I Don't Belong In This Mental...


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What would you do, if you were trapped behind white walls? What would you do if people thought you were crazy... Еще

Chapter One: Her Name Is Akura
Chapter Two: All They See Is A Crazy Girl
Chapter Three: I Just Met A Normal Person.
Chapter Four: Sunday's With Max
Chapter Five: He can't be Ethan...
Chapter Six: They are after me...
Chapter Seven: The Yellow House
Chapter Eight: Hurting Myself feels good
Chapter Nine: He Repeated My Same Mistake
Chapter Ten: Change For Worst?
Chapter Eleven: He will never like me
Chapter Thirteen: New Mysterious girl
Chapter Fourteen: Confused.
Chapter Fifteen: I Can't Remember A Thing...
Chapter Sixteen: Arrested
Chapter Seventeen: Hope...
Chapter Eighteen: Mumble your thoughts...
Chapter Nineteen: I Hate You

Chapter Twelve: Something Is Going On

670 15 4

Fear started taking over me as Dr. Kennedy was approaching. For the last hour, I was walking around in circles trying not to let panic raise higher in me. It's been a long night. We haven't heard anything from the doctors about Akura's state. Mom kept asking questions but sincerely not even I had the answer.

I still don't understand how she did this to herself. Everything looked perfect on her life and she looked happy... Except last night...

I was so harsh with her and I recognize it. Honestly, I was just frustrated. She looked so ugly with her new hair last night that I just wanted to vomit. But once I had her Motionless body in my arms, I couldn't help but see how beautiful she really is and how I was wrong. Her hair wasn't curly anymore, it was rather straight. Her colorful ends fell slightly around her waist making her look like a goddess.

Akura, is very beautiful and I was so dumb to not notice that yesterday night.

My thinking was over when I felt my mother shake me slightly. I blinked a few times recovering my five senses and shook my head slightly trying to clear my thoughts. Dr. Kennedy was now in front of us waiting for out full attention. Both my mom and me stood up and shook his hand. He fixed his papers slowly and rummaged through them. He cleared his throat lightly and began speaking...

"Well, Akura is in a very delicate state... Her heart can't continue on its own. After we saved her, her heart started stopping by time causing us to be alerted. We honestly don't think she will make it home this week. Due to her heart stop we believe those pills might have caused her a serious damage in her nervous system. Also, her immune system is very low and she is missing a lot of vitamin in her body. She is very unhealthy, and we might think she will not make it at all."

After the last word the doctor said I couldn't help but feel a shock of sadness and guiltiness hit me. Tears started building up in my eyes but I did everything possible to fight them back. Akura, she might not make it... It was all my fault, if I wasn't a bitch to her yesterday she would of still be alive now at home with me in bed. Everything happened so fast, and I might not see her alive again...

I heard my mom crying and slowly turned around to find her sitting down with her face in her hands crying her heart out. A hot tear slowly fell from my eye making me realize something.

Although when only had 3 days living with her, those three days were awesome and she became a part of home. She became someone I cared about in such a small amount of time. It very weird though. I never thought I will care for her this soon... I barely even care about my friends but when its about her, it's different.

"Can we see her?" I asked my voice cracking at the end. He observed me for a bit and lowered his glasses slowly. "You see son, seeing her in this dangerous state will be very emotionally bad for the two of you. I suggest, for your own psychological safety, that it's best if you don't see her" He took a deep breath and continued. "But I do need you two to come with me to my office so discuss some things"

I looked over at mom and saw hee slowly raising. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and fixed her shirt. "Okay Sr, lead the way." she murmured in a incomprehensible voice. We both followed to a small office on the 7th floor, at the end of the hallway.

I closed the door slowly behind me and took a seat next to mom. Dr. Kennedy slipped a paper out from a little folder and clicked a pen. "So, tell me. What is Akura's full name?" he asked his eyes looking directly at my mothers. "Akura Lee" she answered fidgeting with her fingers. Surprised that she knew her lat name, I looked over at her but she avoid eye contact. "Okay, where is she from?"

"F- Fresno.."

I observed my mom as she continued saying all the answers. How does she know all this? Akura is new to our family, right? I haven't met her before and I don't think dad has neither so how come mom knows that much about her? Is Akura secretly my sister or something? I looked up at the Dr and watched him type on his computer. "Hmm, Akura Lee, from Fresno Mental institution?" I quickly looked over at my mom and saw her tense. She bit her lip and lowered her head. After a few seconds mom looked up at him and shook her head. My eyes widened as I looked at my mom. "Well okay, I just wanted to have some more information on this patient and make sure she wasn't the girl who escaped from the mental institution. "Escaped?" I asked surprised.

Dr nodded and intertwined his fingers. "Recently, there was an incident on Fresno Mental institution..."

" Ethan lets go, you should go take a shower eat and get some rest you probably are tired" mom said all too quickly while grabbing my shirt and pulling me up. I pushed her away lightly and shook my head. " I want to hear this" I stated sitting down. She sighed and paced around the room.

" Well, a girl named Akura Lee Escaped from the Mental institution after she injured my friend and one of the best doctors for mental help, Dr. Bill Stripes. It's heard that Akura was looking for.."

"ETHAN LETS LEAVE! NOW!" Mom screamed pulling me up aggressively. I tried slapping her hand away but she tightened her grip on my shirt. Once out of the hospital she let go of me and started walking slowly. I placed my hand on her shoulder and sprung her around. Looking in her eyes I noticed regret and sadness. "Mom, why are you in such a hurry? I wanted to know. Why does it look like you didn't want me to know" I said slowly trying not to scream. "Ethan, there is just something's, you just can't know now. Please understand." I opened my mouth to say something but was suddenly interrupted by a strong male voice.


I turned around slowly to find my uncle, Max. "Okay, what is going on here? I thought you couldn't get out of a Mental institution but clearly you and my friend Akura are out. Please someone explain!" I said confusingly, running my fingers though my hair.

Uncle Max looked anxious and worried. He quickly turned around looking at her surroundings, searching for someone. "There is no time to explain, they are after me. I need Katie for a minute!" he screamed nervously, pulling my mom with him far away from me.

All of this was confusing. Since Akura entered my life, everything turned very confusing. Max isn't suppose to be out, he has serious mental problems and shouldn't be here but why is he here and how did he escape? Most importantly why did he need to talk to my mom in such an nervous and quick desesperate way? Something is going on... How did mom knew that much about Akura? Why did she denied Akura's Mental institution life? All this makes no sense. There is missing pieces in this puzzle. I need to find out but I know I won't get any answers from Mom or Max. I guess I will need to find out on my own...

I looked over at them and saw mom pacing towards me. Max was no where to be seen, maybe he ran away quickly? Strong arms shook me awakening me from my thoughts.

"I know this is very very confusing to you but there is a time for everything and this is not the time to give you answers."

I nodded and looked over at her desperate face and raised my eyebrows. " I know I have told you millions of times to be a good boy and not to do bad things but there is an exception for everything" she blurted out looking around.

I looked at her confused and waited for her to continue. Crossing my arms, I made eye contact with her and nodded. "Well, I need you to get your friends and meet me here as soon as possible"

"What for?" I asked raising my eyebrow . I watched her look around frantically, while me on the other hand was calmly confused taping my foot on the floor. " We need to take Akura OUT OF THAT HOSPITAL! NOW!" she screamed placing both of her hands on her forehead frantically. "Why? Didn't you hear she is in a delicate state?"

"Ethan there is no time to explain!! Go get your friends now and I will explain you afterwards!" she shouted pushing me away. I nodded and ran out to find my friends. Mom was acting in a scaring way, I hope my uncle's craziness didn't get into her.

Once I reached my friends I explain what we were going to do and they right away agreed. All of my friends with the exception of Courtney like Danger. Of course I would of liked getting in a situation like this but right now I don't. I am so confused I cant even think straight. We all headed towards the hospital parking lot where we met my mom. She started speaking but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Millions of thoughts ran in my head. I felt arms wrap around me and at the first contact that person had with my skin, I thought it was Akura. I shook my head lightly to clear my thoughts and saw Courtney with her hands in my neck. I pushed her off aggressively and gave her a death glare.

I don't want her or anyone to get near me, all I want is to feel Akura's body pressed against mines.

I stepped forward and looked at each and everyone. "Let's do this" I stated anxiously. Everyone nodded and grabbed one walkie talkie.

This is about to get real.

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