
By Cutegirlmayra

10.4K 272 483

To protect and save the world from Eggman's otherworldly invasion of demons, Amy Rose sacrifices her memories... More

I Would Give Anything
Don't you know me?
I remember you! You're back!

Who are you?

2.6K 69 93
By Cutegirlmayra



By: Cutegirlmayra1 (So, I got 2 reviews from the get-go! Sweet! I decided to write more cause there's nothing else to do XP)

Amy stared with a blank expression, not really understanding why this man was looking at her like he had seen a ghost. All was still with no sound, until Shadow spoke up.

"Well then... she must have given her memories of you as her willing and heartfelt sacrifice."

"Amy..." Tails reached a hand out to her, "Didn't I say not to touch anything!?"

"...But I didn't." Amy looked back to Tails, obviously, she felt a strong bond to him. "Anyway, I don't know what Shadow's rambling on about, but we got to stop those demons!" she got up quickly, summoning her hammer and looking ready to fight. "Any luck on translating the scripts, Tails?" she asked, looking serious, almost like the leader of the group...

"H-huh?" Tails looked confused. "Amy... there gone." He admitted. She looked at him with surprise and smiled.

"Alright! That's my little bro!" she ruffled the top of his head fondly and began to walk out of the shrine. "I knew I could count on you, buddy!"

"...Amy, your memories... Rosy? Do you remember when you were a kid?" Tails tried to evaluate just how much was missing. "What about Metal Sonic? Remember him?"

"Metal who?" she turned around, having her hammer on her shoulder, and her hand on her hip. "You know I was alone until I met you, Tails. I had to survive on instincts and battle Eggman to save my planet. Wow, you okay? Having a bit of amnesia pal? Haha!" she giggled, then walked by the two hedgehogs at the entrance. "I'm off to train! See ya, Shadow, Silver, uh..." she turned around, looking at Sonic again, "...Tails, who is that guy?" she pointed to him, making a thousand knifes pierce his heart.

Sonic was devastated, and hearing that her memories had changed to make up for his absence killed him even more. The worst part was when she addressed him again, years of their life just cut out of her time stream in an instant. He wouldn't stand for it, nor would he accept it. He slowly turned his head to her, still bending down on the ground and having not moved from when she asked who he was last time.

"A-amy... that's..." Tails looked to Sonic, seeing him try so hard not to show anything that was happening under the surface made him feel so much sympathy for him. "He's-"

"No one. No one of importance." Sonic spoke out, his face hidden from her as only his back faced her. His voice lost all emotion; it was literally a dead man speaking as he slowly rose from where he stood, his fist tightening, his lips turning to a hard frown as he kept his composure. "I'm a friend of Tails." He stated.

"...? Oh? Well, then. I'm Amy Rose, nice to meet'cha..." she slowly turned around to, an eye brow rising in questioning his attitude. 'Must be pretty shy.' She concluded, but her heart ached and she wondered why. Walking out, as soon as she was out of earshot, Silver spun around to face Sonic.

"What was that all about!? Why didn't you tell her who you were?" he wondered, almost seeming ticked that Sonic didn't explain she lost her memory and such.

"...What would it matter?" Sonic turned around, a deep serious glare in his eyes. "She's forgotten me. And as far as I know, she may never remember me."

"You can't give up hope!" Tails rose up too, looking at Sonic, and deciding to take the place of Amy's cheery, supporting part. "I'll look over the wall again, I mean, all it talks about is the sacrifice process! I'm sure there's a way to get her back!" and with that, Sonic just looked down, and nodded his approval. Tails smiled, seeing he could still reach him even in this state and flew off, taking out his square device, and scanning the walls for information again.

"In the mean time, Me and Silver will hunt down Eggman and make sure he's not going to try for a rebound." Shadow explained, folding his arms, and seeming indifferent to the situation at hand. He looked to Silver, who frowned sadly and nodded.

"Don't worry, Sonic. She loves you, right? I'm sure she just wanted to help. Tails will find something... I hope." Silver then walked with Shadow, but both were to tried to run.

"Sonic... it might be best to rest. We'll settle this all later, okay?" Tails offered Sonic an alternative to mopping all day, and so Sonic took it.

"Thanks Tails... I'll be back." With weariness of heart and spirit, Sonic dashed out. Finding a place to rest, he just let himself fall and was fast asleep.

Throughout the night, Sonic kept waking up, having nightmares. All he could think about was years of memories gone from Amy, everything they've ever been through, the times they've shared, and even the hard and tough moments we're completely washed from her. It would take a life time to try and re-teach her who he was and who she was. Even if he played along with the charade and kept acting like a stranger, it would never be the same.

The same...


I was meant to protect you...

And now this...

He grabbed his head, and flung side to side, "GRRRRRRRRAHHHHH!" he screamed, he couldn't stop thinking about it! Every single memory he had of her, as a child or as of now, running gleefully after him, getting mad over something he had done, her worried face when he had to run off to battle, her happy tear stricken face when he returned to her, and most importantly...

"I love you, Sonic the Hedgehog! And I always will!"

"Liar! If you cared then why put me through this!? Why give me up!? For what? Just one of Eggman's plans looked bad, that doesn't mean you go off and try to be the hero on your own! AUGH!"

He got up, racing around, trying to let it all out. He was so good at keeping his innermost feelings a personal secret, but now he couldn't. He literally felt like he had lost a friend, an old time friend who was always there to support and comfort him, even if he felt he didn't want it. He felt his feelings build and finally stopped running, falling to his knees he held back the tears with shouts of anger. Amy... his Amy was gone. And there didn't seem to be any way to get her back, even if Tails wanted to be hopeful about it.

He banged his fist against the ground, rain began to fall, and he now didn't know if he was crying or not. He raised his head to the sky, and let the rain pour on him, lightning struck but he didn't flinch. He tightened his teeth together and looked down, opening his eyes and seeing a single flower being pushed harshly by the rain. He took his hand and cupped the side where the wind was blowing on it, and it started to gently swing instead of struggling to stand. "....At least I can still save you..." he muttered out, as he leaned his head closer to the flower, and closed his eyes in failure. He couldn't save his damsel in distress at the end, when she may have needed him most. Now, he wasn't her daring hero, come to save her in the nick of time. No, he was stranger, someone of little importance to her fake world that had been recreated by her foolish mistake.

"So foolish..."

He knew she was the reason they were all saved, but in the back of his mind he felt he could of still won... somehow... somehow he could of saved her. Why didn't he know? Why did Tails leave her there? Why did Eggman have to suddenly get a brilliant plan? Why... Why....

Why him? Why her? Why now of all times.


Eggman had escaped Silver and Shadow's detection, but he was sorely angry. "HOW DID HE WIN!?" He screamed, having Orbot and Cubot shiver at his outrage. He was pushing and shoving and punching his unfinished machines in his lab, this was what happened when he couldn't figure out what Sonic did to stop him.

And he hated being puzzled.

"I don't understand... it was going so beautifully..." Eggman turned to his robots, after having slammed his hands on his steel work desk, a light blue at best. "I mean... you saw it right? My magnificent plan unfolding, right!? Oh, tell me you saw it.." he slid to the ground, whining as he did so and crying tears of fire hydrants bursting out the sides of his eyes. Cubot handed him a tissue, as Orbot just rolled his eyes.

"You never learn, do you?" he stated, flatly might I add, as he took the box of tissues and pulled two more out of the box to give to Cubot who lovingly patted Eggman's tear stricken eyes with. "There was a way to stop you, a way they would of obviously taken at a 'last minute stand' like that." He folded his arms, and swung the tissue box around as he waved his head to the side, "You. Just. Didn't. Listen to me! Hmph!"

Cubot looked at the two, "There, there now, young wiper-snappers. There are times when men must face defeat, especially at love~" Cubot swooned.

"What do you mean?" Eggman looked to him, seeming to catch on that Cubot and Orbot knew something he didn't.

"Obviously, they used the 'willing heart' sacrifice to stop you." Orbot proclaimed, and hopped up on the tissue box he was holding to have a more clearer eye line with Eggman.

"Ya-huk! I saw Amy go in there Shrine thing with Tails. When Silver up and came along to take Tails back out with hims, and then that there shrine did glow like the sun in summer's glee, Yeeeee-haw!" Cubot responded, having the cowboy voice box in him.

"So that's it then..? Amy sacrificed something to defeat me." Eggman scratched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Here... blow." Cubot offered him a tissue.

"Oh, thank you." Eggman took it and sneezed loudly in it, having the piece of cloth ripple like a flag before he draped it over Cubot. "Ugh, much better. I can breath again. Now then, hup!" he got himself off the ground, after sniffing a few times. "Let's find out how our little pink annoyance is doing, hmmm?" he smiled wickedly.

The two robots 'Hmm'd with him, as Cubot stated, "Wait, where's the lights? And what's this green dot on my eye screens?"


Amy thought it best to get some training done, as the next day dawned on her and she woke up in her bed. Stretching, she thought she felt she had to do something. Doing her usual routine, she felt she had accomplished her morning chores as she always did, still not understanding why she felt so... empty inside...

Out in the opening, she took a breath and sighed out the nice morning air. "Whelp, I guess I should train some more... until Eggman's up to no good again." She spoke out loud, and started to run. Funny thing was, she felt good running, but it felt like she still was missing something, but she tried to ignore it and move on.

The whole place was dipped in orange sunrays from the rising sun just behind her. She smiled at the sight of her forest, the gentle streams, and the songs of the birds racing by....

Or at least the songs that weren't of the Babylon Rouges that is, they were just screeching up the place with their air gear engines.

They moved along as they 'Yahoo'd! and 'Alright'd! by her.

She smiled though, typical day.

So what was missing?

She picked up her cell phone and decided to talk to her best friend, second to cream of course.

"Hey, Tails! How are ya? I'm just on my morning run, thought I should let you know in case you needed me. How's everything going?"

"....." Tails was silent for a long while, making Amy nervous. She slowed her pace down, and then gently stopped, looking concerningly to the side of her phone.


"Y-yeah. Just fine, working on the X-tornado a bit..."

"The X what?"

"..! You don't remember the X-tornado!?"

"Remember a tornado? How could I forget that? What are you on about, Tails?" she tapped her foot to the side, upset by this weird game of his. "Just tell me what it is!"

"It's... a plane. A plane I got from-.... A very good friend." Tails admitted, but sounded sad on the phone.

"Oh? That's odd, thought I was your 'very good' friend, Tails. Haha! Just kidding, I guess Knuckles lent you a plane huh? Now that's really weird, anyway, talk to ya later. Let me know when you're gonna take it for a spin, alright?" she hung up and continued down the road.


"W-wait! Amy! My friend is... here." He hung up the corded phone, and looked back at Sonic.

Sonic had solemnly rested his head on Tails's counter from his kitchen, looking mildly distressed but more so extremely tried from not having much sleep last night.

"...Sonic, I'm saying this cause I'm your friend but.... You look horrible." He stated, shaking his head and folding his arms. "It's really freaky."

"....Yeah,... tell me how it feels to be forgotten by your close friend in a matter of seconds,..." He then tilted his head towards Tails. "And get back to me." He smiled, his normal attitude coming around, and then rolled his head back to place, letting it wobble back and forth on his chin until it was steady at it's center again.

"Sonic... don't you think you should at least ... try and talk to her some more?" Tails wondered, moving his hands out to show his deep concern. "I'm still reading into the Shrine's magic... but I'm sure she'll remember you if you play your usual charming stuff on her. I mean, she feel for you once! She can do it again." He tried to cheer him up, moving his head down to his level, but Sonic only huffed and moved it away. Tails kept slowly spinning his head, as Sonic kept trying to bounce it away. Tails was now hovering in the air, his head upside as he grinned with closed eyes, making Sonic smile at his antics. "I'm sure she misses you." he stated, as Sonic lifted his head and looked away.

"How can she miss someone she doesn't even remember? Or know anymore... for that matter." He grumbled a bit out, and placed his elbow on the counter, looking down and holding his head up with his hand.

Tails frowned; he moved himself back upright and let himself touch the ground. Placing his arms on the counter too, he looked to Sonic from the opposite side. "You know..." he stated, lifting his head down into his arms. "She's acting more and more like you every second I talk to her..." he admitted, his tails waving in discomfort as they wrapped around his legs. "It's like... without you... she would have to grow up and be the hero to herself... it's kind of sad..."

Sonic looked to Tails, feeling the hurt in his eyes as he had to look away. "...She didn't need to be her own hero with me around..." he stated. "She could always... rely on me to save her..." he looked to his hand, and tightened his fist. "But now...."

"Then save her again!" Tails slammed his hands down and raised himself up. "Maybe she'll rely on you again! Maybe she'll remember all the times you've saved her!"

"...You really think that would work?" Sonic looked to his friend, hearing the excitement in his voice gave him hope.

"Yeah! I mean, how could someone forget all that?" he smiled, getting excited. "All you have to do is set up the scene! Need my help?" he asked.

"No, no, Tails. But that does sound interesting.." he got up too, and placed his hand under his chin, looking off to the side, he smiled a devilish grin.

"..Wha...What are you thinking?" Tails looked at him confused, not sure what he was planning.

"Ohh... nothing." He smiled mischievously and then looked back to Tails, "You know, it's kinda funny. She used to be the one plotting how to get my affections. Oh, how the roles have changed.." he rolled his eyes, his grin getting bigger. "And now....I don't have to worry about the consequences of flirting with her..." he snickered out.


"Oh, just me thinking out loud, bye Tails!" he dashed out the door, seeming to be renewed with energy.

"Uhh... good luck? Haha, but I don't think you'll need it. She'll be head over heels for you again, and then... maybe... we'll get our old friend back." he hopefully spoke out, as his ears bended slightly, almost doubting himself. "Unless..." he turned away and brought out his device. "This script is right..." on the device it states-

The precious thing that is lost is then absorbed by our great guardian deity.

Within his stomach it is safe from harm, as the givers wants and needs are then fulfilled.

Tails sighed, "Maybe the stomach is a metaphor for within the depths of the mind..?" Tails stretched it, but truly wished it was so.

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