Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

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Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

Chapter 65- Promise

14.4K 121 21
By blackdust

All rights are to Stephanie Meyer...

Chapter 65- Promise

***Amelia's POV***

WHAT?! It's true...? He's my father?

First my mother then my father oh yeah now Damien's my brother! I don't blame Damien through he didn't know anything.

"Father is that you?" Damien said. Nahuel- my father turned to him and smiled.

"Damien it has been long it's it?" He said. Why is he so happy? I don't get it! He abandoned us and he is smiling! What is up with that? And why did he leave and why is he here now?

What is going on?

"Are you trying to say that Amelia is my sister well half sister?" He asked. Is he disapointed? Does he not want to be my brother? To be perfectly honest I think I am alright being his sister it's just a bit weird and it needs to sink in.

"Why do things keep on springing up on me?" I asked myself quietly. Max tighten his grip on me and pulled me closer to him. I then started to rub cirlces on my back.

I sent him a smile and he returned to gesture. Hmmm... maybe I could do the whole 'meet the parents' thing.

"Amelia sweetie we are your parents." My mother said to me. I sighed and gave them eye contact.

"Yeah I have got that but c'mon three days ago I was at home and now I am infront of my real parents and my half- brother who I had met but I didn't even know I was related to. And I am also with the Volturi right now and have to make a choice within 24 hours. This is too much for one person." I muttered. I had totally forgotten about the Volturi until I mentioned them. they were looking at me curiously but I didn't really care I just wanted to lie down somewhere and cuddle Max.

"A decison?" My father questioned. I groaned I don't even want to speak I just want to rest and get my mind off things is that too much to ask for? I looked over to the Cullens they were looking at me curiously too and so were the Denalis. I began to feel guilty for pulling them into this it wasn't fair on them.

"It's a long story and Amelia you need to rest. Max too." Grandpa said. I set him a grateful look.

"Damien, Reneesme and Jacob would need to rest too." Dad (Edward) said. Grandpa turned to Aro.

"Aro is it alright if we go to a hotel so that they could rest?" He asked politely.

"Will you be here within 24 hours?" He asked. Sometimes I wish that vampires didn't have such excellent memory because he wouldn't forget this.

"Of course we shall be." Grandpa promised. Aro nodded and said

"Okay then farewell and you're 24 hours start now. Choos wisely." He directed the last part at me. I nodded and then we all turned to the forest. Before we set off we huddled together.

"Which hotel are we staying at?" Mum (Bella) said.

"Well I was staying at a hotel the room I checked out had quite a few bedrooms for all who has to sleep we could check out more rooms for space." My mother said.

This is going to be confusing. There's my real mother and father and then there is Dad and Mum. It's going to be weird calling them that.

"Okay I guess then Hilary you are going to have to lead the way." Grandpa said. We all nodded, my eyes began to droop slightly and I yawned. Even through I passed out like twice I am still tired I guess it is with everything that is going on.

"Amelia are you alright?" Max asked me. I smiled at him and ran my free hand through his hair.

"Kind of just tired and worn out." I replied. I then remembered my decision thingy. I gulped. Either way I couldn't really have Max as in everything wouldn't go back to normal.

I didn't want my mother to die so I could have my happiness but I didn't want to stay with her either and I didn't want to be on the Volturi. And death? That is something I do not want I guess my choice in a way would cost a life.

I didn't know that my eyes had started to water until Max wiped a stray tear.

"Amelia what's wrong? Don't cry please." He pleaded. He looked so helpless. I couldn't make it so bad for him but I couldn't hide my emotions either. I shook my head.

"I'll tell you later i just want to get back to the hotel." I whispered. He nodded.

"Okay and Amelia, I love you." He said. I smiled at him. He knew how to make me feel better.

"I love you too Maxie." I replied. He smiled at me and then we followed everyone back to the hotel. We ran through the trees. I ran with Max holding his hand tightly as if it was my life. As soon as we left the forest we started to walk to the hotel. It wasn't very far away so it wasn't a long walk.

Grandpa checked out another room and then we headed to them. I sat down on the couch next to Max and rested my head on his chest. Clearing my mind from all thoughts and just relaxing.

"So Amelia I've met all the Cullens apart from this one." My father said. I lifted my head up and looked at him. I then noticed that Damien looked a lot like him apart from the rich skin otherwise he had the same features. Brown eyes and hair and shape. My father's hair was long and Damien's wasn't.

"Ur... Yeah um... This is Max my soulmate and Max this is my father..." I trailed unsure on how to introduce them. My father stretched out his hand for Max to shake and smiled at him.

"Hello Max. I'm glad to hear and see that you are taking care of my daughter." My father said. This is just awkward.

"Yes... Um sir and I would take care of her always because I love her and wouldn't ever want anything bad to happen to her." He said sincerely. I smiled.

"Call me Nahuel so Max I heard you are a hybrid how old are you?" He asked. Why do i have the feeling that my father is going to carry on questioning Max? Oh well maybe I shouldn't intrude. I looked around the room. Uncle Jasper, Uncle Emmett and Aunt Alice were talking in one group. Grandpa and Grandma with the Denalis, then Mum, Dad, Ness and Jacob and then my mother and the lady who bit me. Damien was sitting on his own bored. Hmmm... maybe I should go to him. He is my brother so I might as well.

"I'm going to to talk to Damien." I said to my father and Max. My father nodded and Max gave me the 'don't leave me' look.

You'll be fine. I telepathically sent him and then gave him a reassuring smile. I got off my seat and then walked over to Damien and sat on the arm of the armchair he was sitting on.

"Hey Damien." I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi Amelia." He replied.

"So um... you are my brother..." I trailed awkwardly.

"Yep and you are my sister..." He trailed. I think now that I know that I know he is my brother it is going to be awkward.

There was a slightly awkward silence.

"So um...you don't mind me as your sister do you? Because like... I don't mnd you as my brother." I said after a while.

"No not really it probably explains why I always felt so protective over you." He said. Protective? When did this happen?

"You felt protective over me?" I questioned.

"Yeah... In a brotherly way I didn't know why I guess I know know." He said.

"Oh okay so you sister is in trouble with the Volturi how does that make you feel?" I asked.

"Well it makes me want to protect you? I don't know it's still sinking in I guess." He said.

"Well that's great but you are going to have to learn how to fight." I said.

"Oh yeah... Well then I don't know." He said.

"You are not going to go lecture Max about treating me properly are you?" I asked. He cracked a smile.

"I don't know maybe..." He said. After a few minutes of talking to him my mother approached us. I gulped because my so-called 'Aunt' was behind her.

"Amelia this is Huilen your father's Aunt. I believe you have met before every two weeks?" My Mother said. Huilen - my father's Aunt stretched out her hand for me to shake. Me not wanting to be impolite stretched out my hand to shake it. After I shook it I put my hand behind my back casually. Before anyone could say anything someone interuppted us. I sighed in relief.

"Amelia you seem tired why don't you and Max head to you rooms and sleep?" My mum (Bella) said. I nodded and then as if it was on cue yawned.

"Yeah that's a good idea. I want to sleep. I'm tired." I said and then turned to Max who seemed to be relieved as I was.

"Max why don't you grab your stuff and then go to your's and Amelia'a room." Mum (Bella) said. I nodded and so did he. I walked to my room and then was stopped by my mother.

"Amelia you and Max can't sleep in the same room. The same bed." She said. I groaned internally.

Actually I don't care I'm staying with Max and she is not going to stop me. Max then walked up to me. I grabbed his arm.

"Actually we are and sorry so being rude you are just not going to stop me." I said firmly and then tugged him to our room and then threw myself on the bed. I felt the bed sink slightly and I knew it was Max. He was the only other one in the room. He then started to caress my cheek. I opened my eyes and then looked at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Tired. I just want all of this to finish actually I just wish it didn't happen." I said.

"I know. I hate to see you like this. I wish I could help it go away." He said.

"Just be there and I'll be happy forever." I said. He pulled me into his arms and held me.

"I'll always be there don't worry." He promised. I smiled. After a few minutes I decided to get changed. I got changed in the room and Max in the ensuite bathroom. I got on the bed as Max walked over to me and got himself in.

"Amelia you are killing me here. Tell me what you are thinking." Max pleaded.

"I just don't want to lose you Max." I whispered.

"Amelia I will love you no matter what I promise. Never forget that." He said.

"I know I just... I... my... I just don't know..." I said and then tears started to stream my face. He wiped them away and then cupped my face.

"Your decision thingy?" He said. I nodded.

"Yeah... I don't want my mother to die. If she did that would be so I have my own happiness but I would always feel guilty about it. But I don't exactly want to stay with her and I donn't want to go join the volturi I want to stay with you. And death isn't what I want. I feel like whatever I chose isn't going to benefit anyone someone is going to suffer. " I said. Max leaned forward making his nose brush mine and his hot breath against my skin intoxicating me. Our eyes locked and it was like he was looking at my soul. It didn't bother me through. I saw every emotion of his in his eyes. There was love, pain, anger and longing all warped into one.

"Everything happens for a reason Amelia so tomorrow whatever happens I am not going to blame you it was meant to happen." He said. I didn't know who was the first to move but our lips met and the familiar sensation soared through my body makingme forget everything that was happening. Making me forget that I had the decision of my life tomorrow.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and then he brought down his hands to my waist bringing mr to his lap.

I wasn't sure how long we kissed for me it definitely brought me to drowsiness making me succumb to the inviting darkness.

***Damien's POV***

I lay down on the bed of my room. Many things happened to me today. My father came back, I found out that Amelia is my little sister and we were involved with the Volturi.

Now that I know that Amelia is my sister I don't mind being protective other her. It's natural I just hope she decides tomorrow because I don't want her dead. I want to be there for her.

Earlier she made me feel what it was like having a family and being loved. I never really had a family like her but sh did find one at the end I guess.

I have to say through I envy her. She has found her soul mate and well I want one now... I just hope that when I find my soulmate nothing happens to us but then again something happens to every relationship right? I turned on my bed hoping sleep would soon come.

***Bella's POV***

A few hours passed and everyone who needed to be asleep were sleeping. I felt for Amelia I wanted to take her home and mak sure that she is safe.

But I can't exactly do that because her real mother is here. I've got to say it's a bit weird. I was talking to her earlier and well she asked me what I was to Amelia. I said that I was her Mum she seemed to not like the idea of that but thanked me for looking out for her.

I've also noticed that Amelia always calls her real Mum 'mother' instead of the casual 'Mum' she calls me. That's say something.

"What are we going to do about Amelia?" I asked.

"Well there is a slight chance that a war may happen." Edward said.

"If there is war then lives are a stake... Eleazer you don't have to be part of the war if it happens." Carlisle said.

"No Carlisle I will take part this is family and you need all the help you can get." Eleazer said.

"If there is war we need strategy." Jasper said. I groaned. I didn't want this to happen.

"I definitely am ready to kick some Volturi a$s." Emmett said.

"Jasper get the idea out of your head." Edward said.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Jasper is thinking about Amelia fighting." Edward said.

"Jasper it isn't going to happen." I said firmly.

"Bella, Edward think about it she is the key we can defeat the Volturi with her." Jasper said.

"We are not going to put her life at risk." Hilary said firmly.

"If you really think about it we could protect her. Or she could just watch and well control everything that happens!" Jasper said. That's true...

"Her life would still be in jeprody." I said.

"We could have some guard her or something. She is also fast so if she is in a situation she can run and she could break any hold." Jasper said. Hmmm...

"We would have to see what she says." Rose said.

"Has she decided anything?" Hilary asked.

"Not yet. Alice can you see anything?" Edward said. Everyone turned to Alice. Sje went into vision mode and after a while she went back to normal.

"No... I can't but I think if she makes a decision there staill may be a war." She said.

"I guess we are going to have to think of a plan." Jasper said.

"I agree then." Carlisle replied. from the look on his face you could tell he didn't want all hell to break lose but so did everyone else.

***Amelia's POV***

I got up when it was still dark. I wasn't really having a good night. I sighed and then looked at Max sleeping next to me. He looked adorable but had a troubled look on his face. I then turned my gaze away and then looked around the room. After a few silent minutes the door opened I expected it to be my adoptive parents but instead it was my real mother. She walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

"Amelia sweetie are you alright?" She asked.

"Not really." I whispered.

"I just want to to know that I am alright with anything you choose." She said. I looked into her red eyes and saw that she was telling the truth.

"I just don't know..." I trailed.

"Just promise me something." She said.

"Depends. What is it?" I asked.

"Promise me that if I die you would spend sometime with your father." she said. I stayed silent unsure on what to say

"I don't know..." I said. She gave me a small smile.

"You don't have to say anything. Sleep on it or just don't think of it. It's my wish but if I don't die it's a different matter." she said.

"Okay." I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Well then you better get back to sleep or you would be very tired tomorrow." She said. She then got up and then left the room without another word. I lay back down.

It was her wish. But it's not mine. Why oh why did things have to go much more confusing?


So I updated! YAY! Whatcha think?

I liked this chapter I don't know why but it's sad... it really is...

so um I really don't know on what to say so like could you tell me what you think? I feel sorry for Amelia...

NEXT UPLOAD: Wednesday, thurdsday or friday! Friday at the latest I don't know through... I have school....




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