The Ninja from Nowhere (Narut...

Autorstwa SuziWolfgang

115K 5.5K 2.1K

3rd place winner, Naruto Watty Awards, Rising Authors A mysterious girl appears, no one knows where she comes... Więcej

Chapter 1: White Beast
Chapter 2: Raising Yukana Harugami
Chapter 3: Yukana's Story
Chapter 4: New Sights
Chapter 5: Graduation
Chapter 6: Teams
Chapter 7: Final Test
Chapter 8: Pass, Fail
Chapter 9: Missions
Chapter 10: Demon of the Hidden Mist
Chapter 11: Training
Chapter 12: Bridge Battle
Chapter 13: Questions
Chapter 14: Chunin Exams
Chapter 15: Test 1
Chapter 16: Test 2
Chapter 17: The Snake. . . Man?
Chapter 18: Enter the Tower
Chapter 20: Genin vs Genin
Chapter 21: New Lessons
Chapter 22: Summoning Jutsu!
Chapter 23: Spirit Style
Chapter 24: Test 3
Chapter 25: Betraying One's Values
Chapter 26: What's Loved is Lost
Chapter 27: The Dawn of Red Clouds
Chapter 28: Back on Track
Chapter 29: Izumi's Killer

Chapter 19: Preliminary Test

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Autorstwa SuziWolfgang

"First of all, congratulations on finishing the second exam!" Anko boomed. Other Jonin and even the Hokage himself greeted the candidates with their presence. Everyone stood in a large room that took up two stories. Staircases lead up to the second floor walkway which surrounded the room. A T.V. screen was built into a statue, which was sculpted into a large pair of arms forming a hand seal.

Yukana took in the scene around her and assessed the number of Genin left. Her eyes fell on Gaara of the desert and she glared his way and started to tremble with the need to kill. The red head felt her eyes on him and he glanced back at the pale girl, mimicking her glare. She knew she shouldn't do anything at the moment, especially with other people around who could get hurt.

Suddenly, a distinct scent wafted through the air for just one moment. Yukana tilted her head up and sniffed the air trying to find out where it was coming from.


Kabuto stood with his team and looked ahead to the shinobi before him. A Chunin wearing a sound headband caught his eye, as the man smirked telling him that it was Orochimaru in disguise.


Orochimaru gazed upon the Genin candidates and kept a discreet eye on Sasuke. A small movement of the white haired girl behind the ravenette grabbed his attention and he watched as she sniffed the air. Is her sense of smell that good? He watched her closely, ready to bail if necessary. If this girl blows his cover, his fun would be cut short.

Yukana moved her head sniffing from all sides of her. She lifted her sleeve and the snake ninja saw that she still had his hair. The pale girl put her arm up to her nose and sniffed, familiarizing herself of his scent before smelling the air again.

Orochimaru relaxed once she gave up on her search by turning her attention towards her pink haired teammate. What an interesting girl. His thoughts went back to how she nearly killed his snake summoning and even started to eat it alive. Her mouth is covered in fresh blood since then too.


"Hey, look, all the Leaf village rookies are here too." Sakura whispered.

Yukana covered her arm back up and turned to the pinkette behind her. I could have sworn I smelled the snake demon, but it was so faint, it must have been my imagination.

"Wow, everybody's here. Old man Hokage, Iruka sensei and even bushy brow. Looks like nobody got left out this time." Naruto whispered back.

Sasuke clutched his neck with narrowed eyes "Urgh, I don't have a very good feeling about this." Yukana focused at the spot on the Uchiha's neck.

"Alright, now listen up, maggots!" Anko addressed the candidates, "Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam for you."

The elderly, robed man took a few steps forward. "Before I explain the test, I'm going to tell you the true purpose of these exams."

We already know, Yukana mentally yawned. It's to train ninja to fight demons, of course.

"These exams are to represent the battle between allied nations."

Yukana's head shot up. What?! Battle against allies, does he mean other humans?

"If you look at our history, all the countries we're currently allied with were once neighboring nations who have continuously fought with each other for power."

For power?! The pale girl's eyes were as big as saucers. No, but the battles in the history books were because of demon possessions. Creatures of the same species don't kill each other like that. . . do they? Yukana thought back on her old history lessons. She understood that the past wars happened and that they were a great tragedy, but she automatically assumed they happened because of demons. She tried remembering what Hiruzen sensei taught her, but she couldn't recall him saying anything about demons. No. . . just, no. Her head slowly shook side to side.

The Hokage continued to explain how the Chunin exams were first started by villages picking champions to fight instead of armies, then it became a competition where ninja can bring pride to their village by passing them. "Many leaders and people of prominence from various countries are invited to attend these exams as guests and also possibly seeking shinobi to work for them. This exam could determine the course of your ninja work from here on out. It also determines the strengths of each nation. Stronger nations have a greater advantage in negotiations while weaker nations will eventually die out."

"But even so, why is it necessary for us to risk our lives?" Kiba spoke up.

"The true strength of the shinobi is only achieved when it's pushed to its limits, such as in a life and death battle. This exam is a chance for each nation to display the strength of its shinobi which is the strength of the nation itself. It's because this is an exam where your life is on the line, that it has meaning."

It's true. Yukana hung her head in thought. My kills were much more meaningful to me when the fight was tough.

"You also must not have the wrong idea of the exam's meaning. This is a custom in which balance is preserved by fighting and dieing. In the world of the shinobi, that is friendship."

Killing each other is friendship? If that were right, I'd imagine humans would taste better. Yukana looked through her hair towards the sound ninja team and at the bandaged shoulder of the female sound nin where she took a bite out of in their last fight. I still can't grasp it. I don't want to believe it, humans killing each other. I only did it by accident when I arrived in this world, I didn't know I was human. Can I. . . still give them the benefit of the doubt, at least?

"The third exam is a fight for your life with the pride of the village and your own dreams at stake."

Our own dreams, huh? I remember telling my dream of one day seeing Father again and protecting everything good in this world. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. . . I wonder if he even cares. A gloomy aura shrouded the small girl.

"Hn, well he sure convinced me." Naruto said with a proud stance.

"Any test is fine." Gaara spoke up. "Just tell me what the details of the exam are already. I can handle anything you throw at me."

Yukana silently hissed in the sand demon's direction. Oh yeah? Just hope Hiruzen sensei doesn't throw me at you. The white haired girl barred her teeth.

"Very well then, I'll tell you what we'll be doing on the third exam-" Before he could finish what he was saying, a Jonin dropped down in front of him.

"Lord Hokage, before you do, please allow me, Hayate Gekko proctor of the third exam, speak first."

"So be it." Hiruzen granted him permission.

The ninja stood up. "It's nice to meet you all-" He suddenly interrupted himself with a coughing fit, then looked back at the Genin. "There's something I would like all of you-" a series of coughs stopped him again. "To do before the third exam." Hayate took his time to cough some more.

The Genin stood with perplexed looks on their faces. Yukana tilted her head in question. "Is he gonna make it?"

"Uh, we have to have a preliminary exam before we can move on to the real one." The proctor announced.

"A, what?!" Yukana threw her arms into the air like she did during the first test.

"Preliminary?! Just what do you mean by that?" Shikamaru never had looked more disappointed and angry.

"Excuse me, sensei," Sakura spoke up, "I really don't see the point. What's this preliminary all about?"

"Uh, well you see, the first and second exams might have been too easy." He answered. "We never expected so many of you to be here. According to the rules, a preliminary round can be held at any stage to reduce the number of candidates remaining. As Lord Hokage said, a lot of important guests will be watching and they've come to see the best of the best. We can't afford to waste their time. So, if there's any of you who don't feel like you're in top physical condition, now's your chance to-" The shinobi fell into another coughing fit.

Yukana looked at their, coughing, proctor with disrespect. Way to set the example, she shook her head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, as I was saying if there are any of you who don't feel up to it, now's the time for you to bow out. The preliminaries will be starting immediately." This caused some of the Genin to shout out in protest. "The winners will be determined through sudden death combat."

Sasuke just looked like he wanted to get this over with and move on. Does he really think anyone's gonna quit- a sharp pain shot through his nerves and his hand went straight to his neck to dull the pain.

Yukana let out a small gasp and she clutched his shoulders. "Sasuke."

"Sasuke," the pinkette whispered, "listen to me, you've got to quit. You've been like this ever since the tangle with Orochimaru."

"No, Sakura." Yukana disagreed. "He can not quit. We're amongst ninja from other nations. He can not show his weakness no matter how bad he feels." I said I'd give humans the benefit of the doubt. I didn't say I believe that they don't kill each other entirely. The pale girl thought back to how demons target the weak first. If one's kind is determined through which nation he serves, every ninja with a different headband might as well be a demon of another species.

"No, it's not right. I'm going to tell them about that mark, then maybe you'll-" Before Sakura could raise her hand, someone else's rose.

"Ok, you got me, I'm out."

"Kabuto?" Yukana looked at the silvernette with confusion.

"What is this? You can't quit, what's going on?" Naruto raised a fist.

"I'm sorry guys, but my body's too beat up." Kabuto explained and continued towards the door.

"Wait!" Yukana ran in front of him causing him to halt in his tracks. "You've made it this far already, you can't stop now. You're strong, Kabuto. Besides, us Leaf ninja got to stick together. Don't sell yourself short." She looked up at the teen with an encouraging smile.

"I'm sorry, Yukana, but I just can't hack it." The young man sidestepped around her to continue out the door. My team can carry out the orders. Sorry Sasuke, Naruto, Yukana, if I stick around, the old me might surface and that would blow my cover. And with you looking after things, you don't really need me do you? Lord Orochimaru.

Yukana watched as the teen walked out the door and two other ninja from the hidden Rain followed him out as well and the pale girl hung her head as she made her way back to her team who were arguing about letting Sasuke continue.

"What are you biting her head off for?" Naruto scolded the Uchiha. "She only cares about yo-"

"Naruto," Sasuke silenced him, "you're one of the ones I want to fight the most." The ravenette put a hand on Yukana's shoulder as soon as she was in arm's reach. He turned and whispered in her ear. "I also want to fight you, Yukana, but I can't do it seriously until my debt is payed. Wait until then." Yukana felt a shiver run up her spine. The way Sasuke said that, almost sounded sinister.

"Since there are twenty-two of you, there will be eleven matches." The proctor began. "Let's see what fate has chosen for you." The T.V. screen on the back wall ran through names before stopping on two.

"Well, what do ya know. I'm first." Yukana sweat dropped as she looked at the screen. Her opponent was the remaining Rain ninja who's name was Yuki Aido. Damn, I'm not up against that demon sand ninja.

"Those whose names have been drawn, come forward." Hayate commanded. Yukana and the one Rain ninja, left behind, walked to the front of the group. "You two have been chosen for the first match. Yuki Aido and Yukana Harugami, are there any objections?"

"No." Both girls said in unision.

"Ok, everyone other than the two opposing candidates may now clear the area and move to the upper level." Everyone followed the proctor's orders and made their way up the stairs.

Yukana starred the Rain ninja in eye. Better act intimidating now.

"Yukana," Lord Hokage stopped behind her before making his way upstairs, "keep yourself under control." He said sternly.

Awe man, I've got my instincts to worry about too. I can't disappoint Hiruzen sensei. Maybe it's a good thing I'm not up against Gaara then?

"If you're ready, let the match begin." Hayate announced.

"You're going down, little girl." The female Rain ninja sneered. Yukana only growled in response taking the ninja aback, but not in fear as she'd hoped.

The Rain nin whipped out a sword, quick as lightning and thrust it at Yukana who was too quick and jumped back. The pale girl crouched down on all fours, but still kept her cool. "You're fast." Yuki complimented. "Let's see how you handle this." She started forming a series of hand signs. "Water style, ninja art, water bullet!" The Rain nin shot bullets of water at Yukana who desperately dodged each one.


"Um. . . you think Yukana will be ok?" Sakura asked her teammates.

"Of course she will. Why do you ask?" Naruto said in confidence.

"She's fighting a Rain ninja." The pinkette answered. Sasuke's eye's widened in realization.

"She's terrified of water." The Uchiha leaned forward on the rail in front of him, not taking his eyes off the fight.

"Oh no," Naruto understood what Sakura was saying, "that's right."


Why did I have to be fighting a water user?! Yukana leaped out of the way of the water bullets. I hope that's all the water she can use on me.

"What's wrong, you just going to stand there?" Yuki started forming more hand signs. "Water style, water whip!" Streams of water came out of both her hands and she started walking towards the white eyed girl.

Well, little water like that can't drown me, right? One of the water whips shot forward grabbing Yukana's ankle and flung her up in the air. "Whoa!" The pale girl did her best to right herself for impact, but the wall still cracked against her. Keep calm, keep calm. Yukana told herself so she wouldn't lose control. This was a lot harder than expected. It's much easier for her to fight when she slips into her instincts because there's no need for her to think, just fight and survive.

The Rain ninja charged at Yukana with her sword, which the small girl blocked her arm just in time. Now in a weapon/taijutsu battle, both girls exchanged blows and made their way back into the center of the room.

Yukana threw a mighty kick to the teen girl's torso and she slid back on her feet in a defensive stance. Pausing, she watched the Rain nin form a hand sign before taking an herb out of her pouch and chewed it. She's eating, at a time like this? Yuki made some more hand signs and four water clones appeared. Before Yukana could use any jutsu herself, the clones charged and surrounded her all attacking at the same time. Yukana dodged and blocked, but she still received a few cuts and blows. The pale girl, suddenly, got slapped on the back with some black, slimy like substance and the clones dissipated.

"I just put a glue leech on you. In no time, it will start sucking out your chakra." Yuki chuckled darkly. Yukana reached behind trying to grab at the leech, but it was placed in the perfect spot where she couldn't get to it. It didn't take long, but the leech slipped off her back and shriveled up on the ground. "What? How?" The Rain ninja's jaw fell open at the strange sight. "How did you do that?"

It must be like that time Kakashi tried to transfer his chakra into me back at the Land of Waves. Yukana thought back to what Naruto had told her after she passed out from bringing Sasuke back to life. My body rejected his chakra. Maybe, that means my chakra can't be extracted by any source that's not compatible to mine! Yukana smirked at her opponent and decided it was time to make her move. "Multi-phantom clone jutsu!" Multiple images stretched out of her body and formed a line of Yukanas. The look on Yuki's face was priceless, since she didn't know that the clones couldn't harm her.

The Yukana clones ran forward with the real one hidden within. Yuki had no idea where and what to block, so it was easy for the pale girl to deal all the blows she wanted.

"What kind of clones are these?!" The Rain ninja screamed and made quick, desperate handsigns. "Water style, Raging Waves!" Water shot out of Yuki's mouth as she spun around to find the real Yukana. The white haired girl's clones streaked back into her body as she screamed from the water attack.

Yukana stood up from the wet, ground and scooted up against the wall in fear. No, this is too much water. She started to tremble. The Rain nin saw the fear in her eyes.

"No way," Yuki laughed, "you're hydrophobic." The teen couldn't keep in her laughter and knew she had this match in the bag. Making more handsigns, the water started to creep up Yukana's legs.

"N-no, stop, get it away!" Yukana cried out in horror as the water rose higher.

"Yukana! You can do it! I know you can! Believe it!" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the battle room.

The pale girl fumbled in her weapons pouch and accidentally flung Izumi's flute out of her pocket and it clanked on the floor between them. Yukana's eyes widened from the loss of her flute.

"What's this?" Yuki stepped forward. "Were you planning on playing me a little tune?" She chuckled and stooped down to pick up the small instrument.

"Don't. You. Touch. That." All fear left Yukana's voice and was replaced by pure hatred.

"Don't think you're in a position to be ordering me around, brat." The Rain ninja snapped and examined the flute. "Besides, what are you gonna do, huh? You know, I could break this and there would be nothing you can do about it."

That, right there, was enough to set Yukana off. She built up chakra in her throat and let out a loud banshee cry. Everyone in the whole arena covered their ears in pain. Yuki no longer had control over her water jutsu and it fell off Yukana's legs.

Since I don't know any good Genjutsu, I'll have to bring my world to her in a different way. Yukana pulled out a handful of smoke bombs and threw them around the perimeter of the battle floor to block out the spectator's view of the scene she was about to reveal. Yukana hid in the wall of smoke and made up her phantom clones again. Now let's see if I can pull of Naruto's trick. She transformed a group of clones into Hellhounds, some others into smaller demons, and made one big one.

The Hellhounds howled, drawing Yuki's attention and she got into a defensive stance. What was that? A dead looking dog came into view, fire could be seen beneath its rotting flesh. "What is this?!" The Rain nin yelled. "Th-this a Genjutsu. I know it's not real." She tried her best to appear confident.

Yukana transformed herself into a spider like demon with a pair of horns and mouths beneath long, white hair. She crawled out into view and made lip licking, hunger sounds. She crouched down and leaped at Yuki who was knocked down and she screamed in terror. Yukana scurried away back into the smoke and the Hellhound and other demon clones inched closer to her. Knocking Yuki down was the perfect touch to tell her that these creatures could potentially harm her as well.

"Kyaaaa!! Get these things away from me! . . . No!" Yuki cried, now knowing that this is not a Genjutsu. A much deeper growl sounded through the smoke, bringing her wide eyes towards the sound. Two glowing, red orbs shone through, but the creature they belonged to must have been twenty meters tall. "No, please. . ." The Rain nin's voice died to whimpers.

The large creature stepped out of the smoke, it's skin was red with many horns and eyes adorning it's head. It's muscular body looked like it could crush you to death with two fingers. It continued its low growl as it approached the terrified, Rain shinobi.


A blood curdling scream echoed throughout the battle room, sending chills throughout the spectators. Sounds of growling and howls continued to sound out of the smoke cloud.

"What's going on in there?" Naruto's voice trembled. Even Sasuke and Kakashi looked on edge. Sakura shook and hugged her hands to her chest.

"KYAAAA!! NO! I FORFEIT!! YOU WIN! I FORFEIT!! KYAAAAAA!!" The last screams of battle signaled the end of the match.


Yukana dismissed her transformed clones right before the smoke dispersed and bent over in exhaustion from chakra use. Panting, she walked over to where Yuki dropped her flute, picked it up and made a quick examination of it before pocketing the instrument away.

Hayate walked over to the Rain ninja who was curled up into a shaking ball with eye's the size of dinner plates. "Come on, we need to clear the floor for the next match." He reached down to help her up, but she only squeaked in fear and jerked away.

Yuki eventually stood up herself, but her fear filled convulsions didn't cease. She carefully looked around the empty battle floor and when her eyes landed on the ghostly girl, she screamed and ran out the double doors into the forest. The teen's sensei ran after her in concern while apologizing to the Hokage.

"What the hell. . . did Yukana do to her?" Kiba wondered in shock. He didn't recall smelling any blood, so there was no physical harm done to the Rain ninja at all. So, why was she so terrified of Yukana?

"The winner of this match is, Yukana Harugami." The proctor rose his hand above the pale girl's head. "We will now commence with the next match.

The disguised Orochimaru gazed at the white haired girl with curiosity. What an interesting girl indeed.

Yukana dragged herself upstairs and leaned over with palms on her knees, panting. "How. . . was that. . . Kakashi sensei?" She said between breaths and smiled.

"I knew you could do it, Yukana!" Naruto cheered.

"Thanks. . . . Whew. . . how did you do it, Naruto? You held up clone and transformation jutsus at the same time. You made it look so easy." Naruto only grinned at the praise and scratched the back of his head.

"Now, for the next match." Hayate announced and the screen ran through names once again. This time, stopping on Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi Akado.

Good, didn't waste anymore time. Sasuke grabbed his neck once more as a searing pain shot through him once again.

"Now, will the next two candidates come downstairs." Before Sasuke could take a step to follow the proctor's orders, Kakashi pulled him to the side.

Yukana and her team watched the brief exchange for a moment until their Jonin sent him off. The Uchiha continued his way downstairs, but Yukana stopped him next.


"What?" The ravenette snapped, he just wanted to get this over with.

"Don't make me have to bring you back to life again," Yukana half smiled to lighten the situation, "I don't know if I'll be able to handle it." The Uchiha exhaled in slight annoyance and walked down to meet his opponent on the first floor. At least he's fighting a fellow Leaf shinobi. Yukana relaxed. He wouldn't hurt another of his own kind, for sure.

Kakashi stood next to Yukana. "How are you on chakra?"

The white haired girl looked up at her sensei from the railing she leaned on. She suddenly started to feel nervous about talking so freely with him. This is the first time they've exchanged words since she remembered that Kakashi was one of the ninja who captured her all those years ago. Yukana almost felt a sense of shame that he's seen her at her worst and knows her secret first hand. "I-I'll be ok." She said without looking at him.

"Is everything alright?" The masked nin gave her a curious look.

"Now, when you're ready," the proctor announced, "you may begin."

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