© Lucky One! | ExoPink SuRong

By bigbadb2st

25.8K 1.7K 74

Chorong and Mark have been lover for almost three years.They are happy with the way they love.But their paren... More

Lucky 1
Lucky 2
Lucky 3
Lucky 4
Lucky 5
Lucky 6
Lucky 7
Lucky 8
Lucky 10
Lucky 11
Lucky 12
Lucky 13
Lucky 14
Lucky 15
Lucky 16
Lucky 17
Lucky 18
Lucky 19
Lucky 20
Lucky 21
Lucky 22
Lucky 23
Lucky 24
Lucky 25
Lucky 26
Lucky 27
Lucky 28
Lucky 29
Lucky 30 (super short)
Lucky 31
Lucky 32
Lucky 33
Lucky 34
Lucky 35
Lucky 36
Lucky 37
Lucky 38
Lucky 39
Lucky 40
Lucky 41
Lucky 42
Lucky 43
Lucky 44
Lucky 45

Lucky 9

503 38 1
By bigbadb2st

Mrs.Jeon looks at her eldest daughter from top to bottom

"Yes mom?" Somi narrows her brows. "Huh?Anything?" "You are the one who stares on me". Her mom chuckles. "Oh really?I'm sorry dear". Somi shakes her head before feed in the bread into her mouth

"How much day would you stay?" Somi counts with her fingers. "A week"

Mrs.Jeon sighs slightly. "When will your contract finish?" Somi says, "In three months maybe.Then guess what?After this you will come to your own clinic". Her mom smiles

"I'm so happy for you.But it would be nicer if you open up the clinic here.I mean in Seoul". Somi smiles ear to ear. "Eeee you must be missing me when I'm not around"

"Of course.I'm a good mom you know?" They both laugh at the same time

"Somi?" Somi turns facing her mom "Eo?" "When will you get married?" Somi chokes her drink "Mom!" She screams a bit "What are you saying?" She continues with a pout

"You are getting old even days". Somi sighs. "I know mom". "Ermm what if I set a meeting for you and my friend's son". She shakes her head. "What are you saying?We don't know each other"

"You still have time for that.Just get to know each other.You should be grateful I don't force you for a wedding". Somi rolls her eyes. "Up to you mom". She is not in the mood to say something


Somi accompanies her mom to the mall at the evening. "What shall we eat tonight?" "Soyeon is coming home tonight right?What about some western food". Her mom scoffs. "She just back from Europe.She should eat Korean food then"

Somi waves her hand through the air. "Up to you"

Somi asks permission to leave for the foodcourt because her stomach is making Got7's concert inside

Mrs.Jeon is left behind alone inside the boutique

"Sooah!" Mrs.Jeon tunrs around and finds Mrs.Yiin who called her just now. "Yiin!What are you doing here?" They hug each other. "Just do some shopping.You?"

"I came to buy some ingredients to cook for Soyeon.She is coming home from Amsterdam". Mrs.Yiin nods. "By the way.Since we meet here,let's catch some food?" Mrs.Jeon suggests before continues, "My treat"

"Sure". Mrs.Yiin replies

The two friends walk to the foodcourt which located at the first level.Mrs.Jeon already called Somi and told her to make an order for her and Mrs.Yiin

"Ahh there is my daughter". "Your daughter?" Mrs.Yiin frowns and her bestriend nods. "Kkaja"

Somi who is typing something on her iPhone's screen lifts up her head when two figures appear in front of her. "Oh mom"

"Hi Somi.This is my old friend". Mrs.Yiin grows silence as she lands her eyes on Somi

"Hello auntie". Somi bows her head". "Hi.You may call me auntie Yiin". "Ahh ne". A sweet smile escapes from her lips. "Sit down please". Mrs.Jeon invites. "Somi have you ordered for the food?" Her daughter nods. "Ne.They will serve in couples of minutes"

"So this is your first daughter?" "Eo". "I'm sorry because I couldn't attend your dinner that night". She appologizes politely. "No it's okay.Your mom told me you were busy with work". "Ahh geurae"

"Aigoo your kid is so pretty". A small laugh bursts between Mrs.Jeon lips. "You and your sweet talk". "Oh my God Sooah.I'm serious". "Aigoo your son is handsome too"

Somi feeds her noodles into her big mouth

"Mark is here just now.I don't know where he goes". She shakes her head before sipping her drink. "He didn't tell you where he go?" "Aniyo"


"Thank you for your treat Sooah". "It just a small matter"

Suddenly Mrs.Yiin's phone rings,a call from Mark comes in

"Mom,where are you?" Mark sounds worried

"You still have mom huh?"

"I'm sorry mom.I have something to settle down just now"

"I'm waiting you at the main entrance". With that,she ends the call

"Mom,I'll go and get the car.Please wait here okay?" "Ne". Her mom obeys

"Aigoo your Somi is a good daughter.She has the full package to be someone's daughter in law". Mrs.Yiin still can't stop giving compliments for Somi

"Aigoo you are admiring my daughter". She chuckles.Mrs.Yiin suddenly feels like telling her friend about what is in her mind

"Sooah.Don't you think..."

Pen! Pen!

Mark's Audi is parked in front of the two.The window slides down and Mark greets Mrs.Jeon

"I'll tell you about that later okay?I need to go" Mrs.Jeon just can nod.Seeing the black Audi leaves the mall compound,she tip-toed to find Somi's car


"What are you thiking about mom?" Mark breaks the silence in the car. "Nothing.Hey I met auntie Sooah's daughter just now". "The one who shares age with me?". His mom nods excitedly

"Whoa you look so excited". He chuckles. "She is so pretty.You know what?I feel like having her to be my daughter in law"

Mark instantly turns toward his mom. "What are you saying?" For sure the words was pointed to him.He has no siblings

"Come on darling.You need to move on.You must". His mom taps his shoulder.Mark slightly sighs. "I'm not ready to start it again". "But I'm confident that Somi can be the one for you"

She tries to console her only son.But it doesn't seem like working


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