bittybones fanfic cherry and...

By toothlesslover098

55K 1.4K 559

Cover does not I repeat DOES NOT belong to me it belongs to it's rightful owner I'm not saying anything els... More

Bittybones sum-up
Chapter 1
Bitty shop
Chapter 3
Little house and cooking
Thank you ^^
Chapter 5
Lexi and blindberry
Chapter 6
Jordie ref
Lexi's visit
Chapter 8 (not canon)
Chapter 8 (real chapter)
Have you seen him?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11/THANK YOU
Chapter 12
I'm WHAT?!
Chapter 14
Heat That's not good
A/N Sorry
Ready for Halloween
Making Costumes
1K YAY!!!!!!!
Chapter 19
Marissa's Visit
A/N Shipping??
Chapter 20
A little something for KimahriRae
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I have told a lie (kind of cannon)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/N I'm Upset
Chapter 27
Chapter 29(NOT CANNON)
I haz found cute picture
Chapter 29(real)
3K woo!!!!
A/N New story
Another Update
Happy Birthday mom
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
AE Know who you are
Chapter 37
A/N Another Question
Savage love
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
AE (Alternate ending)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Hot Husband
Chapter 58

Chapter 18

831 19 5
By toothlesslover098

Hey everyone it's been a while hasn't it I've been quite busy this week though because of our fall intercession we had. But anyway I'm back and ready to give you guys a new chapter

So enjoy ^^. P.S a cute picture the media won't let me put on top


Jordie was sleeping with cherry, brass , and buster but it wasn't a good nights sleep because of these terrible nightmares that Jordie was getting.

*Jordie's dream/pov*

I was in the dark I couldn't see anything I tried to walk but was stopped looking down there was a chain on my neck. Then I remembered this my past that I wanted to hide forever when I experimented on "HELP LET ME OUT" I screamed but no one came... I heard footsteps coming my way the man with one eye the scientist who stole me from my real mom and dad. He would always harass me, beat me, and the worst part was the torture he did to me making me what I am now coming close up to me he lifting my chin up "look at you, such a beautiful girl are you ready for some fun" he said "no... please... no just take me back home I don't want to be here anymore" I begged he hooked me off the chain and took me to the chair strapping me down.

Walking over to the table with the torture weapons were grabbing a needle and injecting me with the serum that when ever I got mad I would become the beast that he made me become. I started growling growing bigger and taller after that I couldn't remember anything.

The scenery the changed I was in a alleyway still in my monster form by looking in a puddle near by I saw what I've become (Pic in the media). Slowly turning back into my human form I cried for what seemed like forever looking back at the puddle I saw my normal ears were gone now I had small cat like ears. "Mama, mama ... wake up..." I heard someone "it's okay ma stop crying" two voices who were they then there was a bright light.

*Reality/back to third person*

Jordie woke up breathing heavy looking down at her babies "you alright mama you were crying in your sleep" cherry said "calm down ma it's okay just tell us what happened". Her breathing went back to normal "I... I had a nightmare of my past. I'm sorry to worry you i-it's just to horrible to talk about" she cried "I'm a monster that shouldn't exist I've should have just let that scientist kill me he made me this way" Jordie bellowed.

Cherry and brass hugged her "ma look at me" "NO" "Ma look at me!!!" brass grabbed her face turning to his "your not a monster, your a beautiful young women that's sweet and kind I would never say that to anyone beside you because I love you and don't want you upset you hear me" Jordie nodded her head "he's right mama ever since that you found me you've been so kind and your the greatest mama I've ever lived with" cherry said giving her arm a big squeeze. "But what if I showed you my beast form w-would y-you s-still l-l-love m-me?" she whimpered

"Ma no matter what you look we'll love you for who you are not what you look like" brass said Jordie stood up walked to the backyard with the bitties and buster following she let out a deep breath "just don't run away for what I turn into" "we promise mama". Slowly she started to grow bigger her skin becoming black like smoky fur her head changing into a dragon like face and head with a tail forming as well arms and legs becoming longer and her ears going cute small to big and wolf like.

Towering over them she sighed "tell me what do you see when you look at this" lowering her head they walked up to her brass put his small hand on her cheek "I see my mother" cherry hugged her snout "I see my mama that loves us"  buster came up to licking her arms Jordie couldn't help but tear up "I love you guys so much" she whispered "plus you know this is better than the other costume you got maybe you can just go as your beast form" "I-I don't know brassy won't I scare people" "ma it'll be Halloween everyone will have costumes I doubt anyone will notice" "okay I guess".

"So who did this to you mama?" "it's along story" "don't worry we have all night ma" "alright well it all started on a nice summer day ..."

*Flashback/Jordie's pov* 

Me and my parents were at the park I was playing with my friends when I saw this guy offering candy to other children I was young then and didn't know any better. When he offered me a giant heresy bar I gladly excepted suddenly he dragged me to his car and took me to his home of torture he told me he needed a healthy female subject for his tests. He barely gave me any food I was always hungry I could never leave with the giant chain around my neck when he wasn't experimenting on me he would either beat me with a whip or just hit me. It was like that for 3 years I don't know how I survived the last serum he gave me made me into the monster I am I don't exactly remember how I escaped him but when I woke up in the alley I stayed there hiding from people scared I would get taken again.

Soon though I got taken in by my grandma and grandpa who said that my parents went their separate ways after giving up trying to find me I then started school again got my own house to live in and met you guys.

*Flashback end*

"I'm sorry that happened to you mama" "don't worry ma I'm sure if we ever see that guy we'll make him pay for what he did to you" "thank you my babies, though let's not talk about this much I don't like bringing it up it's something I want to forget".


Well that was a long story 1042 words took me all morning 5:30am to 11:33am  but now you guys see Jordie's back story now and trust me I kind of teared up at some parts hope you guys like it and if you excuse me I need to go take a nap.

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