Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 22. This Is It

76 6 11
By xoxolazygirl

Can't believe this is the last one 😢
I want to dedicate this chapter to @raphoenix23  because I love her and she keeps reading all the shit I write.


Emma's POV

The seconds that passed seemed to me like hours as I stood there. In front of them.

The door right in front of me had opened revealing an almost naked Nate and a girl with strawberry blonde hair standing next to him.

You've got to be kidding me.

His eyes landed on me and I just stared at him not really knowing how to react to the sight in front of me.

"I don't do girlfriends."

"I don't wanna be in a relationship I'm not going to be in a relationship. End of story."

"The fact that I sleep with her doesn't mean it's anything serious."

"I'm just occupying myself."

His words from conversations we've had the past year popped in my head.

I should have known. That's why he said we'd talk later. That's why he avoided talking.

"I'm just gonna go." I said turning around and making my way over to the elevator

"Emma no. Hang on a second." He said grabbing my arm

Yeah tell me it's not what I think it is.

"I can explain. Don't go."

"There's nothing to explain." I said looking at him.

He was standing in front of me looking me straight in the eyes. The look on his face could have fooled me, he really is a good actor. "Of course there is. There's nothing going on I swear."

I looked at him up and down. He was only wearing his sweatpants.

"I don't care if there's something going on or not." I said keeping a hard expression on my face. I turned around and walked over to the elavator trying to keep my eyes from watering. I pressed the call button "You know what sucks?" I asked but it was more like I was thinking out loud "I knew you. But I thought I was your friend. Turns out I'm not even that if you can use me just like the next girl."

"Use you? What are you talking about? Emma stop, just let me explain."

I raised my hand to stop him from talking "And to think that you were the first person I wanted to see after everything. I really am blonde after all." I made my way inside the elavator.

Nate grabbed the doors reventing them from closing "You're not going anywhere."

"Let go of the doors." I said keeping my voice calm. I literally felt like I was about to faint. This is all getting too much for me to handle.

"If you leave I'm coming with you." He said in a confident tone

I ran a hand through my hair "I don't think there's anywhere you can go naked."

He looked down on himself releasing the doors that started closing quickly.

I let a breath out when the elevator started going down.

How could he do this to me? Was I just another girl he slept with?

Of course you were. He just fooled you into thinking you were special.

I made my way out of Nate's building as quickly as I could, or as quickly the suicase I was carrying allowed me to. I'm pretty sure I looked ridiculous with tears streaming down my face and a big suicase following my every step.

I took out my cell and called the only stable person in my life "Dem?" I asked trying to keep myself from breaking down

"Emma?" She asked alarmed "What's wrong?"

"Can you come pick me up?" I asked while making my way further away from his apartment.

"Of course where are you?"

"Just a little bit further down Nate's building. You'll see me. Please hurry up."

"I'm coming." She promised before hanging up.

I kept walking for a few minutes until my strength gave up on me and I had to sit down. Luckily I found a bench and threw myself on it.

Demi's car stopped in front of me sometime later and she walked out almost running to my side.

"I'm here. What's going on?" She asked sitting down but I stood up immediately

"Can we go back to your apartment?" I asked

She took my suitcase from me and threw it in the backseat. "Of course."

I got into the car relieved to be getting away from there.

"Emma. Talk to me" she said driving away

My phone went off and I grabbed it from my bag. Nate

I turned it off and threw back inside. "I thought I was smart. That's what's going on. I thought I couldn't be fooled but I can and I was fooled. Dem you have no idea what has happened the past four days."

"Of course I don't. You left so suddenly." She exclaimed "Tell me."

"I had sex with Nate." I said and she turned to look at me with wide eyes.

I grabbed the steering wheel "Eyes on the fucking road. I don't need to end up in the hospital too."

"I'm sorry." She said focusing back on the road "Maybe we should save the talking for when we get home."

"You wanted to know." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Ten minutes later the door to Demi's apartment opened and we both walked inside. I threw myself on her couch. Demi sat next to me and she made me lay my head on her lap.

"Mind explaining a little? You dropped a bomb on me."

"Are you ready for bomb number two?" I asked with tears escaping my eyes
"I met my mom."

Her hand stopped caressing my hair "My birth mom. Want another one? Nate slept with someone else."

"Woah woah woah" she said and I sat up. I was now in the same position as her "We'll get back to that but screw Nate for a few minutes. You met your mom!?"

I nodded and the tears fell uncontrolably from my eyes "That's why I had to leave."

"I think we need some tea. Uhm no... some alcohol."

The next couple of hours went by with me telling Demi everything that had happened the past 4 days. I started with the letter Caroline had send and how we met, after that I started telling her about me and Nate having sex and what I witnessed a few hours ago when I went to see him.

Demi kept the comments about Caroline to a minimum not wanting to upset me more or interfere since it was something I was supposed to handle on my own. On Nate's case though, she didn't keep quiet.

"He wouldn't do that to you."

"I thought so too but I was wrong. It was a mistake falling for him, it was an even bigger mistake sleeping with him when I didn't know how he felt about me."

"Maybe you should talk to him."

"I don't want to talk to him. Dem please." I pleaded "If he calls tell him you havent heard from me, if he comes here I'm not here. I need time to digest all that." I admited

"I get it." She said with a frown "You can stay here for as long as you want. But I think you need a shower and some sleep."

I nodded standing up.


When I woke up the next morning and walked in Demi's kitchen I found Demi, Stella and Charlotte looking at me.

"Hey." Demi said quietly

"Not to be rude or anything but what are you all doing here?" I asked sitting down.

"Demi called us. She said it was and emergency." Stella said

"You need us and that's why we're here." Charlotte added

Demi placed a cup of coffee in front of me and I took a sip. A few seconds later a thought popped in my head "You didn't tell James anything right?"

They both shook their heads no and I nodded. "I honestly don't know where to start." I admitted.

Charlotte's phone went off in the middle of me telling them what I had told Demi yesterday.

"It's James" She said with an apologetic look on her face

"Pick it up but you haven't seen me or heard from me."

She nodded and picked up the phone. She put it on speaker placing it on the table.

"Hey babe." She said faking a cheery attitude

"Hey Char." James said in a serious tone "Where are you?"

"Just grabing coffee with Stella. We looked around for clothes for a while. You know, girly things."

Stella butted in just to convince him"Hey bro."

"Have you heard from Emma?" He asked

"Not since last week" Charlotte anwered "Why?"

"She's back and Nate's looking for her. There's been a misunderstanding."

I rolled my eyes but kept quiet.

Misunderstanding my a*s.

"I haven't h-"

Charlotte was cut of by noise in the other side of the line.

"I've had enough of this bullshit Charlotte." Nate's angry voice said "If you know where Emma is, you better start talking."

"I don't." Charlotte pressed "Why don't you try her phone?"

"If she fucking turned it on, I would. So if by any chance you happen to talk to her, see her or be sitting next to her tell her to stop being so fucking stubborn."

"Hey I said I haven't talked to her." Charlotte protested

"Just..." Nate breathed "Just tell her we need to talk." The line went dead after that

Just tell her we need to talk... Yeah, haven't heard that one before.

"That was...something." Stella said in a quiet tone

"Well we know he's mad." Charlotte added

"Well I'm madder." I said "I have enough shit going on right now I won't be just another girl Nate screws over. If he could do that to me when I was supposedly his friend I want nothing to do with him."

"What if it's all indeed a misunderstanding?" Demi asked. She had been quiet foor quite a long time now which means she had been thinking. "He wouldn't be so persistent if you didn't mean anything to him."

"I don't know okay?" I said getting up. " I need time."

I went back to my dorm two days later. I couldn't keep hiding. I knew that. I had to face Nate eventually but most importantly I had to get back to college and my work at the dinner.

I managed to avoid Nate the whole day and made it to the dinner later in the day without any drama.

It was nice to be working again and Charlotte was there for a few hours too. Stefan managed to make me crack up with his lame jokes and pick up lines.

By closing time there were only a couple of tables with people in the dinner. Stefan was supposed to close and I was waiting for the dinner to be empty so I could go.

The diner doors flew open and Nate walked in looking pretty mad. His eyes were glued on me as he approached me. If only looks could kill.

...We'd both be dead by now.

"We need to talk." He said in a stern voice once he was standing right in front of me.

"Well I don't want to talk. So you're free to go." I said trying my best to put up the meanest facade I could.

"Can you please stop being so fucking stubborn so we can talk like adults here?"

"Nope." I said popping the p

"Alright then" He said taking a look around him. In a second, after a swift movement, I found myself being thrown over Nate's shoulder.

"Hey." I protested

He seemed to grab something and then turned around and started walking.

"Put me down you asshole." I screamed hitting him from the back

"Shut up or I'm going to slam your head against the door on my way out." He threatened and I chose to shut up.

"You're on your own buddy." He yelled over his shoulder to Stefan.

God that asshole. He didn't even try to help me. Some friend he is.

Nate walked for a minute or so more and he eventually stopped. He placed me back on my feet and a smirk had made its way on his lips. "It wasn't so hard now, was it?"

I bit the inside of my cheek because I felt a smile threatening to appear. "No it wasn't. I can walk perfectly on my own." I said fixing my hair and looking around. We were around the corner of the diner and no one was around. Behind me was a wall...great I had no way out.

"Don't worry I didn't see that smile playing on your lips." He said completely ignoring me. He placed my purse strap on my shoulder, the smile never leaving his lips.

Why does he have to make it so hard? Why can't he just leave me alone?

I sighed "You said you wanted to talk. So talk."

"I just need you to listen to me okay? If you want nothing to do with me trust me you won't see me again."

I butted in "That's not possible and you know it. We live in the same city, have the same friends..." I shrugged my shoulders

"Well I won't be here so you won't have to see me." He answered and I just stared at him.

What does he mean he won't be here?

He continued as if he'd read my mind "In highschool I had applied for a school in London because my father's family lives here. I had completelly forgotten about that but I got a letter from them that I can transfer there."


"But listen to me okay? We can fix this" He promised "I would never hurt you. Not intentionally." He said looking at me straight in the eyes "The girl just dropped by my apartment. I don't know why or how she remembered me. I wouldn't do anything with her, not after finally being with you. Do you know for how long I had wanted to be with you?"

"Nate..." I said not really knowing where I was going with it.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear "Just tell me you believe me."

I couldn't even make out what the voices inside my head were saying but I knew I felt numb inside. "I do believe you." I said swallowing the lump in my throat

"But you need to go to London."

"What?" He asked taking a step back

Come on Emma, make it believable.

It wouldn't work out anyway. I tried to convince myself.

"I believe that you wouldn't hurt me because we are friends but that's all we are."

"What are you talking about Emma? We- "

"We" I interrupted him "...confused our feelings for eachother. We got carried away by the love we feel as friends and thought of it as something more." I spat out one lie after the other "We got caught up in the moment, once or twice, yes, but that doesn't mean we'd work as a couple."

"We don't know that unless we try and you can't know what I feel."

You can't keep him back Emma, remember that. A voice in my head said. It's for the best.

You will what? Date for a year and then what? You will soon realize you're not made to be a couple. The inner voice fought.

"I know what I feel." I said in a harsh tone "I'm not in love with you Nate, all my feelings for you stop right at the word friend. I'm not looking for a relationship and I have enough shit going on. Things you don't know but you don't need to know anyway. Don't waste your time here, with me. Go to London and build a life there because nothing will happen between you and me."

I took advantage of his shocked state and started walking away before my tears betrayed me.

I didn't look back but kept my walking pace to slow.

I was silently begging him to come after me, grab me and tell me he doesn't believe me, tell me he won't go anywhere...But he didn't.

And maybe it was for the best.


The end


You know what they say. Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, then it's not the end. 😉

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