~The Maiden in Red~{Black But...

By HippieWolfQueen

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After ridding of Angela/Ashe, the Angel of Massacre, London starts with a new beginning. Ciel returns and se... More

Ch. 1 ~His Maiden, Returns~
Ch. 2 ~His Maiden, in Search of the White Deer~
Ch. 3 ~His Maiden, and the Photograph Burning Case~
Ch. 4 ~His Maiden, Suspicious~
Ch. 5 ~His Maiden, on the Terrorized Express~
Ch. 6 ~His Maiden, at the Trancy Ball~
Ch. 7 ~His Maiden, Saves the Ball~
Ch. 8 ~His Maiden, Desired~
Ch. 9 ~His Maiden, Came to Be~
Ch. 10 ~His Maiden, Different~
Ch. 11 ~His Maiden, Remembered~
Ch. 12 ~His Maiden, Overwhelmed~
Ch. 13 ~His Maiden, Despairing~
Ch. 14 ~His Maiden, Trapped in a Spider's Web~
Ch. 15 ~His Maiden, Caged~
Ch. 16 ~His Maiden, Vanishes~
Ch. 17 ~His Maiden, in the Labyrinth~
Ch. 19 ~His Maiden, Leaves~
~Author's Interview~
~The Story Thus Far: Narration from Tanaka~

Ch. 18 ~His Maiden, Not Alone~

3.9K 128 5
By HippieWolfQueen

It was foggy and silent but the water moving. Sebastian and Claude each paddled the boat and directed it toward an island. Hannah sat in the middle with Ciel's head laying on her lap as she smoothed his hair. Mystery sat behind her but in a good distance. The whole trip, she stared at Hannah as she remembered her words back at the clock tower.

"My master formed a contract with me while in control of Ciel Phantomhive's body. In other words, Ciel Phantomhive's soul... will not see the light of day... until my master's soul is released as the contract stipulates."

"What are the details of the contract? What are Alois Trancy's wishes?" Sebastian asked her. "It's a secret between my master and I." Hannah said. Claude scoffed. "How cocky." "But I will tell you this," Hannah continued, "My master's wishes include for one of you to end your life as a demon. Mystery has passed the last trial and since neither of have passed, one of you shall win this next trail while the other dies. The winner will face off against Mystery, and then there will be a final winner. When that happens the contract between my master and I will be fulfilled. And Ciel Phantomhive's soul will be released by my master..."

"When I win this next trial, I refuse to fight against my mate for my young master" Sebastian said. Hannah smirked. "Yes... Mystery has no interest at devouring Ciel Phantomhive's soul, she only allows you, Sebastian, to have his soul than any other demon. If Sebastian wins then Ciel Phantomhive belongs to both Sebastian and Mystery. However, if Claude wins, Mystery and him will battle for Ciel Phantomhive..."

This was a risky situation. Now all Mystery could do was hope Sebastian would win this for both her and Ciel. She was sick of these trials and Ciel in danger. She knew the feeling and it did not make her feel well. Mystery just wanted to go back home with Sebastian and Ciel back to the mansion, where Mey-Rin, Bard, and Finny were. And of course Tanaka, and Elizabeth visiting.

They reached the island and had gotten off the boat and found themselves in a deserted wasteland, away from the trees and mountains. Mystery knew this island. It was the same one where Sebastian brought her and Ciel after defeating the angel. It was where Sebastian was supposed to take Ciel's soul and the place where she became a demon...

"This island of death, a sanctuary for demons..." Claude said overlooking the scenery, "It seems your rage caused some damage... Sebastian Michaelis..." Claude smirked at him, but Sebastian glanced away from him. Mystery gave a look and growled, "Well you caused him to do it." Claude smirked at her and now Sebastian glared at him. "Hannah, since you brought us here.. does that mean..." Hannah had laid Ciel on the ground and she still caressed his hair. "The next trial will carry out here, a formal duel between two demons."

They were now underground and it was filled with rocks and green crystals. Claude held onto Hannah as Sebastian reached in her to pull the sword out. Hannah gagged as Sebastian pulled the entire sword out of her and after Hannah caught her breath, she got up and Sebastian handed her the sword. "There is no attack that can fatally wound a demon. However, a wound caused by a demon's sword will never heal. And... a soul pierced by a demon's sword will come to a complete end." Hannah said and threw the sword up as it pierced into the upper rocks. Mystery stood near Ciel as did Hannah. Hannah held her arm up readying the two butlers to start the match. "Come now!"

Sebastian and Claude ran in the circle around the sword ready for Hannah to send the signal. "I'm the one who'll sink his teeth into the soul of the young master! And that maiden is mine!" Claude shouted as both he and Sebastian jumped toward the sword. Claude saw Sebastian was about to grab it but outstretched his arm and a long line of spider web grabbed the sword and Claude pulled it, leaving him with holding the sword. Both of them landed on the ground and Claude didn't hesitant on attacking Sebastian with the sword. Claude tried stabbing Sebastian, but he was too quick. "I'll tear you apart!" Claude shouted and Sebastian gritted his teeth as he kept dodging.

Sebastian jumped and kicked the sword out of Claude's hands as it flew backwards and Claude was taken back by the quick movement. Sebastian went after it while smirking back at Claude. Sebastian grabbed the sword and plunged it into the stone ground making cracks and making the surroundings rumble and shake. Rocks from above began to fall. "Master!" Hannah said as she took Ciel in her arms and jumped out of the area. Mystery quickly followed after her and managed to safely get out. Sebastian and Claude glared at each other. "Sebastian Michaelis..." Claude growled then shouted as he ran to him. Sebastian and Claude charged in mid air as the underground crumbled and the green crystals glistened...

Parts of the islands shifted and cracked and as Sebastian was in the air, Claude then kicked the sword out of Sebastian's hands. The sword fell into the deep crack that was formed and Sebastian and Claude dove after it. "That sword is...!" Sebastian said. "That soul is...!" Claude said. They dove further into the crack. "Mine!"


"How stupid..." Ciel said in the darkness as he and Alois sat back to back on a checkered piece of flooring. "A duel between demons?" Ciel asked Alois. Alois chuckled. "Funny isn't it? To see two grown men so desperate... When my wishes come true, I'll die for real and have Hannah eat my soul. Then I'll return this body to you." Alois said smiling as Ciel looked down. "This body huh?" "I did a terrible thing to you, Ciel." Alois said and Ciel looked at him without emotion. "But you're love by both Sebastian and Claude. And of course Mystery." Ciel smirked and huffed. "Loved by those two? Please," Alois looked at him questionably.

"You don't understand Sebastian... how he'll act when he learns the details of the contract... " Ciel then closed his eyes. "Mystery is the only one that truly loves me." It was then quiet between them until Ciel spoke again. "I've already achieved my revenge. After that, I existed solely for the purpose of being devoured by Sebastian." "But your plan was ruined because of the contract signed between Hannah and I" Alois said. Ciel huffed again. "What a pitiful demon, fighting completely unaware like this. He's fighting not knowing that even if he wins... his reward will be..."


Claude and Sebastian's eyes glowed as they fought over the sword as they fell. Sebastian managed to steal back the sword and Claude jumped back. He landed on a little ledge but it immediately crumbled as Claude fell in slow motion. He gasped as Sebastian chuckled and smirked down at him...

Claude groaned and gasped as he hit the ground and the sword pierced through him. Sebastian hovered over him as he stabbed Claude with his eyes glowing...


Mystery was outside and so was Hannah, holding Ciel. Mystery had her hood up since it had recently started to rain. She hoped Sebastian would be all right until she felt something happen. She faintly heard Hannah gasp. Hannah also knew what had happened. Claude had been the demon that was finished and Sebastian was the winner. Mystery felt relieved, while Hannah was silent and had a tear slid down her face...


The fight was now over and Sebastian still hovered over Claude, smiling in victory. Claude was shocked he had lost. "Now you can no longer touch my young master and my mate." "... This death that I greet as the fight over the young master's sweet soul ends... still gives off a rich fragrance even as I wither away... so does making Mystery a mate of my own..." Claude said. "You've been trifled with by the soul of Alois Trancy and you'll die as he intended. You've been under that boy's control until this very moment." Sebastian said to him.

"Alois Trancy..." Claude muttered then coughed up blood. He looked at Sebastian, "My glasses..." "What?" "I have a spare pair in my breast pocket." Sebastian did his request and reached in and took his glasses out. Sebastian lightly placed them on Claude's face. "I'm impressed that you're still talkative with a fatal wound like this." Sebastian said. "Yes... But my end is about to come" Claude said. "Well then, let us have your last words" Sebastian said. Claude pushed his glasses up. "Passion into insincerity, lies into truth, and a stray dog into an earl. That's what makes a... butler..." Claude's hand fell and his eyes shut. Sebastian then stood looking at Claude, while a crow flew away.

"Whose butler did you die as, Claude?" 


Alois gasped. "Claude!" "It's over." Ciel had said. Alois's sad expression then turned to a sad smile. "Yeah... it's over." Ciel looked over his shoulder at Alois. "Are you satisfied?" "I don't know. I can no longer tell," Alois said, "But... that's fine with me. Ciel?" "Yeah?" "Your lucky to have someone like Mystery. I've had my chance with her. But she wasn't exactly like a sister, she was like a mother to me and my brother." Alois said with a smile.

"I know... I saw. She means something to all of us." Ciel said. "I'll always love her... forever... keep her happy Ciel." Alois said as he glowed. Alois smiled before he disappeared. Now Ciel was left alone in the darkness. After Alois was gone, Ciel smiled small. "I can keep that promise, Alois." Ciel then stood up and looked up at the darkness.

"Now, Sebastian. The truth is right in front of you. What will you do when you learn everything?"


Sebastian was back with Mystery and Hannah. They stood on a cliff as the wind blew. Hannah still held Ciel in her arms as Mystery stood next to Sebastian. Mystery could also sense sadness as did Hannah, knowing Alois's soul had passed on. "Our happiness has come. Oh... Master...!" Hannah cried and Mystery's eyes were watery and a tear streamed down her cheek as she looked down. "Hannah..." Sebastian had said. "The contract between my master and I is now fulfilled. All you have to do now is to kill me," Hannah said as she faced them.

"Your young master," Hannah directed to Sebastian then looked to Mystery, "Your brother, will get his body back. However... even if he gets his body back, Ciel Phantomhive will be as good as a dead person to you." Sebastian and Mystery gasped and their eyes widen. "Our happiness now comes to a conclusion. Ciel Phantomhive is..." Hannah didn't finish her sentence as the ground beneath her crumbled. She and Ciel fell down towards the sea and Sebastian and Mystery ran and looked over the cliff. "Ciel!" Mystery called out.

Sebastian stared down at Hannah. Her lips moved as she was telling them something but no sound came out. Sebastian's eyes became more wide as he knew what she said. Hannah held onto Ciel as they splashed into the deep water. "Sebas-? ... Sebastian!" Mystery said as she went to ask him what was wrong but shouted to him when he jumped off the cliff after them. Mystery watched from above as Sebastian crashed into the water and didn't come up. 

She stood there alone as the wind blew through her and her red cloak that was easily seen around the dark skies and dark surroundings...



"Contract?" Alois asked while he was still in Ciel's body and he and Hannah were in the clock tower. "What do you wish, Master?" Hannah asked. "Claude's love? Or would you rather tear off his limbs and force him to serve you?" The ground shook from the commotion outside as Sebastian and Claude made their way in. "They're coming." Alois said. "Yes, in pursuit of Ciel Phantomhive's soul." Hannah said.

Alois closed his eyes. "I've decided. What I wish for in making a contract with you is...that neither of them will get Ciel's soul." "Murder, then?" Hannah asked as her eyes glowed. "No, that won't do. I saw Claude's love right in front of me, but it eluded me. I want them to feel that... And I also don't want Mystery to lose anymore people she cares about... I also wish for eternal happiness for Mystery..."


The island began to shake and more rocks fell. Hannah had made her way back to Claude and laid by his side as she would die with him. The island still shook and the water moved in through the cracks and now most of the island was now covered in water and everything washed away. 

"Luka... We finally meet again, Luka!" Alois's voice said. "Brother!" Luka said. "We're gonna stay together forever! Hannah and Claude are with us, too!" Alois said. "Yeah! What about Mystery, brother?" Luka asked. "She'll continue living on in happiness. But she'll always remember and love us!" Alois said happily. "Yeah! I don't feel lonely anymore!" Luka cheered. "That's right. We're not lonely anymore! Everyone, everything, is happy!" Alois shouted.


Ciel was caught in the strong current as it tossed him in many directions. He sank deeper and deeper and Sebastian swam after him. The current had calmed down and Ciel now slowly sank down. Sebastian caught up to him and held him in his arms. Sebastian stared down at Ciel's peaceful face until... he slowly opened his eyes. Ciel's eyes were not blue, but red...

At that moment, Sebastian ran his hand right through Ciel and Ciel's eyes widen. Blood flowed from his wound and from his mouth. Sebastian glared at Ciel, disgusted with his food becoming a creature like him. Ciel's blood traveled up towards the water's surface and surrounded both him and Sebastian. Everything at that time became silent and calm...


The wind had stopped blowing, the island stopped shaking, the rain had stopped, and the water was calm. Mystery looked up in the sky, but it was still dark. She then looked towards the water and saw a boat and Sebastian paddling from the back end. Her lips parted and she started to run down from the cliff. The boat reached the shore and now Mystery walked towards them. She stopped a few feet away when she saw Sebastian's expression. 

She looked at him concerned and confused. But then she looked at Ciel who now stood in front of her a few feet away and he smirked at her. "I'm back, Mystery... now I'm like you..." Mystery stared at him and noticed his red eyes. Now she knew why Sebastian was upset and why Ciel looked different...

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