Until forever comes

By Excalibur99

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Disclaimer:I do not own Merlin....unfourtunately When Inwe, a young girl with latent magic, stumbles across t... More

Who on earth is Arthur?
That's not a flame...
Song from the Depths
A Heart that is Loyal
Roses are Red
Constellation of tears
As Old As Time

About You

70 5 11
By Excalibur99

I'm not sure how long I stood staring at that altar, trying to make sense of my current situation which was rapidly spiralling out of control. Suddenly, the world around me started to shake violently and I quickly found it hard to keep my balance. The rose slipped from my grasp and as it hit the floor, it smashed into a thousand tiny pieces. Then the altar began to sink down into the seemingly solid ground. I staggered backwards but it was too late. I felt the ground give way beneath my boots and I fell.

Ouch. The light was far too bright for my liking. I had to shut  my eyes again to stop the stinging. Suddenly, I felt someone shake my shoulder gently. ''Inwe?'', asked a familiar voice. I opened my eyes just a crack and, when I could see properly in the harsh light, I found myself looking up into the sky blue eyes of Merlin. I sat up too quickly and my vision become fuzzy for a few seconds.''What happened?'', I asked. Merlin shrugged, ''You just fell out of the sky''. I frowned. And then I remembered. The altar. Vivian. Arthur. ARTHUR. ''I left them!'', I said, beginning to panic. Merlin looked lost, so I embellished. I told him about everything that had happened since he had left.

''It was Vivian that kidnapped Gaius and I'', confirmed Merlin, ''But she must have had help...the magic that she used was stronger than any I had felt before''. ''If someone like our not-so-dear Princess Vivian possesses such power then I pray for us all.'', added Gaius. Merlin held out his hand to me. I took it and heaved myself off the floor. We all looked around. Four walls, with no exit. Suddenly, an echoeing laugh thundered around the place,


The ground began to shake and and a huge crack ripped through the clear sky, directly above our heads with an ear splitting screech. Through the crack, there were a few visible shapes. I guessed what was about to happen. I turned and retreated, dragging Gaius with me, just as a knight landed heavily on the floor, exactly where we had previously been standing. I recognised him as Gwaine by his brown mop of raggedy hair. Another shape appeared in the crack, and then another. Leon and Percival fell to land next to Gwaine. Finally a certain prince came crashing to the ground. I shouted for Merlin to move but it was too late. I have to admit that it was hard no to laugh at the pair struggling on the ground, with Arthur slightly dazed and Merlin winded, desperately trying to push his royal pratness off him.

Finally, Merlin and Arthur managed to untangle themselves and get up. By now, all the kinghts, Gaius and I had just about got over our laughter as Arthur brushed himself off and Merlin looked at him, rather annoyed and holding his right shoulder. ''Arthur! I think you dislocated my shoulder!'', moaned Merlin. ''Oh don't be such a girl, Merlin'', replied Arthur. Gaius moved towards him and confirmed that, yes, Arthur had in fact managed to bruise Merlin's shoulder. ''You see! Nothing to moan about!'', said Arthur, cheerily clapping Merlin on the back. This caused Merlin to wince in pain, ''Dollophead'', he murmered, under his breath, whilst still clutching his shoulder.

After a second retelling of my story about Vivian, the knights and Arthur looked baffled. ''Princess Vivian?!'', asked Percival. ''And you're sure'', said Arthur. I nodded, there was no doubt in my mind. Now we just had to get out of this place before she caused any more trouble.

''Well at least we're all back together now'', said Gwaine. ''Yeah, some rescue party you turned out to be, we ended up trying to find you!'', replied Merlin. ''Oh do be quiet Merlin, it's not all about you, you know'', said Arthur with an exaggerated sigh. Merlin stared at him and Arthur let out a little laugh before turning back to the rest of us, ''Here's what we're going to do''. I looked from Arthur to Gaius, from the knights to Merlin. I shook my head and smiled, ''Until forever comes...''

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