Miss Understood

By ambershanelx

333K 12.8K 1.3K

Miss Understood.. Get it? Ever been in a room full of people but still feel by yourself? Story of Harmony's l... More

Copy Right, Introduction
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
The End

Chapter One

22.6K 895 59
By ambershanelx

One - Just a girl


As the house got smaller and smaller as we drove away the more I became uneasy. I hated the school I went to with a passion. The only thing that I do like is the art class and the teacher other than that school is just another place to me. Kayla and Kacey sung along to "The Language" by Drake, while I just starred out the window. I am pretty sure if my dad didn't buy this car for Kayla then I wouldn't be in it. When we get to school Kayla and Kacey are going to leave me in the dust like usual. You would think by Kacey and I being in the same grade we would be closer, but no. She has the brain of a rat and follows Kayla. Kayla on the other hand think she's queen B and whatever she says goes, like Davida. I shivered just the thought of that witch.

"Come on Kay"

Kayla parked the car and we all got out. I fixed my jean button up shirt and corrected my pink hair that was in a bun today. Just as I thought Kayla and Kacey left me. I adjusted my bag that was on my shoulder and walked in the school building. People scrambling through the hallway lets me know the bell already rung for first period. Exhaling as I approached my locker, I unlocked in then stuffed my bag into it then grabbed a notebook, pencil, pen, and my pre-calculus book.

"Your step sister is pretty, why don't you let her hang with us?"

After shutting my locker I turned my head to the left and noticed Kayla and her friends talking not helping but to overhear them.

"No, no she is weird as hell look at her damn hair color"

I turned back around but not after rolling my eyes. I made my way to class, trying to shake off the comment Kayla just made. She always has something to say just like her mother. I focused my eyes on the board and turned to the page in the book to start my warm up. I sat in the third to last seat in the first row by the door so I could see pretty good. While starting on my Arithmetic Sequence problems I felt a tap. After placing my pencil carefully down, I turned my around slowly around to the left.

"Um, Harmony can you hand me my pencil"

Victor had a light nervous smile on his face. I gave a light grin then leaned over to get the pencil.

"Thank you"

He replied after receiving the pencil. I didn't say anything but just smile. Victor was the so called popular boy. Star quarter back, yeah all that good stuff. Which doesn't interest me at all. All the girls like him for some reason, including Kacey. Victor was just another boy to me. The teacher began to teach and I paid very close attention. As usual Victor and his friend began making little jokes and remarks about the Sketchers Ms. Newman wears. It is getting old and it is childish. The bell finally rung releasing us from first period and I was on to my second period art.

"Hey Harmony, got something good for me today"

Mr. Davis said and I smiled as I made my way to my are. I forgot about Victor having this class. Walking over to the material station, I got everything I need. One thing about me is that I never use primary colors, I just make my own.

"Class, today I want y'all to close your eyes then let your mind wonder... through the brush"

After Mr. Davis spoke the instrucions, my eyes close and I took off with my brush. The things that were on my mimd were released onto the canvas. Anticipating what I have drawn, Mr. Davis called time and my eyes opened. A bunch of my other class mates snickered and giggled, because they work probably looked better in their head. For me, I had to take a step back and realize what I have just drawn.

"Wow, girl.."

Mr. Davis chuckled. I still was baffled by what I have drawn. After brushing the unwanted thoughts of the drawing I began to clean my self up and repair for the next assignment.


"Um Harmony, were going to the mall so you may want to take the bus or walk"

I stood in the hallway and stared at Kayla like she had two heads. I simply said ok and turned around to catch the bus. The ride home was the longest, I was about to go to sleep twice. The bus sped off from the stop I got off on. After coughing from the exhaust of the bus I began walking to go home. While looking at the house getting closer, I noticed how Davida's car wasn't there. Thank Jesuse, I thought. I turned the key to unlock the door and walked into the fresh smelling home. Times life this were peacful. Only me and the silence of the house, with out the three females from the devil himself, well two because Kacey is just a follower. Her dumb self. As I watched Love and Hip hop and sipped on a Kool-Aid Jammer I thought about having a boyfriend. The though of boys never passed my mind. I have never had a boyfriend, I don't think a boy has ever been attracted to me. Doesn't phase me at all though, my time will come.

After throwing my trash away I went through the back door and to the beach ofcourse with my canvas and the colors White, Orange, Red, Purple and Blue. Figured I could draw a little something while the sun is still out.


The voice scared me, I knew the voice. My head turned around as my mind began to wonder who it was. I began to panic because that was weird.


That voice, my mother. I saw nothing and just erased the idea out of my head. I stared out into the sky then the water. How the water glistened in the sun was simply beautiful. I grabbed the blue then began to get to work. I was about done when I remembered I had homework. While standing up I took one last look at the setting sun then made my way inside. As I got onto the patio I began to hear sounds, faint moaning sounds. Davida and my dad. I looked into the house and seen a male figure. The male figure was caramel colored. The sounds began louder. I took once more last look and the man turned around and also Davida both naked. I am afraid my eyes won't be able to work for the rest of my life, I shook my head then went around to the front so I wouldn't be seen. I frantically patted my pockets looking for my phone, being careful not to smudge the painting.


I mumbled, indicating my phone is inside. Just to think what would my dad do if he caught Davida cheating on him. Me, I just wish he would divorce her witch, worthless ass. They were finished, I am guessing because he walked out the door. My eyes have never seen this man, who is he and why is Davida cheating on my dad with him. They kissed as he was about to depart. She looked around before going back inside, I watched his as I drove down the street. My head popped back up from the bush and I made my way back around to the backyard.

"Fuck, Harmony ya' lil ass scared the shit out of me"

Davida screeched as I entered the house. Her coffee spilled a bit as she jumped. I smirked to myself a bit then grabbed my phone off the counter beside the refrigerator. I laughed to myself and she asked what was funny. I just told her nothing simply. She screw faced me as I went upstairs. One thing was on my mind and that was to tell my daddy. If only he knew that his wife was a filthy slut.

After completing my homework, Kayla and Kacey were both home. My dad got off in about an hour until then I stuck with the witches and their puppet. I began to clean my room and doing laundry. I noticed all how my crop tops some how disappeared. Leaving me with only two left, of course I think one of those girl took it. I stormed up the steps to my room after putting the clothes in the dryer.

Once my clothes were dry, I made my way up the steps to my room. Each time I washed clothes, I made sure to grab every piece of clothing that I had when I am leaving the laundry. My clothes were all hung up and folded and now I had nothing to do. I put my hot pink hair into a sloppy bum then went downstairs. The house was too quiet. It seems I walked in on a make out festival. Kaycey and Victor.

"Harmony why didn't you knock"

This girl so dumb. Victor and I looked at her as if she had two heads. Victor didn't seem to have any shame in his game. He smirked at me. Then said hey and I replied with hello.

"There's no door Kaycey and this is the living room ya' know but I am just going to the kitchen then I'll be back up in my room, you two can continue..."

I made my way into then kitchen retrieved the bottle of Apple Juice then made my way upstairs. My mind went back to what I seen downstairs, then I shook the image out. I checked my phone and the same thing read across the screen, nothing.

"Lil' girl"

Davida said coming into my room, as always. I looked up from my phone. So she is here and she lets Kaycey and Victor lip lock on the couch like that, knowing damn well my daddy wouldn't have that.

"Well we going to the mall"

She turned around and left. So I am guessing Victor is gone. I never ask to go to the mall with them. The first time I did she said yes but didn't get me anything so I never go.

After the triplets left I made my way downstairs. Luckily my dad was here watching tv. I snuck up behind him to scare him.


I giggled, he called my nick name my mother use to call me. I flopped on the couch beside him, then laid on his shoulder, wondering if I should tell him what I saw or not. I exhaled.

"Daddy how was your day?"

"Good baby girl, how was school?"

II took a handful of the chips that he was eating on "It was okay same ole ya' know?"

"Mhm I do"

My dad is currently a Architect and he has his own firm. See we had the perfect family, I painted my mother painter and my dad made them come to life but ever since the fire that perfectness is not there.

"Lets go somewhere baby girl"


He scratched his chin then looked at me then smirked. I already knew.

"One of my buildings real quick"

As I knew it. He loves what he does, I swear. We were soon at the building he designed. There was something about this building that rung a bell, I just couldn't describe it.

"Remember this?"

My dad asked turning towards me.

"The design was actually your mothers"

He chuckled.

"She showed it to me one day and I told it was too snazzy, turns out these buildings will catch companies eyes before the others do"

He gazed at me.

"I miss her and you look just like her..."

I smiled because he always says that. Plus, I have seen the pictures and have little memory of her. We do resemble. Davida hates it when my dad talks about my mother, but she just had to get use to it.

"Have you talked with Keisha lately?"

He turned towards me.

"Yeah, a couple days ago matter fact"

"She said she's coming down too next month"

I smiled out of excitement.


"Yeah.. it'll be good to see an old friend like her"

Thank God she's coming, can't wait to see my God mother, she'll usually take me shopping, get our hair and nails done. We always catch up when she visit. Honestly, I wouldn't even mind moving with her, but then again my dad. I can't leave him with the triplets.

Early Christmas, lol Comment and Vote... please

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