Trouble Maker

By _skyswirlmyg

165K 2.3K 499

Kristina Tori Green, an eighteen year old troublemaker with the nerve, the sass and the trouble. But being a... More



8.2K 220 29
By _skyswirlmyg

Nicco's POV

As I watched Kristina wore my coat it felt unreal, I just silently watched her walked out from the campus because I am too nervous to talk to her. But then suddenly reality hit me...

Oh my god! My coat! Why was I so impulsive? I-i just did that out of nowhere! How can I get it?! Maybe my... No that will not work, darn it! How?! Come on! Think Nicco think!

I sighed out of frustration. I think I have no choice. And besides, I was wondering if maybe this will be the start of our relationship-- uh--- I mean friendship yeah.
Don't be too ahead of yourself Nicco. Just be normal.

It is another day of school, I didn't really sleep well last night because the thought of Kristina having my coat was literally making my heart palpitate.

I go to my classroom and see Kristina looking outside of the window. I was about to go towards her when someone blocked my way. Ugh! Not again! Looking down, I saw petite girls with skimpy clothes hanging on my forearms.

"Nicco! You're so handsome!"

"Please notice us!"

"Aaaah, Nicco!!!"

They just showered me with what useless things they had to say. I smiled a small trained smile to get them away. But It only caused them to scream and squeal.

"Excuse me ladies but I have to go now." I excused myself from the crowd that formed around me and went to Kristina. I had beads of sweat runnings down my legs, my palms started to get sweaty and itchy and my hair had droplets of water running down on my face. I calmed myself down, took a deep breath, and moved closer. I waved my hand.

"Hi." I flashed a nervous smile his way.

She looked at me with a cold hard stare.

"What do you want?" She asked annoyed slitting her eyes towards me In suspicion. Yikes.

"C-can I get my coat back?" I stammered rubbing the back of my neck and smiling sheepishly her way.

"Ohh so it's yours." She realized, pulling out my coat from her bag which was neatly put and shiny.

My coat that she wore! I will nnnnnever wash that coat again.

Kristina's POV

So, It is Nicco, the school heartthrob as I heard, that wants to see me.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I confusedly said.

"Umm, I j-just want us to be friends." He would constantly rub the back of his neck as sweat poured down from his cheeks.

What? Friends? I see his fangirls glaring at me. I don't really care, they are just weaklings. Besides, I think being friends with him might disturb my peaceful life.

I went silent for a while and look at him he seems nervous like he was ready to shit himself, I don't know. Well, I'll just tell what he wants to hear so he can leave.

"Yeah sure, I don't really care." I shrugged my shoulders and plainly looked his way.

"Really?!" He excitedly jumped up and down but calmed himself down. He is so childish but funny. A smile tugs on my lips.

"Let's eat lunch together In the canteen." He smiled brightly.

This is not a part of the plan, I sighed well he's kind but I want him now out of my sight.

I nodded and excused myself looking out of the window again. I need a new hobby.

The bell rang and I went to the canteen, sitting where Nicco instructed me to.

"Gosh is she serious?"

"She's so dead." Whispers came my way and I just sat there minding my own business.

What the fuck did I do this time? I was just sitting here! Suddenly a hand pulls me up harshly.

"Hey hey easy" I said lazily rolling my eyes smirking as I realized who had made me get up.

"Stop talking to my boyfriends you slut! First It's Kassadin and now you are flirting with Nicco?! For your information, I'm more beautiful than you, so stop flirting with them because they are the campus princes. You're just a transferee here. Princes belong with princesses, not maids!" She yelled at me almost spitting with her disgusting breath.

"Are you done?" I yawned In boredom. The students gasped.

"Kris, what's going on?" A familiar voice said entering the canteen. Jill.

"Omg, the Principal Is SO hot!"

"What's up cousin, don't worry about this I can handle it." I rolled my eyes. The canteen went silent with only slight whispers as they confirmed our look-alike features.

"Wait, sir Green, you're not stopping them?" A student asked him while he was sitting on a nearby chair.

"No, I'm going to watch." A smirk was planted on his face.

"So as I was saying, I don't care about you so shut the fuck up. You are so annoying and bitchy and noisy." I complained sighing In annoyance.

"Come on cousin, you can do more than that." He laughed.

The bitch starting to cry. Pathetic much?

"Damn that level of acting might be lower than your grades girl get your shit together. Stop acting like it's my fault because all of us here, including you, know that you're the one who started it." I stated shrugging.

"When I tell daddy, you better watch out!!" She sobbed.

My cousin tisked loudly interrupting our honestly lame fight."First of all, no matter how hard you try you'll never win to Kristina. Second of all, we have CCTV here, remember? Even if you lied in front of your parents, there are so many witnesses here, and don't think that I'm biased because I could be one of the witnesses and I think you started It."

"So go ahead, call your dada." He said in an almost threatening tone.

The bitch suddenly ran while sobbing uncontrollably loud, damn I am embarrassed for her. 

"Hey what happened to that girl?" A voice from the door of the cafeteria broke the silence. The four guys were standing by the door curiously.

"Okay, go back to what you were all doing," Jill ordered, pushing slightly the boys away so he could get out.

I sat in the chair and ate some cake.

"What happened?" Nicco asked me curiously.

I suddenly laughed. All of the boys stared at me like I was a crazy alien from Mars.

"B-because that clown earlier is considering herself as Kassadin's girlfriend a-and I was like laughing so hard. I didn't know Kassadin liked clowns!" I couldn't pronounce it properly because of the laughing and almost choked.

The other boys couldn't hold their laughter but Kassadin glared at them making them shut up as my loud laughter echoed In the noisy cafeteria.

"Gosh, Kass we didn't know that was your girlfriend." Nicco chuckled.

"Okay, shut up, she is my classmate and I think she's crazy." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." I sang.

"I didn't know that Kristina was so cute while laughing," Dello admitted.

"I didn't laugh," I said in a harsh tone and left the table.

Kassadin's POV

"Not expressive of her feelings, I see." Dello described.

"I think It's cute," Dello added. I nodded as Nicco mimicked.

Cute? Her? Nah the boys need to have an appointment, they have to check their eyes it seems there is something wrong with them.

I sat there as I watched Nicco and Kristina talked, they were laughing and stuff, I rolled my eyes. First, she stole my chair and now hanging out with our spot?

I watched her laugh while eating her food, she's beautiful but not my type, she is not even close to my ideal woman at all!

So her name's Kristina.

She thinks I'll forget how she embarrassed me in front of my friends. That clown Is definitely not my girlfriend. My type is hot, beautiful, and sexy not a clown or a shrimp! I thought suddenly of an idea. 

I'm gonna make you pay and I'm not gonna fail this time... I hope.

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