Only Keith Powers Imagines

By MarulaHoney

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Imagines of ♚ Keith T Powers ♚ More

Love By The Pound
Friends With Benefits
Their Unforgettable Valentine
Reader's Choice
L'ennuyeux Tutor
Date Night
The Wedded Foes
Unrequited: Miniseries
Please Read
Lacking Communication
Chance Encounters

The Unfaithful

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By MarulaHoney

The Unfaithful

How many times had this man made love to her?

How many times had she blushed at the way he looked at her, or giggled at his beautiful childish antics whenever he had the time to do so?

How many times did he come home bearing gifts of small stuffed teddy bears and chocolate turtles once he got home from a long day at work?

Out of all those countless romantic instances, they still found themselves here – bolted into the uncomfortable dreaded leather seats that were situated in the front of their marriage counselor's mahogany desk. The two pain stricken lovers were sitting on opposite sides, with one clutching hard onto the wood of the armrest until his knuckles turned a lighter shade and the other picking at the soon to be to discarded wedding band on her ring finger.

Dr. Straub sighed and cleared his throat from the thick tension the two produced. "Mr. and Mrs. Powers, I think we to find some sort of starting point. Almost like we're going to relive out the day where you both decided you didn't want to be husband and wife anymore. Mr. Powers would you like to go first?'

Keith slanted his eyes over to his wife, drinking in everything he's missed about her in the past six years. The small freckles at the peak of her nose, a small scar at the tip of her bottom lip where a previous piercing resided in her younger rebellious years, or the slight quiver of her shoulders when she was about to let her emotions get the best of her.

"I never stopped wanting her," he spoke softly, speaking his words directly to her.

She scoffed and threw her head back at her husband's untruthful words. "Did you want me when you slept with your personal assistant?"

"Okay," Dr. Straub interjected, "I can see we're going to start with Mrs. Powers first. What I want you to do is remember that night. Remember the point when you realized you were finished with this marriage."

The moment still shown itself clear in her memory, illustrating how her deepest fears about Keith's new P.A. came true.

"I wanted to surprise him," she chuckled bitterly, taking a chunk of her bottom lip between her teeth to stop the tears that were already surfing their way down her flustered cheeks. "We hadn't done anything spontaneous in a while and I figured I would pick a regular Tuesday to try something new. So, I had on some lingerie and a huge trench coat; I even stopped by his favorite sushi place to pick him up some lunch."

From the corner of her eye, she saw her husband tearing up at her words. Guilt pierced straight through him as he relived what he had done, what he thought she wouldn't see. He was unfaithful, something he preached he would never do.

"And there he was, banging her against his desk. Gripping her like she was his wife! Touching her like she belonged to him! Fucking her like she was the one with the ring! He hadn't even looked up until I threw his lunch all over them."

Keith looked directly into his wife's sorrowful brown eyes, croaking out the only words he could think up, "Baby... I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I married you."

Dr. Straub adjusted the glasses the were perched on the bridge of his nose, glancing at the couple once again. He's dealt with failing marriages like this day in and day out. Men and women cheating like it's a sport, and with every case there was no real reason as to why. Most of the time the spouses confessed that it was an act of impulsive, and yet that still never truly answered his question, "Why did you do it?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know," Dr. Straub questioned.

Keith shook his head, lowering his gaze down to his lap, staring down at the insignificant seamed pattern of his tailored pants. Unknown to everyone else in the room, he was speaking the truth. He hadn't known what compelled him to cheat. He had an amazing, beautiful, caring wife that he came home to every night. The love was there, and the sex even after a long six years had him yearning for more.

"You're a coward," she belted out, throwing her wedding band square at his face.

"Mrs. Powers, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? You obviously seem pretty sure that you have no intentions on staying with your husband, so why have you taken the liberty of scheduling an appointment for a marriage counselor if you have no plan to salvage whatever spark there was between you two?"

"Because," she sobbed.

"Because, what?"

"Because, I still love him and I want to fix us! But every time I look at him, I see her! I see them still on that fucking desk making a mockery of our marriage!"

She paused, collecting herself before another cataclysm of emotions overtook her, "That was supposed to be me... Not someone he knew for three months." Six years of marriage, three years of dating, and two years of friendship all flushed down the toilet with one fifteen-minute fuck.

The doctor looked ahead at the oak carved Grandfather clock that sat awkwardly in the corner of the small room before taking another glance back at his patients, "I'm sorry, your time has expired. If you want, we can schedule another appointment for next week."

Unfortunately, Mrs. Powers didn't want another boring session of rewinding the past. It only made her even more frustrated, when all she wanted was to find a way to forgive him. Nonetheless, Keith knew what her answer would be and it wasn't an absolution. "No thank you, Dr. Straub. I think we're done with counseling," she breathed out.

The couple said another round of thanks before sulking their way into the hallway and into the elevator.

"Baby, don't give up on us. I love you, and... and I'll tell you that every day if I have to. I'll make love to you every day, I'll come home earlier and spend more time with you. I'll even cook your favorite dinner each week," he gave out a slight laugh while grabbing her dainty fingers into his calloused palms, "I'll do anything, please."

"Keith, I don't want to talk about this right now. I just want to go home."

Giving in meant that him cheating was a forgivable offense. That gives him enough motive to pull something like that on her again, and she's not sure if her heart would be able to withstand another emotional blow. For now, it was a touch and go process.


The ride home seemed more excruciating than the way there as the two tensed lovers sat quietly in Keith's silver 2014 Lexus IS. Mrs. Powers shoved herself so far away from her husband that her body could've molded into the door. Outside, snow drizzled heavier and heavier until you couldn't see anything but white, which made Keith pull over on the deserted surface streets.

"I have a couple of blankets in the back. We're gonna have to wait out this storm for a little bit," Keith uttered, drawing his body to the back seats of the car to grab the emergency covers. They weren't thick, but hopefully the couple didn't have to stay put for too much longer.

She remembered these cozy blankets very well.

Their naked bodies entangled together as they laid on the plaid red covers in the backyard of their newly purchased home. Honeymoon days turned into weeks for them as they ravished one another whenever they had the chance to do so. With anyone else, there would be emotions of happiness yet this only brought up feelings of hatred and confusion.

What did his personal assistant have that she didn't? Sure, there have been minor bumps in their marriage, but nothing to the point where he had to go out and pull something like this!

"You can't even give me a reason, can you" she asked, staring daggers at the side of his face.

"I wasn't thinking straight, baby. You know if I could I would take that day back, I would."

"Bullshit, Keith," she whispered, "So, I'm just supposed to believe that you cheated on me for nothing? You really think I'm that stupid?"

Keith sighed heavily, rubbing his cold hands over his eyes. It was no use. No matter what he said, she would still hate him. She would still discredit every sentence he threw her way. "You're not stupid, baby. But my story hasn't changed since the day you found out! I don't know why I did it, the fucking thing just happened... I'm trying so hard to show you that I'm sorry! I fired her, I come home on time, I make sure that I let you know where I'm at whenever you ask, but it's not enough for you!"

More unwanted tears dripped out of her eyes as she shakily slid her wedding ring off her finger, placing it on the dashboard.

"I want a divorce."

Who was she kidding! Nothing would ever be the same between them. No amount of therapy and counseling could fix what he damaged. Their marriage was over. "I can't keep lying and tell you that things will work out, Keith. Because they won't and we're just gonna have to accept that."

Keith would be bluffing if he said that he agreed with her. Divorce was the last thing he wanted, but if this would make her happy, he had no choice but to abide by her rules.

Without a word, he leaned over to the passenger side and took her by the chin, lowering his quivering lips onto hers. "One more time," he pleaded.

One more time to claim her as his and only his.

Mrs. Powers didn't prolong her answer as she pressed her lips back onto his, reminiscing on all his features and ticks for the very last time. She examined the miniscule scar embedded on his forehead from a fourth-grade playground incident, the freckles under his eyes cascading onto his semi-prominent cheekbones, the way he sunk his teeth into her bottom lip when she moaned out his name into the frigid air – nothing went unnoticed.

Rough hands tore through her flimsy button down blouse, exposing the burgundy tank top his mother gave her last Christmas. Her hardened nipples were easily noticeable even with the bra she sported and Keith took full advantage of the visual, sinking a bit in his seat to catch one of the buds in his mouth.

"Oh God, Keith," she exhaled, sensing his other hand gliding between her inner thighs that were only covered by her slit maxi skirt.

After toying with both nipples and leaving a trail of wet blotches on her shirt, Keith led more kisses from his wife's collarbone up to her the crook of her neck. From that point his movements ceased to exist.

It was as if he were suspended in time, from her perspective. Whereas for him, time seemed to be moving too fast. Keith didn't want what they had to end and the inevitable tears that shed onto her skin became the proof.


"I love you."

A response never came on her part, no matter how much she wanted to reciprocate the powerful phrase.

Instead of supplicating her for a reply, Keith sat back up in his seat and looked up at the ceiling of his car. Anything at that point would've better than looking her in the face, only for her to see how broken he was. He never knew it was possible, but here he was doing his best to stop himself from crying all the while a massive erection strained itself in his pants.

This was the definition of rock bottom.

Mrs. Powers' eyes wandered about the car, watching the last bits of snow cover the entire car front to back, leaving them completely shaded from the outside world. The previous heated moment left her body in full flames, wanting more of what he had to offer but she knew it came with a price.

Was she willing to put the past behind her just this once to save her marriage? Or was that one time, one too many?

Observing the effort Keith put in didn't go undetected. He took time off work to come to these counseling sessions – in fact he was supposed to be there right now. Nevertheless, here he was, crying in a car with his wife attempting to save is marriage. That should have counted for something.

Luckily for him, it did.

Keith's eyes wandered back to his wife as he heard he shimmy out of the ripped blouse, gazing in confusion as she got up from her previous position to take a seat on her husband's lap. This time she was the one supplicating him for attention, placing a soft peck on his plump lips.

"I love you, too," she confirmed, grinding her center down on the distinguished bulge.

Not wanting to ruin the moment, he caught her lips in a passionate kiss. The battle for dominance was effortless against Keith's strong urge to claim the inside of her mouth. Mrs. Powers unbuttoned her husband's dress shirt, pushing it down his shoulders which left him in his wife beater.

A damp spot coated the tip of his pants as his wife's aroused juices slid out of her panties and down her thighs. Keith's husky groans only fueled her fire, and she rushed to pop open the button on his pants almost yanking his erect muscle free.

"Fuck," he whispered, tugging on his wife's lace panties until they were completely torn from her body.

The sound of a loud gasp sliced through the muggy air as he harshly shoved himself inside of her slick walls. "Right there, oh goodness, right fucking there," she encouraged. Keith's hands roamed around her trembling frame with one finally residing on the curve of her hip while the other gripped her back to push her flush against his chest.

Slapping sounds of skin against skin mingled with their deafening moans and grunts of ecstasy. Their kisses became more sloppy and erratic along with Keith's thrusts. One second they were slow and methodical, and in the next second they were hard and fast. Whenever the pressure in his stomach became unavoidable he would lessen his movements and let her bounce on her own; until she reached her peak.

"Yes! Keith, please! I want to cum," she squealed, tucking her head into his neck as she rode out her climax.

He followed her soon after and gripped both hands around her torso, afraid of the possibility of her leaving. "I'm sorry," Keith heaved as he clutched harder onto his wife.

"I want to forgive you... I'm just scared that you'll do it a second time."

"Don't be. I'll never make that mistake again."


Author's Note: Sorry this imagine sucked ass. I haven't written in a while so I'm a bit rusty. 😶😶

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