Forget Me Not (Discontinued)

By ChangMubs

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Six months after Lance, Ilana and Octus escaped from the invasion back on Galaluna and came to hide on earth... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Not an update

Chapter Three

341 8 0
By ChangMubs

Hey everyone Chang here. In chapter two our Galalunian soldier, Lance got a chance to find out more about the mystery girl AKA MK Blackwaters and thought that it was the Mary Katherine he knew back on Galaluna who was a Galalunian witch. The Blackwaters brothers are also starting to claim that Lance looked like MK's childhood boyfriend. Will they get the answers to their questions? Read chapter three to find out more.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sym Bionic Titan.



'A Galalunian witch.' Ilana said slowly after processing what Lance told her. 'Yeah' Lance replied. 'I thought all the Galalunian witches were extinct.' Ilana scratched her head. 'Apparently during the raid in each of the villages of the four tribes of the Galalunian witches some were put on exile to Earth.' Lance explained. 'So tell me about this Mary Katherine witch friend of yours.' Ilana said. 'Well...' Lance started 'MK and I knew each other we were 5 to 6 years old. My dad and her dad were close friends. MK and I were very close back then. We always did everything together, we always had each other's back, and we trusted each other. It's like we were inseparable.

'That was until the night when her and her tribe were banished. A few years later, when I was 14 and going to military school after my dad died, she came back.'

'How was that possible since they were on exile?' Ilana asked.

'Your father gave them the permission to visit Galaluna for at least 3 to 6 months in order for them to show their kids their place of origin.' Lance explained.

'Ooh.' Ilana understood.

'Her dad decided to send her to the same military school with me.' Lance continued.

'And you were obvious happy to see her again.' Ilana added.

'Yeah and surprised too. We were closer than before.' Lance sighed.

'So what happened to her?' Ilana asked.

'I don't want to talk about it.' Lance looked away. 'It's a bit too complicated to relive.'

'Okay if you feel like you want to talk about it, let me know.' With that Ilana left to her room. Lance went to his room as well. Lance walked to his window and looked at the stars. As he was looking at the beautiful view of the night stars he had a flashback.


'It's beautiful isn't it?' 13 year old MK asked 14 year old Lance. 'What is beautiful?' Lance asked. 'The night, silly.' She giggled and gave him a playful punch. 'Oh yeah. It is.' Lance smirked. 'Especially the thingies in the sky.' 'You mean the constellations.' MK corrected him. 'Yeah those thingies.' Lance looked at the stars. 'Why are you calling the constellations thingies?' MK looked at him. 'It's kind of hard to pronounce con-whatever that name is.' Lance smirked more. MK giggled and said 'you're funny you know.' 'Am I?' Lance asked. 'Duh. Why will I be laughing?' MK asked in an obvious voice. 'Good point.' Lance agreed. There was a long silence. 'So how is life on earth?' Lance broke the silence. 'It's okay and all but it doesn't feel the same.' MK sighed sadly. 'Why is that?' Lance looked at her. 'It's just that I miss my life here on Galaluna.' MK frowned.

'Don't you have friends on earth?' Lance asked

'I do. But I miss my friends on Galaluna.' MK looked and smiled at him. 'I missed you a lot Lance.' Lance returned the smile.

'I missed you too. I'm glad that we have a chance to hang out during the six months you'll be living here.' Lance smiled more. 'I wish it was like this all the time.'

'Me too.' She smiled. Suddenly her smile was slowly faded into a frown. She looked away and said 'But it can't.'

'Why not?' Lance asked worriedly.

'Lance you know that the Galalunian witches are in exile after what happened to the queen.' MK told him. 'The king only granted us this opportunity for the sake of the kids. He knew that it was very important that the kids should get to know where they come from.'

'I understand. It's just that things weren't the same for me after you got banished along with your tribe and after my dad died.' Lance frowned.

'You must have been through a lot. I'm so sorry.' MK said sympathetically.

'Too bad you only have two months left until you return to earth. I just wish the king could pardon you, your tribe and the remaining tribes. I just want us to be close again.'

'I do too but I doubt if the king will forget what happened to his queen.' MK sighed sadly. Lance looked away. 'Hey I know what would cheer you up.' MK lightened up. She too off her bracelet and gave it to him. 'Your bracelet? How is it going to help?' Lance asked.

'Whenever I feel down and lonely this bracelet cheers me up a lot.' She explained.

'But I gave it to you to always remember me.' Lance gave it back.

'I know. That's why I'm giving it to you for you to remember me always.' MK closed his hand and gently pushed it back to him. Lance looked at the bracelet, smiled and said 'Okay.' The pair looked at the sky and saw a bright star. 'Wow.' Lance exclaimed in an amazed way. 'Awesome.' MK replied admiring the star. 'Let's make a wish.' Lance said. 'Okay.' MK said as they closed their eyes and made a wish. After a minute they opened their eyes. 'What did you wish for?' Lance asked. 'My secret.' MK smirked. 'Aw come.' Lance pouted. 'It's not allowed to tell someone's wish. It says so in the universal laws.' 'Aw.' Lance pouted more. 'Okay I'll tell you.' MK gave in.

'So what was your wish?'

'My wish was that I could see you again.'

'What a coincidence because I wished for the same thing too.' Lance smirked. MK giggled, moved some of the hair from her face to her ear and looked back at the sky. Lance placed his hand on top of hers. MK looked at her hand, smiled and held his hand. Everything was perfect.

^*^*^*END OF FLASHBACK*^*^*^

Lance looked at the bracelet M.K gave him on their night together. He sighed after the memory of that night. I miss you MK, Lance thought, I miss you so much. I wish I could see your beautiful face. Lance took off his shirt and went to sleep.


MK was taking out her books from her locker until Kimmy came. 'Hey.' Kimmy caught her attention. 'Oh hey Kimmy.' MK closed her locker. 'I heard what happened to you yesterday. Sorry I wasn't there.' Kimmy looked down. 'It wasn't your fault.' MK told her. 'No, it was totally my fault. If I didn't have practice I would have stopped Maeve. Gosh I feel so guilty.' Kimmy face palmed her head. 'You don't have to worry about it. Lance was able to stop her before she did worse.' MK reassured her.

'As in Lance Lunis, the most popular guy and most wanted bachelor in school?'

'The one and only.'



'The way I have been observing him he seems like the anti-social type if you ask me.'

'How do you know?' MK raised an eye brow.

'I'm dating his cousin.' Kimmy replied in a duh voice.

'You mean Newton.'


'You know what's really weirder.'

'What is?'

'The fact that he cares about me.'

'O.M.G as in oh my gosh.'

'I know right. I mean he stands against Maeve, offers me a ride home, decides to stick around with me at my house, encourages me to stand up for myself and ends up having a good conversation with me. How weird is that?'


'All popular guys aren't like that. I mean Lance can actually go for someone like Kristen or anyone other than a nobody and a sore loser like me.'

'Hey, not all popular guys are like that. There are some popular guys who can go for A classed girls, some who go for girls like you and most guys who just take advantage of girls. And FYI you are not a nobody or a sore loser.'

'Kimmy look at me. I'm clumsy, silly and I can't even stand up for myself because I'm a scaredy cat.'

'Mary Katherine. You are not a nobody or a sore lose. You are down to earth and being down to earth is one of the major aspects that a popular guy wants from a girl.'


'Of course. Maybe Lance likes you. As in like, like you.' Kimmy said making MK blush.

'What?! That's crazy.' MK interjected.

'It's a fact MK.' Kimmy smirked.

'How do you know?' MK raised her eyebrow.

'Why would he help you when Maeve was pushing you around? Why would her offer you a ride home? Why would he keep you keep you company, encourage you to stand up for yourself and have a good conversation with you.' Kimmy listed the facts. MK tried to say something but she ran out of words. 'Darn it I hate it when you're right.' MK groaned. 'What? You, Ava, Tamia, Irma and I are love expects, remember?' Kimmy reminded her. 'Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me Kimmy.' MK replied ironically. 'Come on. We have history class to go to.' Kimmy put her arm around MK's shoulder as they made their way to class.


'Adolf Hitler was known for being one of the most ruthless dictators in history. He wrote his journal called the Mein keimpf which is a German term for "My struggles" when he was in prison which became the German bible.....' Mr Franklyn explained. Man, history class can be boring sometimes. Especially if Mr Franklyn doesn't take his lesson seriously. MK thought. Suddenly MK got a feeling like she was being watched. She looked at the person beside her and saw Lance watching her. She quickly looked away and started blushing wildly. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, MK thought. I can't believe that the most popular and most wanted bachelor in school is looking at a low life like me. She looked again and saw that Lance was still looking at her. Was he watching this entire time? MK thought as she looked away again. Someone sent her a note. She opened the note and it read:

Lance is totally checking you out.

MK looked at Kimmy, who was winking at her. MK started blushing more. She kinda looks adorable when she blushes, Lance thought. MK glanced at Lance and saw that he was still watching her. Her cheeks were as red as a tomato. She managed to give him a small smile which he returned with a smirk. MK quickly looked away. I can't believe that he did that. MK thought. MK received another note and it read.

Did Maeve bother you today?

She looked at him and saw concern in his eyes. She shook her head to indicate that her answer was a no. 'Okay everyone. I want you all to go research more about Hitler and I expect to see your reports on my table first thing tomorrow morning.' Mr Franklyn announced. The whole class started complaining. 'If you have any objections whatsoever, I will not hesitate to give you another test tomorrow.' Mr Franklyn countered. The class kept quiet. 'That's what I thought. Class dismissed.'

' *****

'Did you see the way he looked at you?' Kimmy squealed on their way to their lockers. 'Yeah I've seen.' MK replied. 'He was totally checking you out.' Kimmy confirmed. 'How long was he staring at me anyway.' MK asked. 'The whole lesson.' She told her. 'The whole lesson!' MK repeated in shock. 'The whole lesson.' Kimmy confirmed. 'Can this day get any weirder?' MK groaned in despair. 'Don't you mean "can this day get any better."' Kimmy teased her.

'KIMMY!' MK retorted.

'What? Didn't you enjoy his eyes on you?' Kimmy smirked.

'It was weird, okay?'

'Okay, if you say so.' Kimmy rolled her eyes. 'Come on. We have some clients who need some advice from us love expects.'


'Hey guys.' Kimmy greeted Newton, Ilana and Lance as she approached their table. 'Hey Kimmy.' Lance replied rather bored. 'I heard you helped MK with her Maeve problem. You should be proud.' Kimmy recalled. 'It was not..... How do you know MK?' Lance replied rather shocked. 'She's my friend, duh. She tells me everything. She told me about how you stopped Maeve, how you offered her a ride home and how you kept her company.' Kimmy listed the facts. 'So what? Maeve was about to put her out of her misery and I didn't want that to happen.' Lance told her. 'Because you like her.' Kimmy stated. 'Of course I like her. She seems like a good person to be friends with.' Lance replied.

'No. As in you have feelings for her.' Kimmy elaborated

'What?! That's ridiculous.' Lance laughed nervously.

'Come on, Lance. Just admit it. You do have feelings.' Kimmy stated.

'Prove it.' Lance crossed his arms.

'Proof number 1: "Maeve was about to put her out of her misery and I didn't want that to happen."' Kimmy imitated him. Lance ran out of words. 'Proof number 2: the way you've been watching her in history class. It was like you were totally checking her out.' Kimmy replied. She had her eyes on what I was doing in history class? Lance thought bewildered. 'That's what proves that you have feelings for her.' 'How did you two become friends?' Lance changed the topic. 'We were friends ever since we were kids. Our mothers were very close friends.' Kimmy explained

'Did she tell you her background?' Lance asked.

'Yeah. She lost her dad when she was 15. Things weren't the same for her ever since. Not to forget that she and her brothers don't see eye to eye with their mom.' Kimmy explained.

'That's terrible.' Ilana gasped.

'I don't blame them for hating their mom. No one even likes that woman. Even her own relatives hate her.' Kimmy told her.

'Oh. That's unfortunate.' Ilana stated.

'She's been through a lot in her life and I feel bad for her.

'Is the more that she told you?' Lance asked.

'Whoa whoa whoa. Why are you so interested in her background?' Kimmy asked suspiciously.'

'Nothing that concerns you.'

'Proof number 3: you changed the topic and proof number 4: you asked questions concerning her background prove that you have feelings for her.'

'That's impossible. I only met her yesterday.'

'Do you believe in love at first sight?' Kimmy smirked.

'Well I...I...I...' Lance stammered.

'You're totally falling for her.' Kimmy concluded.

'Kimmy.' Lance groaned.

'Hey, I know love when I see it.' Kimmy replied

'How do you know?' Lance raised his eyebrow.

'I'm a love expert.' Kimmy told him.

'Love expert?' Lance repeated.

'They're professionals in understanding love relationships.' Newton explained.

'You are so into her.' Kimmy concluded.

'Kimmy.' Lance glared at her.

'Okay but I'll keep the story in mind.' Kimmy giggled. 'I better attend to my clients. Ciao.' With that Kimmy left. Ilana and Newton just stared at Lance. 'What?' Lance asked. 'You really amaze me, Lance.' Ilana shook her head.


'MK, I have the juiciest gossip ever.' Kimmy ran towards her. 'Let the cat out of the bag. What is it?' MK replied. 

'Lance was asking questions about you.' Kimmy told her. 

'Questions? About me?' MK replied not believing what she was hearing. 'Yeah, love. He seems interested in you.' Kimmy smirked. 'He is?' MK replied stupefied. 'Kinda hard to believe huh?' Kimmy asked. 'Definitely.' MK agreed with her. 'You are so lucky.' Kimmy squealed.

 'Kimmy, what if he's bluffing?' MK said. 'He didn't seem like he was bluffing.' Kimmy replied. 'That's the whole point of acting, Kimmy.' MK pointed out. Kimmy looked at the time and said, 'Oh look at the time. I better head for practice.' 'Okay. So see you later then.' MK said as Kimmy left. MK was walking down the hall until she bumped into someone and dropped her papers and books. 'Sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you like that.' MK quickly picked up her things. 'Let me help.' Said the person. MK's eyes widened. I know that voice, she thought. She looked and saw Lance picking up her things. Déjà vu, she thought. 'You should try to pay attention to where you're going.' Lance told her. 'Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. I'm always clumsy and klutz sometimes.' MK quickly picked her papers. Lance looked at some of her paper and saw some sketch work. 'You like drawing?' Lance asked. 'It's kind of a hobby.' MK moved some of her hair to her ear and blushed. 'They're nice.' Lance gave her back her papers. 'Thank you.' She put them in her bag. Lance looked deeply into her light platinum grey eyes. MK's cheeks were redder than a tomato. She quickly looked away. 'What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?' He asked

'No I'm not really used to being looked at by guys like you' MK told him

'Do I scare you?' he asked rather concerned

'No, I'm just shy around you. That's all' MK elaborated. Lance took a step close to her. Okay, this is getting awkward by the minute, she thought. 'Look I have to go.' She made way out of the hallway but she accidentally slipped. Luckily Lance caught her by her waist before she could hit the ground. MK started blushing even more. Okay, now this is even more awkward, she thought. 'Being klutz again?' Lance smirked.MK ran out of words but she managed to nod to answer him. 'Try to be more careful. Okay.' Lance gently pulled her to her feet. 'Okay. I'll try next time.' MK said as she left. As soon she got to the end of the hall way she quickly hid and sighed with relief. Wow. I can't believe what just happened. Maybe Kimmy is right. MK thought. On her way she saw Maeve. 'Yee!' She yelped quietly and hid. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. the least thing that I need is being skinned alive by Maeve. She checked if Maeve was still there but she wasn't there. 'Phew.' She sighed. Before she left someone caught her. To her dismay she saw Maeve. 'Going somewhere.' Maeve hissed. 'No I was just....' MK stammered

'You thought that you could hide from me huh.' Maeve took a step close to her

'I wasn't hiding. I was just....' MK took a step back.

'You think this is a game of hide and seek?' Maeve pushed her.

'No.' MK interjected

'I'm ganna break your bones.' Maeve pushed her harder. MK lost her balance, fell down the stairs and hit the ground. MK groaned in pain. Maeve started kicking MK. MK was screaming in pain. 'At least Lunis isn't here to spoil the fun.' Maeve said as she kicked MK's arm. Maeve grabbed her by the shirt. She was about to slap MK until someone grabbed her hand. She looked and saw Lance glaring at her. 'I wouldn't do that if I were you.' Lance replied coldly. Maeve dropped MK and tried to punch Lance but he caught her hand, twisted it to her and pushed her to the wall. 'If you dare lay a finger on her I promise you that I will not hesitate to break your bones.' Lance hissed in her ear and let her go. Maeve glared at him and left. 'Are you ok?' Lance asked. 'My head hurts.' MK groaned and rubbed her head. She had a few scratches and bruises on her hands, arms, legs, back, waist and a bleeding bruise on her for head. 'You need to go see a doctor. I can drive you there.' Lance offered. 'No it's okay. Someone waiting for me at car park. He can drive me there.' MK said. 'So looks like I have to carry you to the car then. Oh boy, she thought as she blushed, this is ganna be even more awkward. 'No that won't be....' She was silenced as Lance carried her bridal style. 'I insist.' Lance gave her one of his charming smirks. MK had no words to say but she managed to nod and gave him a weak smile. Lance carried her to the car park where they saw a man about 49 years old. 'What happened?' the man asked. 'She got pushed around.' Lance told him. 'Lance, this is Bobby McClain.' MK introduced him to Lance. 'It's nice to meet you, sir.' Lance gave him a nod. 'It's nice to meet you, son.' Bobby smiled. 'You should take her to the doctor.' Lance told him. 'Good call. And thank you for helping.' Bobby replied. Lance helped MK into the car. 'Thanks again.' With that Bobby left with MK.


'The good news is that she doesn't have any broken bones but you may need to treat her wounds.' The doctor told Bobby. 'Oh thank you, Jesus.' Bobby sighed with relief. 'Try to be a little more careful next time.' The doctor helped MK down the bed. 'I will.' She reassured him.


'That Lance guys seems to be a nice guy. I like him.' Bobby told MK who was seated at the back seat. They were driving on the Bayport Bridge. 'Is that so?' MK asked. 'Yeah I think you should date him.' Bobby smirked. 'Bobby?!' MK blushed. 'What? He's totally your type.' Bobby smirked more. 'Now you're acting like Kimmy.' MK sighed. She looked back and saw Lance's car. 'And he's right behind us.' MK replied awkwardly. 'Oooh.' Bobby exclaimed. 'Is he stalking me?' MK asked. 'Maybe he wants to check on his soul mate.' Bobby grinned. MK groaned. Okay he's totally acting like Kimmy. Bobby saw two flashing light in front of him. 'Snap.' He cursed and made a rough turn. The car started spinning out of control and crushed into the side of the bridge which caused the car to fall into the river. MK's head hit the window and she lost consciousness. Lance, who was driving behind them, got out of his car and ran to the side of the river. 'MK!' he yelled in fear.


MK woke and saw water filling the car. Bobby was trying to find a way out. 'Bobby what's going on.' MK panicked. 'Its going to be okay. I got everything under control.' Bobby tried to calm her down. Within a minute, the car was filled with water.


Lance stood there petrified at what had happened. I better save her before it's too late, Lance thought. He decided to contact Ilana and Octus through his watch/communicator. 'Guys. We have a big problem.' Lance alerted them. 'What's going on?' Ilana asked. 'It's MK. She's in danger.' Lance told them. 'What? How?' Ilana replied. 'I was driving home until her car went overboard.' He reported. 'Oh no.' Ilana gasped. 'Where are you?' Octus asked. 'At the Bayport Bridge.' Lance told them. 'We'll be there. Just try to save her.' Ilana said. With that the communication was cut. Lance opened the boot of his car and took out his crowbar. I hope this works, Lance thought as he jumped into the river.


The car was filled with water. Bobby was trying to break the glass of the window of the car door. 'Bobby!' MK shouted in the water. Bobby was now becoming weak. 'Bobby.' She called again. Bobby took her hand and looked at her. It's okay MK, his voice echoed in her head. Her eyes widened with shock. You're ganna be okay. I promise. Bobby reassured her. MK recovered from her and managed to nod her head. If I don't make it, I just to let you know that you and your brothers are the greatest things that has ever happened and I am sure that your father would be proud of you. Bobby told her. Make sure you look out for your brothers. I will, MK promised. I love you Mary Katherine. Bobby said. I love you too, Bobby. MK replied. MK couldn't hold her breath any longer. Her hand slowly slipped from Bobby's hand. I'm so sorry MK, Bobby thought. I didn't want it to end this way.


Lance dived about 8 times but he couldn't find the car. He dived for the 9th time but still not luck. He swam back to the surface for air. The car has to be down there somewhere and I only have one dive left in me, Lance thought. But I'm not giving up. With that Lance took a deep breath and dived in. he searched everywhere until he found it. There it is, Lance swam to the car. Let's hope I'm not too late. He reached the car and saw MK and Bobby drowning. Oh no, Lance thought. He decided to open the driver's seat. Bobby saw what was going on and pointed to MK. Lance got the sense that Bobby was telling him to save MK. Lance shook his head to indicate that he won't leave him. Lance, you have to save Mary Katherine. Bobby's voice echoed in his head. What are you, Lance asked. I am a Galalunian witch. And you don't have much time left. Take MK whilst you still have the chance. Bobby told him. What about you? Lance asked. Don't worry about me. I guess my time has come. Bobby replied. Are you out of your mind? I can't leave you. MK is going to be freak if you're dead. Lance pointed out.

I don't want her to suffer because me. It's better this way. Bobby said.

I'm not leaving you. Lance refused.

Look, someone predicted when I'm going to die and there is no way that I or the other witches can do to cheat death. I was expecting to die so but I didn't want my life to end this way. Bobby explained.

Why are you throwing away your life like this? Lance asked.

You can never cheat death. Try to cheat death once and it will come back to you. Bobby explained. Lance looked down. I have lived long enough to see MK grow to be the girl she is now and I am proud of her. I made a promise to her father that I would take care of her before he passed on and I am asking you to take care of my dear Mary Kate. Promise me that you will.

I will. Lance promised. Save her. Bobby ordered. Lance swam to the back seat door. Lance tried opening the door with the crowbar but it couldn't open. He tried several time until it almost opened. Almost got it. With that the door opened. Lance removed the seatbelt, took MK out of the car and swam back to the surface. On the way Lance was running out of air and was slowly falling back. He managed to summon some straight until he reached the surface. He swam to the river bank, gently placed MK down and started pumping her chest. Come on, MK. Don't give up on me. Lance thought worriedly. MK coughed out the water. Lance was relieved. He carried her bridal style to the bridge. 'It's okay. Everything is under control.' Lance gently put her down. 'What happened? Where's Bobby.' MK asked. Lance looked down. 'No.' MK took a step back. 'No no no.' She ran to the edge of the bridge. Lance caught her. 'BOBBY!' she screamed.


The police, ambulance, press and media arrived after 10 minutes. The police toll truck had already pulled Bobby's car out of the car. The paramedics took his body out, placed him on a stretcher and took out the revivers. (A/N: I don't know what those magnetic, statics gizmos are okay. Don't Judge me.) 'Charge.'

'Clear.' Said one of the paramedics as he placed the revivers on Bobby's chest. 'No pulse.' The other paramedic checked the life support. 'Charge.'

'Clear.' They placed the revivers again. MK stood behind the paramedics with Lance looking worried. Bobby, please be okay. MK thought worriedly. 'Still no pulse.' The other paramedic confirmed. 'Is he going to be okay.' MK asked. 'It's kind of hard to say but we lost him.' The paramedic told her. 'No.' MK gasped. 'He's gone. I'm sorry.' The paramedic replied. MK turned to the other direction paralysed with fear and pain. Out of nowhere she ran and pushed the paramedics away from Bobby's corpse. 'Wake up, wake up, wake up.' MK shook his body and bursted into tears. 'Please, don't leave me.' she begged. Lance pulled her away from Bobby's body. 'Let me go.' She screamed hysterically and struggled out of his grasp. Lance pulled her into his embrace and she started crying. After the police, ambulance, media and press left the scene, Ilana and Newton had arrived. They found Lance seated on the bench with MK in his arms sleeping. 'How is she?' Ilana asked. 'She's tired and depressed.' Was all that Lance could say. Lance put MK in the car and drove her to their home. On the way, Lance thought of what Bobby had told him earlier. I have lived long enough to see MK grow to be the girl she is now and I am proud of her. I made a promise to her father that in would take care of her before he passed on and I am asking you to take care of my dear Mary Kate. Promise me that you will, Bobby's voice echoed in his head. Lance looked at MK, who was sleeping peacefully at the back seat. He felt sorry for her after what she had been through. After they arrived home, he took her out of the car and carried her into the house. On the way, MK slowly opened her eyes. 'Why am I here?' MK asked. 'Your house is a bit far from here and you bruises may need to be treated.' Lance told her as they got into the spare room. 'You should take a shower.' Lance gently placed her on the bed. 'Oh you should come over to my room for your treatment. Ilana forced me to because she has homework. Like always.' Lance said before he left. A minute after Lance left, Octus', who was in Mr Lunis hologram, walked in the room with towels and pyjamas. 'Ilana can't fit these but they seem to be your size. So I guess you can try them.' Mr Lunis gave the towels and pyjamas. 'And sorry about what happened to your love one.' Mr Lunis replied with a lot of sympathy. 'Thank you Mr Lunis. That really means a lot.' MK replied with gratitude.


Lance was treating MK's wounds. 'Ouch, that stings.' MK winced in pain as Lance finished treating the wound on her forehead. 'Sorry.' Lance patched it up with a bandage. There was an awkward silence. 'Sorry about Bobby.' Lance broke the silence. 'Please, I don't want to talk about it.' MK looked away. 'I'm done.' Lance finished. 'Thanks.' MK stood up. She lifted her hair and tied her hair into a messy bun revealing the mark of the sun and moon. When Lance saw that mark he quickly recognised it. He felt his body becoming weak. It's her, Lance thought, I can't believe it's her. After all these years. 'Is everything okay?' MK asked. Lance quickly snapped out of his thoughts and said, 'No. everything is okay.'

'Okay,' MK replied a bit awkward. 'There is one favour I need you to do for me. Do you mind if you move the mattress to the window sill? I like sleeping under the moon.'

'Okay.' Lance agreed. They went to the spare room and move the mattress. 'Thanks. Wow I keep saying that.' MK looked away and blushed a little. 'You're welcome.' Lance replied. Lance was now lost in her eyes. He quickly snapped out of it and said, 'Good night.' Then left the room. He got into the kitchen where Ilana was. 'Is she... whoa, what's wrong.' Ilana caught Lance before he almost collapsed. 'MK... the girl...same person.' Lance stammered. 'Take it easy. Repeat your statement slowly.' Ilana helped to sit down. 'MK and the girl I knew are the same person.' Lance told her. 'How is that possible?' Ilana asked. 'She has the mark of the sun and the moon at the back of her neck. 'Is she who I think she is?' Ilana gasped. 'Yes, she's the daughter of Elijah Blackwaters,'

Lance replied, 'The Grand Galalunian witch of her tribe.'

Woo. Finally finished with chapter three. Man this chapter is longer than I thought. Now Lance is convinced that MK is the MK he knew long back but still doesn't understands why she doesn't remember him or their childhood moments. Will he get answers? Stay tuned for chapter four. Please review.

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