A Little Insane (Yandere Teac...

By Misfit_Dummy

45.3K 1.1K 2K

(Name)'s life has finally gone great- she has her own apartment, a good job that she loves, and has enrolled... More

Don't cry over spilt Coffee
Monster Attack.
Best Treatment.
The Grim Reapers.
Charming Bracelets.
Bonfires & Books Pt. 1
Bonfires & Books Pt.2

Bird Wings.

6.3K 183 402
By Misfit_Dummy

(Name) screamed on the top of her lungs, turned around, and stumbled past the customised chairs in a desperate manner to escape the beast. It clawed at her, trying to grab her but she was already trying to make a run for it. The gargoyle seemed to figure the obvious escape route, and blocked her path from the entrance before she could get to it. Looking around herself for a weapon to use, she found nothing but chairs that were drilled to the ground.

"Resistance is futile, Eve!" It wheezed out a sort of dry laughter. "Give in or I'll have to resort to brute force."

Then, she remembered the back doors Fujinawa used to enter and leave the theatre room. Without a second thought, she turned and sprinted for her only way out. Her feet stomped against the stairs, heart pumping wildly and making her sweat. There was no way this was happening. How can a being of a whole nother world exist within the human world!? They were supposed to be fiction for Pete's sake! But this was really happening and she was being attacked by a monster.

Unfortunately for her, the thing flew above her and blocked her path again. Only this time, it grabbed her arms and tackled her to the ground. The air was knocked out of her lungs at the impact and weight of the monster that now straddled her thin waist. She tossed and turned, but it remained glued to her and stared hungrily down at its prey. When it finally occurred to her that she was trapped, she resorted to her last option- calling for help.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!" She yelled as loud as she could, moving her face away from its face when it leaned closer to her. Its breath smelt like rotten eggs and garbage. "HELP ME PLEASE!!!"

"You are mine, Eve." It bared its fangs, smugness visible in its voice, and grazed its sharp teeth against her neck, drawing blood from her.

She cried in protest and began trashing around again, but it held its grip firm on her arms. Just when it bared its hideous purple that was longer than a charger wire was stuck out to lick her blood away, a voice spoke.

"Get the hell away from her."

The next thing she knew, the monster was off of your body, the air conditioned coldness hitting your skin, and just like that, it was ripped away from you. Everything was just happening so quickly that it took you at least a few seconds to sit up to gaze at the saviour before you. Your eyes grew wide at the sight of something that replaced the hideous creature, and it was sure as hell better than anyone you've ever seen in your life.

He was simply breathtaking; from his pale and flawless skin to the way his midnight black hair blew away with the slight breeze of the A.C. His stance was strong and firm, but his electric blue eyes blazed with a burning fury at the foe before him. His wore a dark grey button shirt that was rolled all the way to his forearms, dark black jeans, and yet his simple attire was a perfect add to his angelic nature. Everything except... his black wings. Those extra limps sprouted out of his back and spread magnificently to both sides, lined evenly with dark black feathers.

You must've been either dreaming or having a nightmare cause this couldn't be happening.

"Stay out of this, Abaddon!" It snarled viciously at the male in front of her. "This is none of your concern!"

The man chuckled darkly, raising his hands and spreading his palm out to its direction. "Unfortunately for you, everything about her is my concern."

Right on cue, the monster began expanding like an over blown balloon, chest widening, and eyes bulging wide in terror. But before it had the chance to beg for mercy or scream, it's body overloaded, and pieces of its skin rained down on (Name). She just stared at what she just witnessed, (e/c) eyes wide in shock and fear, splatters of thick purple substance meeting with her flesh. Her arms trembled as it struggled to keep her sitting up, hair tangled up in her face like a birds nest.

A cold hand brushed against her face, making her unintentionally flinch at the unfamiliar contact, only for her to look up to meet with the eyes of the angel that saved her life. Her mouth gapped open in the sight of the inhuman male creature, his eyes watching her carefully through his unreadable gaze. He kneeled down beside her, wings spread out behind him, and his face was a few inches away from hers. She immediately retracted away from him once she released what just happened, her back meeting with the theatre chair.

"W-what j-just- how? I-I don't-" She spluttered out, trying to grasp at what she just faced, and her mind failed to comprehend her situation. "S-she was just t-there, then I-I... don't know... I just w-wanted my notes book...."

"It's alright, (Name)." He cooed at her, coming closer and stroking her hair gently, his voice soft but had another tone hidden behind the sweetness of his words. "I'm here now and that bastard is dead. But right now, we both need to take you somewhere safe."

She remained silent for a good minute. "Huh?"

"We need to leave the theatre room right now." He repeated.

"Wait, why?" She couldn't help but ask.

He gestured at the corpse behind him as if pointing at a friend whose back was turned to him. "More of those damn gargoyles will come soon because of the first wave of your scent. If we don't go now, this place will be swarming with their kind."

"There's more of those things!?" She nearly fainted. "How many?"

"An entire clan." He stated honestly. "Now, unless you want to greet more of their kind, you must come with me."

"How do I know you won't butcher me like that thing?" She asked, hugging her knees close to her chest as she squinted suspiciously at him. "I barely know you."

"But I know you." He crossed his arms, blue eyes blank. "And that gargoyle didn't want to butcher you, it wanted to rape you."

Her eyes went wide, and face visibly paled at realisation. "W-what?"

"Don't make me repeat myself." He clenched his fists, nails digging into his shirt as his jaw hardened. "That piece of filth would've succeeded too if I didn't show up on time. If I wanted to kill you, I would've done that by now."

She blinked at his anger, not understanding why he was so upset. Sure, that thing was about to do something completely despicable, but he took it so personally like she mattered something to him.

"Who... who are you that you willingly saved me?" She dared to ask more confidently. "Just what are you and why do you care?"

To her surprise, he smirked down at her question. "I am your guardian angel, I was made to be with you. And by now you should have figured out who I am."

"What are you talking about?" She had never met a guy this beautiful, and if she did she would've remembered.

"You don't remember me? How rude." He stood up, but leaned down to look at her. "I am the Abaddon, or you might remember me by my human name, Fujinawa Katsu."

She just stared at him at his response, eyeing him up up and down, and realised why he looked so familiar. His black hair, pale skin, blue eyes, it all clicked together. And before anyone of them could say anything, her (e/c) eyes rolled back into her skull, and she fell to the floor unconscious with a soft thump, the shock of everything that just happened to her finally sinking in.

His eyes only widened slightly in amusement, she lasted longer than he thought she would. This (Name) (Last Name) definitely was worth it.

"Let's see if you can survive my love as well." He said to him so, smile widening.

Her vision was blank, dark, yet peaceful. A small smile graced up her lips as she shifted into a more comfortable position, and pulled the warm blanket sheets close to her body. It was just too comforting and familiar, the softness of her blanket, her fluffy pillow, and the fresh smell of... cologne?

(Name) opened her heavy eyelids slowly at the strange smell, and wondered when the hell did she replace the natural smell of fruits to the strong scent of mens cologne. Only instead of meeting with the sight of her apart, she only four herself in an unfamiliarity surrounding area of an unknown house. The heater was on at medium, blowing softly at her skin, and she heaved herself to sit up.

Looking around with a drowsy mind, she realised she had slept on a smooth black couch, and was tucked into it. This puzzled her, so she took a 360 at her surroundings. In front of her was a glass coffee table and a flat screen TV near by. A lamp sat by her left side, a pot of plant with strange pink flowers on it sat near the full body length window to her right, and lead to a large balcony. The wallpaper was decorated in black and white flower petals that stretched on from the corners, the fuzzy carpet beneath her patterned in red and white stripes. The living room was both her bedroom and living room combined.

When did she get here?

Then, she recalled her previous events, and the memories crashed down at her like a wave of tsunami, nearly causing her to faint again. Going to classes, going back to get her notes book, the gargoyle attacking her, and... Fujinawa Katsu-sensie. Holy shit. This cannot be real, it was not real. Maybe she just had a very realistically horrible nightmare. But that still didn't explain why she was in this strange house.

"I see you're finally awake." An oh-so-familiar voice startled her.

Turning around, she saw the infamous drama theatre professor himself, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His expression was completely unreadable as his blue eyes pierced into her (e/c) ones, and made her gulp under his cold gaze. He seemed to be enjoying every bit of her small reaction, and eyed her carefully. She noticed how he wasn't wearing his glasses, wore a simple blue T-shirt and loose sweatpants, and somehow looked good in it.

"Where am I!?" She demanded, and stood on both her feet to try and shake off his intimidation with her fake bravery.

"You're in my apartment." He answered too casually for his own good.

"What!? Why!?" She nearly shrieked.

"Because going to your apartment was too risky, your scent was all over the place."

"Are you saying I smell?" She asked pointedly, tone slightly offended.

"Quite the opposite actually." He walked towards her, stopping directly in front of her face, and leaned down to whisper- "I find it intoxicating."

"Oh-Kay~!" You awkwardly shove him away from you, and took a few steps back. "I don't know who you think your messing with, but I won't let you even touch me. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to go."

"Go where?" He raised a brow at her statement.

"To my apartment. Away from you. It's really simple, actually." You roll your eyes at him, and turn to walk away.

"No, you are not." His voice was cold, and the room temperature suddenly felt like it dropped.

"Excuse me?" You didn't even bother to be scared of this guy. "But you do you think you are, my father!?"

"No, but I am your mate." He smiled proudly, but his eyes were malicious.

"My what now?" You ask, face twisting in disbelief.

"Your mate. Soul mate. Compatible other piece of yours." He pointed at himself then you. "You might not believe it, but I am."

"And how do you know that!?" You yell back, temper rising at his unbelievable amount of blunt honesty. "I don't even know what you are! You're my freaking professor who has chicken wings-"

"I'm a fallen angel, not an undercooked bird." He corrected.

"That's not the point!" You wanted to strangle the guy. "I don't even know you man, and you just show up claiming to he my soul mate. You are way older than me too!"

"Not really, just about four years age gap." He shrugged.

"It. Is. Not. Right!" You say through gritted teeth. "I'm a student, you're my professor. That's all there is too it."

He remained silent for a few minutes, his front bangs making it difficult to read his expression, and this unnerved (Name). Maybe you pissed him off this time. But instead of snapping at you, he suddenly asked something you didn't expect.

"You should go take a shower, you stink really badly." He pointed at your clothes.

Looking down, you realised that your clothes were still covered in purple goop of that gargoyle, and felt like throwing up become of the awful smell. How did she not notice that? This embarrassed her, and she turned away from the male.

"I don't want to use your bathroom." She said.

"It was not an invitation, it was an order." He walked off. "The bathroom is just down the hall to your right and the first door. I'll give you some clothes soon."

"Wait, you still have not explained-" She tried to say.

"I'll explain everything later after you shower." He waved her off, and disappeared into a room.

She fingers got fidgety and she awkwardly stood there for a while, contemplating whether to climb out a window or just shower. But he lived in an apart, who knew how tall was this building. Everything about this guy was unbelievable, and half of her was still in a haze of shock. She pinched herself on the cheek, and sure enough because of the pain, she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. If she left now, she'd have to somehow find her own way back home and did not know where she was in the first place, not to mention she looked like she just stepped out of Willywonker's Factory.

With a frustrated grunt, she stomped to his bathroom, and made sure to lock the door twice. It was a decent sized bathroom, the sink to her left, the toilet seat to her right, and a glass wall that lead to the shower on the opposite side of where she stood. The floor was tiled in peach and white checkered patterns, floral scented air freshener evident, and the lights shined down at her. Walking to the mirror, she nearly fell at the sight of her reflection. Her hair was dirty and matted with sweat and slime, her skin covered in the same dry goo, and clothes looking like it went through a tornado.

"How long...?" She breathed, dramatically reaching out to her ugly reflection. "How long have I been this hideous!?"

Not wasting another thought, she began to strip out of her clothes, the filthy material hitting the cold tiled floor around her feet. She was careful to bundle her undergarments around her shirt and jeans, tucking it carefully in the corner behind the door. Making sure the door was double locked again because she wasn't taking her chances with that guy, she turned and reluctantly stepped into the shower.

She locked the glass doors as well, and looked around the shower. There was a shelf that was lined with different soaps and shampoos, and decided to go with it. Turning the knob to the red side, hot water rained down at her naked form. She sighed in the blissful warmth of a clean shower, her muscles relaxing, and she closed her eyelids, taking in the moment. Her fingers ran through her (h/c) locks, making sure to scrub every inch of her body to get rid of the slime, her hands running down her form.

She took the orange scented hand soap, rubbed her hands quickly against it, and cleaned herself until she felt like she was reborn. Squeezing out the mint shampoo, she scrubbed her hair and scalp with the thick blue substance. She smiled to herself, satisfied with her newly cleaned form, and turned the water off. Wrapping the white fuzzy towel around her form, she prepared to step out of the glass shower room.

Strangely though, when she tried to yank the door open, it wouldn't budge. Confused, she pushed and pulled in case she wasn't opening it the right way, and tried to open it with the weight of her shoulder.

"What on earth?" She didn't give in and wrapped both hands around the metal handle to shake it up, but with no avail.

It was then when she felt another presence in the bathroom, the hot steaming air dropping into a cold breeze. She shivered, and looked around with wide eyes, squinted into the fog of her shower.

"Is someone there?" Her voice was small and scared.

Scanning her surroundings, she nearly yelped when she felt the ghostly touch of a hand down her arms. Turning to face her attacker, her eyes met with uncanny blue ones. Before she could say anything, he pushed her frail body against the glass wall, cold hands gripping her shoulders. She gasped at the sudden impact, eyes bulging wide in terror, and hands attempted to push his form away from hers. Much to her surprise and embarrassment, her skin met with his bare and icy chest, and he took his chance at her being thrown off.

Grabbing both her hands, he quickly pinned them above her head, and she began squirming under his hold.

"Fujinawa-sensei, stop this!" She glared up at him through her astonished face.

"Who?" He tilted his head, dull face and tone devoid of emotion. "That is not my real name, (Name)."

She shivered at the sound of her name, but honestly couldn't remember his real angel name. "I-I don't know what it is." She admitted.

He stared at her damp form for a moment, and leaned in closer to her face, freezing breath fanned on her lips. "It's Abaddon. Say my name and I might stop."

"Stop scaring me." She said in a low whisper, but he only found it more amusing.

"Say it, (Name)." He demanded, and pressed his body against hers, making her flinch. "I don't like to be left waiting."

She really couldn't believe this guy, but knew that if she didn't comply, he'd do as he pleased. Swallowing her pride, she whispered. "A-Abaddon, stop this." A deep pink blush reached her face, and she mentally cursed at herself for that.

"Hmm?" His expression didn't faze. "I didn't quite hear you, my lovely Cinderella, care to say that once more? A bit louder too."

Biting her lip, irradiated with his teases, she spoke a bit more clearly. "Stop touching me, Abaddon!"

His lips tinted into a smile of satisfaction, and spoke softly yet dangerously. "I don't think so."

"Eh!?" She breathed out, eyes blazing in anger.

"I was watching you most carefully and I must admit," He leaned down and whispered. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

The disturbing and unsettling tone of his voice made her shiver, and before she could protest any further, his lips connected with hers. Her expression turned into one of terror at this harassment, and began trashing violently. The older male tightened his hold at her protest, and lost himself to the kiss. It was completely harsh and animalistic, almost as if he completely craved for her touch, and bit on her lower tip enough to draw out red plasma. Blood spots dabbed at her chapped lips, and he greedily licked them off.

Her mind failed to comprehend what he was doing to her, but she knew she was scared once he released one of his hands off her wrists, and began travelling down her soaked skin. She gave out a small squeak at his icy touch, and he took the opportunity to deepen kiss even further. Tears burned at her eyes, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of watching her cry, seeing as his emotionless eyes nailed themselves on her facial features as if to exact a specific emotion out of her.

Just when her lungs were demanding for some oxygen, he retracted his lips away from hers and trailed butterfly kissed down her bare neck. (Name) bit her lip to surpress her whimpers as he slowly reached her collar bone, but stopped suddenly. Peering down, she saw his eyes darken at the sight of the teeth mark that the gargoyle inflicted just below her neck, his face hovering close. The wound wasn't deep, but it was spread out wide due to the size of that monsters teeth length.

"So this is the mark that bastard gave you? How impure, a lowly level creature like that hoping to complete with me for your heart." He muttered with an unsettling possessive tone, making direct eye contact with you. "Don't worry, I will purify you."

Before she could say anything, he stuck out his waterlogged tongue, and began licking at her wound. She screamed in agony at the burning sensation, craning her neck and twisted her body left to right in order to throw him off. But he continued his torment and closed his eyelids at the bliss, sucking carefully on the sensitive spot, enjoying every bit of the moment. The pain then transformed into warm ease, much to her surprise, and unwillingly relaxed against him. His mouth curved into a crazed grin, and filled the silence of the bathroom with her heavy breathing and his smooches against her bare collarbone. This was becoming unbearable for the young adult, as her face was bright red by now, and felt like she might explode because his affection to her.

"A-Abaddon, please stop." She breathed out her pleads. "I-It hurts."

Much to her surprise and relief, he loosened his grip on her wrists, allowing the blood to flow more properly, and her weakened legs gave out under her weight. She fell on the floor, hands immediately wrapping themselves around her towel for security purposes. Her eyes gazed up, only to meet his triumphant ones.

"There, now I've got rid of that horrible stench that's been bothering me. It's now replaced with my mark and scent, therefore you belong to ME."

And with that, he walked past her shaking form, and thankfully gained control of himself before he could do anything worse to his beloved student.

Wow, that shower incident was hard for me to write. How do you guys think? Did I portray his Yandere side well? \(°~°\)

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