MINE (Jason MCcann Story) [CO...

By Lishaagocrayy

1.4M 32.7K 11.6K

Andrea is a junior in high school, which she absolutly hates! What happens when the criminal Jason MCcann bom... More

MINE (Jason MCcan Story)
TWO: Abusive Much?
THREE: These Hoes Be Actin Up
FOUR: Faded
FIVE: Oh Sh*t pt.1
FIVE: Oh Sh^t pt.2
SIX: Gimme Kiss:p
SEVEN: Change Of Heart
NINE: Lovebirds <3333
TEN: Coming Together
ELEVEN: No Sleep
THIRTEEN: Saxton !!!
FOURTEEN: Control Yourself
SIXTEEN: Kitten.....
EIGHTEEN: Goin' Ham-nation
NINETEEN: Ready To Go..
TWENTY: Bye Jason,
TWENTY-ONE: She doesn't want you ....
TWENTY-THREE: Talk To Me, part 2
TWENTY-FIVE: Torture....
TWENTY-SIX: I Want A Million..
TWENTY-EIGHT: Put Me Out Of My Misery...
THIRTY: Part one- Ana,
THIRTY: Part 2-Don't Wake Me Up
THIRTY-ONE: Back to Normal....and then there's Saxton,
THIRTY-TWO: Punishment or Pleasure, how about both?
Next Chapter, private?(for ch.32,)
THIRTY-THREE: Adam's way
THIRTY-FOUR: Change Is A' Comin
THIRTY-FIVE: Move out and Move on
FORTY: Motherless Child

FINALE: What Now..?

27.8K 638 550
By Lishaagocrayy


"Sasha Dominique was found murdered last night in her hotel room,"

My heart dropped,

I didn't just hear that..

the screen showed a small hotel, and my moms picture,

I covered my mouth, and tears poured over,

"the scene was what would some would call horrific, her body parts were scattered all over the hotel room, her head has not been discovered,"

Same Day, 3 hours later













| Jason POV |

Justin suggested we leave the states,

I agree, it's a great idea, I have to get Drea and then we'll be on our way,

He drove us back to my house and we got out and entered the house,

"Babe, I'm home!" I shouted,

There was no reply,

"Where is she" he said falling on the sofa,

"She's probably sleeping" I shrugged,

"I'll be back" I said heading up the staircase,

Entering our room I heard crying,

My heart sank in my chest at the thought of her being hurt in any way,

I followed the sound and found her on the bathroom floor,

Crying her eyes out,

"Baby..." I cooed coming closer to her,

She saw me and her eyes filled with rage,


I had saw her angry but never like this,

"Babygirl what's wrong" I ignored her rant and pulled her into my chest,

"GET OFF OF ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" She screamed,

She pushed at my chest, and pointed a gun at me with tears still streaming down her face,

That's when it hit me,

She knows...Everything


|Drea POV|

I couldn't believe he had the nerve to act so innocent,

"Why! Why would you do this Jason! " I sobbed,

I was so blinded by rage I broke into his gun cabinet and contemplated how I would kill him,

He didn't flinch, even though I had a gun to his chest he still held me, rocking us back and forth,

"I did it for us," he said gently,

He tried taking the gun from me,

"Give me the gun, you don't want to do this, your just upset" he cooed,

"NO! you killed her! She never did anything to anyone! We didn't have any family or a gang like you! I was all she had left.....She was all I had left.." I cried,

he took the gun from me,

"You have me now" he said softly,

He pecked my lips, and ran his fingers through my hair,

Anger and Hatred was all I felt,

With everything left in me, I slapped him as hard as I could,

The sound echoed off the bathroom walls,

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He growled,

He reached for me,

I kicked him in the stomach and scrambled away from him,

While he was down I jumped on his back attempting to put him in a headlock,

Once it was secured I choked the shit out of him,

He tried to get me to release him,

"I told you not to touch her! What is wrong with you!" I yelled, tightening my grip,

I'm gonna fucking kill him

he threw me hard enough to make me fly off him and into the wall

I winced at the stinging in my back,

"YOUR NOT LEAVING ME!" He yelled angrily,

He stalked towards me,

Just as he was about to reach me I tripped him and he fell face first into the bathtub,

" FUCK YOU!" I screamed, I grabbed the razor from the sink and went after him,

He was trying to hold me back but I got a few cuts in on his chest,

The blood seeped through his shirt,


He knocked the razor out of my hand and punched me in the jaw,

The blood poured from my mouth and down my chin,


I moved my mouth around trying to help with the pain,

He crouched down to me,

"Your going to get on some clothes, and we're leaving." he said calmly,

Not thinking much about it I head butted him in the face,

"AH! " he shouted, holding his forehead,

Blood streamed down the side of his face,

I straddled him and wrapped my hands around his neck,

He quickly flipped us over so he was on top of me but I still had a firm grip on his neck,

"Let.Go" he grunted, pulling on my hands,

"You Can Go Fuck Yourself"

He got a hold of my wrists and pinned me

I tried to knee him,

"Don't you fucking dare," He growled,

"I HATE YOU!" I cried,

"That's it." He said through gritted teeth,

He roughly pulled me by my hair out of the bathroom and threw me on the bed,

"Calm the fuck down" he said straddling my hips,

"LET ME GO! " I screamed,

" Your Dead To M-!..." I started,

He smashed his lips on mine, I moved my head around wanting it to be over, we were a bloody mess,

I felt his erection poking me in my stomach,

"Don't say that to me.." He said against my lips,

"You said you wouldn't hurt me again...I trusted you.." I said hurt,

My heart was beating erratically,

This is the last time....I'm done...

I pulled at the back of his shirt trying to get him away from me,

I was too weak to push him off of me,

"I'm sorry...." He said burying his head in my neck, I felt him leaving a trail of kisses,

"Me too," I whispered so only I could hear it,

I'd called the cops and admitted everything to them,

They would be here any second,

He pulled off the shirt I was wearing and tossed it,

"I'll make you feel better..." He said in lust,

This turned him on....he's crazier than I thought,

I couldn't let him leave, the cops would be here, and he would get what he deserved..

I laid there while he undressed me, he rushed and was not gentle,

When his boxers came off I started to get scared,

He was big.......Very big........

"It'll fit" he said with a cocky grin,

"Don't you need something" I said quietly,

"No, I want to feel you" he said coldly, knowing what I meant,

I almost started fighting him again, I didn't want him to begin with, and to top it off he wasn't going to use anything!

I didn't want to get pregnant, but at that point I had no choice,

"Your not ready babe, guess I'm going to have to fix that," he said smirking,

I squirmed when I felt his breath on me,

When he began pleasuring me I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood,

It felt good....But it wasn't suppose to....

He really is the devil,

It's hard for me to believe what he did,

I was so stupid to think I was different from the rest....He would never change for me,

His lips met with mine again,

"Are you ready," he said smiling,


"yes." I said quietly,

He held my face forcing me to look in his eyes,

In one thrust he took my innocence away from me,

I gasped at the new feeling I was experiencing,

It wasn't that painful, the pain in my heart hurt worse,

But that didn't stop the tears from falling in that moment.

"I'm sorry" he cooed,

I put my finger to his lips,

At that moment I didn't want to hear any apologies, I just wanted to be done with Jason MCcan,

I closed my eyes as he pumped in and out of me,

Who would've thought that we'd beat the shit out of each other and then have sex, go figure.

He groaned,

I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter,

"Look at me!" he demanded,

I slowly opened my eyes,

His dark brown stared into mine lustfully,

"Jason....." I moaned,

"Are you gonna scream for me babygirl " he said,

I writhed underneath him, I wasn't going to scream,

I wouldn't give him the satisfaction,

"MINE" he growled,

I tried ignoring the pleasure coursing through me,

But that wasn't possible,

Gaining some control I climbed on top of him,

He smirked,

"Shit..." He bit his lip,

He grabbed my hips lifting me up and slamming me back on his member,

For a minute I let him do what he wanted,

Then I noticed he was getting to comfortable..

I took his hands from my waist and pinned them above his head,

I managed to get the handcuffs from under the pillow, and clicked them on him,

It was nice to be in control for once,

"Oh my gosh.." I cried when I felt the most amazing feeling come over me.

"Fuck!" He yelled,

To say I was tired was an understatement,

I collapsed on the side of him,

"You're amazing, " he said catching his breath,

I had to admit, he was great in bed,

"I'm supposed to be the one handcuffing you" he chuckled,

"Well I kind of like you this way" I said grinning,

After about 10 minutes I got up and headed into the bathroom, leaving him handcuffed,

My legs kind of wobbled, but I was determined to finish what I started,

Taking a shower I felt like a slut, he came inside me...gross

My body looks like a fucking dead corpse from all the cuts and bruises he gave me,

I had officially given him everything, my heart, my trust, and now my virginity.

After a few minutes, I got out and slipped on a tank and some shorts,

"Drea!" He called,

I grinned,

show time

"What Bitch," I scoffed,

His face went from shock to anger,

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" He yelled,

I giggled,

He had no chance of getting out,

And so it begins..

| Justin POV|

Jason was taking a long ass time,

I heard a lot of commotion but I decided not to get involved once It stopped,

There was lights flashing in front of the house,

"What the fuck.." I muttered peeking out the window.

At least 12 or 13 police cars were pulling up,

"Dammit." I cursed under my breath,

I ran to the stairs,

"Jason!" I shouted,

No response.

Fuck this, I'm out

I left through the back door and took off running.


| Drea POV |

"Oh Jason, you can't be that fucking dumb," I said crossing my arms,

"Do you honestly think I would let you get away with killing my mother? ...why'd you do it." I said angrily,

He clenched his jaw,


I kneeled near him,

"Your right, I'm sorry.." I said lovingly,

He sighed,

"I'm sorry for being an idiot, and allowing you to wreck my life..." I said quietly,

"Drea...." He said,

At that moment the cops burst in,


Jason looked at me in disbelief,

I didn't feel bad,

"...Payback is a bitch..named Andrea" I smiled,

His face was filled with sadness,

I grabbed his keys and took the money from his wallet,

The officers broke the handcuffs,

Jason tried to grab me, keep in mind, he was still naked...

It took about 10 officers to get him on the ground,

"Thank you for your help miss, you well be greatly awarded," an officer thanked me,

"Your welcome, it's the least I could do, " I hugged him,

Taking one last look at the man who took everything away from me,

I walked out,

"DREA GET BACK HERE!" Jason yelled,

"Your resisting arrest!" A officer said,

"FUCK YOU MAN!" He shouted at him,


I walked out of the house I saw the police cars lined up down the street,

Setting my eyes on Jason's car I headed in that direction,

Without hesitation I got in and put the key in the ignition,

Driving away I looked back at what was supposed to be my happily ever after..

















*5 months later*













"Adam for the last time...I'm NOT GIVING YOU MY ORANGE CHICKEN !" I yelled,

Him, Saxton, Drew, and I went to lunch today after I got out of school,

Yes I went back to school! I missed a lot of stuff but after 5 months of hard work I'm caught up and I'm going to graduate next year with my class, #SWAG

"You drank all my fucking Dr pepper but I can't get one piece of CHICKEN!" He yelled,

"I didn't even drink it, Drew did!" I said,

We looked at him, he awkwardly looked down,

"Bitch you owe me three dollars and seventy five cents." Adam told him getting in the drivers seat,

Saxton laughed,

When I told them about everything that happened with Jason and my mom, they were shocked...and very angry,

We had a memorial service for my mom, that had to be the worst thing I've ever had to sit through, it made me think about Jason, how he tortured her.

I barely made it through the first give minutes before I was crying like a baby.

Kyle doesn't even want anything to do with Jason and that's his brother,

They decided to no longer be a "gang" but they're still going to live together,

Luckily, Jason didn't get me pregnant after that one time, that would've been a mess...

So, Jason is officially out of all our lives, and we're finally at peace.

We got in the back and Drew got in the front with Adam,

"You need help with anything" Saxton said looking at all the books in my bag,

"No I'm fine" I said,

I have my own little place, I couldn't stay with the guys, I tried, it didn't work out.

Adam and Kyle ate all my food, Johnson was always in my room and Drew followed me around EVERYWHERE

I love them but I couldn't take it lol

"Well can I just stay over," he whined laying in my lap,

"Boobear I have homework and your distracting.." I said playing in his hair,

"I promise I won't be in your way," he said,

He is so adorable! I can't say no to him!

"Fine," I smiled,

He sat up and pecked my lips,

He pulled me in his lap and deepened the kiss,

"Aye don't be christening my car!" Adam shouted at us,

I jumped off of him and blushed,

No me and Saxton are not together.....I don't know what we are.....I guess we're "dating"

Drew laughed,

"If you don't have my money don't laugh at what I say" Adam told him,

"I can't laugh" Drew said,

"Nigga no what you think this is, a Bruno Mars concert, " he said,

I couldn't help but laugh, Adam is stupid as hell,

"Babes why do you insist on staying in this apartment, " Drew said annoyed,

"I just want something to myself,"

"We gave you your own room and bathroom" Drew whined,

I could tell they wanted me to move back in, it's not happening.

"Drew. You and Adam use my bathroom.....And my shower..." I said,

"Plus there's more of you guys stuff in the room than mine," I said,

"Ok I'm finna do some Jason shit, Your coming back. " Adam said,

"No-!" I started,

"We can't cook, clean, or keep shit organized! How could you leave us like that!" Adam said,

"I'm sorry....How about I come over and stay the weekends..." I offered,

"'....Ok, but you better not be lying" Drew said,

"Why would I lie to you guys, if I don't come I know your going to show up to my place and force me to go with you anyway" I said,

"Yea...Most likely" Saxton said,

We got to my place Saxton carried my bag,

"Call me!" Adam yelled,

Drew got out the car and ran to me, he squeezed the life outta me,

"Drew that's enough" I struggled to get out,

This is like a everyday thing lol

He put me down,

"Bye love," he said in a accent,

"Your not Harry Styles! Your not even British!" I said with a smile,

Saxton chuckled behind me,

Adam beeped the horn all the way down the street,

Once we got in I literally fell on the sofa,

"Is my kitten tired," he cooed,

"Why do you call me that, its cute but it makes me feel like Garfield" I said laughing,

"Cause you're my kitten, my responsibly and I'm never letting you go" he said pecking my lips,

"You talk like a book" I smiled.

*An hour later*

After I finished my work, Saxton insisted that we watch movies,

He ordered two pizzas, I don't know why cause I can't eat a whole pizza,

"What are we watching" I asked plopping down next to him,

I changed into some colorful pajama pants and a graphic tee,

"The Heat" he said snuggling into my blanket,

I grabbed a slice of pizza,

"Oh my gosh this is so good" I moaned closing my eyes,

"Its just pizza" he chuckled,

".....well I'm hungry" I said,

I rested on his shoulder and the movie started,

( After Movie )

Ok, I'm convinced Melissa McCarthy is the funniest woman on the planet,

The movie was over, I looked and saw Saxton was sleep with a slice of pizza in his hand and his mouth open,

I giggled quietly,

He's been amazing to me, much better than Jason was....


"Where are we going!?" I yelled excitedly,

"Kitten, it's a surprise" he said leading me, his hands over my eyes,

" What kind of surprise..." I smirked grabbing his member,

He growled,

"Not that, that's for later princess" he said huskily,

My face heated up instantly,

"Okay, look" he said removing his hands

" Saxton! " I said excitedly,

It was the perfect night to lay under the stars, we had an amazing view, I could tell he put a lot of effort into it,

It may not have seemed like a lot to some people but I'd never had a real date...me and Jason never did anything...special,

"You like it" he said hopefully,

I pulled him down to me and gave him a more aggressive kiss,

"I love it" I smiled,

That night we sat and talked about everything, I told him things I never told Jason,

"How'd you know I would like this," I asked him,

"I didn't, I risked it, hoping for the best, you don't know how nervous I was" he chuckled,

"I would've liked anything, you don't have to try so hard" I told him,

"yes I do, I will do whatever I need to, to make you happy, to keep you, I want you to be mine, forever" he said,


Trying not to wake him I slowly got up from the sofa and headed to the bathroom,

My self confidence has improved these last couple of months,

Having Saxton back has really helped me realize that Jason was never good for me,

On the other hand I feel......whorish...

I know Jason has did a lot to me but he always wondered if I had something for Sax, guess he was right,

I washed and dried my hands,

"I've been ignoring this big lump in my throat I shouldn't be crying tears were for the weaker days..." I sung quietly,

Rihanna may be a bitch sometimes but her music is on point.

"Whatever it is, it feels like its laughing at me through the glass of a two-sided mirror.."

I cut off the bathroom light and headed to my room to get my phone,

Going in my room I could see my phone glowing, someone was calling me,

"Whatever it is, its just sitting there laughing at me, and I just want to scream.." I continued,

I reached and grabbed my phone,

Out of no where a hand latched on to mine,

I screamed on the top of my lungs,

I was so scared I jumped and ended up on the ground crawling away from the figure,

The light came on,

I stared up at him,


"No, no, no, no, no" I mumbled,

This is not what I want...Its supposed to be over...

You can't always have your way sweetie, you belong to him, and its time for you to give in,

No more running.

Sarah spoke to me for the first time in months,

"You never told me you could sing Babygirl, " he smirked,






3,000 words!











LOTS OF LOVE <<<<<333333

Peace love and m&m's B-)

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