Definitely Unexpected

By TheOnlyBurningCandle

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Summary: 25 year old Audrey Collins lives an ordinary life; works part time at Starbucks and lives alone wit... More

Authors Note
Chapter 2: The Lonely Celebrity
Chapter 3: Parties and Alleyways
Chapter 4: Hey There Stranger
Chapter 5: Believers Never Die
Chapter 6: Going Down Swingin'
Chapter 7: Don't You Dare Fangirl On Me!!
Chapter 8: Films, Games and Pizza for the Vegan
Chapter 9: Consequences of Saturday Night
Chapter 10: There's Your Reason
Chapter 11: Just Dinner Right?
Chapter 12: A Miracle
Chapter 13: Time To Tour
Chapter 14: Wanderer
Chapter 15: Salt Lake City
Chapter 16: Me and You...
Chapter 17: Pete fucking knew it
Chapter 18: Sad times come...
Chapter 19: I need to Run Dry...
Chapter 20: Miss Missing You...
Chapter 21: It's gonna get better
Epilogue: Thnks Fr The Mmrs

Chapter 1: The Starbucks Employee

7.5K 132 186
By TheOnlyBurningCandle

Authors note:

Here's the first chapter guys! It's gonna be a little short and awkward within the first couple but I hope you don't mind :)

I only own my characters but not fall out boy :'(


Chapter 1: The Starbucks Employee

(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

Everything was quiet in the apartment. Well, mostly quiet. There were a couple of birds outside chirping away but you could hardly hear them over the neighbours parrot which sat in its cave on their balcony next door. If someone was awake within the apartment, they would be able to hear the clock hanging on the living room wall ticking away slowly, echoing throughout the different rooms.

In the corner of the living room there was a large ball of grey and white fluff curled up. It could have been a unique looking bean bag or maybe a large cushion or even a large fluffy blanket. But anyone who knew the owner of the apartment would know that the giant ball of fluff was just a giant Old English Sheep dog known as Monty - as it said on the dog tag attached to his collar that was hidden beneath large clumps of grey and white fur.

The fluffy dog known as Monty suddenly sat up, awaking from his slumber causing his slightly loud snores to cease. He looked around while letting out a yawn but its surprising how he could see due to the amount of hair that disguised his eyes like curtains.

He rose to his feet and stretched out his large body before beginning to make his way towards the main bedroom. His paws tapping against the wooden floor. The door was only slightly open but for the giant English sheepdog - this was no problem at all.

Shoving his snout against the door, Monty used his nose to push the door open. His head turned as he attempted to spot his owner. Soon he spotted her and let out a low bark before he slowly padded towards her.

He jumped up and walked across the bed and stood over the sleeping woman in front of him. He stood there panting and she screwed her eyes up tighter in disgust the terrible smell of dog breath ht her. She rolled over and shoved her face deeper into her pillow.

"Go away Monty..." She mumbled.

Monty let out a bark, urging his owner to wake up; but all he got in return was a grumble from the sleeping brunette. Suddenly, an iPhone that lay on the bedside table on charge began to vibrate as some tried to call the sleeping girl.

The girl cursed under her breath and sat up with major bed hair and grabbed the iPhone and unlocked it, answering the phone.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone.

"Audrey! Where are you? Boss is gonna be here in half an hour and if he sees your late again, he's gonna fire you!" The voice on the other line shouted.

Audrey had to pull the phone away form her ear for the fear of becoming deaf. She winced and when she realised the person had stopped talking she brought the phone back to her ear.

"Can you repeat that quietly, please? I just felt like my ear drums were being burst!" Audrey said.

This responses in an impatient sigh.

"Your late. When Jake gets here and sees your late again - you're fired!"

"What time is it?"

"It's already eleven."


"Okay, see you-"

Audrey's friend on the other line did say goodbye while laughing but Audrey never heard as she had quickly hung up and jumped out of her bed, causing her dog to also jump up in excitement. With the phone being abandoned somewhere on the bed beneath the giant messy duvet, Audrey rushed to her bathroom and quickly began to scrub her teeth harshly while using her other hand to quickly reach over and grab her hair brush.

With finishing brushing her teeth, Audrey grabbed a couple of hair bands and use the blue brush in her hand to try and rake through the knots that clumped together in her long brown hair which now resembled a lions meme. Within a couple of minutes of harsh brushing - causing Audrey to wince every so often - she had her hair up in a bun.

Running back to her room, Audrey moved to her dressing table which had a fairly large mirror with make up on the table. Grabbing a handful, Audrey began to get to work - trying to make herself look presentable. She used some blusher to give done colour to her face and some cream to try and disguise the fact that she had bags under her eyes; seriously, aren't bags meant to be things you carry and not things that make you look tired and depressed?

Audrey then moved on to her eye makeup. Attempting to go for a smokey eye look, she added different shades of brown and a little bit of grey eye shadow to her eyelids and blended them together to create an interesting but natural look. She added mascara to her eyelashes and then she got up, discarding the make up.

Quickly rummaging thought the giant duvet on the bed, Audrey soon found the iPhone which now read 11:10am. She still had time. Running out towards the door where her shoes were, Audrey grabbed her keys as well. But as she looked down to grab her shoes, she suddenly noticed she wasn't wearing proper clothes; she was in her pyjamas still.

"Oh come on!" Audrey groaned angrily and chucked her phone and keys onto the sofa.

Storming back into her room, Audrey quickly stripped her body of her pyjamas and grabbing new underwear before she selected her simple 'work clothes'. Audrey's definition of work clothes was simple: Make sure it's up to Jake's standards.

If it was Jake approved - you were in the clear. Even though Jake was a year and a half older than Audrey, he still acted like 40 year old manager that had to obey the rules!

Do this, do that... Wear this, don't you dare do that... You can't wear that, it's against regulation! One day, Audrey knew she would eventually go and staple his lips shut or pour an espresso over him. That'll teach him to shut up. But Audrey could only dream... She needed the job; she couldn't afford to loose it.

Audrey's work clothes consisted of wearing a plain coloured t-shirt (today, she had selected a dark blue top) and simple jeans - skinny or normal - or leggings (today she had skinny jeans on) with a pair of simple shoes (black pumps).

Having finally gotten ready, Audrey retrieved her keys and phone from the sofa and left the apartment; but the door soon reopened so Audrey could quickly pour Monty a bowl of dog food for breakfast. Grabbing a cereal bar herself, Audrey patted the Old English Sheepdogs head before once again leaving the apartment.

Audrey quickly checked her phone and read the time; 11:22am. She still had a little time but she had to make a choice; grab the bus or run. She got outside the building and saw the giant line of traffic. She sighed and too in a deep breath, clutching onto her phone and keys - running it was then.

Trying to dodge the walking civilians, Audrey sped down the street, trying to quickly reach her closest Starbucks - which she luckily worked at. Even though she knew she looked like a crazy person, Audrey really couldn't give a damn. Like she said before, She needed the job; she couldn't afford to loose it.

Soon the nearest Starbucks came into view, as Audrey ran round the corner. She let a sigh of relief and used the last of the energy that the small breakfast bar had given to her and quickly began to push her muscles to run just that little but further.

Shoving open the door to StarBucks, Audrey muttered several apologies to the customers who stood in line and the ones she had to squeeze part. Running behind the counter, Audrey grabbed the green apron that was hanging up and chucked it on while panting and breathing heavily.

She hated running. Especially on a Monday. Those two do not mix well at all: nope. Never. Gathering her composure, Audrey stopped hunching over and stood up straight, smiling at her first customer and asking them what beverage they wished to purchase.

After serving that customer, Audrey heard a laugh behind her. She quickly turned and saw her co-worker and friend Eden.

"Finally made it?" She joked.

"Yeah." Audrey smirked back, handing a customers change to them.

Eden was one of Aydreys best east friends and was always there for her. She had a unique style which Jake highly frowned upon. Eden had long blonde hair that was dip dyed with a cool shade of blue. Her hair was

Tied up into a high ponytail so it kept put of her eyes while she worked.

She dressed quite gothic but rock like at the same time. Right now, she had to wear simple clothes. These consisted of a tank top with a dub-step term on it and denim shorts and a pair of shiny black Doc Martens.

Her tribal tattoo on her right arm was on fully display. Jake hated it; he said it wasn't good for work and that she had to keep it hidden. Audrey grimaced as she remembered that argument. That was the only advice Audrey could ever offer someone if they met Eden: Don't get on her bad side.

The door opened and a tall man walked in. Jake. He had dark curly brown hair and a little stubble. He wore a simple plain white t-shirt and trousers along with converse. He looked over at Audrey and Eden and smirked, obviously a little surprised that they were actually already there and working.

Audrey rolled her eyes and carried on working.

"I checked you in already." Eden whispered quickly as Jake walked towards them.

"Thank you!" Audrey quickly replied and took another customers order.

"Well it seems that both of you are finally on time." Jake smirked as he walked behind the counter.

"Great to see you too, Jake." Audrey said with her voice dripping in sarcasm.

"The pleasures mine." Jake sneered back.

"Come on Jake," Eden said smirking. "You know you love us really!"

"Just carry on working, it's gonna be busy today." Jake said and walked off into the small office.

The two employees just rolled their eyes and carried on working; plastering their faces with fake smiles and brewing coffee. Lots and lots of coffee... Latte, cappuccino, americano... Jesus Christ, too much coffee! Audrey sighed and carried on working. For once, Jake was right; it was going to be a busy day... And a long one at that.


(Audrey Collins | First Person)

"One day, I will staple his lips shut or pour an espresso over him!" I said as Eden and I left Starbucks. "It's only a matter of time!"

Eden laughed and we carried on walking down the street. It was just a matter of time before I would loose it with that man! There seemed to be something with him that just made him want to annoy me. Was it a life goal? Daily routine? Entertainment? A mission from God?! Jesus Christ, I didn't care; I just wanted to get away from this crappy job!

"Don't worry, Audrey." Eden said. "Hey, how about this; I just bought a new film, wanna come over and watch it?"

"What film is it?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"Some British film called The Worlds End." Eden shrugged. "I swear its the same people that made Shaun of the Dead."

"Now that's a good movie." I sighed happily.

I smiled as I suddenly remembered a couple mo the ago when Eden, Rose, Gwen and I first found that silly British zombie film: Shaun of the Dead. We had laughed our heads off at the silly logic those Brits were coming out with but it was definitely entertaining. I remember being squished on my sofa by my three friends; one holding popcorn, one with a drink and one being squashed by Monty sitting on them. Those were the good old days.

"So you in?" Eden asked hopeful.

"Definitely." I grinned. "Just let me go home and change first; as well as feeding Monty."

"Sure. If the films any good, we'll have to watch it with Gwen and Rose." Eden said and grinned. "They do come back in a couple days time."

I grinned excitedly at this news. Gwen had gone to visit her parents in Japan for a couple of weeks and Eden went along for tourist reasons. Gwen was a Japanese- American and she had definitely been excited about going back to her native country. Eden and I could definitely say we missed them.

"I'll see you in a few okay?" I smiled at Eden and waved before walking off.

"See you!" Eden shouted after me.


After feeding Monty and having a quick shower, I decided to change out of my 'work clothes'. Looking through my wardrobe, I soon selected a simple black tank top, denim shorts and tights. With putting those on, I took my hair out of its tight bun and let it tumble down over my shoulders.

I grabbed my blue brush and began to quickly brush it again before pushing back the random loose curls which had decided to fall in front of my eyes with a black head band.

Grabbing my messenger bag, I put my keys and phone in there along with a couple bags of chocolate to bring along. I said goodbye to Monty while pulling on a pair of Converse. I quickly left the apartment and grabbed the bus over to Eden's apartment.

Hopefully soon, my car would be put of the garage. Ever since that idiot banged my car while I was driving a couple of weeks ago, it has just not been working right. So now, I have been resorted to two options; the daily exercise of walking or taking the bus (sometimes the occasional taxi).

After a couple of stops, I got off of the bus and walked down the street towards Eden's apartment. I took the elevator up and knocked on the door with her apartment number on it. Eden opened the door, also changed out of her work clothes, and pulled me in; already talking about something while taking my bag and chucking it onto her sofa.

"Let me sit down first woman!" I joked.

"Sorry." She smirked, while putting the film into the DVD player.

I sat down onto the sofa while she jumped onto it, putting her feet up. I chuckled and pulled the chocolate out of my bag while she got herself comfy. She saw the chocolate and grinned.

"Aww, my favourite! You shouldn't have!" Eden grinned reaching out.

I held the bag away from her. "You're right; I didn't."

I laughed at the shocked look on her face as I snapped a piece off and ate it. I quickly chucked the rest her before Eden lunged at me and snatch it off of me.

She grabbed the remote and pressed play on the film menu. We got comfy and began to watch the film.


(Audrey Collins | Third Person)

Audrey found it hard to believe that it had only been two weeks ago that Eden and herself had been watching that film. Now they were sitting in an airport waiting for Gwen and Rose's plane to land.

Eden had been over the moon when she first began banging the door down at Audrey's apartment that morning but now she was sitting on her iPhone playing Angry Birds while they waited for the plane which was two hours late!

"Are they here yet?" Eden asked, not looking up from her game.

"Nope." Audrey said popping the 'p'.

"Crap!" Eden cursed as she failed the level. "This is the fifth time!"

"Let me try." Audrey grinned.

Eden passed the phone over and crossed her arms. Audrey began flicking the angry little birds towards the green pigs, smirking a little at the strange sound effects. On her second go, Audrey completed the level by pulling the slingshot back and using the red bird to deliver a final blow to the large grey pig with the moustache.

"Done it!" Audrey said looking up happily.

"What?! Oh, come on!!" Eden moaned and snatched the phone back, beginning to play the next level. "Thanks..." She said after a minute.

"No problem." Audrey said smirking at her friend.

"Audrey!!" A voice called off somewhere in the distance. "Eden!!"

Audrey and Eden looked up and saw two girls dodging past people and making their way through the crowd of people, dragging their suitcases along. Audrey jumped to her fleet with Eden following and they met the two other girls half way and they all stood there laughing and hugging each other; well, except Rose, who tried to avoid the hugs but was caught up in them anyway.

"We've missed you guys so much!!" Gwen said hugging Eden.

"It's been too long." Audrey agreed. "Don't go without us next time!"

"Well, I can't make that promise." Gwen smirked.

"Ugh, can we get out of here now? I'm sick of airports and planes now!" Rose said. "And I want a cheeseburger!"

"Didn't you like Japan then?" Eden smirked, teasing her.

"Don't get me wrong, it was good but after two weeks you miss the English language and the American food."

"That's the Rosemary we all know and love." Audrey smirked.

"Ah, shut up." Rose said waving her friends away as they began to help drag thief bags away and out of the airport.


"It's great to be back though." Gwen said, asking a sip of her drink.

Audrey and her friends were now sitting in the nearest McDonalds, eating their burgers and chips and drinking their milkshakes. Audrey smiled as she took a bite of her burger. She then pulled her long brown hair over her shoulder and leant on her hand as she listened to her friends stories and experiences within Japan.

Rose and Gwen seemed like two very different people but they actually had a lot in common. As Gwen's original nationality is Japanese, she is quite into anime and manga and that is one love she shares with Rose.

Rose had red hair that was longer at the front then at the back. Roughly, the longer part of her hair only came just past her shoulders while the rest of it was just a couple inches shorter. Rose also wore glasses which she was just pushing back up her nose as they had just began to slip down a little.

Rose was also wearing a white tank top with a brown leather jacket on top with sleeves that came just down to her elbows. She also wore a pair of fingerless gloves which she cherished. Audrey could easily guess that the reason she chose a jacket with short sleeves I'd due to her tattoo. Like Eden, Rose also had one; here's was a small piece of writing in Italian on her arm.

Audrey also had a couple tattoos but they were only small and not very visible. Gwen was the only one who didn't have a tattoo. She never really said why even though Eden's asked her a couple of times... Maybe it was because she was afraid of needles or maybe she didn't know what she wanted to get yet or she just didn't want one; who knows.

Gwen dressed a little differently. Due to her Japanese side and her love for Anime, she tended to wear clothes that reflected on this passion. For example, she was wearing a black skirt that came down to her thighs and tights that were black half way and skin colour the rest. On the edge of the black parts of the tights were little bunny earned shapes that gave away the fact that the tights were manga styled. She was wearing a light blue top as well.

Gwen's hair was naturally black but like Eden, some of her hair was dip dyed pink and purple. She would sometimes wear her hair half up and half down; the top half would show the purple dye that could only be seen on the tips of her hair and the hair that was down would show the small amount of pink that lined the bottom of her hair.

In comparison to her friends, Audrey felt quite plain. She had long dark brown hair that parted down the middle and blue eyes. She wore a variety of different styled outfits but had always been a bit socially awkward. Audrey sighed and carried on listening to her friends conversation.

"It was really good overall and Gwen got to see her parents." Rose said.

"Well, were really glad you enjoyed your time over there; and we've really missed you." Audrey replied.

"And now we are all going out tomorrow night!" Gwen announced and the three other girls looked at her like she was crazy. "What? It's Saturday tomorrow. Saturday nights girls night!"

"Really? Aren't you all really jet lagged?" Eden asked.

"If we go home and sleep now, we'll be fine." Gwen said.

Audrey sighed and agreed. She knew that once Gwen had decided something, she wouldn't let it go. They all soon finished their meals and headed back to their apartments in Chicago. Audrey then realised on the way home that she wouldn't get to stay home on Saturday even and sleep and watch TV with Monty. Goddammit...

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