Past Comes Back

By allmytomorrows

77.9K 1.3K 172

NCIS:los angeles!! What will happen when Kensi past comes back. Will it bite her in the ass? Or will it be t... More

Past comes back
P2: First Kiss
P3: Miss. Jones
P4: girl and the house
P5: The unspeakable
P6: Settling in
P7: Sparks fly
P8: Love, followers & Zoe
P9: Truth about Toby
P10: Sofia and Jack
P11: The Finding
P12: Trip to the Hospital
P13: The Wait
Authors note
P14: Kensi & sofia talk
P16: Bigger on the inside
P17: First Real Talk
P18: First Day Back
P19: Talk To Hetty
P20: Did She Say That ?
P21: Test? I Dont Like Tests
P22: New For A While
P23: Little Girls Diary
P24: Fight ? ! ?
P25: The Beach!
P26: Just My Luck
P27: Its Tomorrow, I Forgot
P28: Like Being On TV
Authors Note
P29: Dad Moad Activated
Not A Chapter But Read!
P30: Allways Makes Me Smile
Authors Note
P31: Guys Night Out
P32: Confession & Authors Note
P33: So Cute
P34: Densi Date
P35: Pancakes & Beach
P36: Another Day Another Case
Random One-Shot
Authors Note
Tell Me About Her
P37: Dead Men Tell No Tails
P38: Bored !
Author's Note
P39: Early Morning Magic

P15: Home time

1.9K 26 3
By allmytomorrows

~~~ the only character i own is Sofia ~ hope you like it ~ please vote and comment ~~~

Kensi pov:

It felt good to be able to sit hear and have a laugh with sofia. i didnt expect her to be so cool about everything and not rip my head off about leaving her. she seems very level headed, but i dont really know that much about her yet but im planing on getting to know her more, afterall she is my daughter. but what if she doesnt want me to know anything , what is she doesnt trust me ,i understand but i really hope that she actually forgives me and she isnt just sayibng that she does.

"earth to kensi " deeks said waving his hand infront of my face. oh gosh i must have been day dreaming again. " yeah, what ? sorry i was just thinking about something." i said as i smiloed. " you can go home in 2 minuets bu tyou have to go in a wheel chair and you cant be at work for..." he starts to say but io cut him off " 2 weeks yeah i know" he just smiles and walks out the room.

i look over to see Sofia and Sam having a string match to see who gives up first. Sofia just bursts out laughing " im sorry... but you just.... look so... serious " she sasys inbetween laughs. " why is that so funny ?" sam asks looking confused. " i dont know " Sofia says as the stops laughing.

( 3 minuets later )

Deeks walks back in pushing a wheel chair " sorry fern. doctors orders. " he says as he stops it next to my bed. I sigh and deeks helps me into the chair. " can i push you to the car ?" Sofia asks as she jumps off the bed. i just smile and say " yeah sure you can." deeks looks at sofia then to me " dont get raceing down the halls and end up killing some old man" he says with a smile sam just laughs and starts to walk to the car. Sofia pushes me out the door and deeks walks colse by my side. we get to the car and sam lifts me up and puts me in the back. sofia slips in next to me and sam and deeks sit in the front , sam is driving because he always does i dont actually know if there is any other reason.

we drive to mine first as its the closest to the hospital. Deeks jumps out and gets the wheel chair from the boot and pushes it to the door. he helps me out into the chair " thank you " i say with a smile as he pushes me to my apartment. Sofia and Sam stay in the car waiting for deeks. " are you surte you will be ok ? i can stay if you want me too" deeks says as he helps me onto the sofa. " no i want you to look after sofia for me " i say as i sit more comfterblly on the sofa. " she has to rest for at least 24 hours too so would you like me to drop her round hear tomorrow while i go to work ?" he asks me.

Deeks pov:

" if she wants to come round then yes please " she says with a happy little smile. " ok then. see you tomorrow morning. call me if you need anything, even if its just someone to talk to i will be hear as fast as i can ok?" i say and she smiles " ok. and thank you deeks. for evertything, it means alot" she says as she beams at me. " anything for you" i say as i kiss her on the top of her head then walk towards the door. " night deeks" she says as i open the door. " night princess ". i say as i close the door and walk back down to the car.i jump in the front and sam starts to drive to my place. We arive at my place after about 3 minuets because i don't live that far away from kensi. "see you tomorrow deeks!" sam says as i get out the car. " night " i say as i open the door for sofia. she gets out slowly i think shes not sure what to do or how to act. " night sofia" sam says with a smile. " yeah night sam. thanks for the lift" sofia says as she shuts the car door behind her. sam then drives off.

I walk to my front door and sofia slowly follows behind me. " come on , don't be shy. look you can meet monty" i say as i step inside and get attacked by him. " monty? " she asks confused. she then walks in and sees him " oh my gosh you have a dog ! he is just so cute." she says as she bends down and starts to stroke him. monty just attacks her with kisses.i shut the door. He nocks her backwards so she is lying on her back gigglind as he licks her face. " ok leave to poor girl alone" i say so monty stops then runs over and sits on the sofa. " just make your self at home. your room is the second on the left, i will find somthing you can where to sleep in, your mom usually robs one of my old tshirts will that be ok ?" i ask her, it seems really strange to refer to kensi as her mom but im sure i will get used to it. " yes that would be fab thanks. " "the first on the lest is the bathroom, and the only other room is mine. " i point down the hall as i say that, then i walk into the kitchen. " thanks deeks. it really means alot that your letting me stay with you and for being so nice." she says as she sits on the sofa next to mont and starts to stroke him. " would you like a drink?" i shout from the kitchen. " have you got anything fizzy ?" she asks, it sounds like she is really close. i turn round and see her leaning across the counter. i jump alittle which makes her laugh. " i have pepsi, lemonade ,doctor pepper, lucerzade and apple or cherry tango. any of them take your fancy?" i say as i get a glass out of the cubard. " emmm apple tango please." she says with a smile. " thats what your mom always askes for. well that or a beer but your too young to drink. " i say as i poor her a drink, and she smiles at the comment i just made. i pass the drink over the counter to her. " thanks" she says as she walks back over to the sofa and sits on it then starts to have a drink. " have you got any good films?" she asks as she puts her glass on the side. " your just like your mother." i say as i laugh to my self then sit on the sofa next to her. " i have netflix.there is some good films on that" i say passing her the controle. " yay. thanks" she says as she looks through and picks a film. she choses 'Land of the Lost'. the film was quite funny to be fair. " Sofia?" i start to say. " deeks " she says looking at me while stroking monty. he has really taken a likeing to her. " do you want to spend the day with your mom tomorrow while i go to work because you cant come in for 24 hours?" i ask. " yes." she answered almost emediatly " is it ok with her? does she want me to go round ?" she asks getting all happy. " yeah she does." i say with a smile. " yay " she says as she claps her hands a little. " you really are happy to be spending time with her arnt you?" i ask. " yes... she is my mom who i have only ever seen on photos and bumped into once or twice at the office but she didnt know who i was and i coulnd just go up to her and say ' hi im sofia. your daughter that you havnt seen since i was 2 weeks old' that would just be weird and i thought she might run away or not want to know me." she said with a sigh. " so I guess I'm just really happy that she wants to spend time with me. It will give me a chance to get to know her better too ." she said with a smile. " well I will drop you off just before I go to work tomorrow." I said as I took a sip of my beer. " ok thank you deeks!" she smiled at me.

(30 minuets later)

" I'm going to go to bed now. Which room am I staying in again ?" Sofia asked as she stood up. " second on the left. Just look in the wardrobe in there and pick any top, they will all be baggy on you so you can use them to sleep in... Oh ad the first door on the left is the bathroom, there should be a unopened toothbrush in the pot on the side in there. " I said as I look through the channels in the tv. " okay thanks. Night deeks... Can minty come with me?" she asks as she stands at the door to her new room. I may as well call it that, she will be hear for a while, but I don't mind. I just look at monty who looks at me and waggs his tail " he usually does as he pleases anyway " I say with a smile. Monty gets up and runs into her room. " yay! Night " she says as she stepps into the room. " night soph " I say as I drink the last of my beer. then i get up and go to bed.

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