numinous ✕ n.h au

By uhnatuh

230 4 5

<B>numinous</B> <I>(adj.)</I> : describing an experience that makes you fearful yet f... More

a little help please??

chapter one ♡

201 1 0
By uhnatuh

Is it weird that I've been dragged across the country by my crazy best friend and the only thing that is bothering me is the fact that some lame Robin Thicke song is playing?

Honestly, this song that was playing absolutely sucked.

I reached over from my passenger position and angrily switched the radio off. It always played a bunch of poop anyways.

"Why did you do that Mel?" My best friend, Gracie, pouted. Her and I were basically opposites, how our friendship has lasted so long I'll never know.

"Because the song was totally lame," I shot back, kicking my feet up on the dashboard.

The car had just about settled into a comfortable silence and I was going to take that moment to nap. I felt my eyes droop until they shut and right as I felt darkness about to fade in and consume me, Gracie rudely began to squeal.

"I cannot believe we're going to university!" she excitedly yelled, jumping up and down in her seat. I turned my head at the bubbly blonde, who was wearing the wackiest yet cutest outfit I had ever seen. It was completely different from my simple jeans and t-shirt. 

"Yay," I sighed, turning my head towards the window.

Gracie stayed quiet, knowing not to comment on my incredibly depressing behavior.

I don't know what was with my attitude either. 

Gracie switched on the radio which simply made an odd sound. I switched off the annoying noise making machine, which resulted with a Gracie pout. I ignored her and looked out the window, finding a desolate sandy land. The lack of life was amusing as we had a good two hours before we could even dream of seeing any civilization.

I untangled my headphones ,that never seemed to be organized, and placed them in my ears. I selected the Panic! At The Disco latest album Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!

Somewhere between "Girl That You Love" and "Nicotine" that I passed out, most likely from exhaustion.


"Melissa," I felt something poke the temple of my head. "We're here already."

I groaned, attempting to make the person speaking get the hint that I simply did not want to be disturbed from my slumber.

"Melissa do not make me pour cold water on you again," the voice seethed, which I figured could only be Gracie.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and slipping off the car's leather seats.

"I've already got all my stuff out so have fun," she smiled, enjoying the extra work she was assigning me. With another grin, she turned on her heels, practically skipping away.

I ran a hand through my messy hair again before pulling out my outrageously large suitcase. At the time, I found it extremely practical but now I just find it ridiculous. I lugged it behind me, huffing along the way.

I looked around the night sky, creating all the buildings to be dark, which made me squint to see the large building numbers. There was nobody anywhere, shockingly enough, which gave the constant thud of my footsteps a chilling vibe. 

I stopped in front of building E and soon met my next challenge. I had completely forgotten my dorm number. My phone was deep in the depths of my backpack and I had no choice but to pray that out of the twelve dorms I could pick mine.

I went to the second floor and knocked on the first door. I was wishing that Gracie would pop out, make some lame joke, and let me in. 

I heard the footsteps from the other side of the door and closed my eyes, crossing my fingers.

"Hullo?" a raspy male voice slurred.

Just my luck. I gulped looking up to see a handsome blonde guy. His clear blue eyes shone and his hair was a mess. He was wearing a pair of sweats and was shirtless, a few hairs sprinkled along his chest.

But what shone out the most was the black ink that swirled through his skin. His entire right arm was completely covered, and his left shoulder as well. He had some piercings along his lip, and a couple of ear piercings. 

I couldn't help but stand in awe in front of him.

"Are you gonna say somethin' or can I just head back to sleep?" he huffed, and I detected an irish accent.

"Oh, uh yeah, you wouldn't happen to have a bubbly blonde in there would you?" I asked as I left my unusual trance.

He smirked, "Not today nope."

"Shoot, well sorry to bother you." I murmured, turning on my heels so I would end my embarrassment as soon as possible. I grabbed my luggage and began to drag it across the hallway, pretending I knew where I was going.

"Do you need help?" the boy called out, once I had managed to reach the stairs.

"I think I've bothered you enough."

"It's really no bother."

I smiled, "Do you happen to know where a blonde named Gracie lives?"

"Is she the one who's been singing Bieber?" 

I burst out laughing, "That's her!"

"Well she lives right next door!"

I mentally face palmed, and also congratulated myself on being so close. I walked to the dorm next door.

"Thank you so much, um, er, what's your name?"

"Horan, Niall Horan."

"Very james bond like," I laughed. "Thanks again Niall."

He nodded and turned around about to shut his door, while I knocked on my new dorm door.

Niall stopped right before his door shut close, seeming to think of something to say. I took this moment to look at how different he seemed. A blonde boy full of tattoos and piercings? I would never have anticipated that, nor would I have guessed how sweet and kind he was. He cleared his throught, once again catching me oogling over him.

"Will I get to see you again?"




Melissa's outfit on the side by the way :))

I like it and please tell me anything you feel, if you hate it, like it, whatever !

-nat xx 

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