Don't Close Your Eyes

By booknerdz2

2K 46 49

Liz Barrymore's life is perfect or so it would seem that way. She's in a stable relationship, has a job, and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

98 4 2
By booknerdz2

Don't Close Your Eyes Chapter Nine

Liz sighed as she woke up from one of the worst dreams she had ever had. In the dream she had lost the baby. Miscarried it much like she had hers and Taylor's child. Closing her eyes she knew she could never let that happen. she wouldn't lose another baby. she couldn't lose another baby.

Slowly she climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs. It had been a week now since she had told Zac about the baby. He was happy and so far any issues he had with her he had seemed to resolve once he had found out about their child. His girlfriend on the other hand wasn't so happy. Every night since finding out she had made ways to argue about it with him. He had called her after one such argument.

Shaking her head she heard a knock on the door right as she got to the bottom steps. Liz wasn't expecting company so she wasn't sure who it could be. Chewing on her bottom lip she went to answer it. Luckily it was only a few short steps from the stairs to the door. Swinging the door open she was shocked when she found Taylor standing there his blue eyes looking at her only briefly before looking down at his shoes.

"I wanted to stop by and say congratulations," he shrugged before looking back up. When he looked back up at her it's then that she noticed the slightest bit of sadness reflected in his eyes. Like he was hurt.

"Zac told everyone then?" She asked. Liz had almost forgot Zac had plans to tell his family about her pregnancy at the next dinner they had. Which according to her calculations had been two days ago. That meant Taylor knew then. Taylor knew that she was now carrying Zac's baby.

Watching Taylor nod in response to her question, she smiled faintly. At least they knew and that was out of the way.

"Can I come in?"

That simple question was enough for Liz to realize she had been blocking the door for Taylor to enter the house if he wanted to, "Sure," she mumbled moving aside ever so slightly. She was not sure if this was a good idea but how can she tell him no? It's always hard to tell Taylor no. She thought she was the only one who had that problem or well okay maybe every woman he met had that problem.

Once Taylor is inside she shut the door behind him and watched as he ran a hand through his blonde locks. They are still long which she liked. Liz had always liked him with long hair. She also liked Zac with long hair but he cut it not long after she had met him. She was kind of devastated even if she was with Taylor at the time, "How is Natalie?"

"She's umm...she's good," Taylor nodded and shrugged before turning his back to Liz and walking to the couch.

Liz could tell he didn't want to talk about Natalie but she didn't really care. Natalie was still his wife and he chose to stay with her for a reason. She didn't understand the reason though because it sure seemed like he didn't love her a few months ago when he was making love to her but then again one could say she possibly didn't love Zac either and she did. She had come to realize that now. She did love Zac.

When Taylor sat down on the couch Liz ran a hand through her hair which she realized was still a mess. If Taylor had noticed he hadn't said though she didn't think it really mattered. He had seen her at her worst after all, "How is the pregnancy?" she asked her voice getting soft as she sat in the chair across from the couch. It was bad and even though she had realized she loved Zac she still didn't trust herself around Taylor. Though even if she did anything with him it wouldn't be cheating on her part. Zac was still with Fiona.

"It's fine," he muttered and Liz noticed the way his eyes rolled. So he didn't want to talk about the baby either it seemed. Did he not want it? Maybe that was a dumb question to be asking herself. It seemed that simple eye roll was the only answer she needed, she could read Taylor like the back of her hand.

As a long pause passed between them Liz looked down at her hands. The silvery glitter nail polish she had on is chipping some. She'd have to repaint her nails soon.

Hearing an uncomfortable cough Liz looked up at Taylor, "I was going to give her the papers the night she told me she was pregnant," he whispered and she could barely hear him. If he had been any lower it would have just been his lips moving with no sound.

"Oh," Liz muttered back not sure what else to say. She probably should say more but her mind couldn't find the words. At least now she could fully realize he was only with her because of their child. She was kind of glad Zac wasn't like that. She wouldn't want to force Zac into something he didn't want even if she wanted it. Maybe that was where she was different than Natalie. She wouldn't force someone to stay with her.

Seeing Taylor nod his head she sighed, "Do you want this baby?" she asked finally deciding that she should now voice her previous thoughts. It was a really a dumb question now. Even more so than before. Of course he didn't want it.

When she saw Taylor bite his lip and his face fall some at her question, Liz knew his actions spoke louder than any words he could speak. He didn't want that baby just like he didn't even want to stay with Natalie. She frowned some almost feeling sorry for both of them.

"I don't know," Taylor choked out, though she could tell from his eyes he did know. He didn't want it but he was too scared to voice his opinion on that.

Nodding at his question she decided not to harp on it. He had given her an answer and even though it was a lie it will do. It's not her place to judge him or even question why he chose to lie. She was not a saint either.

"How are things with Zac?" Taylor asked and it took Liz by surprise. She figured he would know how things were. He did just see Zac a few days ago, but then it occured to Liz that Zac even though he had to see him at every family dinner was probably still giving him the cold shoulder. Zac was being stubborn like always.

Looking away from him she shrugged, "They are okay actually," Liz stated as she finally looked back at him. After her words are spoken it was then that a scowl formed on his face. She was a bit amused by that. "Once he knew of the pregnancy it's like everything between us was sort of okay again. Like we were friends again."

Liz was fine with being friends with Zac. If he wanted friends she was fine. She missed him like crazy and a part of her still felt like her world wasn't whole without seeing him every day but she could cope. She had to cope for her and her child.

After going silent Liz watched Taylor wondering what he would say to that. For a second she was beginning to think he wouldn't say anything until she heard him clear his throat. She had always hated when he did that. It was a habit he had, had since way before she met him.

"I see," he nodded a small scowl still on his face. "Well at least he seems to have forgiven one of us."

"He will forgive you," Liz stated trying to sound reassuring. Taylor and her both knew that was probably a lie. Zac would be a stubborn mule and forgive Taylor on his deathbed. Zac was good at holding grudges like that and in a way maybe Zac was right to hold a grudge after being cheated on. She had not only betrayed him but his own brother had too and even if Zac wasn't okay with Taylor ever coming back blood was still blood.

"Yeah when pigs fly," Taylor said his tone a little too harsh.

Liz was silent after his words. She almost thought it was stupid of her to even try and reassure him of anything. Looking down at her nails again she licked her lips and took a deep breath. When she looked back up she saw Taylor checking his watch and then hesitating for a second before standing up. She knew he was probably getting ready to say he was leaving.

"I need to get back. Natalie said for me not to be out too early."

At Taylor's words Liz stood up and tried to hide her eye roll. It seemed like Natalie wore the pants in their marriage. Either that or she had been informed of their little transgression which really shouldn't surprise her. She probably wondered why Zac and Liz had broken up.

"Yeah, wouldn't want your wife grounding you," Liz joked leading the way to the front door. Opening it she turned some surprised to see how quickly Taylor had followed behind her. Looking at him she smiled some. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it or if his face was getting closer to her.

Liz had her answer though when she felt his lips on her. She hadn't been expecting the kiss from him. Not since he had seemed so hurt in their last encounter.

She knew she probably should have pulled away but she didn't. Instead Liz kissed him back. That was why she didn't trust herself sitting beside him on the couch. Taylor would always have a pull on her. She was a total sucker and she truly did feel horrible for it.

Hearing someone clearing their throat right as Taylor had slid his arms around her waist she pulled away slowly. Liz already had a hunch on who it was but she was too scared to see.

Getting fully turned around Liz ran a hand through her hair seeing that her hunch had been right. There stood Zac at her door. Oh that timing had just been so perfect.

"I should go," Taylor said his eyes dropping down as he walked past Zac. Liz could see Zac move some as Taylor did so. Even just with that brief of an interaction she could see the tension and it was more than likely worse after what Zac had just seen.

Once Taylor was in his car Liz crossed her arms and just stood there looking at Zac. She was pretty sure the look he was giving her was one that could kill someone and she was glad that looks couldn't kill.

"I'm sorry," Liz finally spoke. She hoped that was enough to at least warm his demeanor some.

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