Once Upon A Wondrous Love (A...

By CravenShay

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When Alice Liddell arrives in Storybrooke, she only hopes for one thing: to find her parents whom she was sep... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Storybrooke, MA
Chapter Two: What's Your Name?
Chapter Three: Temporary Home
Chapter Four: The Bluest Eyes in Storybrooke
Chapter Five: You Won't Need to Know My Name
Chapter Six: Saving Grace
Chapter Seven: The Tea Party
Chapter Nine: When the World Falls Down
Chapter Ten: The Hunt
Chapter Eleven: Anything Else I Should Know?
Chapter Twelve: Getting Some Answers
Chapter Thirteen: You'd Make A Good Mother
Chapter Fourteen: I Don't Want To Be Alone
Chapter Fifteen: The Perfect Trap
Chapter Sixteen: Remembering
Chapter Seventeen: You Have To Let Her Go
Chapter Eighteen: Shocking Discovery
Chapter Nineteen: Breaking Point
Chapter Twenty: If You Want It Done Right, Do It Yourself
Chapter Twenty-One: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty-Two: Operation Alice
Chapter Twenty-Three: Tidal Wave
Chapter Twenty-Four: Alice, At Last
Chapter Twenty-Five: Going Home

Chapter Eight: Stitching the Wounds

539 14 0
By CravenShay

Hey guys! Here is Chapter Eight. Things are going to start picking up now! I have a lot of twists and turns ahead...also shoutout to all the people reading-you guys are the bomb!



"So, how was it?" Ruby asked as I approached my door. I had abandoned the shoes and held them over my shoulder. 

"It was good...really good." I said softly, opening the door. "So did you bang him?" She rushed past me and sprawled onto my bed. 

"No, we did not do it." I said, lowering my voice and pushing her. "Wait, you are-." "Ah-shut up. We just had tea." I said, laying down beside her. 

"Tea? You didn't even kiss?" she asked, looking over at me. "The occasion didn't call for it." I replied. 

"What type of guy doesn't at least kiss on the first date?" "It wasn't a date Ruby!" I said forcefully, standing and going to the vanity where I removed her earrings. 

"Hold on there...did he ask to see you again?" I met her eyes in the vanity mirror. "He invited me to this ball thing you guys have every year." I said, removing pins from my hair. 

"No way! That is like the most romantic event in Storybrooke. It goes to help raise money for the charity groups around here." I shrugged. 

"Well did you say yes." I dropped my eyes and began to brush out my hair. "He said he would call me." Ruby sighed heavily and threw herself back against the bed. 

"You're going...that's decided. Now we have to find you a dress."


Thursday morning, Emma had finally returned. "Hey Alice. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back with you. We have been swamped at the station. Can you talk now?" 

"It's alright. Didn't you say you have something for me?" I asked quickly as I cleared off a table. "Um yeah. Here, sit down." 

I took an available seat at her usual table as she revealed an envelope. I glanced behind her out into the street as a Dalmatian sprinted down the road. 

"Alice?" I gave Emma my full attention as she opened the envelope. "I was going through some records at City Hall and found this. Now I know it isn't your parents, but apparently someone set aside some money here-for you." She handed me a piece of paper. I scanned it until my eyes landed on a very reasonable figure. 

"B-But who would-." My sentence was cut short as something flashed outside. 

It wasn't lightning-the sky was clear. It was white hair. White and black hair. Panic took over me. Emma immediately noticed. 

She was coming this way. 

I stood and started quickly away. "Alice? What's wrong!?" Emma called as I made my way to the back of the dinner and out into the small alley way. 

I had to get away. I rounded the corner and bumped into Jefferson. 

"Hey Alice! I was just coming to see if you want-hey what's wrong?" He took my firmly by the forearms, holding me in place. 

"P-Please let me go." I begged. "Tell me what's wrong." I ripped myself from his hands and darted, taking off towards the forest. My heart raced as I ran. 

Where would I go? I had just started having a good life when she had to show up again. 

Angry tears fought to overflow as a familiar path took over. 

I knew where I was going, and as I looked up to take in the decrepit house, I gasped in surprise. 

The house that I had saved Grace from was now in pristine condition. The rotting wood and cracked pavers were now gleaming regally. I stepped closer, noticing that the forest had gone eerily quiet. 

My heart pulsed in my ears, my eyes pained as I came to the overhang. I was just about to investigate, when a rustle sounded. 

Then a bark. I turned to see the Dalmatian. My heart leaped into my throat as I stood paralyzed. 

I knew this dog well, but how could it be? I slowly began to back away, keeping my features docile and my voice soft. A twig snapped and I turned to see another dog, this one black and brown. This one had its teeth barred at me, it's eyes angry. 

The other dog took heed and soon they were upon me, chomping down on my pale and plain forearm. I screamed as pain darted up my arm and into my skull as my arm suddenly became cold. 

A bright blue light emitted from my skin and the dogs jumped away, yelping in pain. I took the chance to take off and head back to Granny's. 

If I could slip into my room, I could clean this up and make up some story to Emma that was actually believable. 

My arm throbbed in pain as I tried to comprehend what that light was. I came to the back steps of the bed and breakfast and was able to quickly slip into my room, shutting the door quietly as not to alert anyone of my presence. 

"What happened to you?" I jumped and turned to see Jefferson standing next to the vanity. "What the hell are you doing in here!?" I spat, charging into the bathroom. I dropped to my knees as I turned on the faucet. 

"Holy shit! What happened to your arm?" I sighed in anger as I ran it under the water. "Stop. You need stitches." he said, dropping to his knees beside me and taking my arm in his warm hands. 

"N-No! No doctor!" I cried, pain shooting through me. "Hey, its alright. I'll stitch it." 

Even in my pained stupor I managed to give him a skeptical look. "I make hats for a living. I use the best tools." 

If I hadn't been so desperate, I would've kicked him out. Instead I allowed him to help me onto the closed toilet lid. He removed his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and crouched down. His hands were coarse from past endaveros but was somehow comforting. I watched as he revealed a small box from the coat pocket and began stringing a needle. 

"T-Thank you." "You won't be thanking me in a minute." he said, as he revealed a bottle from the box. "What is that?" "Just a numbing potio-spray." He doused my arm before I could respond and I cried out in pain. 

"Shh, it's alright. Now you may not be able to feel it, but I still need you to hold very still." he said, sitting on the edge of the tub and placing a towel in his lap. I placed my hand in his lap and watched as he began to stitch me up. 

"It helps if you don't look at it. What happened to you?" I searched the bathroom for anything else to talk about. When I found none, I sighed. 

"A dog bit me." "Pongo?" I furrowed my brow. "The Dalmatian that belongs to Archie?" "N-No it wasn't a Dalmatian." I said quickly, the image of her flashing into my head. 

"Well there aren't many dogs in Storybrooke, so I'm sure we will find the culprit." he said softly as the needle laced in and out. 

"Why'd you run in the first place? Did you see something?" I glared at him. "I didn't see anything. I just wanted to get out-get some air." I spat. He finished stitching and looked at me. 

"I'm not going to prod you anymore, but if you are looking for someone to tell, I'm pretty trustworthy." I dropped my eyes and we fell into silence. 

"Well you're all stitched, you might want to wear a bandage." He stood and I followed him into the hallway. 

"So will I see you tomorrow night?" I asked casually as possible as I pulled my sleeve down over my arm. He looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll pick you up?" 

"Uh, I planned to walk with Ruby. Can I meet you there?" He smiled and gave me a nod. 

"I'll see you tomorrow. Good evening Alice." 


There's the chapter! Remember to vote and drop me a comment if you have any idea about what's actually going on here! Ta ta darlings!

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