Reality is Our True Nightmare

Por Kanashimi77

1.7K 82 22

Kuroba Kaito, a magician with an appreciation towards the great detective of the east, Kudou Shin'ichi. A tal... Más

Reality is Our True Nightmare

1.7K 82 22
Por Kanashimi77

"Shin'ichi, will you marry me?" The question erupted laughter from the detective. A frown grows on the magician's face. His flushed cheeks deepen in color.

"I'm sorry," Shin'ichi stutters through his laughter. He inhales a breath and looks at Kaito.
"I'm serious. Do you know how hard it was to get the courage to ask you? I've spent weeks debating how to say it, and you just laugh."

"I'm sorry, just a little surprising. It isn't exactly legal here," Shin'ichi comments.

"I don't care if it is official in documents, just as long as it is with us." Shin'ichi stands up from his seat, and travels over to Kaito. He grabs the younger boy's hand and pulls him to his feet. Arms pull the magician into the detective's chest. "Yes," he lifts Kaito's chin, "I'll marry you," the words are barely audible against Kaito's mouth. Shin'ichi presses a soft kiss to the other boy's lips.

"How are you doing?" Ran questions, taking a seat at the table. Her hands grasp the warmth of the cup in front of her. Across the table, Shin'ichi slips into a chair. His hands rest upon the furniture in front of him. He becomes mesmerized by the emerald on his finger, lightly grazing it with his other hand. The girl reflecting him waits patiently for a response, but no words slip from the detective's mouth.

"Shin'ichi?" she says, hoping that maybe he just hadn't heard her. There is no answer from the teen. Instead he is focused on twirling the ring between his thumb and forefinger. Ran stares at the object that has captured Shin'ichi's attention. "I heard about what happened last night," Ran begins. She brings the cup to her lips, giving Shin'ichi time to reply, but he continues to be silent, not even glancing at the girl once. "I'm here for you, you know, if you want to talk about it, or if you need support, or whatever you need." The ring stops spinning in the detective's fingers. Ran drinks more of the tea, placed in front of her. She watches, curiously, as the boy across from her, changes through emotions. At first, he looks as if tears are threatening to trail down his face, then he blinks, his mouth becomes a firm frown, and he holds the face of disgust. The ring makes its way back to the ring finger, on his left hand. Ran finishes off the last of the tea in her cup. Her hands fall on top of the detective's. The warmth startles him, making him look up at his childhood friend. "Don't carry the weight all by yourself. I'm here for you," Ran repeats, before excusing herself from the Kudou household.

"Arsène Lupin, is that really what a great detective should be reading?" The sudden voice surprises the young detective causing him to whip around to look for the source. Peering over his shoulder is a boy practically identical to him. "Can't really help it, can you? He is quite a fascinating character," the boy adds.

"Fascinating? I wouldn't use that word, perhaps notorious. A thief is not worth being praised, regardless of the magnificence of the tricks he uses."

"Ah, but if he is able to be considered a rival of Holmes then he must be quite worthy." The other boy slips into the seat beside the detective.

"Worthy? You'll make yourself suspicious if you go around supporting thieves-"

"Not just any thieves, Kudou-San. I will have you aware that I do have standards. Now thieves that have enough respect to just steal what they are seeking, without causing harm to those around them, are worthy of my praise."

"I am deducting that you are a fan of Kaitou Kid's?" the detective closes the book in front of him and places all of his focus upon the other teen.

"Wouldn't have expected any less from a detective. Yes, I do admire Kaitou Kid. You see, I am a magician in training," the boy responds. With a flick of his wrist, an ace of spades appears in his hand. Another flick draws the ace of clubs. The detective stares, unamused.

"The cards are hidden within your sleeve," he points out, causing the magician to frown, "magic is just an illusion, nothing more than fancy tricks."

"You wound me, Kudou-San," the magician replies dramatically, making the cards vanish. He leans in towards the detective, and reaches for the pocket of his pants.

"Hey, what are you?" the detective's cheek bones become painted with color, as the other teen slips his hand into his pocket. He pulls his hand back, and in it is a white lily.

"A lily? That is the flower for the month of May. It also represents purity," the magician covers the flower with the hand that isn't grasping the stem. When his hand draws back, the flower now has pink petals. He offers it to Shin'ichi. The detective plucks the flower out of the magician's fingers. The teen smiles, as Shin'ichi examines the flower. A hand reaches for the magician's hand next, and looks over it. He gives a sigh.

"The flower was probably covered with white chalk giving it the appearance of a "white" lily. As you brushed your hand against the flower, you removed the chalk, and made the flower "become" pink. But how you knew my birthday was in the month of May, I don't have an answer for. Please enlighten me."

"A magician never reveals his tricks," the teen replies.

"I could assume that I have met you before, and don't recall, or I could be led to believe that you are a stalker," the detective explains.

"Isn't it thrilling just to see something that is unreal? Something that doesn't have an answer? There is some grey in this world too, Kudou-San, black and white aren't the only colors." The detective smiles.

"What is your name?" Shin'ichi asks.

"Kuroba Kaito," the magician replies.

"Kudou Shin'ichi," the detective responds back, "it is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," Kaito replies. The magician pulls out his phone checking the time. "Sadly, I must head out. If you don't mind, maybe we can have coffee together sometime."

"Sure, that would be nice. Do you need my number?" Shin'ichi asks, as the other teen stands up from the table.

"I already have it," he responds, leaving the library. Shin'ichi stares dumbfounded, before pulling his phone out of his pocket. He spots a new message from a number he is unaware of the owner to.

[You were more focused on the uncomfortable position I put you in, making you unaware of me using your phone to text myself :P ]

"Ran's over there," Kazuha points out to the detective of the west. He follows Kazuha's finger until he finds himself gazing at his counterpart's childhood friend. Together Kazuha and Heiji begin walking towards the girl.

"Hey," Heiji waves to the girl, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Ran," Kazuha greets, pulling the girl into a hug. Ran returns the embrace, replying with Kazuha's name.

"Where is Kudou?" Heiji questions as the girls pull apart.

"He didn't want to come," Ran explains.

"What?" Heiji exclaims.

"Is Kudou-Kun feeling alright?" Kazuha asks. Ran shakes her head.

"He barely eats, he won't even leave his room unless I come to visit him, he won't pick up any new cases, I don't think he has even gone to school. Worst of all, though, is that he refuses to speak. I'm really worried about him, and I don't know what to do." Tears brim Ran's eyes. Kazuha places a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Kazuha whispers to Ran.

"When did his behavior change?" Heiji asks, twisting the hat on his head into another position.

"A week ago? It was the day after Kid's last heist," Ran replies, "Hattori-Kun, I'm really worried about him." The detective nods his head.

"Why don't we visit him?" Heiji states.

"I almost thought that you weren't coming," Kaito says, as Shin'ichi takes the seat across from him at the table.

"Sorry, I got held up in a case. It was a tough one. And I'm pretty sure that the thought of me not showing up did cross your mind, it didn't "almost," that is not possible. Now you could say that you began to believe that I wouldn't show up, but my arrival made your belief incorrect." Kaito chuckles at Shin'ichi's words.

"First you solve my magic tricks, and now you try to fix my grammar. I thought you were a detective, not a teacher. I guess you could state that you have proven my beliefs to be incorrect," the magician replies taking a sip of the hot chocolate in front of him. A smirk appears on Shin'ichi's face, he is about to speak, but a waitress interrupts him.

"Can I get you anything, sir?" she asks.

"Coffee, would be fine, thank you." She nods her head, and leaves the teens alone again.

"Was it a murder case?" asks Kaito.

"Yes," Shin'ichi answers.

"Did you find the culprit?"

"I wouldn't be here if it was still unsolved."

"I guess that is true. Are the only cases you get involved with murder?"

"Some cases are serial killers," Shin'ichi jokes, "but yes. I am a homicide detective, and so I rarely work on other cases."

"Rarely?" Kaito questions.

"If something comes up, I'll solve it, regardless." The waitress comes back, halting the teens' conversation. She places the cup of coffee in front of Shin'ichi.

"Would either of you like anything else?" she asks politely.

"No, I believe we are both fine at the moment, thank you," Kaito replies. The woman nods before returning to her work.

"So you stated that you are a magician, and your surname is Kuroba. So tell me, are you related to Kuroba Touichi?"

"Ah, so you have heard of Kuroba Touichi?"

"He trained my mother in disguises," Shin'ichi replies, before drinking more of his coffee.

"He is my father," Kaito tells him, "he died nine years ago in an accident." Shin'ichi looks up from his cup just in time to see Kaito clench around the word "accident." Intriguing, but something tells Shin'ichi not to pry at the situation.

"I'm sorry," Shin'ichi answers softly. Kaito smiles lightly.

"He taught me all of the tricks I know. My goal is to surpass him and Kaitou Kid."

"Oh? I thought Kaitou Kid had your admiration?"

"He is quite astonishing, yes, but isn't it natural to want to be better than your idols? Aren't you the same with Mr. Holmes?" Laughter erupts from Shin'ichi's throat, pulling a smile at Kaito's lips.

"Of course I aim to be a great detective, but it is kind of hard to compare to a fictional character."

"Then what about Kid?" Kaito asks, "isn't he the perfect Lupin?" Shin'ichi smirks, the same smirk that is on his face at every heist. Kaito takes a sip from his hot chocolate.

"Kid's heists are fascinating, exhilarating. A constant challenge," Shin'ichi's face lights up, "he's almost undefeatable. If only he was a detective, we probably would have worked together grandly, but then I wouldn't have the excitement of solving his riddles, and I would be unrivalled."

"I think you may admire him more than I do," Kaito points out, he shines a grin in Shin'ichi's direction, causing the teen to grow embarrassed. "Say, there is a new detective movie coming out next week. I hear the antagonist is based off of Leblanc's Lupin. Want to see it with me?" Kaito asks suddenly.

"Sure," Shin'ichi replies. Kaito stands up from his chair, and grabs his jacket off of the back. He throws the material over his shoulders. "You're leaving?" Shin'ichi questions.

"Sadly, Kudou-San. I am suppose to escort a young lady grocery shopping, and join her for dinner."

"A date?" Kaito rummages through his pocket for money. He places way too much money for just one drink.

"Hardly," he replies, "a childhood friend. She gets lonely in her own house, and she is a decent cook, so I provide her company and she provides me a meal. I shall see you next week Kudou-San."

"Kudou is fine," Shin'ichi offers.

"You may call me Kuroba, then." They say their farewells, and part ways.

Shin'ichi opens his door to Ran, Heiji, and Kazuha. He steps to the side allowing them into the warmth of his house. Heiji pats his shoulder on his way in.

"How are you feeling, Kudou?" The touch and the words don't bring any reaction in the detective of the east. He drops his head down avoiding the gaze of the three teens who enter his house.

"I made a lemon pie," Ran offers, as Shin'ichi closes the door behind his guests. He leads them into the living room. All except Ran take seats among the various chairs. "Would you like me to make some tea?" she asks. Shin'ichi nods his head slowly. Kazuha offers her assistance, following Ran into the kitchen, leaving Shin'ichi and Heiji alone.

"Ya look awful," Heiji comments, "have ya eaten anything today?" Shin'ichi's gaze falls on top of his hands, focusing on the emerald gem. "Kudou?" Heiji questions, examining Shin'ichi. His eyes fall upon the ring on his left hand, right before Shin'ichi covers it. Shin'ichi smiles softly, as if he is experiencing a good memory.

"It was the heist wasn't it?" Shin'ichi tenses up at the question, and Heiji makes a mental note of it. "It's been a week and a half, Kudou. Ya can't treat yerself like this." The teen shudders, bringing his knees to his chest, his arms link around them pulling them even closer to his being. "Ya saw it happen didn't ya?" Shin'ichi shakes his head, almost too quickly. Heiji is about to ask more, when Kazuha and Ran come into the room, carrying lemon pie slices and tea. The girls place the objects upon the coffee table, then sit in open seats. Kazuha takes a seat beside Heiji, while Ran sits besides Shin'ichi. She wraps an arm around Shin'ichi shoulders.

"It's okay," she whispers, the teen opens his mouth to reply, but clenches his teeth before any words are able to escape. Her hand moves to rub his back. The other two teens watch as Shin'ichi attempts to regain his poise, as he fights back tears, and holds the cries in his throat. The silence among all of them is strong and awkward. Afraid that anything may break the detective even more than he was already broken.

When the teen is judged by the others on being somewhat stable, they excuse themselves from his house.

"He had a connection to Kid," Heiji breaks the silence, as Ran closes the door behind them. "I'm not sure their relationship, but I am going to get to the bottom of it," Heiji vows.

"Hattori-Kun, nothing against your detective skills, but Shin'ichi is Kaitou Kid's rival. He is a criminal remember? Why would Shin'ichi have anything to do with him. That's absurd. He probably fell upon a case where he was unable to save someone in time, and he blames himself. Probably a coincidence, that it was on the same day as the Kid heist," Ran guesses. Heiji looks at her as if she had grown three extra heads.

"On time today, Meitantei-San, I am guessing no murders on the way?" Kaito questions as the detective walks up to the movie theaters. He shivers as "Meitantei-San" replays in his mind. He has heard that before, but where?

"Ah, no one has bad intentions today, hopefully I won't jinx that," Shin'ichi replies, leading Kaito into the theater. They walk up to the counter to purchase tickets. Kaito pulls out enough money for both tickets, but Shin'ichi drops his hand in front of his. "You paid for my drink last time, I can pay for myself, I should be paying for you."

"But that would be very ungentlemanly of me," Kaito states pressing the bills onto the counter, before Shin'ichi can stop him. Shin'ichi raises an eyebrow at the other teen, trying to analyze him. He was so familiar, but Shin'ichi couldn't place it. Kaito hands him a ticket stub, and leads him into the theater.

"It was easily predictable," Shin'ichi comments walking out of the theater, Kaito by his side.

"Ah, first a critic of my precious magic, now a critic of film." Kaito comments. "A detective is just a critic who follows in our footsteps," it wasn't spoken aloud, but the statement rung in Shin'ichi's mind. When did he hear that? There was a first part to the statement, but he couldn't remember. He turns towards Kaito.

"Have I met you before?" his eyes run over the other teen as he asks the question. The magician doesn't even flinch at the question.

"Yeah, the other day we had coffee together, and before that, I met in in the library," Kaito jokes. Shin'ichi sighs.

"You're funny," he says with much sarcasm.

"It's wonderful that you think so," Kaito replies, holding the door open for Shin'ichi. He then follows him out into the cold breath of January.

"Sarcasm, my friend," Shin'ichi answers.

"Kudou-Kun," Kaito says, with a much too serious tone. The mood around the boys changes, as Shin'ichi turns to face magician. He waits patiently as Kaito tries to grasp his words. "Can I?" he begins but stops, pink flutters his cheeks, and Shin'ichi has a feeling it isn't because of the weather. "Would you," he tries again, "go on a date with me?" the last part descends in volume, and becomes inaudible by "me." Kaito curls his hands around each other. His drop in confidence, makes him look vulnerable, like a different person completely. "Cute, almost," flutters into Shin'ichi's head. He shakes it head, hoping to shake the thought away too.

"Um, I, uh," "how do I even word this?" Shin'ichi asks himself, mentally, "you seem like a nice person but I'm not gay," doesn't seem to cut it.

"I'm sorry," Kaito speaks up. He begins to hold himself taller, as he regains his confidence. "I find you really fascinating, and I was hoping I could have dinner with you, sometime this weekend." He holds Shin'ichi's hand in one of his, and brings it to his mouth, pressing his lips lightly on the detective's knuckles. As he brings the hand away from his face, a red rose appears between his fingers in his other hand. Kaito holds out the flower to a flustered Shin'ichi. The teen's fingers accidentally brush against Kaito's as he grasps the flower. "Please consider it?" Kaito begs, releasing Shin'ichi's other hand.

"I guess?" Shin'ichi answers, and Kaito beams.

"I will text you details before the weekend, see you later Kudou," Kaito waves, before turning away. Shin'ichi's fingers grasp around the red rose.

"Bye Kuroba," he mutters. The detective raises the flower to his lips and lets the soft petals tickle them.

A bouquet of roses are slowly dying on the desk in Shin'ichi's room. No matter how often he changes the water, or places the vase in the window to soak up the sun's rays, he can't stop them from dying. Their death is slow. Shin'ichi has already lost track of the days, but Ran seems to be able to remember the amount of days clearly. It has been three days after Heiji and Kazuha's visit, two weeks according to Ran, when the flowers lose the softness in their petals. Ran stands over them, ready to dispose of them. When she goes to pick them up, Shin'ichi places his hand over hers, to stop her.

"But they're dead," she whispers. A sad smile touches Shin'ichi's face. He lifts her hand off of the vase and returns it to her side. He pulls one of the flowers out of the vase, and brings it to his lips. Letting the dried petals run along them. Ran watches with a sad expression as he returns the dying rose to the vase. He leaves Ran in front of the vase, while he curls up under the comforter on his bed.

The inspector of the second division pushes his way through the security when he spots two familiar teens.

"You two," he growls halting the teens' discussion.

"Ah Nakamori-Keibu," the part British detective greets.

"Fine that you two are here, but you better not get in the way. I'll keep my eyes on you."

"It would be more useful to keep your eyes upon the jewel," Saguru offers, receiving a growl from the inspector, "besides, Kudou says that Kid is already in the building."

"Is that true, Kudou?" Nakamori questions, leaning in on the brown haired teen.

"I believe so," he replies, leaning away from the inspector, "I found one of your security guards unconscious in the bathroom."

"Then what are you waiting for? If he is using that man's face then you should have already spotted Kid!" the inspector exclaims.

"Actually, we've questioned several groups of guards, and no one has seen that man at all recently. We have come to the conclusion that it is a diversion, and he probably is here with a different disguise," Saguru replies. Nakamori grabs a cheek of both teen and tugs.

"Ow!" they both screech in unison. Nakamori leans over to the blonde detective, and whispers something to him. Saguru nods, and he leaves the teens alone. Both boys are rubbing their faces, trying to ease the sting when a dark haired girl makes her way up to them.

"Hakuba-Kun, have you seen Kaito?" she asks.

"Yeah, I just saw him several minutes ago. He said that he had to plan out a date, or something, and so he left," the blonde detective replies, and Shin'ichi's face grows slightly red.

"Bakaito," the girl mutters. She looks at the other teen besides Saguru. Her face lights up, "are you the high school detective, Kudou Shin'ichi?" The dark haired detective looks directly at the girl.

"Yeah," he answers, and she gasps.

"No way, you look almost exactly like Kaito," Shin'ichi laughs, and Saguru examines the great detective of the east to see if the claim was true. "I am Nakamori Aoko, by the way, nice to meet you," she introduces.

"Kudou Shin'ichi, the pleasure is mine," he answers, and she giggles.

"I am going to head out, because I wish to hear about these date plans, Kaito has. I'll see you tomorrow at school Hakuba-Kun, nice to meet you Kudou-San," Aoko waves to both teens, and exits the building.

"She seems nice," Shin'ichi says after she is gone, attempting to get Saguru to stop looking at him strangely. It felt as if he was a suspect or something.

"Ah, yes. She is very kind. I met her because of Kuroba Kaito, they are childhood friends. By the way, have I mentioned Kuroba to you, yet?" Saguru asks.

"No," Shin'ichi replies, slightly confused.

"He is a classmate of mine. I am led to believe he is Kaitou Kid. At some point I must introduce you two, so I can have a second opinion."

"My opinion will be useless without evidence," Shin'ichi points outs.

"If there is a known suspect, it makes it easier to collect evidence," the blonde detective retorts, "there are only five minutes until the announced time, we should be in the same room as the jewel." Shin'ichi nods in response, and follows the part British teen down the hall.

When Shin'ichi wakes up he finds himself in an air vent.

"Thank god," he whispers running his hands along his body to make sure Kid didn't steal his clothes. His eyes automatically shoot to his watch, but all that is there is the skin of his wrist. "Hopefully, I haven't missed the heist," the teen grumbles, crawling through the vent. It is a short travel when he finds an opening into the room with the gem. He spots himself standing with Saguru. He is about to kick open the vent, when the lights go out. Maybe this will work to his advantage, he slams a foot against the bars, knocking the piece to the floor. He hops out of the vent, right as gas starts to fill the room. "Sleeping gas probably," he thinks to himself. His eyes are having trouble adjusting to the dark room, and this becomes worse with the gas slowly filling it up. Suddenly, his body gets slammed to the wall behind him. His hands grasp at the figure in front him. "Silk?"

"Meitantei," a hot breath against his ear, "you weren't suppose to wake up just yet."

"Why are you doing this?" Shin'ichi asks.

"Immortality," the thief replies, his lips just lightly touch the detective's ear, "so I can destroy it." His legs get kicked out from under him, and he feels a gust of wind as the figure jumps up above him. Seconds later, the light returns to the room. Shin'ichi gives in, to his lungs need, and inhales the gas that makes him drowsy. He hears Nakamori's shouts to locate Kid, just as he passes out.

When he awakens for the second time, he feels something in his pocket. He pulls out the jewel with a handwritten note taped to it.

{Not the one I'm searching for, sorry I was rough with you, Meitantei~}

"Thank ya for meeting with me," the detective of the west says, as the British detective takes a seat across the table from him.

"It's fine, what did you wish to discuss?" Saguru questions, bringing tension into the conversation. Heiji scowls at the other detective slightly, before opening his mouth to speak again.

"Kuroba Kaito."

"Ah, what about him?"

"Anything, everything you know," Heiji replies.

"Why, I thought you'd ask me specific questions, like a detective," Saguru responds. Heiji nearly growls. It takes him several seconds to regain his temper.

"I have a friend, who I am highly concerned about," he begins, gritting the words against his teeth, "I have a feeling that his sudden change in behavior is related to Kuroba." Saguru lifts an eyebrow at the other detective.

"It is Kudou, isn't it?" he questions.

"Were they acquainted?" Heiji retorts.

"Not that I know of. But for information, Kuroba was a magician in training, he just became eighteen years of age, one hundred and seventy-four centimeters tall, weighed fifty-eight kilograms-"

"I don't want to know that crap," Heiji interrupts, "personality, relationships, that sort of thing."

"I don't think I will be of much help then, sadly. I wasn't what you call 'close' to him. We were classmates, I accused him of being Kaitou Kid a lot, he didn't take much of a liking to me. Besides, I am assuming want to find evidence that Kuroba and Kudou's paths had crossed at some point, and I don't know the answer to that. I don't recall them ever meeting, or at least he never spoke about it. There is a girl, a childhood friend of his. She lives right next door to his house. If Kudou was friends with Kuroba, I bet she would know."

"And her name?"

"Nakamori Aoko, I could ask her if you would like."

"I'd appreciate meeting her in person if ya could help with that, that would be great." Saguru leans back in his chair, and crosses his arms in front of his chest. He ponders his options for a moment.

"I guess, I could do that," he tilts forward towards the great detective of the west, "it is for Kudou, though. Not for you, don't get the wrong idea." A frown slips onto Heiji's lips, but he decides that it doesn't really matter, as long as he could get information, he could disregard Saguru's comments.

"Fair enough, thank ya." Heiji holds out a hand and Saguru grasps the outstretched hand.

"One more thing, I want to know what is wrong with Kudou."

"Well, ya can use yer detective skills to figure that out, can't ya?" Heiji asks, leaving the British detective alone.

"Good evening Kuroba," Shin'ichi greets opening up his door. The other teen smiles greatly.

"Ah, a good evening it is. You know what would make it better?"

"What?" Shin'ichi asks. Kaito's smile grows even larger as he produces a red rose in between his fingers. He passes the delicate object to the detective. Shin'ichi's face heats up as he plucks the flower from the magician's hand. Kaito's smile falls into a frown.

"But you're worth more than one rose," Kaito comments, and confusion falls onto Shin'ichi. Kaito pulls a scarf out from his pocket, and drapes it onto the lone rose in Shin'ichi's hand. When he pulls the scarf away, the number of roses increased exponentially. Shin'ichi grows even more flustered gazing at the flowers in his hand, and Kaito giggles.

"I'm not a girl," Shin'ichi stampers.

"A true gentleman doesn't discriminate by gender. They treat every worthy being as if they're gold," Kaito replies.

"Is that how you categorize yourself?" Shin'ichi jokes quietly, "why don't you come inside, while I find these a vase." Kaito steps into the Kudou mansion, and follows the teen detective into the kitchen. The flowers are placed into Kaito's hands, as Shin'ichi rummages through several cabinets, before finding a glass suitable enough to sustain the roses. He fills the vase with water, and takes the flowers from Kaito, and gently drops them in. The detective smiles at the red roses on his counter. "Ah, thank you for them," Shin'ichi says, realizing that Kaito had focused his gaze onto him. Kaito grins back.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yeah, just let me grab my jacket," Shin'ichi replies, moving out of the kitchen.

"You mean this?" Shin'ichi freezes, feeling material drape on his shoulders.

"When did you-" The detective stops, feeling fingers brush against his lips, silencing him. The other teen standing in front of him.

"A magician never explains his tricks," he whispers, removing his fingers from Shin'ichi's mouth, and bringing them down to grasp the other teen's hand. His fingers immediately weave in between the detective's, he uses the hands to drag the teen after him.

"Are you aware of what time of year it is?" Shin'ichi demands, as Kaito leads him to down to the river's edge. A picnic is already set up and ready for the date.

"Why it's winter," Kaito replies, releasing Shin'ichi's hand.

"Exactly, and you think it is smart to have a picnic when it could snow at any moment?"

"Well if you get cold, there are plenty of activities we could do to warm you up," Kaito retorts, taking a seat on the edge of the blanket. Pink dusts Shin'ichi's face, and he chooses to sit across the magician. Kaito picks up two thermoses and hands one of them to Shin'ichi. "Coffee," he adds, as the detective looks curiously at the object in his hand. Shin'ichi nods, understanding, and he unscrews the cap to taste the contents.

"It's good," he mutters, closing the container.

"Thank goodness. I don't care for coffee, so I don't make it often, but you seem to like it and so I thought I'd attempt to make it."

"Interesting, so are you drinking tea?"

"Hot chocolate, I have a major sweet tooth," Kaito answers, leaning over to a basket placed on the edge of the blanket. He pulls out two boxes, and hands one to Shin'ichi, "a bento."

"I figured," Shin'ichi replies opening it up.

"So Tantei, what can you deduce from my bento?" Kaito asks, digging in. Shin'ichi looks over the contents, his expression full of thought.

"It appears that you can cook, obviously I can't determine that until I taste it. You placed no fish-" a shiver trails down Kaito's spine, "-or meat, so I am guessing you're vegetarian."

"Much more observant than me," Kaito answers.

"I have more," Shin'ichi answers, grabbing his chopsticks and pulling up a bite. "It has diverse amount of fruits and vegetables, so you probably aren't a picky eater. You ate the strawberries first, though, so I am assuming that those are your favorite fruits. I have one question, though. Fish, do you have ichthyophobia?" Kaito's shoulders twitch at the question.

"Don't tell anyone," the magician replies, "please." The detective bursts into an uncontrollable laughter. Kaito shifts uncomfortably. "They're just creepy," he comments.

"I'm sorry," Shin'ichi replies, stifling a laugh.

"It's stupid, I know. They are just really creepy."

"Everyone has different fears, no matter how strange they are, they aren't stupid. I shouldn't have laughed at you, I apologize." Kaito blinks an eye at the detective, his heart pounding almost loud enough for Shin'ichi to hear. His face heats up, and words are caught in his throat. "I told you, that you shouldn't have planned a picnic when it was this cold, your face is so red."

"I'm fine," Kaito responds drinking some of his hot chocolate.

"You know, I get scared too, sometimes," Shin'ichi reveals, "I am afraid that because of my profession, people around me will get hurt."

"I doubt you would ever let that happen."

"I can't protect everyone, though, I am not that strong."

"Now you sound like a shounen anime character," Kaito offers.

"Sometimes I feel like one," Shin'ichi answers, turning his gaze to the river. The sun sits right on the water's edge, descending into it's depths slowly.

"The view is why I picked the location," Kaito states, following Shin'ichi's gaze to the fading sun, "it is beautiful."

"Yeah," the detective sighs.

Together they watch as the sun disappear, and the light disappears from the sky. There is a silence between them, not awkward, though. It fits in, just right. The air around them becomes more freezing, both teens feel the air nip at their unclothed hands and faces. Kaito begins placing the objects between them into the basket.

"I should probably head back," the detective says.

"I'll walk you back." And so they head back to the Kudou house. They stand awkwardly on the doorstep, waiting for one of them to say something, do something. Kaito gains enough confidence to break the silence between them. "I would like to bring you on another date if you don't mind." His hands grasp the basket for comfort.

"Kuroba, I really liked tonight. It was nice, the food was delicious, and it was interesting to learn more about you, but it is not going to work out. I don't fancy men. I'm sorry." Kaito forces a small smile onto his lips.

"Please give my request a little more thought, Kudou." Kaito places the basket besides his feet. He grabs the detective's hand and kisses it lightly, "thank you for tonight," he whispers. When the detective looks up again, the magician is gone, and in his hands is a lilac.

The clouds are grey, trapping the light from the sun. Shin'ichi patters down a familiar street. One that he had walked down countless times. A silver key is pressed into his palm, so tightly, that it's shape is engraved on his hand. He stops, suddenly, in front of the house, whose name plate reads Kuroba. A deep breath fills his lungs to distract himself from the tears that brim his eyes. "Just go inside," his conscience tells him. It's difficult to move. Shin'ichi feels like his legs have gained a hundred pounds each, locking him into the ground. The sky booms loudly, releasing droplets of water. Shin'ichi doesn't mind them, though. People around him struggle to open umbrellas or find shelter. The rain picks up it's speed and intensity with each drop. The detective finds himself soaked in a matter of minutes. "Kind of silly, really," he thinks to himself, as he uncurls his hand to reveal a perfectly dried strip of metal. The sky cracks again, and Shin'ichi wants to scream along. Scream until his voice leaves him, leaves him forever. He surrenders, and lets the tears trail down his face in uneven patterns. "Why?" he asks himself, "why?" He tries to ask the question aloud, but his voice fails him, being neglected for so long. His hands fall into fists by his side. They clench so tightly, he swear he can feel his skin tear against the rough edge of the key. "Why?" he whispers, but the sound is swallowed by the thunder.

"Kudou." The young detective's head whips around, searching for a familiar person. Several meters behind him, a teen is jogging to catch up, decked out in the black uniform of his school.

"Kuroba?" Shin'ichi questions, allowing the teen to catch up to him, "what are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same thing, but I am assuming that a case came up."

"Yeah, another murder," Shin'ichi sighs. The detective flickers an eye at Kaito's uniform. "You go to Ekoda High School, so you must live around here."

"Perceptive as always. Hey, you want to stop somewhere? Get coffee, maybe?"

"I thought you didn't like coffee."

"You know what I mean. There's a coffee shop down this road, we could grab drinks and hang out at the park," Kaito offers.

"I guess, I have some free time," Shin'ichi replies following the magician down the street.

They sit beside each other on a park bench, grasping at the warmth of their cups. Kaito brings the sweet liquid to his lips, tasting the substance. His tongue circles his lips savoring every taste.

"Why do you want to date me?" Shin'ichi questions suddenly, startling the young magician. He chokes on the drink in his throat.

"I-uh," he tries.

"And the lilac. I know what they mean, you know."

"I like you," Kaito whispers, looking down at the cup in his hands.

"What?" Shin'ichi questions, not hearing the statement.

"I really like you, I want to become close to you," Kaito answers. "I don't know how to describe it. When I'm around you, I become so nervous. You are clever and intelligent, it's nice to have discussions with you. Plus you're cute." Kaito slowly lifts his head to see Shin'ichi staring back at him with warm cheeks.

"You think I'm cute?" he repeats to clarify.

"Pretty handsome, actually."

"Oh gosh," Shin'ichi replies, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'm sorry," Kaito says quietly.

"Don't be sorry for your feelings, Kuroba."

"I should get going," the magician declares. He stands up from the bench, and readjusts his clothing. Kaito doesn't look back at the detective before he starts walking away. Shin'ichi draws in a breath.

"Wait," he calls out, drawing himself to his feet. The magician stops allowing the detective to approach him. Shin'ichi grabs his wrist in order to turn the other boy to face him. "You just confessed to me," he states, "you can't run away after." Kaito stares down at his feet. "Kuroba."

"I want to bring you on another date," Kaito says firmly, he lifts his head to look the other teen in the eye. Shin'ichi's grasp on Kaito's wrist loosens.

"Then do it," Shin'ichi challenges letting go of the magician.

"Tomorrow night, dinner date at my house," Kaito states.

"What time?"

"At six."

"I'll be there," Shin'ichi smirks.

"I'll text you my address, later. See you Kudou."

"Until tomorrow Kuroba."

"This is Nakamori Aoko, Nakamori-San this is Hattori Heiji, the great detective of the west," Saguru introduces. Heiji offers a hand out to the girl, and she shakes it.

"A pleasure to meet you," she greets.

"Ah, the pleasure is mine," he answers. The woman snickers.

"Just like Kudou-San," she says.

"Ya've met Kudou?"

"Yeah, I met him at a Kid heist."

"It was actually Kaitou Kid, though," Saguru comments.

"Anyways, I have a question for ya," Heiji states.

"So, I hear," she replies.

"Would ya mind discussing Kuroba Kaito?"

"How is he related?" she questions.

"I hear that ya were his closest friend. I thought ya would know him better than anyone." The dark haired girl nods. It hurt, the boys could tell. But she was strong, she was able to cope with it almost right away, remembering him for all the good times. She found support, and let the weight of her pain fall onto the shoulders of others, as she learned to stand again.

"Nakamori-San?" Saguru says softly, placing a hand on top of hers, gently. She doesn't resist against the contact, but doesn't pursue it any further.

"It's alright, you can ask me about Kaito," she replies.

"Did he have a relationship with Kudou Shin'ichi?" the detective of the west questions.

"What do you mean?"

"Was he acquainted with Kudou?" She thinks for several seconds, trying to recall if her friend had ever mentioned the great detective of the east.

"Not that I know of," Heiji sighs, and looks at Saguru with disappointment, "but-"

"But?" Heiji's ears perk up.

"Last night, I saw Kudou-San outside of Kaito's house."

"Oh?" Saguru questions, becoming interested.

"He just stood there, for about thirty minutes or so, and I think he was crying," Aoko explains.

"Did he say anything?" Saguru asks, before Heiji can open his mouth.

"Not that I could hear. There was a thunderstorm last night."

"Thank ya, Nakamori-San," Heiji says. Saguru gives him a confused look, not seeing the picture the same way Heiji was beginning to observe it.

"You're early," Kaito comments, stepping out of the doorway. The detective walks through the open door, and slips his jacket off. The door is closed behind the two boys, and the magician leads the other teen after Shin'ichi steps out of his shoes.

"Yeah, sorry. Hakase was heading in this direction, and offered me a ride," Shin'ichi mumbles following behind Kaito.

"Hakase?" Kaito wonders aloud.

"Yeah, he is a family friend. Has lived next door to me my whole life." Kaito leads the detective into the kitchen.

"Food is almost ready," Kaito tells Shin'ichi. The detective stands behind the magician, growing a few inches to peer over his shoulder.

"What are you making?"

"Human eyes, dipped in blood, served over human intestines," the magician jokes.

"Ah, so you're now a witch. Next thing you'll be saying is your magic is real." Kaito snickers, at Shin'ichi's words.

"You may think of that as a joke, but if a woman states she is a witch, I'd be a little wary of that one."

"Now you're superstitious?"

"Not everything in this world is logical. Some things we just have to believe no matter how illogical it sounds," Kaito states.

"You sound like a person who knows something about the truth of this world," Shin'ichi replies, stepping back from the teen in front of him.

"Maybe I do know truths of this world, but I think you would be lying if you said that you haven't noticed the unexplainable, or the indescribable around us," Kaito retorts, opening up the oven. Shin'ichi stiffens at Kaito's accusation.

"How much do you know about me?" One of Kaito's eyes flicker over to look at Shin'ichi, as he places the pan on the stovetop. Shin'ichi gazes at the other teen, as he turns to face the detective. He leans against the oven, and looks back at Shin'ichi allowing him to analysis him. "An incredible actor, he is definitely hiding something, but why?" Shin'ichi thinks.

"Is psychology really explainable?" Kaito asks, making Shin'ichi's mind snap back to the moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Murderers, what drives a human to murder another of their own kind?" Shin'ichi gives the other teen a skeptical look, catching on to his trick to avert his attention. The magician grins back. A sigh slips the detective's lips, realizing he won't ever gain an answer from the other teen.

Kaito continues to set up for their dinner, not allowing Shin'ichi to lift a single finger. Minutes later, he finds himself sitting across from the magician, sampling a piece of lasagna. A light blue table cloth covers the table, complemented by a white candle in between them.

"It tastes fantastic," Shin'ichi compliments, bringing another bite to his mouth. Kaito lights up.

"Thank you," Kaito answers, dipping into his own plate.

"Do you live here by yourself?" Shin'ichi questions suddenly.


"Do you live here alone?" Shin'ichi replies. Kaito shakes his head, swallowing the food in his mouth.

"My mother lives with me, but she is currently in Los Angeles. She visits every so often."

"It is the same with my parents."

"You mean you're alone in that mansion?"

"I guess you could put it that way," Shin'ichi answers.

"That's amazing. You could throw amazing parties."

"Not really of my interests. Most of my friends are from the task force, and they aren't really the "partying" type of people."

"That must be rough? Do you really not hang out with people your own age? I thought you would be popular, you know, being a great detective and all." Shin'ichi laughs.

"I may have fame, but not really the time for relationships. There are cases everywhere I I step."

"Ah, but you made time for me. I feel honored," Kaito gives a few flicks of his hand, and a pink rose appears among his fingers. He holds the delicate object out to Shin'ichi. The detective takes the object, dragging it closer to his own being.

"Admiration and appreciation, am I correct, Mr. Florist?" Shin'ichi asks, laying the flower on the table besides his plate.

"Someone has been studying his flowers," Kaito answers, bringing his cup to his lips.

"Now a purple lilac represents "first love." Or am I wrong about that one," Shin'ichi smirks, Kaito's face mimics the color of the rose on the table.

"I don't recall ever handing a lilac to you, especially one of that color," Kaito stutters. Shin'ichi leans over the table, moving the candle aside as he grows closer to the other teen.

"I think you do."

"You and I know that without evidence your thoughts are useless," Kaito replies.

"If I can gain a confession, it doesn't matter." Kaito can feel Shin'ichi's breath brush against his cheeks. He glances into his eyes, those daring blue orbs. By instinct, Kaito places his hands on Shin'ichi's face, and slowly brings his face to close the gap. He waits for the detective to pull away, to protest, but none of the such avails. His nose bumps the latters, forcing him to tilt his head. One last chance for Shin'ichi to back out, as he breathes on his lips. He covers the great detective's mouth with his own, drawing his eyes to a close. Kaito presses forward, meeting Shin'ichi's own force, as he pushes back. His lips part slightly, weaving in between the detective's. Shin'ichi pulls away from the kiss, first. The magician blinks his eyes open, processing what just happened. The teens, resort back to their sides of the table. Neither of the boys dare to look at each other. Minutes pass before there silence among them vanishes.

"That counts as a confession," Shin'ichi's voice breaks through Kaito's spinning mind. Kaito looks up at the detective speechless.

"Meitan-" A hand is thrown over Kaito's mouth subconsciously.

"Eh?" Shin'ichi's ears perk up, "What did you just say?" Kaito lowers his hand from his lips.

"I'll clear the dishes then we can watch a movie," the magician stutters. Shin'ichi eyes the teen, once again, suspiciously. He quickly gathers the dishes before leaving the room. Shin'ichi holds up the pink rose once more. Delicately, he runs his fingers through the petals.

"What are you hiding from me, Kuroba?" he whispers to the flower.

As the rolling credits roll across the television's screen, Kaito moves closer to Shin'ichi. He holds onto the detective's shoulders, and slides a knee on either side of Shin'ichi's thighs. Slowly, he lowers himself so his face is level to the older teen.

"Can I kiss you?" Kaito asks, cautiously.

"Yes," Shin'ichi replies. Without anymore hesitation, Kaito leans in taking the other's mouth with his own. It moves smoother than the first kiss. Kaito's mouth slips open, repeating the action of weaving his lips into Shin'ichi's. This time, Shin'ichi draws in Kaito's bottom lip, giving it a soft suck. A gasp escapes the magician's mouth. The detective draws back from the kiss, in order to reseal his lips onto the younger teen's. A tongue presses against Shin'ichi's lips, and he parts his lips letting in the foreign object. Kaito tastes the inside of the detective's mouth, exploring the new sensation further. His tongue taps Shin'ichi's, sending tingles of electricity through his body. The other teen snakes his arms around the magician's waist, pulling him closer. The younger teen lures the detective's tongue into his own mouth, and gives it a harsh suck. A groan resonates in Shin'ichi's throat. Kaito pulls back slightly, resting his forehead upon Shin'ichi's catching his breath.

"Kudou," Kaito says between inhales of oxygen, "will you become my boyfriend?"

"Shin'ichi," the detective corrects, "yes." Kaito pulls Shin'ichi into his chest, and rests his chin on his shoulder.

"Thank you," he says quietly. Shin'ichi presses the magician's chest against his own, returning the embrace.

"Kudou Shin'ichi, I knew you would seek me out. I am guessing you want to know about Kaitou Kid?" Shin'ichi nods his head taking a seat at the bar. The older man hands a mug of coffee to the younger man. "You look like you haven't slept since the heist," he adds. The detective reaches for the mug and takes a sip of the bitter fluid. "I worked with the first Kaitou Kid," Kounosuke reveals to the detective, "at first I just worked alongside him for his magic performances. It is funny, really. He became the Kaitou Kid, we know today, for love. Touichi-Sama fell in love with the Phantom Lady, and saved her during one of her heists. He promised to take over her job, and let her retire. That is how Kaitou 1412, came about. Now, I'm sure you already know, but your father read 1412 as Kid, giving him the name Kaitou Kid. As he continued to host heists, an organization became frightful that he would stumbled upon what they were searching for, the pandora. A gem that's center will glow an eerie red, rumored to grant immortality upon its beholder. Touichi-Sama avoided the warnings the organization presented to him. They murdered him, making it appear as a faulty magic trick. That was nine years ago. Last year, Kaito-Botchama stumbled upon his father's secret and chose to seek out the organization, and destroy the pandora. Of course, I helped him the best I could." A sad look fills Kounosuke's eyes, as he glances at the young detective before him, who remained emotionless. Had he even comprehended the information he was just given?

Kounosuke walks around the counter, over to a shelf. He carries a small black box over to the young man.

"Kaito-Botchama asked me to hold onto these. I think that they are better off with you." The small black box makes its way under Shin'ichi's fingertips. The young man takes a deep breath, already theorizing what could be inside. Slowly, the top is lifted. Staring back at the detective are two silver rings. Delicately he lifts one out of the box. He twirls it on his finger, his gaze catching engravement, "Kaitou Kid-San." Shin'ichi shakes his head, as if it is a joke that has gone wrong. The other one reads "Tantei-Kun." The detective draws in a shaky breath, before resting both of the rings back into the box. He holds the box close to his chest, to his heart. Shin'ichi takes a few slow steps towards the exit, before his knees give out on him. He releases a wail, and tears begin to glisten on his cheek bones. Kounosuke kneels besides the young man, rubbing his hand along his back. He sits with the boy allowing him to release his cries until he is satisfied.

"Where are we going?" Kaito asks, squeezing Shin'ichi's hand, softly.

"Ice skating," Shin'ichi replies, feeling Kaito's hand tense slightly in his. Shin'ichi runs his thumb in circles on the top of Kaito's hand, helping him relax a little. "You don't like ice skating?"

"It's fine. I'm just glad that you wanted to bring me out on a date," Kaito replies, leaning over and brushing his lips against Shin'ichi's cheek.

"I shouldn't leave you to all of the date planning, I wouldn't want you to run out of crime shows that you make me watch every time I am over."

"And I was under the impression that you enjoyed them."

"Enjoyable, yes, but they are very easily predictable," Shin'ichi replies, "it's nice to sit with you and watch them, although, I think, you've already figured out the culprit before the climactic scene. You're more clever than you give yourself credit for. Ever considered police work? I think you could easily become a detective." Kaito can't stifle the laugh that bursts out of him. Shin'ichi stares at him confused.

"I'm sorry," Kaito says, catching his breath, "I want to be a magician, remember? I can't do that if I am apart of the task force."

"Maybe you don't want to join, because you're a wanted criminal," Shin'ichi jokes.

"Exactly, my crime is stealing the heart of their precious detective."

"Your pick up lines need much work."

"I thought hard about that one."

"Yeah right," Shin'ichi responds sarcastically.

Shin'ichi slides onto the ice, gracefully, as if it was stage set for dance. Kaito moves towards the ice with much more uncertainty. He stumbles onto the frozen water, and glides for a second, before collapsing on top of the ice. Laughter erupts from Shin'ichi's throat, as he skates over to the fallen teen.

"I give up," Kaito states from the ground. Shin'ichi leans down, and holds out a hand.

"You know, you could have just stated that you couldn't skate. I'll teach you if you want." The magician sits up, and grabs onto the detective's outreached hand. Shin'ichi pulls the boy up to his skates, and helps him gain his balance. "Just stay balanced, and it becomes easier." Shin'ichi grasps for Kaito's other hand, and drags him forward slightly. "You have to move your feet, one at a time, start slowly," the detective instructs.

"You're making this seem much easier than it really is," Kaito comments. He tests his feet, sliding across the ice, using Shin'ichi's hands to keep him from falling.

"Hold my hands a little lighter," Shin'ichi tells him, "You need to learn how to not rely on them." So, Kaito's grip loosens, just fingertips along Shin'ichi's palm. "Okay, now to move forward." The first glide is smooth, the second is okay, the third brings Kaito toppling over Shin'ichi. Instinctively, his hands move to cushion the detective's head, his knuckles slam into the ice. His knees border Shin'ichi's hipbones. Shin'ichi blinks an eye open at the magician after the impact. "You really suck at this," he comments, causing both of the boys to laugh.

"I'm sorry, I can't be as perfect at everything like you," Kaito giggles, crawling off of the detective.

"Oh trust me, I am not perfect at everything," Shin'ichi replies, sitting up. He hops back onto his skates and holds his hand out for Kaito. Kaito brushes away the arm, trying to stand up on his own. He, shakingly, starts rising onto his feet, right as he is almost standing, one of his feet slides forward. Shin'ichi catches the teen into a hug, not letting him fall.

"So tell me, what are your weaknesses?" Kaito questions, pulling himself off of his boyfriend's chest. He hold onto his hands, playing with his balance.

"Singing and video games," the detective answers.

"You can't sing?"

"I've been told that I am tone deaf," Shin'ichi says, "anyways, do you want to try to skate again?"


"Kaito, oi Kaito," Shin'ichi pokes lightly at the boy in his lap. The boy groans, before rolling over, and snuggling into Shin'ichi's lower stomach. Night had fallen hours ago. When the sun had set, the teens gave up on their mission of trying to teach Kaito how to skate. They retreat back to the Kudou mansion to warm up, and to get something to eat. After dinner, they snuggled on the loveseat in the library. Kaito fell asleep immediately, curled into Shin'ichi's lap. Shin'ichi found himself engrossed into a book, hardly noticing. He gives up trying to wake up the boy in his lap, after realizing how late it is. The detective places the book down, and pulls a blanket off of the back of the seat. He lifts the boy off his lap, so he can lay down as well. Kaito stirs, grasping for the warmth of Shin'ichi's body, he presses his face into the detective's neck, and tangles their legs. "You're too cuddly," Shin'ichi whispers, running a hand through Kaito's untamed hair. He eases into sleep.

"It has been an hour, Megure-Keibu," Wataru whispers to the inspector. His response is nothing more than a nod, as he watches Kogorou begins to grow impatient. The older detective stands behind Shin'ichi, who is seated at a table. Across from him sits Ginzo, who has his arms crossed, waiting patiently for the young detective to speak. Behind him stands Wataru and Juzo. The young detective stares at the immaculate table, with no expression.

"Kudou-Kun, it has been two weeks, we have given you time to grieve. Please, we need to know what has happened," Juzo practically pleads, "you were the only witness. You know how essential the information you carry is. Our investigation can't move further without it." Seconds pass, then they draw into minutes. Kogorou clenches his teeth and grabs for the young man's shoulder.

"Kudou," he growls, prepared to lecture the detective. Ginzo's hands slam on the table and he rises to his feet. Kogorou lets go of Shin'ichi, and takes a step back from the chair, watching the inspector draw in a breath.

"I don't know what your relationship with Kuroba Kaito-Kun was, but for me, he was like a son," Ginzo states calmly, "after the death of his father, I made sure that I was there for him. In junior high, his mother began traveling, I opened my house up to him. He was family to me. I loved him as much as I love Aoko. I thought that he was going to become my son-in-law, once him and Aoko came of age." Shin'ichi mirrors the sorrowful look in Ginzo's eyes. The inspector draws in a shaky breath, tears threatening to fall down his face. "I want to track the culprits down. You saw it happen," his voice begins to raise in volume. Another figure enters the room, but is ignored, as everyone becomes extremely attentive to the scene playing out. "As a detective, don't you have any desire to see this case solved? Why are you not cooperating?" the voice is yelling now. "What happened to Kaito? What did you see?" A screech of pain cuts through Shin'ichi's barrier of silence. The room grows silent watching the young detective break down into tears.

"Megure-Keibu, can ya please do this some other time?" Heiji questions, walking to his friend. Shin'ichi's hands come up to his face, to hide the emotion away from the others. Heiji places his fingers, gracefully on the detective of the east's shoulder. "He ain't emotionally stable at the moment, besides, the case can wait. Whoever it was hasn't targeted Kudou, so it's okay to hold it off just a little longer," the teen points out. Heiji stares at Juzo, not backing down on his proposal. The inspector glances around the room, seeing that he had the gaze of Kogorou and Wataru as well.

"Fine," he agrees. Ginzo slams a fist onto the table.

"Damn," he mutters, joining the crying detective.

Kaito lightly shoves Shin'ichi onto the detective's bed. He throws off his shirt, before pouncing the man once more. His lips capture Shin'ichi's, his tongue delving into the other's mouth with no preamble. Shin'ichi moans, tracing his fingertips along Kaito's bare torso. The teen is much leaner than he is, less muscle. He is soft. Kaito's fingers stumble on unbuttoning Shin'ichi's dress shirt. He gets three buttons undone, before dragging his mouth behind Shin'ichi's ear. Shin'ichi gasps when Kaito's tongue swirls underneath his jaw bone. He feels the magician's grin against his flesh, before lips latch onto the skin, and give a harsh suck.

"You can't leave kiss marks on me," Shin'ichi hisses in pleasure.

"But you're enjoying it," Kaito remarks, licking the length of Shin'ichi's neck.

"I work in a profession with detectives, and detectives are pushy."

"Oh trust me, I know," Kaito's tongue laps at the conjunction of Shin'ichi's neck and shoulder.

"What is that suppose to mea-ah," Shin'ichi is interrupted but the teeth piercing his flesh. The teeth are soon replaced with lips, and Shin'ichi can feel the pulsing of Kaito's tongue against the teeth marks in his skin. "Oh god, Kaito." Kaito pulls back from Shin'ichi and admires the mark he left on his skin. The detective pulls Kaito's face to his own, kissing his mouth. Kaito's fingers slip underneath the hem of Shin'ichi's shirt, exploring all of the muscle there. Subconsciously, one of Kaito's knees slip in between Shin'ichi's thighs.

"Damn," he whispers accidentally brushing the man with his leg. Shin'ichi rocks back.

"Could you, I don't know, shit," Shin'ichi groans. Kaito works on unbuttoning Shin'ichi's shirt once more, when the sound of the door shutting resonates through the house.

"What was that?" Kaito whispers.

"Shin'ichi," a feminine voice hollers.

"Shit," Shin'ichi mutters recognizing the voice immediately, he pushes Kaito off of him, setting the other boy off balance. As the magician falls off the bed, he grabs onto the detective taking him to the floor with him, they land with a loud thump. Both of them laugh, and Kaito draws Shin'ichi into another kiss.

"Shin'ichi?" the voice is concerned, and the teens hear footsteps on the first step. Shin'ichi rolls off of Kaito, and stands up in record time, he then pulls the other teen to his feet. His eyes search the room before, dragging the other teen towards the balcony.

"Stay here," he whispers shoving the magician into the night air. Kaito laughs, as Shin'ichi shuts the door, and slides the curtain to hide the other figure. He struggles to button up his shirt, and finishes the last button as Ran enters the room.

"What was the crash?" she asks.

"Well, your call startled me, causing me to fall off of my bed. What happened to calling before you showed up, or at least using the doorbell?" Shin'ichi questions.

"You only care, because you're hiding something," Ran retorts, "I was coming over to accuse you of being distant lately, but you've already dug a hole for yourself. You are seeing someone, aren't you? Who is she?" Shin'ichi slams his hand on his own face.

"I don't have a girlfriend," he states, sliding his hand his hand down his face, and dropping it to his side.

"You're lying to me. Why? I thought you said you were going to be honest with me after the whole Conan thing."

"And I am, I do not have a girlfriend."

"That's crap."

"Did you seriously come over to accuse me of dating a girl?"

"Not completely," Ran admits, "I wanted to invite you to hang out with Heiji, Kazuha, and I tomorrow. Like I stated before, you have been distant lately. I was afraid that some case got you in the dumps or something."

"Sure, I'll hang out with you tomorrow."

"Bring your girlfriend too, I'd love to meet her. I'll show myself out," Ran nods her head, and leaves his room. Shin'ichi waits until he hears the front door to open, before he retreats to the balcony.

"Such a lovely young lady. She loves you, dearly. Why didn't you just tell her the truth, I assure you, that she would understand. Your lie, has led her to believe that there is another woman in your life more important than her," Kaito observes.

"I didn't lie to her. I told her I wasn't dating a girl. That's the truth. She didn't ask if I was dating a boy," Shin'ichi replies, letting Kaito walk into his bedroom.

"A partial lie, then. I think you should just tell her the truth." Shin'ichi slinks his arms around Kaito's waist.

"Eventually I will tell them, I will tell everyone," he whispers against Kaito's lips. Kaito pulls him in for a kiss.

"Shin-Chan, we're home," Yukiko calls out. The Kudou couple waits as their only son makes his way down the stairs. His hair is disheveled, purple smears are under his eyes, the clothing on his body hangs loosely, as if they are too big. Yukiko gasps, softly, and Yuusaku fights to keep his expression compose, but worry overtakes him. "Shin-chan, what happened?" Yukiko asks, softly, as the young man stands before them. Shin'ichi just shakes his head, and bites his bottom lip. "Oh, Shin-Chan," she brings her son into her chest. He doesn't resist the hug, and lets his mother run her hand through his hair. She walks them over to the couch. Shin'ichi curls up into his mother's embrace, and Yuusaku sits across from them on another chair. His breath trembles against his mother, confessions scratching at his throat to get out, but he can't find the courage to speak. "It's okay to cry," his mother whispers, "you're hurt, just let it out." And Shin'ichi obeys, tears fall from his eyes, wetting his mother's shirt. He clenches the fabric of her clothing in his hands. His cries fill the room, and Yukiko rubs his back in an attempt to comfort him. He sobs until his voice gives out, and he has no more tears to spare. Exhausted, he slips into sleep, in his mother's cuddle.

"On the roof," Shin'ichi whispers to himself, running up the staircase. He slams against the door to the roof. "It's locked," he hisses. Reaching down he powers up his sneaker, then throws a foot against the door. It forcibly shoots open, revealing the grand magician himself. He holds the green gem up to the moonlight, and stares for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Not the one, Meitantei-San." He tosses the rock at the detective, who catches it with ease and slips it into his pocket. "I must bid you farewell, it would be miserable to be caught." Kid opens up his hang glider, ready for flight. Shin'ichi's body moves on its own, and he runs at the magician. His arms wrap around Kid's leg just as he kicks off for flight.

"Kid!" Shin'ichi screeches holding the thief tighter.

"Meitantei-San?" Kid questions confused at the man hanging off of his leg. The hang glider tilts dangerously to the unequally distributed weight. "You are going to have to climb up my body, so I can hold you."

"Just drop me off on the nearest roof," Shin'ichi pleas, gazing down.

"I can't do that Meitantei-San, the police are pursuing me, and it would be too risky. Now we don't have much time, and I don't want to plummet to my death, because of your awkwardness." Shin'ichi glares, knowing that indeed the situation was his fault. He slips an arm around Kid's waist, getting ready to pull his weight up. "Ah, Meitantei-Kun, please be careful of my manhood. I would not appreciate a repeat of last time." Shin'ichi cheeks darken in embarrassment, and pulls himself up to the thief's waist, being wary of Kid's "manhood." The hang glider, begins to even it's flight pattern out, and Kid reaches down to pull Shin'ichi up.

"That's my ass," Shin'ichi hisses, at the thief.

"My apologies, Meitantei," Kid says, pulling the detective up to his chest, "this would be so much easier if you were still an elementary student."

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint," Shin'ichi huffs. The thief reaches down, and slips an arm underneath the detective's legs , and drags them up, forcing him to curl. His other arm helps hold Shin'ichi's shoulders. The detective throws his own arms around the thief's neck.

"This position is much more comfortable," Kid comments, "What is it like to fly, Meitantei?" Shin'ichi looks down at the town beneath him. He catches sight of patrol cars following below.

"This isn't my first time flying with you," Shin'ichi comments.

"No it isn't, but then it is, unless you are confessing to me that you are Edogawa Conan." A smirk covers Shin'ichi's face, and Kid smiles.

"Unimaginable, isn't it?"

"Not the strangest thing, I've encountered. I am in the acquaintance of a witch, believe it or not." Familiarity rings through Shin'ichi's mind. One of his arms slip from the thief's neck, and move to his face. His fingers lightly brush Kid's cheek, before clasping the monocle. "I wouldn't do that, Meitantei," the thief states calmly. His hand stays on the monocle debating his options.

"Why shouldn't I?" the detective asks. Kid drops the arm on Shin'ichi's back. The detective lets out a squeal, and locks both of his arms around the thief's neck tightly. Kid giggles, and slowly brings his hand back to the detective's shoulders. Kid takes a sharp swoop around a building, taking a u-turn, losing the patrol cars.

"You' must be very daring, or very stupid, to have jumped on me," Kid whispers.

"I had a feeling you would catch me, if I fell. You always did when I was Conan," Shin'ichi replies. Kid chokes on the air he inhales, dropping his beloved poker face, as he blushes.

"Did I steal your precious heart, Meitantei-San?"

"It has already been taken, but not by you, sadly," Shin'ichi blurts out.

"Finally made a move on your gorgeous lady?" Kid asks.

"No, it is someone else." Kid floats over to the Kudou mansion. He snaps the hang glider close as he approaches the balcony leading into Shin'ichi's room. The detective slides out of his arms, and begins to move towards the door. "I won't pursue you this time, as payback for you saving me."

"Ah," Kid says. He grabs the detective's hand, "wait, Meitantei-San." The detective turns to face the thief. A flower, appears in the thief's hand, the same way Shin'ichi had seen them appear so many times before. A look of guilt, swallows the thief's face. As if he had been revealed, right there and then. Shin'ichi plucks the flower out the thief's fingers. He gazes at the flower. A striped carnation, pink and white.

"Regret, rejection, refusal, what does this mean, Kid?" Shin'ichi looks up to the emptiness of the night. The phantom thief was nowhere in sight.

Kaito's room had somehow managed to remain untouched. The detective walks around the room, remembering. His hand glides along the bed, remembering the time he lost his virginity. Their first kiss had taken place a room over. So much had happened in the last six months, he had become so dependent on the magician, forgetting how to live on his own. His gaze moves to the wall, locking on a portrait of Kuroba Touichi. Hesitantly, Shin'ichi steps towards the picture. His fingertips lightly brush the portrait, growing in intensity, until he pushes against it with enough force, to make it move? The detective falls in with the spinning picture. He screams, as he falls into the darkness, moments later he lands on a chair. His tries to take in the whole room at once, whipping his head back and forth.

"Kudou Shin'ichi," the detective's heart stops at the voice. He stands from the chair, searching for the source. "Or is it Edogawa Conan?" Shin'ichi wanders around, following his ears. "I'm sorry to have deceived you," it says. Shin'ichi finds himself in front of a juke box. "I knew that at some point, you would figure it out. I am a terrible actor around the ones I care for greatly. I know I have slipped up plenty of times. I am the second generation Kaitou Kid, as well as Kuroba Kaito. I won't stop whatever you choose to do,with this information, that is up to you. I do have one thing I wish to say, though. I love you so much, more than anything," the recording cuts off. Shin'ichi smiles, pushing away the screams and the cries. He places a hand on the juke box.

"I love you, too," he whispers. A giant box comes up from the floor, revealing the Kaitou Kid costume. Shin'ichi tests the texture of the fabric, delicately, in his fingers. He picks up the monocle, from the box. He brings it up over his own eye, remembering the times of him as Conan. The time when he struck Kid with a soccer ball, shattering the monocle against the ground. The time when he saved Kid's dove, afraid that the thief had lost his life, for the only part of him was the shattered monocle. His sight begins to grow blurry, tears push their way down his face. "It hurts so much, every moment I wait for you to comfort me.To kiss away the pain, your hands brushing away my tears, to fall asleep in your embrace. You were the thing I lived for, and now I am dying a slow painful death without you," Shin'ichi mutters barely audible. He clenches the monocle close to his heart

"Shin'ichi, what the hell happened?" Kaito demands swinging open the door to his hospital room. The magician practically flies to Shin'ichi's side, taking a seat besides his bed.

"Just a gunshot wound," Shin'ichi brushes off, "I am glad you came."

"Obviously I would come. You texted me that you had to cancel our date plans, because you were in the hospital. Boy do you know how to give someone a heart attack," Kaito comments.

"I thought if I acted casual about it, you wouldn't consider it a big deal. Besides it really isn't. It is just a small wound. It would have taken me at least an hour to die from it, but it was highly unlikely that it was actually life threatening."

"God, you're stupid," Kaito mutters.

"It isn't like I just walked out and asked someone to shoot me," Shin'ichi replies, "I did it because I had to. The murderer only had one shot left in his gun, and it was my goal to get him to use that shot so he wouldn't seek out anyone else, and he could be taken into custody easier. It just so happened that the shot was used on me."

"You practically admitted that purposely got yourself shot," Kaito points out, "what is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me? You're acting as if I did something wrong. By taking a bullet, I could have saved a life."

"What if you took that bullet and lost your life?"

"It would have been fine by me, at least no one else would have been killed."

"You have no regard to your own well being! There probably was another way out, where you would have been unscathed.

"At the cost of someone's life. Tell me Kaito, what would you have done? Let someone die, or take a bullet that doesn't have a clear outcome?"

"I'm not doing this," Kaito growls standing up.

"You started it!" Shin'ichi points out.

"And now I am ending it. Good bye, Kudou-San." The door slams behind the magician.

"I don't want to see you," Shin'ichi states, childishly, rolling over in his bed away from the intruder.


"Kudou," the detective hisses.

"Look, I am sorry. I shouldn't have freaked out at you. I was scared. Your message was so vague, I thought of the worse possible solution. God, you don't know how I felt. If you had died, I am a hundred percent sure, I'd follow you to the grave. When I walked in here, I was so relieved that you were fine. You just easily disregarded your life, stating that others were more important than you. To me, you are the most important person. I love you," Kaito confesses. Shin'ichi turns back over looking at his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I worried you," Shin'ichi whispers. Kaito leans down, a presses a kiss to Shin'ichi's forehead.

Shin'ichi stands on the balcony, admiring the full moon. He holds up a crystal clear gem up to the moon. As the ray crosses the rock, it's center becomes a magnificent red. So bright and vibrant.

"This is immortality?" he asks himself. The stone itself was a work of art, containing so much beauty, it's story horrific and gruesome. All the lives lost, due to the stone's rumored power. Shin'ichi wonders, "is the legend true?" He brings the stone down from the moonlight's gaze. Once he is inside his room again, he places the pandora on the floor of his room, and grabs a hammer. He slams the tool into the stone. A crack appears on the object's surface. He hits it once more, then again, and again. He picks up one of the halves admiring his work. The half begins to slip through his fingers guiding itself correctly to slice a thin deep cut down his palm. A scream of pain falls from him. With his injured hand, he picks up the hammer, ready to break the pandora even more. He presses his inactive hand to the floor of beside him, weaving in stray shards of the stone into his palm. He keeps chipping away at the stone until there is only dust. His hands are covered in bleeding cuts, some of the wounds have shards of pandora sticking out of them. Shin'ichi glances at the dust littering his floor. The dust that was once the stone. The stone that caused the murder of Kaitou Kid. He screams, not sure why. Satisfaction? Pain? Fear? His wail covers the sound of the foot steps that make their way behind him.


"Shin'ichi!" The exclaims are unanimous. Shin'ichi slowly turns around looking at the two people behind him. He wants to run into their comfort, but he wants to yell at them to leave him be. He shakes his head in confusement, staying kneeled on the floor, the pandora dust all around him, a hammer to his right, his hands dripping with his own blood.

"What were you doing?" the shrunken girl demands, expecting no reply, "Hakase, carry him downstairs, I'll treat his wounds." Shin'ichi doesn't resist, while the professor lifts his body off of the bedroom floor. Ai leans down and inspects the dust on the floor. "A gem, wasn't it, Kudou?" she questions, "Kaitou Kid-San, gave it to you didn't he?" His darkening expression is enough to answer her question. She nods her head, leaving the material on the floor.

"Shin'ichi," Kaito whisper against the detective's lips, "can I touch you?" He covers the other man's lips with his own. Instantly, their lips part against each other, delving into each other's mouths, combining the tastes. They pull apart, connected by a fragile strand of saliva, that breaks when the distance grows too grand.

"Please do," Shin'ichi pleads, connecting their lips once more. Kaito trails his fingers down Shin'ichi's chest, stopping at the muscles guarding his stomach. The magician breaks the kiss, and presses kisses down Shin'ichi's chest. The detective lays back on the bed, tangling his fingers into Kaito's hair. "Damn," he grunts when the teen dips his tongue into his navel. His mouth moves over to Shin'ichi's hip bone and places a soft kiss. "Kaito, please." The teen looks up with lustful eyes.

"Can I?" Kaito asks again.

"You're killing me," Shin'ichi states, undoing his own pants. Kaito stops Shin'ichi's hand, finishing the job himself. Together, they are able to discard Shin'ichi's pants to the floor. "You, pants off," Shin'ichi demands. The detective sits up helping strip the magician. After Kaito pulls the material off of himself, Shin'ichi's hand slips into his boxers.

"Oh god," Kaito moans, as Shin'ichi encircles his hand around his dick. His strokes start off passive, increasing in speed slowly. Shin'ichi feels the organ grow stiffer with each delicate touch of his hand. Kaito's hands grasp Shin'ichi's shoulders for support. His breathing grows ragged. Another moan slips past the magician's lips, when Shin'ichi thumbs the slit. A few more strokes, and Kaito's nails dig into Shin'ichi's shoulders. "Shit, Shin'ichi," Kaito gasps, "Shin'ichi!" The last syllable, becomes a screech, as the magician releases over the detective's fingers. They lean their foreheads, waiting together for Kaito to regain his breath. "I'm sorry," he whispers, looking down at Shin'ichi's sticky fingers.

"Don't be, it's fine," Shin'ichi replies. The magician leans down off of the bed, searches in the pocket of his pants for a second, then hands a handkerchief to Shin'ichi, who wipes the fluid off of his fingers. He puts the dirtied object to the side. Kaito shifts forward, and grabs the waistband of Shin'ichi's boxers. He manages to slip them down mid thigh, before he brings his mouth towards his erection. He breathes in, and without second thought, engulfs the head. Shin'ichi groans, weaving his fingers into Kaito's unruly locks. The magician tests his own gag reflex, drawing the length in as far as he can. His throat contracts around the foreign object, causing the detective to curse. He pulls back, letting the limb exit his mouth completely, before bringing it back into his mouth. His tongue presses against the tip, tasting drops of bitter fluid. Kaito drags his tongue over every piece in his mouth, sampling the taste. "Kaito," the detective mutters, struggling to keep his hips in place. Kaito gives the dick a suck. Shin'ichi's hands tug at the strands on Kaito's head. Another suck, has Shin'ichi's hips pushing him further into Kaito's mouth. He relaxes his throat, swallowing around him. His tongue licks stripes up and down the cock. "Kaito, I'm, fuck!" Shin'ichi screams, trying to push the magician off of him.

"It's fine," Kaito whispers swallowing Shin'ichi dick once more. Shin'ichi lets out a strangled cry, releasing into Kaito's mouth. Kaito forces the bitterness down his throat giving one last suck, before pulling his mouth off of Shin'ichi pounces Kaito capturing his lips into a passionate kiss. His tongue explores Kaito's mouth tasting remnants of himself.

"Kaito," Shin'ichi wines, "I want you."

"It's my first time," Kaito whispers kissing Shin'ichi's mouth lightly.

"It's mine, as well," Shin'ichi assures, kissing him again. When they pull apart, Kaito gets off of the bed, and walks over to his desk, pulling out a container of lubricant. Shin'ichi works on stripping off his last piece of clothing, feeling the cold air on his hardening cock. Kaito slips off his boxers before rejoining the man on his bed.

"How do you want to do this?" Kaito questions.

"I don't know, I don't care," Shin'ichi replies. The magician places a kiss onto the detective's lips easing his back into the mattress. Kaito pulls away, squirting a generous amount of lube into his palm, massaging the gel until it warms up. Then he coats his fingers with the substance. With his non-coated hand, Kaito lifts one of Shin'ichi's legs over his shoulder.

"You ready?" the teen questions, circling his forefinger around his entrance.

"Yeah." Without hesitation, Kaito slides the finger into Shin'ichi, a grunt of discomfort falls from Shin'ichi's mouth. Moving his finger, back and forth he helps Shin'ichi grow more comfortable with the intrusion. "Another," Shin'ichi says, breaking the silence between them. A nod from the teen, and a second finger is pushed inside. The resistance is more cruel against Kaito's fingers. The magician forces the muscle to stretch, spreading his fingers apart. Before long, Kaito slips a third finger past the ring of muscle. He works his fingers in and out of Shin'ichi. He slides them in, crooking the tips just right. The detective chokes on his breath, grasping at the sheets beneath him. "Do that again," Shin'ichi orders. Another brush against his prostate, has Shin'ichi cussing. And Kaito pulls his fingers out, preparing himself to enter Shin'ichi. He lines his dick up to Shin'ichi's entrance, hesitating.

"Are you ready?" he whispers.

"Just do it." Kaito leans forward, kissing Shin'ichi as he pushes against his tight muscle. Tears clump Shin'ichi's eyelashes.

"Am I hurting you?" Kaito asks, worriedly, seeing Shin'ichi's tears.

"I'm fine, just keep moving." The magician obliges, thrusting himself all the way in. The heat surrounding his cock, is indescribable, incredible. Both of them breathe unevenly, getting used to the new sensation. A desire to move takes over Kaito, he pulls almost all the way out before easing himself back in. Over time, his pace speeds up. He begins experimenting with different angles, trying to hit Shin'ichi's sweet spot. A cry erupts from Shin'ichi, as Kaito's dick collides with Shin'ichi's prostate. Kaito keeps at the angle, dragging Shin'ichi's orgasm out. He pulls Kaito's head down to his, giving an open kiss, as he ejaculates. One more push, and Kaito spills his semen into Shin'ichi. He pulls out for a last time, and rolls onto the bed beside Shin'ichi.

"Kaito," Shin'ichi whispers to his lover, "I love you." A smile fills Kaito's face.

"I love you, too," he replies, as Shin'ichi snuggles into his bare chest. Kaito slips them both under the blanket, and they fall asleep in each other's embrace.

"It's been a month since the heist, Kudou. Ya need ta move on," Heiji states, taking a seat at Shin'ichi's desk. The detective of the east angles himself on the bed so he is facing his friend. Minutes pass, without even the disturbance of a loud breath. "Starting with the silence thing. Ya are falling apart. How do ya think Kuroba would react? I get it okay, ya were friends, but don't do this to yerself. Live on. Live for him." Shin'ichi looks down at his hands, the last two things that Kaito gave him reside on his ring finger. Heiji stares at the man. "Kudou!" Heiji's voice rises, snapping the silent man's attention back towards him. "Ya don't eat, ya don't go outside, and ya don't speak! Is that how Kuroba wanted ya to live? I know yer the one who carried the body down. Ya were there for his final moments. Did he ask ya to make sure that ya die a slow, painful, desolate life? What is the point of this? What will ya achieve? Ya can't bring him back. It is no dream, Kudou, this is reality," Heiji shrieks the last part, at the unresponsive detective. He waits for an answer, something, anything. The detective doesn't even twitch. "I can't help ya," Heiji finally declares, "there is nothing left of ya. Ya just an empty shell." The detective of the west, stands up from the chair, and walks towards the door.

"You're wrong," a voice mutters. Heiji stops, "you're wrong!" The Osakan turns towards the young man. Shin'ichi stands, showing off his lean figure. "He was my friend, bullshit," Shin'ichi mimics. "I loved him!" A look of surprise falls upon the detective of the west's face. "I loved him," Shin'ichi confesses, "it is funny really. At first I was against the relationship, but he was persistent, making me stumble, until I finally fell. Love seems like such a generic word, but there is nothing stronger than that word. And in the end, the man I loved, died because of me. It was my fault!" Shin'ichi screams. His breathing becomes short and rapid. Tears outline the contour of his face. "It was my fault!" Heiji stares as the detective falls to his knees. "My fault!" The Osakan takes a seat down besides his broken friend. "It was my fault," he mutters again, being getting pulled towards his friend's chest. "It was my fault."

"No it wasn't. You're not to blame," Heiji soothes.

"I am, I was there. I could have done more."

"It was inevitable."

"It was all my fault."

The sound of a gunshot quickens Shin'ichi's pace up the stairs. He slams the door open, just in time to capture the sight of a white figure crumble onto the roof. Another shot rings in his ears. A figure pushes past him, and he runs to the fallen figure. Instinct tells him to ignore the culprit. He falls to his knees besides the injured man. Red stains the immaculate white jacket that he wears. The white hat, that held so much pride, is nowhere in sight, revealing unruly locks of brunette. His breathing is heavy, a gloved hand sits upon his wound.

"Meitantei-San," the thief greets.

"Kid, we need to get you to the hospital, like now," the detective responds, getting ready to lift the infamous thief from the roof top.

"A useless attempt, Meitantei. I wouldn't make it, and you know that as well."

"We can try," the detective pleads.

"Please, just sit with me."

"There is a possibility you will pull through this-"

"Shin'ichi, please," Kid says, "sit with me." The great detective helps the thief sit up, using his arms to support his torso. Kid coughs in response, blood paints his lips.

"You're Kaito, aren't you?" Shin'ichi's voice stutters, the thief sighs, reaching up to his monocle.

"I knew that I could never fool you, but it didn't stop me from falling for you. Please enlighten me, when did you find out?" Breathing becomes foreign to Shin'ichi, his throat clenches in on itself, and his vision begins to become unclear. He watches as Kaitou Kid removes the monocle from his eye, becoming Kuroba Kaito, the man that Shin'ichi loves.

"I had suspicions from the start, on the day in the library. You slowly revealed yourself after that," Shin'ichi answers, fighting hard to keep his vision clear.

"I'd expect nothing less from you, Meitantei-San." Kaito reaches into his pocket and pulls out a transparent gem, he hands it to Shin'ichi, "please destroy this for me," he instructs.

"Immortality, right?"

"Ah yes, pandora. The stone rumored to grant immortality."

"Is the rumor true?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Can we try it?"

"I don't want to be immortal, Shin'ichi," Kaito declares.

"But it could save you."

"Improbable. It is unlikely that such a thing is true."

"Kaito, please. Let me save you," tears fall from Shin'ichi's eyes, obstructing his vision. Kaito gently removes the stone from Shin'ichi's hands and slips it into the detective's trousers.

"Please don't cry. Don't shed tears for me," his breath hitches, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Can I have a kiss?" Kaito questions. Shin'ichi leans down and presses his lips onto Kaito's. The kiss is a bittersweet sort. When Shin'ichi pulls away, he tastes the metallic of Kaito's blood. The thief brings a hand to Shin'ichi's cheek, covering the skin in his own blood, as he softly strokes his thumb along the bone.

"I want you to smile everyday, don't hurt yourself over me. I love you so much, damn, there aren't even words that can describe this feeling," Kaito says.

"I love you, too," Shin'ichi responds, placing a hand over the one on his cheek.

"Don't look so sad. You've got a lovely lady who will take care of you, isn't that all a man needs?" Kaito laughs, causing himself to cough up more blood.


"Don't do that. Live a long life, don't get involved in stupid cases. Learn your damn limits. And remember to be a gentleman, to everyone."

"I don't know what to say. Kaito, I love you so much. I can't keep those promises. I-"

"Can't isn't allowed. You will."


"Hush, just tell me a story."

"Ran made me promise to bring her to an amusement park, if she won the karate tournament. She ended up winning, so I brought her."

"A natural gentleman," Kaito comments quietly, leaning into Shin'ichi's arm.

"I saw these two guys, they were sketchy. Dark trench coats, at an amusement park. I followed them and witnessed an illegal transaction. As I was watching one of the men working the transaction, the other sneaked up behind me. He hit me over the head, then gave me some drug that was suppose to kill me. It didn't work, and I ended up shrinking."

"Ah, so you were my sweet precious Tantei-Kun?"

"You already knew that," Shin'ichi says.

"It was just a hypothesis of mine, that didn't appear to have any faults."

"In order to protect myself, and those around me, I moved in with Ran and her father, and pretended that I was a first year student named Edogawa Conan. It was me who helped Mouri Kogorou become a great detective."

"Your watch, right? A tranquilizer dart."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for living with Ran, I never would have met you. The black star case."

"Before that, the clock tower heist," Kaito mutters, running his thumb along Shin'ichi's cheek bone, once more. He pushes himself forward, wincing slightly, and captures the detective's lips once more. Shin'ichi wraps his arms around him, in order to support his body more. "I love you," Kaito whispers pulling back. He snuggles into Shin'ichi's torso, breathing in his scent. His blood stains the uniform Shin'ichi wears, neither of them care. Shin'ichi begins rocking the man, as if he was a small child about to go to sleep. His breathing fades, second by second. The detective presses a kiss to the top of the thief's brown locks.

"I love you," he says, just as Kaito's heart beats one last time, "I love you," he mutters into the silence. The body in his arms becomes limp, warmth still lingers in figure. He releases a soft cry, and presses the body closer to his chest.

This can't be reality. He is Kaitou Kid, the uncatchable thief. The Lupin to his Holmes. He is Kuroba Kaito, the man pursuing a career in magic. Over all, he was the man that Shin'ichi had promised to spend the rest of his life with. His rival, his friend, his lover, his fiancé. Tears fall onto the lifeless body, as Shin'ichi cries. "This isn't reality," he assures himself, "just a nightmare." But they are all lies. He is filled with regrets, so many actions he could have taken to make sure this hadn't happened. Actions of the past, nothing can reverse death.

When there are no more tears to be shed, Shin'ichi lays the body on the roof. Kaito's blood is visible on his own suit, as well as his face and hands. He leans down and picks up the neglected monocle. He places it inside his breast pocket, besides his heart. Gingerly, he lifts Kaito's body. The lifeless figure droops in his arms, Shin'ichi bites his tongue to hold back more cries.

The task force watches, as the detective descends the staircase. Blood smeared on his cheek, his face is puffy, and his eyes are dark, almost as if he was dead himself. The silk cape drags along the floor alongside Shin'ichi's foot. Kaitou Kid lays in his arms, as if he sleeping. The amount of blood is the only contradictory factor to this theory. It stands out against the soft white of his uniform. The detective walks straight up to the head of the task force.

Ginzo recognizes the body immediately, he isn't ashamed of the tears that follow. The task force that pursued the phantom thief for so long, wears the expression of sorrow. Even the British teen detective, who clenches his fists when Ginzo declares the identity of the body. Shin'ichi sits besides Kaito, until the body is placed into a black body bag. The detective follows the body until it is loaded into the car, and the vehicle vanishes into the horizon. The task force packs themselves up, all giving up on the missing stone, no one demanding a story from Kudou Shin'ichi.

Shin'ichi sits on his bed, clutching his legs close to his chest. He remains in the blood painted suit, trying to convince himself of reality. There were nights, where Shin'ichi would stumble back to his house, after a gruesome case, and find himself tucked away in Kaito's warmth. The magician would cuddle him, run his fingers through his hair, and sing him a lullaby. Throughout the night, Kaito would squeeze him closer to his body, so he could feel the boy's heartbeat besides him, reminding him he was still alive. Tonight, Shin'ichi sits alone. He doesn't hide the loud cries that erupt from his throat. He doesn't stop the tears from soaking the blanket around him. Tonight, Kaito isn't there to comfort him. He isn't there to rock him to sleep. He isn't there to wipe away his tears. He isn't there to soften his cries. He isn't there. Kaito is gone, and Shin'ichi did nothing to stop it. Shin'ichi never has felt so vulnerable in his whole life.

"It's my fault," he whispers to the air around him, "it's all my fault." Those are the last words to escape his lips, as he places himself into a state of silence. A state of self pity. He vows to bottle everything up, until he awakes from this dreadful nightmare.

The wind whips through the young detective's hair harshly. Dark gloomy skies threaten to cry at any moment. Standing way above sea level, on a rocky cliff, the brown haired man stands. Sea water is carried through the wind, splashing on his face. Rocks creek behind him, as a figure slowly makes their way behind him. He doesn't need to turn around to know who it is. He pulls a bag out from within his jacket, one full of transparent dust. Tossing the bag into the ocean below, he watches the small splash that it creates. It's finally over, the quest for immortality, the stone that ended the life of the phantom thief, twice.

"Everyday, I wait for him," Shin'ichi says to the wind, "as if reality lied to me." The steps narrow in on Shin'ichi, he can feel their presence stronger than before. "I've become so dependent on him, it's hard to breathe without him by my side. We first met in the library, no, before that technically, behind our facades, on a rooftop. The rooftop we first met face to face, was the same one where we held hands and confessed our love for one last time. We were engaged, you know. He proposed to me on his eighteenth birthday, promising a winter wedding in America. In the stairwell, I heard a gunshot, and I knew. I just knew. If only I was a second quicker, I could have saved his life. Down by his side, I held his hand, until his last breath. I loved him. I loved him so much." Shin'ichi turns to Heiji. A smile breaks out on his face through the tears.

"Kudou," Heiji whispers. The young detective tilts his head, observing the waves before.

"He once told me, that if I died, he would most definitely follow me to the grave," Shin'ichi states.

"Kudou, don't," Heiji states.

"There is nothing left!" Shin'ichi cries. The Osakan stomps straight up to his counterpart. He raises his hand, a moment of hesitation, before he strikes it across Shin'ichi's face. Shin'ichi's hand raises to cover the red mark on his cheek. Hands grab at Shin'ichi's shirt dragging him forward into the younger detective.

"Pull yerself together, Shin'ichi!" he yells, "there's nothing else? What 'bout yer parents? What 'bout Agasa-Hakase? What 'bout the Shounen Tantei-Dan? The police task force? Ran? Me? We're all worried 'bout ya. We want ya to share yer pain, don't burden yerself. We care." Heiji's voice cracks, and tears trail down his face. Shin'ichi looks up at the other detective. "We care," Heiji whispers, "'bout you." The Osakan detective wraps his arms around the other detective. He pulls him close to his chest, feeling the wetness of the boy's face against his shoulder. Shin'ichi returns the embrace, drawing the two boys to ground. The older detective's hands grasp at the fabric on the back of Heiji's shirt, bringing him closer to him. Their warmth and heart beats play a relaxing tune, calming the boys.

"I'm sorry," Shin'ichi hiccups, into Heiji's ear. Instinctively, Heiji's hand rubs Shin'ichi's back. "It hurts."

"I know."

"Without him, everything has lost a purpose."

"That's not true."

"I miss him," Shin'ichi rambles.

"I can tell," Heiji replies.

"I wish that I could just wake up from this nightmare."

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