My Twilight! (ON HOLD)

By RileyBrooks

735K 14.7K 4.7K

An incident changes Bella Swan's life forever, forcing her to uproot her life in sunny Phoenix and move away... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27~

Chapter 10!

28.4K 615 202
By RileyBrooks

Bella P.O.V-


Phew! That was a close one, I thought, lucky I had my scent masked or the Cullen's would know what I am. I was so caught up in feeding that I hadn't noticed the Cullen's arriving o the scene. I had only realised when Jacob walked up and nudged me gently. I had looked up about to growl at him for interrupting my feast when I noticed the Cullen's advancing on me. I had jumped up and growled at them angrily. Edward stepped forward and asked me if I was the same thing that had attacked him and I smiled, nodding my head as I remembered. Then, with my extra advanced hearing I had heard the sound of Charlie talking on the phone as he drove home. I'd quickly changed into a mountain lion and taken off to get home before him. On the way back, I had kept tuned into the Cullens and Werewolves to see what was happening. I heard how worried Edward was and nearly fell over from laughing so much when he called me a little innocent human. Fortunately, I did end up beating Charlie home... just, and I quickly put some dinner in the oven for him. He walked in the door a minute later and hung his gun and jacket up on the hook in the kitchen door.

"Hey dad," I said nicely, hoping he hadn't gotten a good look at my car.

"Hey Bella, what is for tea?" He asked.

I sighed in relief, "Um... just some steak and vegetables. Sorry, I got home late, I went on a date with Edward Cullen, remember, I told you about it on the phone at lunch?" I asked him.

"Steak is good, Bella. Oh yeah, I forgot you had a date with him tonight, and don't you have a group date with all of the Cullens this weekend?" He asked me.

"Oh no, it is just a sleepover Alice, Rosalie and I are having. We are going to do fun stuff while the guys just sit around and do nothing. Thanks for reminding me though, I forgot," I lied, "Well, I am going up to do some homework," I said, quickly leaving the room to escape before he asks me about my car. I can see it in the back of his mind right now.

"Bella!" Charlie yelled out before I had even taken a single step.

I turned back to face him slowly, thinking of an excuse as to why my car was so battered up, "Yeah, Cha-Dad?" I asked him.

"What happened to your car?" He asked me.

"Um... Well, you, uh... see, on the way back home, a, uh... bunny? It hopped onto the, uh... road and I swerved and hit a tree but nothing bad happened. It was on the way home from school, before my date so there was no one else in the car and the tree only hit the passenger side of the car so I was fine, just a bit jostled," I said lamely.

"Ok kiddo, as long as you are alright," Charlie said gruffly, "If you want, I can go and arrest Mr Bunny if it makes you happy?" He asked teasingly.

I laughed, high and tinkly in relief that he bought my lie, "Uh... no dad, thats alright, I think he learnt his lesson," I said jokingly.

"Ok, go do your homework and get to bed, young lady," Charlie said sternly, "It is a school night, and take your car to get fixed tomorrow after school," He finished.

I didn't say anything, I just ran for the stairs before he could say anything else to me. As I walked in my room I heard the minds of the Cullens nearby, I frowned and walked over to the window and saw them all sitting in their car, driving off in a panic. I read into Emmett's mind in curiosity for why they were taking off. When I heard why, I started laughing, they didn't want me to know they were there but I knew they were there the second they pulled up. If only they knew. I shrugged and got ready for bed, even though I wouldn't be sleeping and then did my homework.


I crept back in through my window at six in the morning, I had been hunting and felt uncomfortably full. I had way too much to drink but I couldn't help it. I started getting ready for school. It was going to be really cold today so I got out a long-sleeved, tight blue top and some ripped white skinny jeans. I got out my two-inch high, black wedged, ankle-length boots. I added my cropped, black leather jacket and my outfit was ready. I pulled my long fringe back with a bobby clip and tousled the rest. I put on some mascara and lip gloss and was ready to go. I skipped down the stairs and merrily ran out the door, pausing to lock it behind me. I already knew that Edward's Volvo was parked in my foggy driveway but I pretended I didn't see it until Edward emerged from the fog. I gasped fakely while trying not to laugh.

"I am sorry I scared you," Edward teased, "I was, uh... wondering if I could drive you to school today? I have something to ask you," Edward told me nervously.

I looked at him curiously and before I could help it, I read his mind. I bit back a chuckle. He was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I grinned, "You can take me to school as long as you also drive me back from school," I told him, trying to strike a bargain with him.

"Of course I will," Edward said, looking at me weirdly.

I nodded and walked over to his car. I slid in and waited for him to walk around and open his door. He started the car and drove to school in silence. I sat fidgeting the whole way, waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend. He parked next to his sister's red BMW. I went to get out since he had seemed to chickened out of asking me but he put his hand on my wrist and tugged gently until I sat back down in the seat properly. I turned around and looked at him.

"What do you want to ask me?" I asked him, not able to keep my excitement from showing.

He frowned at me, suspicious and I tried to turn it down a notch, "Will you, uh..." He stopped and scratched his head slightly before continuing and I stiffled a giggle behind my hand, he glared at me, "WILLYOUBEMYGIRLFRIEND?" He asked me quickly.

I put my hands up as if to slow oncoming traffic, "Whoa, whoa. Say that again, this time really..... slowly......," I told him, giggling at his expression.

"I asked you if you would, uh, like to be my girlfriend?" Edward asked me again, this time slower. He looked down at his hands while he waited for my reply.

"Yes!" I squealed excitedly, not hesitating for a single second.

 I leaned forwards and kissed him on the lips quickly but pulled back as soon as he started kissing me back, which wasn't very long, seeing as he is a vampire and all and he had very good reflexes. I smiled cheekily at him then jumped out the car and ran off past his brothers and sisters to my class. Emmett and Rosalie looked at me knowingly but I only glared at them as I ran past and turned the corner.


Edward P.O.V-

I jumped out of the car after Bella, grinning. She had said yes to being my girlfriend. I walked up to my brothers and sisters while staring after Bella dreamily. Jasper chuckled at me and walked up and thumped me on the back.

"Good job," Jasper told me, "I can't see what you were so worried about. Bella obviously like you, anyone can see that," He told me.

"Yeah," Alice agreed, "Now, I am going to quickly ask Bella something before class. I am going to change our plans this weekend. Do you guys want to go bowling? We can do that early morning and then do the thing after," Alice said, looking around suspiciously, looking for listeners, especially Bella.

"Okay, I will come with you," I said. Everyone turned and grinned at me mockingly, "Leave me alone," I growled, embarrassed.

Alice and I walked off the way Bella had gone, following her human heartbeat. I heard Emmett laughing behind me and half turned to face him. Alice rolled her eyes and tugged at my hand impatiently as I stopped, looking back at Emmett, annoyed. I turned back around reluctantly and we kept walking to find Bella. We found her on a bench with Mike and I growled, much too quietly for human ears to hear but Bella's head snapped up and her eyes met mine immediately before she looked back down quickly. I frowned and looked over at Alice, she shrugged at me.

'Could she have heard you?' Alice asked me in her head.

I shook my head as an answer, there was no way she could have, and we continued forward to Bella. We reached her in a matter of seconds and Mike stood up grumpily. I read his mind and nearly growled at what he was thinking. He was going to ask my girlfriend out. How could he.

"Mike, Edward is my boyfriend, I am not going to go out with you," Bella told him softly.

I grinned and pulled her close to me, "Yeah, so run along now. Alice and I need to speak to Bella," I told Mike nastily, shooing him away with a shooing motion. He stumbled away, glaring at me slightly.

"You didn't need to scare him off like that!" Bella scolded me teasingly, smiling slightly.

"I don't like it when people hit on my girlfriend. You’re lucky I didn't kill him for asking you out," I told her seriously.

"Anyway, Alice. What did you want to ask me?" Bella asked expectantly.

"I was wondering if, instead of a sleepover we could go out bowling at around eight am and come back at around twelve." Alice asked.

"Sure, why did something come up?" Bella asked curiously.

Alice opened up her mouth to say yes when I cut her off quickly, "No! Alice just wants to be back in time to watch this show on television," I lied, not thinking about the plan in case Tanya was near enough to hear my thoughts. She was one of the rare vampires like me that had powers. Her power was to absorb the first talented vampire’s gift. So she now had my gift as well as I did.

"Uh, yeah," Alice said, looking up at me wonderingly. I shook my head before I nodded and looked back at Bella.

"What show is it?" Bella asked, looking at us suspiciously.

"Uh... it is a, um," Alice looked at me for help.

I blocked my mind against other mind readers and quickly racked my mind for the Saturday television programs. I had gotten bored last night so I had looked through it. The Brady Bunch? No, no... Um, Home and Away rerun? It will have to do. All of this was thought of within one second.

"It is a Home and Away rerun that Alice had missed and our television doesn't record," I told her sympathetically.

"Oh, fine. I wanted to go visit Jacob soon anyway," Bella said, shrugging, "You will have to tell me what happens in it. I love Home and Away."

I bristled at the mention of Jacobs name but looked at her curiously at her second statement. Somehow I felt that she was lying to me about liking Home and Away. I was about to ask her when the bell went. She leaned towards me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled back and put her fingers to my lips.

"I have to get to class. Mrs Floss is a pain in the ass and will hate it if I get in late," She said, "Bye Alice," She said, "See you guys at lunch," She called out louder and I turned to see Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper walking up.

"See you soon Bella," Rosalie yelled back suggestively, grinning at her. Now that Bella was my girlfriend they were going to be seeing a lot of her.

Bella blushed and scurried off gracefully. It still surprised me at how graceful and beautiful she is for a human. She is nearly prettier than Rosalie and she is only a human. Without thinking it through properly, I thought of Bella as a vampire. She would be amazing, so beaut... my thoughts caught up with me. What the hell was I thinking? There was no way I would ever turn Bella. I growled at myself below my breath. I looked up at my sisters and brothers and noticed them staring weirdly at me.

"What is wrong?" Alice asked me worriedly.

"N-Nothing," I stuttered.

Alice and Jasper gave me a disbelieving look but I just shook my head, "I was just thinking about what she would be like if she was like us!" I said angry at myself at thinking that.

"OMG!" Rosalie yelled suddenly, checking the watch on her wrist, "We are going to be late for class," She said, pulling at Emmett's arm.

We didn't care about class, only Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper did as they were graduating this year. I sighed and walked off to my class. I had English, so boring. I already knew more than the teacher due to all of my studying during the night. So instead of paying close attention, I thought about Bella and the plan this weekend as I had blocked my thoughts earlier this-morning.

"Edward Cullen, what is the answer to question seven?" My grumpy teacher asked me snappily.

I told him the answer quickly and sat back in my seat with a satisfied, cocky smirk fired at the teacher. He glared at me grumpily and stalked back to the front of the class, upset that I had gotten the right answer. But it was kind of hard not to when his whole mind was shouting out the answer smugly. I shut my eyes and went back to thinking about Bella.


Classes passed quickly and before I knew it, I was standing outside Bella's classroom where she has Spanish. She walked out laughing with Alice and immediately looked my way, smiling widely at me. My breath caught in my throat and I gulped looking at her. She looked so beautiful, I was torn away from my thoughts as she snapped her fingers in from of my face before softly patting my head.

"Hellooo! Is anyone in there?" She asked waving her hand in front of my face crazily.

I grinned at her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She smiled back at me and slid her hands up around my neck. I pulled her in closer slowly, bending my head slightly towards hers. A person clearing their throat loudly had us opening our eyes and looking to the side. Principal Greene was standing next to Alice looking very seriously at us. Uh oh! He caught us, students weren't allowed to act intimate during school.

"Bella Swan, can you please come to my office with me," Principal Greene said sternly.

"Principal Greene, it wasn't Bella's fault, it was mine," I said, trying to get Bella out of trouble.

"Oh, it isn't about that, Edward. You two can go to lunch now," Principal Greene told Alice and I, dismissing us with his hand and tone of voice.

I looked over at Bella longingly, "Don't worry," Principal Greene said, chuckling, "I will return your girlfriend to you before lunch is over," He teased, shocking me. Principal Greene never teased.

I kissed Bella on the cheek gently before grabbing Alice's hand and pulling her away to the cafeteria. As we were walking away, I looked back over my shoulder to see Bella and Principal Greene walking away slowly towards the front office.

'I wander what Principal Greene wants Bella for?' Alice mused to me in her head.

I sighed, "You don't have to talk in your head, Alice. Speak to me out loud like normal people do," I whispered, bored as we walked into the cafeteria without my angel with me.

Emmett looked up at me, grinning before his looked turned to questioning as he noticed that Bella wasn't with me. We walked up to him without getting lunch. Rosalie and Jasper were also sitting at the table. I pulled out a seat and watched as Alice did too.

"So, Edward. Dumped already?" He chuckled.

I couldn't help it, I growled lowly, "No. She hasn't dumped me," I snarled angrily, "She is talking to Principal Greene about something important."

"Okay, okay! Don't get all angry about nothing," Emmett laughed.

"I am not!" I sneered before sighing slightly, "Okay, maybe I am... just a little bit," I said, relaxing.


Bella P.O.V-

"So, what is it that you would like to talk to me about, sir?" I asked politely, sitting in the chair next to the principal's desk.

Principal Greene walked around his desk before sitting in his chair, "There has been more vandalizing," Principal Greene said softly.

If I had a heart, it would have stopped, "What?" I asked, sure I had misunderstood him.

He shook his head, "There has been more vandalizing. It is still the same subject and same color so I am pretty sure it is the same person or people," Principal Greene said again.

"Wh-what did it say?" I asked nervously.

Principal Greene frowned slightly and shifted in his seat, "They all said, 'Bella, I have already given you a warning and you didn't listen. Naughty girl! You will be dead next week if you don't stay away from him. Watch your back, I will be watching! Love from Edward's real girlfriend!' It is worse than the other one. I think it is time to involve the police," Principal Greene said frowning.

"No!" I shouted.

"What?" Principal Greene asked, shocked.

"Um... let’s just see where this goes, it might be an empty threat for all we know," I bargained, "If it happens again than you can go to the police. Just give it one more shot. Please?" I asked pleadingly.

Principal Greene frowned," I really don't thi-" He started but I cut him off.

"Please Principal Greene. I promise, one more time and you can go to the police," I asked pleadingly.

"Uh... Fine. But one more time and I am going to the police," He replied, giving in finally.

"Oh thank you!" I shouted standing up.

"It is alright. Now go and have some lunch before it ends," He told me.

I nodded and walked out of the room. As soon as the door shut I let my true emotions show. I was scared, scared out of my mind. This was one of the freakiest things that has ever happened to me. I walked slowly to the cafeteria and noticed the Cullen's looking at me curiously. I tried to fix my face and change the expression on it but it mustn’t have worked because Edward frowned at me. I walked up to their table and collapsed into a seat sighing really loudly. I looked up into the eyes of five curious and worried vampires. I sighed again and shut my eyes which opened immediately when Edward put his finger under my chin and pulled my face up towards his. His sweet breath blew across my face and I sighed in satisfaction.

"So, what did the Principal want you for?" Edward asked me curiously.

I frowned immediately, "Uh... He, uh, he wanted... uh..." I stuttered nervously. Should I tell them? I asked myself in my head, "Uh, can we go outside and talk about it in the car?" I asked quietly.

"Sure," Edward replied instantly, "We will see you guys later," Edward said standing up with me.

"N-no!" I whisper-yelled, "They need to hear this too. Anyway, you have already told them about some of it," I told him calmly.

Everyone else stood up immediately and followed me outside to Edward's car. We all hopped in and I would have laughed at seeing Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie all squished up in the back seats of a car had this not been a serious moment. Once everyone was in the car and the door was shut, everyone turned to look at me worriedly.

"Uh... The Principal wanted to talk to me about the vandalizing that has been going around in the school," I said quietly, everyone looked at me as if to say, 'So?', "Uh... There has been more vandalizing," I continued, watching Edward carefully.

He tensed, "What did it say?" He growled and I worked my facial features into a shocked look.

"Did you... Did you just growl?" I asked wildly before shaking my head, "The vandalizing and having a bad night must be doing something to my brain," I said, laughing quietly while everyone else just relaxed.

"What did the vandalizing say?!" Edward shouted out.

I cringed and put my hands over my ears, cowering against my seat in fake shock. I was immediately pulled into an embrace by Edward. He ran his hands through my hair and down my back, soothing me.

"Whoa! It's alright," He cooed softly, "I am so sorry. I am just really scared, Bella," He said gently.

I nodded, "The note, it uh, said... ''Bella, I have already given you a warning and you didn't listen. Naughty girl! You will be dead next week if you don't stay away from him. Watch your back, I will be watching! Love from Edward's real girlfriend!' It... It's nothing," I said, watching as everyone's face filled with rage and horror.

Edward tensed and started cussing loudly, "I am going to kill that bitch!" He said at last and I tensed immediately.

"No Edward!" I cried out, "It is probably just an empty threat from your girlfriend. You don't have to do anything about it. We just... We can just cancel this group date thing that we have this weekend and I can sit with my other friends from now on," I said, trying to talk him out of it.

He stiffened even more, "That girl is not my girlfriend! She never has been!" He yelled at me, "I am with you! Not that damn girl! We are not going to be cancelling the group date and we will keep sitting together! After this weekend, she will leave you alone!" He said with conviction.

This confused me and I tried reading his mind but he had obviously blocked it from me. I turned to the other Cullen’s and tried reading their minds but theirs were closed as well. I sighed in frustration before meeting Edward's gaze, "What do you mean, after this weekend? What is happening this weekend?" I asked frantically.

Edward's eyes opened wide as he realized what he had just said to me, "I, uh... Tanya always does empty threats. After a week of ignoring her, she goes away and leaves me in peace," He told me sincerely.

I looked back at the other Cullen’s for proof and they were all nodding and smiling grimly. I turned back to Edward and nodded, "Okay," I said, "I believe you," I lied quietly.

He smiled at me just as the bell went. I smiled and kissed him on the lips quickly before pulling back and getting out of the car. I stood waiting while the rest got out as well.

"We better get to class," Rosalie said, walking over to me and hugging me gently, "Don't worry, nothing is going to happen. Edward is right; Tanya will get bored and take off. She won't hurt you," Rosalie soothed me.

I nodded and hugged everyone else before we all walked our separate ways to our different classes. Except Edward and I, we walked along, his hand snug in mine.


I hope you like this one. Please comment about it. I am trying to write longer chapters and all. Please tell me what you think.

Sorry about the font. It changes half way through the chapter because when I was writing the last parts up my internet failed so I had to copy and paste and put it on word until my internet was back up and running. :( At least I didn't lose all of my work though :D

Warning- Isn't edited well. :D

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