Rose Petals in the Wind

By Cutegirlmayra

4.4K 132 174

Amy continues her pursuit of Sonic while Tails and others decide to give her some impressive advice about fli... More

Story of the Rose Petals in the Wind begins
Trampled Rose Petals
Rose Petals in the Wind Story Ends

When the Wind Looks Back

822 32 26
By Cutegirlmayra

When the Wind looks back

By: Cutegirlmayra1

(0-0 woah, so.. This is intense! people are reviewing me! T-T dude, so. Happy. Right. Now. This will be the final chapter, sadly, but thank you for supporting me! Please, if you loved this story, I have plenty more where that came from~ check out my other Sonamy stories by clicking my name at the top! Love ya! And thanks for reading! ^^ )

That night, Sonic rested upon a tree's limb, hands behind his back, eyes closed, and one leg hanging off the tree. He wasn't really asleep yet, but only really resting his eyes. The wind blew gently, and he squinted his eyes further.

Suddenly, on this very day, a gust of powerful wind flew by the rose. She wondered, "What was that?" and all of a sudden, her petals flew off after it! One by one. At first, she didn't know what to think of it, then she noticed, she was in the wind.

He slowly opened his eyes, but just barely, looking thoughtfully forward, with a sense of sadness in his eyes.

She was flying! She was soaring over mountains, streams, and shores. She was literally being lifted to new lands and going on adventures here and there! She was so happy, she danced in the wind, almost like thanking it for letting her be taken with it on this freedom voyage.

He sighed and got up, placing an arm on his raised up leg, and stopping the other one from swinging below him. He looked down, recalling the story further in his mind... Amy's voice particularly lingered in his memory. He began recalling the little pink hedgehog he once knew as 'Rosie the Rascal' and how he really had just swept her off her feet, and carried her away to a safe haven... but for Amy, he knew that haven was his arms.... But for him.. It wasn't the same thing...

But then... The rose petals suddenly floated uneasily to the ground, as the wind became gentler, and let them fall..." Amy closed her eyes again and moved her head back in front of her. "She called to the wind, "What happened? Where are you going? What have I done?"

"Nothing... you've done nothing wrong, Amy..." he let his head lean back and hit the tree's trunk, closing his eyes again.

but the wind carried on...

"You really think I would carry on..? Without you?" Sonic couldn't take it anymore, he jumped out of the tree, a little 'bong' noise with his leap. He fell to the ground, and the moment his feet touched earth, he dashed through the land. A silent break in the world's natural order, as he sped past fields, mountains, and plains.

The wind moved on, and the rose petals were left to dream of the next day, when the wind would carry them away again, and not leave them stuck there forever.

"Enough....ENOUGH!" he jumped in the air, dodging a pitiful fall where the earth split in two, and landed on the other side. With one leg out first, it only took him a moment to recover as he sped off again. "I've never left you... you know that." he clinched his teeth. "I could never leave you... as long as you call me your hero... I will never stop protecting you."

In Tails workshop, a doorbell was heard and Tails quickly got off his knees from fixing up the Xtornado, his pride and joy, to rush to the door and answer it. "Hello? U-uh... Sonic?"

Sonic stood there, leaned against the door frame to the left, looking straight before looking to Tails. "We need to talk..." he walked in, not acting his usual self at all. This worried Tails as he quickly shut the door and ran to his computer desk, sitting in his comfortable chair, "What's up?" he asked, knowing something was wrong.

"It's...Well, it's...ugh." Sonic seemed about to say something, even took a step towards Tails, hand reaching out as if ready to declare something, but he quickly stopped himself and swiped his hand through his blue spines on his head.

"..? Uh.. Sonic. Haha, I can't really help you if you don't tell me what's going on." the Fox boy innocently explained and hopefully encouraged as he swung his legs to and fro to make his chair swing back and forth. He looked happy to help, seeming to want to get away from laboring so diligently on his prized machine.

"...Amy... it's Amy." Sonic finally spat out, and then fell hopelessly on Tails's couch, back first, and groaning in annoyance. "What'd you do to her..?"

"What? I didn't do any- ohhhh~" he smiled, "So, she tried something I said?"

"Yeah... and it was a bit of a shocker too... until I figured out it was you. Hey, what gives, huh? Since when do you give out love advice to teenage, drama prone, girls?" Sonic complained and questioned while all the while on his back and laying on the couch.

"....What exactly did she do..? And besides, I know I'm no 'expert' or whatever, but I do know you pretty well. And she seems to be trying harder these days... I'd hate her to try something that was just TO much,... you know?" Tails spun his chair over to the living room, since his computer room was right next to the living room anyway, along with the kitchen.. And his bedroom... in fact to be honest his home was rather small, so all the essentials of a house we're kinda squished together.

"Heh... well, it's not what she did. that was fine and all... but it's what she said." he explained. He looked more serious now, as Tails noticed, and was really about to say something meaningful and from the heart. It wasn't usual for Sonic to be having emotional problems, so Tails did what any respectably friend would do, and listened carefully. While quietly snickering to himself at how vulnerable Sonic seemed to be from just one 'advised flirt' that Amy had done or tried out.

"...She said I was her.. Wind." he explained, almost angrily spitting out the words. He turned over to his stomach, not wanting to look at Tails as he pretty much felt like he was in counseling anyway. He took a pillow and pulled it under his chin, hugging it closely to himself with a tight grip as his eyes shifted back and forth rapidly, remembering the events of today. "And she said she was a Rose, whose petals took flight in a gust of wind. But the wind abandoned her... and left her to riot in a park where she was trampled on, forgotten, and unloved..."

Tails looked a bit confused by Sonic's words, and then, in disbelief, chuckled out a faint, "wha.. What? Did she tell you a story or something? I didn't tell her to do that.."

Sonic's eyes widened, as he quickly got up and looked back at Tails, "No..?"

"No, I just told her to keep her distance and not be so 'touchy, feely' with you." Tails tried to put two and two together. "So.. You feel bad? Or, uh... guilty? About what she said?"

"No.. not guilty.. I feel... sympathy..." he turned back around and flopped back on the pillow, then raised himself again and slammed his face into the pillow. "Ugghhh...." he moaned into it. "THIS GIRL HAS NEVER BEEN SO DEEP IN HER LIFE! WHY ALL THE SUDDEN?! SHE SUDDENLY JUST, I don't know, SPATS OUT THIS 'FEELY', 'Oh, I'm so lonely and forgotten...', STUFF AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TAKE IT!" he raised himself back up and started ranting, getting up and walking back and forth across the room, then he flops himself right back down on the coach, "It's exhausting, Tails! I mean, I've taken care of this girl for many, many long years now. How could she think I would be so cruel? I just like my freedom! I'm not the bad guy!" he quickly got up and almost seemed to try and convince Tails of this, or beg him to believe him. He moved to the edge of the couch, still on his knees but looking like he was just gonna leave the premises any minute.

"S-sonic... c-calm down..." Tails gently placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder and pushed him back down, making Sonic relax and sit. But Sonic didn't get relaxed, instead, he just gave Tails and humorous glare and then pouted while folding his arms. "I think I know how your feeling right now... you don't like thinking that you're the guy whose done wrong to her. The 'bad' guy... but I will admit.. You kinda do give her the cold shoulder..."

"Your not helping, Tails." Sonic butted in. "And come on, you know I need my space. I'm just... not ready for a serious relationship right now... is that so bad?" he shrugged his shoulders out, in an asking kind of way.

"Well... no. but you could at least indulge her a bit..." Tails tried to think up another way for Amy to feel the love she's been desiring so much, but also have Sonic not be so uncomfortable and feel like he's freedom is being jeopardized by Amy's wild feelings around him. "Wait! That's it!" he suddenly had an idea. Leaping from his chair, he ran over to his computer. "Sonic, I have a way for you to give Amy the attention she needs, and still stay 'close' friends."

Sonic looked at him incredulously, but decided to give it a shot anyway, since there was nothing else he could think of. However, he knew one way or another, he didn't want to leave Amy and his friendship like this... he had to make it right, even if he really didn't want to plunge into her fantasies...

Shadow walked with Amy's zombie-like self, he was actually just ready to move on, but Amy followed after him, walking like the living dead and not saying a word. But when she looked up, her eyes were full of tears and it was apparent she wanted a shoulder to cry on. "S-..shadow..." she cried out his name, helplessly, almost to a comedic state. She reached out for him, chibi tears flooding out her eyes, "SHADO-OFPH!"

She had leapt toward him, but he stopped her with his outstretched hand, "Rose... cease from finding comfort in your self pity from me..." he almost growled out. "I do have other things to attend too..."

"Like what?" Amy moved out of his hand, her nose runny and her eyes as wide as they fit in her sockets. She obviously was a mess, she need someone to just hold her and let her cry, but Shadow was the last person in this universe to go to for 'closure'.

"Enough of this mopping!" He moved away from her, after doing a false swipe in the air to remove her from him, which ended up her stumbling back until she fell on her rear-end.

"W-wait! Shadow!"

"If you desire your heart to be full again, then why not confront Sonic on this matter? Just ask him for his feelings in return of yours." he glared and was about to dash off, when Amy grabbed his Ankle, "What?!" he twitched and looked down, his head sweating with the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Bu-but... what if he... what if he.." she reached a shaking hand up to him.

"E-enough of this! How many times do I have to-"

She quickly got herself up and embraced him, leaving Shadow to stand there and look like a deer in headlights. "..R...Rose..?"

"Shadow.. I.. I really need you.... I don't want to be abandoned again..." She buried her head in his shoulder, and her hair covered her face. Shadow looked back to her, and then for a moment his aggression left him, and he sighed. Shifting his body to a relaxed state, he quickly gave in and raised his hand to her head.

"....I'm really.. Not good at this.. 'Helping' thing.." he looked away from her, not sure if what he was doing was even really helping her right now.

"No, no... it's fine.. Your doing great." she smiled and actually giggled lightly. "This is fine..."

"Am I... ehem... interrupting anything..?"

Amy and Shadow both lifted there heads up, seeing a dark blue figure in the vast darkness of the night, slowly walking over to them. The figure gave a brief chuckle and then wiped his finger underneath his nose, "Cause uh... I can come back. But I'd rather not have too.."

"S-Son-" before Amy could continue, Shadow had plugged her mouth his hand, stopping her from speaking further.

"So... now you wish to pick up the fallen petals..."

Sonic twitched, and looked like he was ready to suddenly fight, but unsure of why. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Heh, I don't know what you did to her, but she seems to be in dire need of aid." Shadow moved Amy behind him, and looked back at her over his shoulder, whispering to her, "Stay back, I want to make him fight for you."

"What?! Why? Shadow.." Amy was confused, but Shadow just looked back at Sonic, but kept his face near hers as he turned around.

"To make him realize... how much you really mean to him..." Shadow moved a quill from her face, making Sonic twitch yet again.

"Hey! I don't believe you were invited to this little get to together... I really just want to talk to Amy.." Sonic stated, and placed his hands on his hibs, defiantly.

"Heh," Shadow turned slightly around to him, "Funny, how the guest get here before the main event does. Besides," he turned back to Amy. "I believe you are no longer needed, hero."

"W-what?!" Sonic looked surprisingly furious, even to himself, but he was mostly worried about Amy...

"Perhaps it's time for you to move on, Amy... to a 'darker' taste in life." he suddenly lifted her up on his shoulder, making her squeal in fright.

"S-shadow?! What are you doing!?"

"Hey! Put her down!"

"I don't see a tag on her..."

"She doesn't need one! Let her go!"

"Catch her then, force me to surrender her to you."

"What...?! This is outrageous! Shadow, why would you-?"

"Let's find out who the real alpha male of this pack really is!"

Shadow dashed off, and Sonic quickly followed after him, "Wait! Shadow! Grr....-

Give me back my Rose!"

'As the wind cased the mighty storm cloud, which took the lonely Rose petal, and flew her off into strange winds and lands. The powerful wind, returning to find her taken by the storm cloud, roared in defiance. "No other wind shall have what I have taken first! The rose is mine! And mine it shall always be!" But the deceivingly jealous storm cloud just snickered at the lowly wind, and it rained a furious battle against it. Thunder broke the silence, as the Rose petal was confused and terrified, but would the wind really save her? Or was it only pride that held him close to her life....'

(LOL, I TROLLED YOU! Not the last chapter xD I decided it was WAY to long to be just one last chapter. So the last one will be the end. Again, hopefully, lol. Please review so I can be motivated to make another one! Love ya, and stay tuned for some more exciting drama on, 'Rose Petals in the Wind'!)

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