took care of whatever problem y'all were having."

I glared at him and thought about it. "Welll.... that would be nice. But why does it matter? It's not like you can help."

He chuckled lightly. "You underestimate my power. I have the perfect way to get back at Yn. You just have to agree."

"What's in it for me?"

"The chance for you to get the revenge on Yn that you deserve."

I nodded. "I'm in. What's the plan? And if I don't know who you are and where we're at, how will we meet up?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. I have my ways to stay in contact with you."

"So... what you're saying is you've been watching me?" I asked, worried and creeped out.

He nodded. "Not for a long time, though."

"Can I help get two other people? I know the perfect people who would want to get back at Minnie and Taylor, too."

He nodded. "Sure, I don't care. As long as they don't blow our cover."

"Soooo.... when can I leave?" I asked, remembering that I was still tied up.

"I can't let you see where we are, so just be calm with what I'm about to do." He put a blindfold over my eyes and carried me outside, still tied up. He opened the trunk and put me inside.

Once we got back to the grocery store, he opened the trunk and untied me. He helped me out and closed the trunk again. "Oh" he said, "don't tell anyone about this."

I nodded. "My lips are sealed."

Finally, I can get back at Yn.

??? POV

Finally, the team is almost together. We still have to lay low for a while though.
Do you have any idea who ??? may be? Comment who you think it may be. Vote 👍, Comment 💬, & Share 📱📲

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