
By GoddessSin

14.2K 155 49

A group asks the school idol want she fantasies about. She says BDSM and D/s relationships. A guy in the grou... More

3-Living together

2-Rules and Family

4.2K 41 4
By GoddessSin

A/n:my chapters are probably going to become shorter so sorry in advance

Teshi walked into the living room and looked at me. "Sit. I'll give you your rules now." Teshi sat next to me and i gave him a book with my rules. The rules were:
-Must ask permission to masterbate
-Must not go further than three metres unless instructed
-Must call Amagi Goddess
-Must answer no/yes Goddess
-Must wear collar, choker in public
-Must not swear
-Must not use furniture unless instructed
-Must be naked when alone with Goddess
-Must tell the truth
-Must ask to go to the bathroom
-Must go into certain postions at certain times
-Must mantain heathly exercise and diet
-Must use certain lotion, shampoo, condisher, deoderate etc.
-Must not stare at other women for more than 3 seconds unless instructed however friends and family are okay
-Must never sit with legs spread or slouch unless instructed
-Must wear what Goddess wants
-No body hair
-No beards or such
-Keep house clean; counters clear of clutter, laundry completed, dishes cleaned, make beds, set the table, take trash out, mop floors, sweep and vaccum all floors and carpets, wash, fold, iron and out away clothes and keep gardens heathly etc.
-Goddess won't scar or injure submissive, like breaking theur fingers etc.
-bondage, spanking and whipping is okay
(A few may be added later)

Teshi looked at me, closed the book and put it on the coffee table. "I understand Goddess. I'll try to be the best submissive you'll ever have." I chuckled and smiled at him. I showed him what my waiting postion was. He sat like how Japanese do.

"Good. Teshi you should probaly go home soon it's nearly 5pm and tommorrow at school when your with your friends you will call me Goddess. If someone that doesn't know about our relationship call me Amagi. Okay?" I said getting up and walking to the front door. Teshi follwed.

"Yes Goddess, i understand" teshi said nodding. I smiled and took off his collar. I grabbed a choker and put it on him.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow. Love ya" i kissed Teshi and opened the door. He went outside and bowed. I laughed and patted him head.

"Bye Goddess" Teshi said waving at me. I waved back and when i could no longer see him, i closed the door.
・゚゚・。 ・゚゚・。 ・゚゚・。 ・゚゚・。 ・゚゚・。
"Amagi~want to sit with us at lunch?" dove asked me, during English. I nodded and she smiled. The bell rang 20 mintues later and students started leaving the class. Dove and Haruchi waited for me at the door.

"So......Amagi who won?" Haruchi asked while we started walking to their group.

"I-" i was cut off by Dove.

"Wait don't spoil it. When we're at the squad tell us. Okay~?" She said while pouting and then smiled . I nodded and smiled at them. We reached the group and sat down. I sat next to Teshi who looked really uncomfortable and the others sat on the floor next to Evalin and Kori.

Dove and Kori looked at me and Teshi expectly, smiling. I sighed and said "i won" their mouths fell open and all of them looked surprised and shocked. Did they not expect i would win? "Teshi is also my submissive for 3 months. That was our bet so i will act dominate when i'm with Teshi and you're there. However if there is someone who doesn't know i won't act dominate." I said and they kept looking at each other astonished. I smiled and looked at Teshi who looked cramped.

After a few mintues of registering what i told them Kori said "so.... um.... c-can u give him a order?" With a confused expression.

"Sure but what type?" I asked.

They looked at each other and started whispering. "Tell him to do a handstand" Haruchi said. It was a pretty lame order but i hope Teshi can do one.

"Hahhhh okay Teshi do a handstand" he got up and tried doing a handstand but failed horribly. "Teshi you forgot something" he looked at me like'what?'I worded Goddess and he became red. He was embrassed, it was adoreable.

"Yes.........Goddess" he said really ted and embrassed. Why is he so cute!? The others expressions became even more astonished. I smiled and Teshi eventually did the handstand. The bell rung and everyone was surprised. We waved goodbye to each other but i held Teshi's hand so he didn't leave.

"Good job Teshi. i'm proud of you" i said bumping our foreheads together. His eyes twinkled  and he looked happy. He likes being my submissive even though he didn't want to be before.  We said our goodbyes and went to class.
・゚゚・。  ・゚゚・。  ・゚゚・。  ・゚゚・。  ・゚゚・。
At the end of school i called Teshi. "Hello?" He answered.

"Teshi i want you to live with me" i said. There was a long pause.

"I don't think my parents will allow me to. I'm sorry Goddess" he said.

"Don't worry i'll get it sorted. You walk home right?" I asked.

"Yes Goddess"

" i'll drive you home so come to the carpark" i said.

"Yes Goddess thank you"

The car ride to his house was very awkward, we didn't talk at all until we reached the house. We got out and walked to the door. Teshi knocked on the door and a woman opened the door. She pulled him in roughly and looked at me with distastefulness.

"Who are you?" She asked with a deadly voice.

"I'm Teshi's girlfriend and I want him to live with me" I said and rolled my eyes.

"What!? No!?" She turned to Teshi who was shaking and staring at the ground. "I didn't give you permission and your father definitely wouldn't. I can't believe you!" She yelled at him and turned back to me. "Go away, your a bad influence to child. Shoo shoo." What is up with this woman?

She started closing the door but I stopped it with my foot.
A/n: Sorry I'm finishing the chapter here and sorry that I haven't updated recently I've had school! The next chapters will be short as well, sorry if you like long chapters

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