Phantom of Love (PhanFiction)

By RaddyMaddy

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19 yr. old Madelyn or Maddy for short had her life planned out... or her parents planned it out. She goes to... More

Chapter 1 ~ Welcome to Paris
Chapter 3 ~ The Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 4 ~ Bed of Roses
Chapter 5 ~ Halloween
Chapter 6 ~ Music of the Night
Chapter 7 ~ Bleeding Hearts
Chapter 8 ~ Falling Snow
Chapter 9 ~ Christmas Bleeding
Chapter 10 ~ Christmas Roses
Chapter 11 ~ Something evil is coming
Chapter 12 ~ New Years Eve Surprise
Chapter 13 ~ The Phantom's Story
Chapter 14 ~ Come What May
Chapter 15 ~ The Point Of No Return
Chapter 16 ~ Wedding
Chapter 17 ~ A little bun in the oven
Chapter 18 ~ Forever Loved

Chapter 2 ~ Whispers in the Dark

5.1K 99 41
By RaddyMaddy

Phantom of Love

All right reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy


Maddy's POV.

During dinner I sat down with my new friends at a table, getting to know each other. Caroline, Zoe, Sylvia, Olivia, Augustus, & Leo.

"What's life in America like?" Said Leo. All the girls came in close to me. What's so great about America?...Well it's called "land of the free, home of the brave, land of opportunity." And it's a huge country with 50 states & all, but yeah I guess it's pretty cool.

"Well it's just like any other people would of it. It's awesome! Where I'm from we get snow ALL THE TIME!!! Goes tile the end of November to March or April. Lovely during the spring, really hot during the summer. The people are friendly, lots of open fields, forest, & more. I've kinda miss it, but I like it here too." I said still smiling, remembering all of the good time I had when I was young.

"Do you have any sisters?" Said Caroline

"I do! I'm the middles one in my family, but they treat me like I'm the youngest. My older sister is a doctor in Brazil, while my younger sister is still living with my parents, still in High School. I had fun with them when I was young, their always by my side, protect me when people would pick on me. I was bullied a lot when I was young, but my sisters will always have my back, but now...I have to learn to defend myself with or without them."

"That's a cute story, but you don't have time for stories. You are here to clean, MAID!!!" Said the snotty blond girl, hold her tray of food along with 2 other girls. Back in my home town we call those popular girls who think their the queen of the schools "plastics" And she's 100% a plastic. So I just ignore her & kept on eating my food. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"No. It's just I don't have time to talk to trash like you." I said giving her a threatening look. She was speechless, didn't know what to say. That's good maybe she'll go away. "Now how about you go run along while I can eat my food in peace, talking to my REAL friends instead of your little puppets following you where ever you go." The girl was still speechless, then huffed, & walked away along with her puppets too.

As I turned around to eat my food all of the girls stared at me in ahh. "Uhh... Do I have something on my face?"

"'s just...No one has ever stand up against Julian & her...puppets."

"Well...someone has to stand up right?" I said putting food in my mouth. All of the girls smiled at e & we all laughed & went on with the rest of the night.


I walked back to my room when I was stopped my plastic lady. "I've heard that you were making fun of my daughter."


"Well you listen here you little snip if you ever talk back to my daughter or even steal her spot light? I'll throw you OUT ON THE STREET!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" She said as my back was against the door. I was quiet for a moment when she slapped me across the face, I fell to the floor, hold my hand to my face. "I make...myself clear?"

"Y-yes manquer..." I said getting up, still holding my hand to my face trying not let out my tears.

"Good...Goodnight maid. I'll see you at the stage with your new job." She said as she walked away into the darkness. I opened the door to my room, locked it, ran over to my bed, & cried in my pillow.

I cried myself to sleep.


Erik's POV.

Back in my lair I wrapped a black ribbon on a red rose. Then I walked over to my desk, grabbed a piece of note paper, & wrote something on it. After I was done I put on my cape & headed up to the stairs. When I was at the mirror I opened it, stepped inside her room when I heard Lady Manquer walking to Madelyn. I crapped up to the door, placed my ear to the door. "If you ever talk to my daughter like that or even steal her spot light?! I'll throw you OUT ON THE STREET!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" There was no response when I heard a loud slap on the face, my heart jumped out of my chest. "I make...myself clear?"

"Y-yes manquer..." My heart dropped when I heard Madelyn in pain, it really makes me want to hang someone. Then the door started to open I quickly ran back to the mirror, closed it, & walked her come in. I saw her beautiful cheeks all red, & puffy from the slap. She ran over to her bed & cried in her pillow.

This makes my heart feel like it's being stabbed 70 times in the chest. I waited when she was sleep. I quietly opened the mirror, walked over to her dresser, places the note & rose on it. I then walk slowly up to the bed where Madelyn was sleeping ever so peaceful, I wish I could just look at her like this forever. I run over to my lair to grab something, came back, laid her the soft sheets that smelled like roses in the spring time, softest velvet ever to be made.

I cover her with the sheet, because she was being to shake from the coldness inside the room. They haven't put in the heater in here after they rebuilt my opera house. After I cover her with the sheet, I looked down at her, smile at her beautiful face when her iphone rang. I quickly ran back into the mirror, stood there watching as Madelyn woke-up.

Maddy's POV.

I woke-up from my phone ringing at 5:10 in the FREAKEN morning>:( I slowly got up, & answered my phone. "H-hello?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Hhhheeeeyyyy!!! How's my favorite sister doing in Paris?!" It was Emily my oldest sister calling me at 5 in the FREAKEN morning>:( I'm not an early bird, okay! I get really crabby when it comes to waking me up this early in the morning.

"Hey Emily. Paris is good so far. I got a job at the Opera Populair." I said still rubbing my eyes.

"Oohh!♥ At the Paris Opera Populair, where the Phantom of the Opera lives!♥" Said Emily. When I was 12 yrs. old I read a book called "The Phantom of the Opera". It was my favorite book of all times, & it still is, but I know that it's not real... I wish it was real though, but it's just a story.


"So what's your job? What do you do besides drawing it for college?!"

"Well...I'm a...cleaner or what they call me...maid."


"Yeah I know."

"Well it's not that bad. It could be worse? Anyway, how are you? Are you feeling depressed from the whole break-up with Sam?" I paused for a second thinking of the bad back flash of that night when Sam almost rape me. I never told anyone about it, but Emily because she's the only person who's mostly by my side & also my best friend. I told her that Sam almost rapped me when I escaped from his house & got home. Luckily no one was home, but Emily, I told her everything & she called the police or her boyfriend, Mike who was a officer. Go Mike!!!

I know that it's been 3 yrs. but every night I wake-up from nightmares of that night & I still do today, I was sent to the hospital for 4 weeks for the injuries, & another week at another hospital that I had to go to talk to a consular. My parents thought it was a good idea to send me to Paris for a college credit, they called my college & they said it was okay so that's how I got into Paris. "Uhh...Maddy?"

"Oh sorry. Yeah I'm fine. Everything is good. Well I should hang-up right know, because I have to work first thing in the morning."

"Oh okay, ttyl (talk to you later):)"

"Bye..." After I hang-up. I put my phone on the nightstand, walked over to my dresser for my sleeping pills. Still have jet-legs. Then I saw a rose with a black ribbon, & a note right next to it. So I sat down on a stole & read the note.

"Dear Manquer Madelyn,

I welcome you to my opera house. I hope that you made here more...welcoming. Sorry for Manquer's action, she can be a royal pain my the butt, but you'll get use to her. Oh & her daughter is nothing, but a toad along with her...what you called them..."puppets" Nice one there by the way. I'm sure you have already heard or heard about me, they call me The Phantom. Don't worry I don't bite. My dear, it would be my pleasure if I was able to meet you personally.

Yous truly,

My breath quickened. The Phantom of the Opera wanted to meet me? "I thought it was just a story?!" I said out load.

"Oh no. I'm totally real as you are." Said a rough, & yet calm voice.

My head turns to the door. "Who said that?" I said looking all over the room.

"Who am I you ask? Well I'm just a voice or your imagination." He or it was playing with me. What a charm it is.

"Haha very funny. Now tell me who you really are?" No answer.

"You are so naive my petit bourgeon rose." Did he really just call me a "little rose bud"?!

My head then slowly turned to face the mirror & then I saw blue with a bit of yellow in it's eyes. I tried to scream, but I cover my mouth so I won't wake-up anyone. I stumbled with the stool & as I turned to run, a black leather glove covered my mouth. Then another hand grabbed my torso & held me against their body in attempt to keep me still.

I'm stronger then I look. That's for living in Minnesota with 2 sisters who wrestle me every 2 seconds. I refused to go down with out a fight. I struggled to free myself from the clutches of the person & I trust my elbow to his stomach with all the force I could muster. He grunted & bent a bit but he held onto me still tight.

Finally a rag was being held to my nose, but before he could put the rage I started to cry really loud. So he put the rage away, but covered my mouth, & sat down my bed with me on his lap. He put my head against his chest. I could hear his heart beat beating fast from the little fight I did. I still cried for a little bit, when he said. "'s okay my petit bourgeon rose. I won't hurt you, I'll never hurt you." I stopped crying, try to look up to see his face.

When I saw his face my whole face turned into fear, but something...I don't what it was? He had black hair slicked back complimented his piercing yellowish-blueish eyes. His face was half covered with a white mask. It can't can't!!! It's impossible!!! My heart was beating really fast, my vision started to fade away, then a finally blacked out in The Phantom of the Opera's arms.

Erik's POV.

After she blacked out I picked her up. She was light as a feather in my arms. Her head hung loose & her lips were slightly parted. I felt a strong urge to kiss her, but I resisted.

She looked like an angel with her small body laying gracefully on my red velvet bed sheets I grabbed from my lair. Laid her gently on the bed, pulled the covers over her small body, placed the rose right next to her face. Walked back to the mirror, looked back at her for a moment then walked back to my dungeon known as my home.

I walked to my organ & began to work on my next masterpiece that would be performed soon. Hoping that tomorrow night Madelyn wouldn't fight me, but embrace me or something like that.


Hi RaddyMaddy here,

I hope you liked the 2 chapters I made so far of my new book. I'll post more chapters earlier as I can. This story is about me who falls in love with the Phantom (a.k.a Erik).

Anyways, please comment, follow me, & vote!!!

Whomever I get first comment from gets the next chapter dedicated to them:D

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