Don't Close Your Eyes

By booknerdz2

2K 46 49

Liz Barrymore's life is perfect or so it would seem that way. She's in a stable relationship, has a job, and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

114 2 4
By booknerdz2

Don't Close Your Eyes Chapter Ten

Zac frowned as he looked at Liz. She was standing there in her doorway apologizing to him for kissing Taylor. It wasn't like he should care what she did but it was apparent to her and him both that he was more than just a tad bit ticked off by it.

"You don't have to apologize to me," Zac lied before stepping inside of her house. He hadn't been here since the day he had came to pick up his stuff. Looking around he noticed not much had changed but really did he expect it to change in only a matter of months?

"Why are you hear?" Liz asked. Her voice was low almost like she was bracing for something.

Looking down Zac stopped in his tracks realizing just what it was she was bracing for. She was waiting for him to yell at her or something still, even though he had told her she didn't have to apologize. She was scared of him and the thought made him sad.

"I came by to see how you were," Zac lied as he turned to face her again. He had chosen to lie because he wasn't ready to tell her he was here because he and Fiona had gotten into another argument over the baby. It was beginning to become a habitual thing in the past week, arguing with Fiona.

Seeing Liz nod Zac smiled, relieved that she hadn't been able to tell he was lying. She usually could have before. Maybe this break up had ended her ability to pick up on things about him. If so that was perfectly fine by him. He didn't want her knowing some things anymore.

Liz nodded and rand a hand through her hair. She seemed a little off still, "I'm fine," she smiled as her eyes locked with his.

Feeling himself looking away from her Zac nodded then. Looking into her eyes after what he had just witnessed hurt. It shouldn't have but it did. Hell he wasn't even her boyfriend anymore. If she wanted to go out and fuck the entire city of Tulsa she could.

"That's good then," Zac said as he walked a few steps to the couch. Sitting down he ran a hand through his hair. It needed to be cut again. Liz loved it long and he had been contemplating growing it out for her until they broke up. Now he had no reason to grow his hair out. "No morning sickness or anything?"

When Liz shook her head at Zac's last question he smiled. He was glad she was having a good pregnancy so far then. He knew her last one had resulted in a miscarriage and he didn't want this one to wind up the same way. He wanted this baby even if he wasn't with its mother.

Zac saw Liz look down and he raised his eyebrow, "You know you can come sit down on the couch beside me. I don't bit," Zac laughed as he watched her. She slowly walked over and soon sat down beside him. She had on her lilac perfume. It was the kind he had bought her for her last birthday.

"I guess I'm just still afraid you are mad at me," she replied after getting comfortable. Her hands soon went to rest in her lap. "I don't want you mad at me again. Not after things just seemed to get better between us."

Sighing Zac ran a hand through his hair again, "I was mad," he admitted before laughing to fight off the sudden case of nerves he had. "It was stupid for me to even get mad because you aren't mine anymore," he shook his head careful to avoid her gaze. "I guess a part of me will always love you though and I just don't want you with him," he said as he shook his head.

It was stupid that Zac didn't want her with Taylor. It wasn't like Taylor had done anything wrong per say. Yeah he had cheated with her but this time, the kiss, he had done nothing wrong to Zac. Zac had no more say in what Liz did yet he wanted to keep her from being with Taylor. It was so fucking pathetic and he almost felt like laughing.

"I understand that Zac," Liz smiled briefly before reaching over and grabbing his chin. She was deliberately making him look at her.

"But you don't get to decide anymore who I see or don't. That ended when we broke up," she shrugged. Her eyes clouded over some and he lost his ability to even read her emotions. "Just like I can't tell you who to see or not to see. We both have to deal with that and move on."

Zac frowned slightly when she said the last part. We both have to move on. He had already moved on even if things with him and Fiona were bad. It was selfish of him not to want Liz to move on either. To want to keep her single and away from Taylor.

"He'll never leave Natalie," Zac stated. He knew Natalie was pregnant and Taylor was too good to just leave his pregnant wife even if he didn't love her. He may be a cheating asshole but he wasn't the leave a pregnant woman behind kind of asshole. He could admit that much about him. It was at least one good quality he had about him.

When Liz frowned at his words he almost felt bad. Almost.

"He could," she shrugged her voice sounding a little hopeful.

Rolling his eyes at her hopefulness Zac glared as he looked at her, "You keep dreaming," he sais a little harsher than he had meant. "It's just a fantasy, the life you want with him. He left you once when things got bad. What makes you think he won't again?" he asked his eyes searching hers for an answer but again she is unreadable.

When she looked away from Zac he knew he had upset her. Finally something he was able to read from her. He felt bad for saying what he did but it was the truth. She was holding blindly onto a fantasy.

"Who says I even want a life with him?" she asked and her voice cracked as she did so. "Who says I even know what I want anymore?"

At her questions Zac shrugged not sure how to answer them at first. He wasn't expecting them. It seemed she could throw him for a loop sometimes.

"What are confused about?" He asked and this time it was his turn to reach over and make her look at him. It was funny that Zac wanted her looking at him since, when he first came here, he didn't want to look at her after seeing her kissing Taylor. Now looking at her is the only thing he wanted.

"Everything," she whispered and Zac could barely hear her. "You...Taylor..." she shrugged and he saw her lip quiver. He knew what that meant. She was about to cry on him.

Reaching over Zac pulled her into him and sighed. He hated that he somehow seemed to do this. His prying had made her cry. He should have known better. He knew pregnant women were as emotional as fuck and he really shouldn't have done something to make it worse. He, Zachary Walker Hanson, was a major screw up.

"Don't cry," Zac muttered, softly kissing the top of her head. His words are late though. He could feel her body heaving in his arms and soon his shirt was beginning to get wet. She was already crying.

"I can't help it," her muffled voice said. "I just. I hate myself. I hate myself for wanting you still and loving you and for also wanting Taylor and loving him," she sighed before crying some more.

Zac frowned more and rubbed her back. He had always hated it when she cried. Her crying is the only thing that can and does make him mush, "You may hate yourself but you aren't a bad person," he said as he leaned back against the couch and brought her with him.

"Yes it does," she said her head raising to look at Zac. Her blue eyes were now red. "It makes me a horrible person. I mean when you aren't here my world is dead and when I see you again everything is alive again. When Taylor is gone I'm...I'm starting to get better but seeing him. It brings a rush of so many emotions," she sighed and shook her head. "More than emotions, love."

Looking at her Zac chewed on his lip. Her admission of how she was without him broke his heart even more than her crying did. He didn't know she felt that way. He knew it was wrong but he leaned his head in and soon his mouth was on hers in a kiss.

Zac should have been thinking of Fiona and pulling away. Hell he should have thought of her and not even initiated the kiss but he didn't and he doesn't. Instead he kept kissing Liz who had finally responded herself.

Feeling Liz push back on the couch as she kissed him harder Zac sighed on her lips and his hands found the hem line of her shirt. Slowly he let them sneak under and he felt her shiver at his touch. Her shiver excited him and he bit down on her lip.

"I want you," she whispered into Zac's mouth before moving her hips into his. When she did that Zac groaned as he felt himself harden.

Zac was sure she knew what she had just done because he was positive he heard a tiny giggle escape her mouth.

"You have me," Zac whispered back as he pulled away from the kiss briefly to take her shirt off as well as his own. Once her shirt was off his hands moved up some to her bra which he unhooked with ease a smirk playing on his lips as he watched it fall. She had always had the most amazing set of tits and now they were staring down at him.

Sitting up some Zac positioned her so she was sitting right on his hard dick. He did it mainly to tease her and also so he could feel her moving against him easier.

Letting his mouth go around one of her breast Zac started sucking on her nipple and closed his eyes. It seemed like that simple job was enough to get Liz moaning and soon he felt her start to move against his hips. She had a perfect rhythm and as he continued to suck he felt himself start to match her movements.

"Oh mmmm god," she moaned out as her hands held onto Zac's back just a bit harder.

Zac knew she was liking his attention to the one breast so he pulled away and soon gave her other breast the same treatment.

"Fuck, Zac," she whimpered as her hips continued to move. Feeling her hands move from his back briefly Zac shivered and soon he felt her fingers in his hair as she pulled it some.

Taking his mouth off her breasts Zac pulled her into another kiss, this one heated and raw. He wanted her with every fiber of his being and damn it to hell he was going take her.

Letting his hands go down to the waist band of her pajama pants which Zac had just now noticed she had been wearing, he slid them off, "Naughty," he murmured when he saw her with no panties on. It was exciting to him when she went without underwear.

"You like it," she breathed some as she kissed Zac harder, her hands going to his jeans which she undid. Zac could tell from the way she hurried that she was just as eager as he was.

Raising up he slid his boxers and pants off, his eyes catching with Liz's. There is no use in using a condom so he just gripped her hips and soon guided her down on him. A moan escaped his lips as he did. Her warm wet walls felt amazing around his dick.

Kissing her more Zac moaned again as she soon started to ride him and he tightened his grip on her hips, his nails going into her skin some. He hadn't had sex with her in so long and it was almost like his body needed this and wanted this. This brief indiscretion with her on the couch.

Closing his eyes as her lips trailed down his neck after awhile Zac grinned. They feel soft and warm. Fiona's were always rough. He hated rough.

"Oh shit," Zac groaned as she bit down on his neck roughly. Keeping his grip on her hips he soon started to move her on him a bit faster. He knew at this rate he wouldn't last long and he was right. His stomach muscles started to clench and he felt himself release inside of her. She hadn't came yet though so he kept moving her until she did.

After she did come Zac smirked when her head rested on his shoulder as she caught her breath.

"I liked that," she said when she could finally speak. Her head raised just a bit and she kissed his cheek.

"I did too," Zac replied before laying back on the couch again pulling her with him. Reaching out he grabbed a blanket and covered them up. He can tell from the light outside it's still just the afternoon. A nap would do them both some good.

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