The Killer | A Percico AU Cha...

By SilverMoonFang

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[A story off of the one-shot of 'The Killer'] Perseus Jackson. He never talked, he never raised his hand... More

Chapter 0. Happiness
Chapter 1. A Bet
Chapter 2. A Forever Nightmare
Chapter 3. Little Brat
Chapter 4. The Accident
Chapter 5. The Whiteboard
Chapter 7. What Could Have Been (Lets See How Far We've Come)
Chapter 8. Physical Vs. Emotional
Chapter 9. 7 Seconds
Chapter 10. Prepared (God Nico)
Chapter 11. You as You
Chapter 12. Remember Who You Are
Chapter 13. Calypso
Chapter 13.5 Heart Day
Chapter 14. Jason
Chapter 15. Memories
Chapter 16. The Best Night of Our Lives
Chapter 17. Liars, Dupes, All of Them
Chapter 18. Love
Chapter 19. Ex's
Chapter 20. The Fantasy
Chapter 21. The Abyss
Chapter 22. The Farewell
Chapter 23. Those Three Little Words
Chapter 24. The Welfare Of a Dream
Chapter 25. Promises
Chapter 26. The Not So Random Encounter
Chapter 27. The Not So Useless Marking

Chapter 6. The Angel(s)

1.1K 48 21
By SilverMoonFang

((Idk what time period I made it in this story but we're going with Fall b/c I need it to be fall :P

Also Ik Ik what you're all gonna be thinking. 'Omg Bianca's alive in this but she killed herself in the last one!

I need her to be alive for this and a few things will be different, so. Hope you still enjoy XD Btw i know I haven't updated in a long time...

But to those who decided to read this, Merry Chrstimas xD here's your present from me! Sorry it's so crap xD

**Uneditted bc I along with this story am also crap xD**))


All the buzz was about homecoming.

It was guys asking girls, girls picking out their dresses and makeup, or holding their campaign for Homecoming Queen. It was guys wondering who they were gonna ask, what kind of corsage to get for their dates, guys learning how to dance or what they should do to make a good impression.

Surprisingly the guys and girls got ready in relatively similar ways, only the guys weren't wondering who was going to be King. That was obvious.

Could you guess who? Yeah, Nico Di Angelo. Liked, loved, envied; if the school had an A-list he'd be at the top of it, all the time. Girls who weren't taken or weren't going with any other guy yet would constantly try to get Nico's attention, hoping that they'd be the odd one out that he'd ask. That maybe they'd be that Cinderella in the story.

But Nico showed no interest in asking any of them. He and his 'crew,' which seemed to have expanded over the week, walked together. Talked together. Nico, of course, was in the front, with Jason and Leo next to each other behind him. All the other guys filled in spaces behind them.

They'd split the crowd of kids like the Red Sea. Wherever they walked people would immediately get out of their way, sometimes shoving themselves into their lockers just to do so. 

High school royalty. When you walked you left everyone in awe, and they couldn't help but stare.

The concept was a completely foreign one to Percy. He knew what it was, but he never experienced it. But one good thing did come out of these dances, at least, one good thing for Percy. Jason, Leo, and Nico wouldn't pick on him as much. Actually, they'd barely bully him at all.

The only problem was the amateur bullies who tried to bully him to get on their 'good sides.' Though there were hardly any people who did that, and even if they did they didn't even get noticed.

But Percy got peace in these couple of weeks of Homecoming. Though he couldn't help but notice, every time Nico and his group of boys would walk past it seemed like one of those stereotypical High school movie things.

You know, when they walk in slow motion and could interest everyone just in the way they walk. Then their hair seems to be getting blown back by some heavenly wind, as if even God himself was saying how important these kids were.

Percy actually found it kind of funny. Usually in those kind of movies it's the girls that that happens for. But in his world? It was the guys. There was no rightful Queen to high school, not yet. Everyone said they'd accept a Queen to their King if they were actually dating, and she had the stats. But of course, if you ended up dating the King, the stats problem was pretty much  be taken care of.

The race was between Nico's sister, Bianca, Jason's sister Thalia, Reyna, Piper, and Selena. Selena had actually spoken to Percy a few times, and he actually liked her as a person. She didn't go out of her way to be bratty or rude. She really tried to do her best to help people or pay attention to them. Maybe all of the Queen candidates had some good qualities, maybe they just had yet to be revealed.

But with all this fuss about Homecoming and King and Queen and all this, Percy wasn't actually surprised when he didn't hear from Nico the first week. Or the second one. Or even the third one.

The person he did hear from, though, was actually his sister Bianca. About three days before the dance Bianca came up to him and asked him over to their house. She didn't even wait for an answer, she just wrote down her address and the time to be there, handed it to him, and walked off.

Percy didn't want to be rude so he went, half hoping to see Nico and ask him why he appeared to be avoiding him. But when he arrived at their door only Bianca answered.

"So, um, I don't really know how I should communicate with you." she said nervously.

"Just grab him a notebook and a pen and he should be fine!" a voice called from inside. But it wasn't Nico.

"Oh, sorry, that's Thalia. Uhm, why don't you come in and I'll fetch you your paper and pen?" Bianca gave him a small smile and Percy stepped inside. Bianca closed the door behind him.

"Thalia's just right in the living room." Bianca pointed in the direction and Percy gave a simple nod, heading over to the room she had directed him to. Meanwhile Bianca ran upstairs to grab the pen and paper.

"Hello Jackson." a voice hummed once he stepped into the room. Percy turned his head to the voice. Sitting on the couch lazily was none other than Thalia Grace, sister to Jason Grace, daughter of Zeus, the school principal.

She had electric blue eyes, similar to her brothers, only her hair was a black charcoal color, but she had added in some red highlights. If she got elected they said she'd be the 'Rebel Queen.' Selena was the 'Queen of Hearts.' Not for cruelty reasons, but because she was just so sweet, and loved matchmaking people. She was fun to be around. Like love, she was fun, but could also be dangerous if you're bad enough.

The title of 'Snow Queen' went to Reyna. She'd do anything to get her crown, even if it meant being manipulative and sneaky. No one knew why she wanted it so badly, so they summed it up to her heart being cold as ice. But also because Reyna was actually quite beautiful, all of them were. But Reyna's beauty had a sort of... fragile, no, not fragile, different feel to it. She was beautiful, there was no question, but it was something different. But they certainly couldn't call her the Beauty Queen, that title went to Piper. Though Piper also almost beat out Bianca in the title of 'Queen of Drama.' But Bianca beat her by just a little bit.

Bianca wasn't given the name Queen of Drama because she always caused Drama, but because she knew all about whatever drama was going on. She helped people out, and she tried to get to the bottom of things. She knew everything about everyone.

"Oh by the way, Selena's around here somewhere, too. Now sit."

Percy slowly sat down in one of the other chairs in the room. Selena was there too? Why would Bianca want to gather them?

"SELENA GET OVER HERE!" Thalia called.

"Sorry sorry!" Selena ran over, hurling herself onto the couch with a fit of giggles.

"So, did you ask Charlie to the dance?" Thalia smirked.

"Isn't Bianca supposed to be the gossipy one?" Selena teased, throwing a pillow at her.

"Stereotypes, that's all they are," Thalia hummed.

"Yeah but I mean our whole High school lives seem to revolve around them. Just ask my brother." Bianca walked into the room, handing Percy the paper and pen.

Percy gave her a little nod of thanks, taking them from her. Bianca plopped down into another chair in the room, smiling.

"So, Percy, you may be wondering why we asked you to come here." Bianca said.

"Wait wait we weren't done discussing-" Thalia started but Bianca quickly shushed her.

"Percy I have a very important question to ask you." Bianca said. "Will. You. Be going to the dance?"

Percy blinked, frowning slightly in confusion.

What? Why would they want to know that?

"Just answer the question Pretty Boy." Thalia said, yawning slightly.

Percy slowly uncapped the pen, gently placing the cap on the end of the pen before writing a big fat 'N-O' on the notebook and holding it up for them to see.

"Well that's not acceptable young man!" Selena grinned, "We need the whole student body to be there."

Percy turned to the next page, writing something else.

'Why did you invite me here?' he held it up for them to see.

"Oh, that," Bianca said, "yeah we can't tell you that."

Percy stared at her.

"Oh don't give me that look," she huffed, "or... at least that look I thought you were giving me."

"Ignore her," Thalia said, "we'll tell you later, Percy. But quick question, has Nico talked to you lately?"

He simply shook his head.

"Right... think it's about time for an intervention." Thalia muttered. "For all three of those idiots."

Percy tilted his head, but before the girls could say anything else the front door was loudly pushed open.

"That'd be them." Bianca mutters. "Percy stay here and stay out of sight. Selena stay with him. This is between us and the morons."

Selena nodded, staying put as Bianca and Thalia got up, walking out of the room.

Percy could hear muffled versions of what they were saying, that is until they started yelling.


"AH WHO CARES!" came Jason's slurred response, "I, I am part of the KINGS entourage! FAKE IDS ALL AROUND!"




"OH OH I KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS!" Leo exclaimed, "Nico! It was his idea! So you can't blame us!"

"You idiots went along with it!"

"Whatever. I'm going to lay down." Jason huffed, his footsteps coming near the living room.

Percy's eyes grew wide and he looked at Selena.

She pointed rapidly to the stairs and Percy bolted up them moments before Jason came into the living room.

But apparently the Universe was getting a kick out of all of this because apparently going upstairs wasn't simply enough because soon Percy could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. So in turn he ran into the nearest room. Still not good enough because a few seconds later someone walked into said room and Percy made a very ungraceful dive into the closet, bonking his head as he fell and shut the doors.

Percy screwed his eyes shut and held his head.

"Nico... what're you doing to yourself?" Bianca's voice sighed from out in the room. 

Percy stilled, slowly opening one eye. He brushed his hair away from his eyes and looked out of the closet from in between the little closet blinds.

Bianca sat down on the bed besides Nico, gently brushing some his hair out of his face.

"I just want to see you happy..." she whispered. "It's not your fault... nothing is your fault. I just want you happy."

Percy frowned slightly and tilted his head.

Bianca sighed, leaning down and kissing Nico's forehead.

"You're not alone. You've got so many more people on your side then you know..."

She bit her lip and stood up a couple of minutes later, pulling Nico's covers on top of him.

"Sleep well." she murmured softly before leaving the room.

After the door closed Percy slowly opened the closet doors. Maybe if he was quiet enough he could get out and leave like none of this had happened.

Yeah, that sounded like a good plan.

Carefully Percy tiptoed out of the closet, gently closing the doors behind him.

Making sure to be very, very quiet he made his way past Nico's bed and to the window. Which was freaking locked. Of course.

After fiddling with the locks for a solid ten freaking minutes Percy managed to get the window open. Percy cringed when both the unlocking and window opening made moderately loud cracks.

Nico let out a little whine from the bed and Percy frozed, his blood turning to ice.

He slowly turned his head over to the bed, just in time to see Nico's eyes open.

Percy stared into his eyes, staying silent and still.

Nico stared back at him, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face.

His eyes slowly began to droop again and Percy snapped out of whatever trance had made him stay still and he quickly climbed out the window. Well, more like fell out of the window and onto a little section of the roof that hung over the patio. Just a little patch of roof to break his fall. Felt great.

Percy bit down hard onto his lip and slowly stood up, holding his arm tightly as he descended down the roof, onto the top of a car, and to the ground.

He glanced back up at the window to Nico's room before running off.


**Nico's P.O.V.**

So Nico had accidentally drank too much. So he had made a poor decision by going to a party where he knew only bad influences would be. Did he particularly care at the time he was making the decision? No, not really. Did he start caring once the headache hit? Yeah, maybe a little.

He didn't know why he did it. It was a good distraction. It felt good... but only for a short amount of time. Really the whole of what he could remember was dancing, music, beers all around, something about a pool, and a... dog?

But there was one thing he did remember clearly. He didn't know if it had been a dream or if was real, but the idea sounded so ridiculous it had to have been a dream.

It was... weird, but oddly comforting. Simple, but nice.

He had been sitting in his room, or... laying? Something along those lines, when he looked over at the window, only to see what he first thought was an angel.

The sun had been outlining the figure, highlighting it's features in almost... a heavenly way. But once a few seconds passed he realized it wasn't an angel. Well, maybe a fallen angel in Nico's opinion, but it was instead, Percy.

His black hair had been swept to the side as opposed to it's usual 'hanging in front of his face,' and he could have sworn that he had caught a glimpse of his eyes. He didn't get a good look at them. If that was a dream then it would make sense why he didn't actually get to see his eye color. But if it happened in real life...

No, that's when the insanity comes in. Why would Percy Jackson be in his room, or at least, at his window?

But still... maybe there's a chance... But why did he care so much?

He had to find out. 

Nico sat up in his bed, cringing at the sudden head rush.

He groaned, rubbing his head. He glanced over at his night stand to see a glass of water and a letter.

Blinking rapidly to clear his vision Nico grabbed the note and the glass of water.

"Dear little brother..." Nico murmured quietly, "You don't have to go to school today, I covered for you, you lucky bastard. Drink the water. I'm serious, I'll kill you if you don't drink it. Don't worry, I'll say hi to Percy today for you."

Nico frowned, raising an eyebrow.

He looked at the water.

He cared. Nico cared for some odd reason. Maybe he was really seeing Percy as a friend again. Nico would actually like that. He loved being friends with Percy when they were little. Then Percy shut him out for some reason, and that had been the end of that.

Maybe... just maybe he could... possibly, somehow, start to become friends with Percy again. I mean Nico had already crawled in through Percy's window. That's definitely a start. Maybe a creepy start, but a start nonetheless.

He'd just have to do something about Jason and Leo...

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