Maid In Royalty

By mishasjjd

2.7M 90K 16.3K

"Aiden pick a girl this instant! Who will you marry?" Queen Alexandra exclaimed. "The maid over there," he s... More

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49.6K 2K 403
By mishasjjd

"I need to tell you something, Iris?" Aiden whispered. I nodded slowly for him to continue. He leaned in towards my ear. "You smell like deviled eggs."

I let out a small gasp and pushed him back as he laughed. There it is again. That feeling. I blinked again and walked past him. How dare he? I actually thought he was going to kiss me. I shook my head at my foolishness and looked back. He wasn't there.

"Who cares?" I huffed and continued walking 'till I reached my dorm. As I opened the door, I saw Mary fast asleep in her bed, sleep talking about laundry. I laughed at her silliness and went to go change into something comfortable.

After I had my pajamas on, I felt a little thirsty. All those stupid eggs made my throat dry. It was 1:00 at night and everybody was asleep since we had to get up early in the morning for our tasks. Once I stepped out of the dorm, I quietly walked up the stairs to where the kitchen was. The palace was humongous. Memorizing the entire area took me three weeks, excluding the occasional wandering around like an idiot for hours just trying to find a bathroom.

Once I was in the kitchen I walked towards the fridge and opened it to check for some cold water. I took out a water bottle from far back and sat down at the dining table. I replayed everything that happened today. I looked so pretty, so why didn't he kiss me? I mean, he smiled and laughed and all that pretty stuff men do. I rested my head back and closed my eyes.

Was Kite talking about me? Does he actually like me?

"There must be something I can do." I looked down at my chest and groaned. If only I had a better body. I touched my hair and felt the dryness. If only I had nice hair.

I shook off the negative thoughts and focused on my plan to make him like me. Maybe if I acted cutely?

I walked towards the oven and stared at my reflection at the glass. It wasn't clear but I could still see my face. I pouted and twirled my hair, but in the end, I looked like an idiot. I shook my head and tried acting sexy. I glared with passion and bit my lip, yet I still looked stupid.

"Whatever!" I exclaimed in defeat and sat down at the kitchen island. I need to research. I need to interact with him more. I tapped my chin in thoughts when suddenly I heard footsteps. I squeaked and turned off the lights and hid under the kitchen counter.

"Le problème est les droits et les règles avec lesquelles le palais devrait être géré, Leon!"

Aiden? Speaking French?

What the hell was he saying? I listened to his conversation but couldn't understand a thing. I heard him laugh out loud before he took a seat somewhere.

"Don't make fun of my pronunciation Leon," Aiden laughed as he said that. "By the way. "You remember my fiance I told you about, Iris. She looked beautiful today. Better than any girl in the crowd. I just feel weird lately. She was so shy today, it was - how do I say it - cute? If that's the word. I sound like a little girl."

I smiled widely and gave myself a light pat on the back.

"Is it love? I'm not sure. All I know is that ever since that little fit she threw when she was drunk, I couldn't get her out of my mind."

I silently cheered and blushed brighter than the color pink. I can't believe he said that. Why do I feel it's a little too rushed? Oh, who cares?

"I'll have to see Leon. I just have some business to take care of. Going to France is going to have to wait, alright? I'm hanging up now. Good night!"

I heard Aiden sigh and get up from his chair. I was still in shock of the words he just said. I'm pretty sure he was just faking. Unless he actually likes me, actually likes me.  I jumped up with excitement, but it soon had to come to an end when I saw Aiden staring at me with surprise. He was wearing a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. I blinked a few times and so did he, both of us confused. I tried to come up with words, but nothing seemed accurate enough to fit in this situation. 

"I-Iris? Why aren't you sleeping?" Aiden asked as he circled around the kitchen counter until he reached me. I played with my hands nervously before looking up as an idea popped into my head. 

"What's that?!" I asked pointing to the top right corner. Aiden looked back to see what it was. I quickly made the run for it before I could further embarrass myself. I huffed and puffed when I finally made it to my dorm. I slouched down the door and ran my hands through my hair. 

Tomorrow is going to be so embarrassing. 


The next morning was, interesting. Every time I heard or saw Aiden, I would turn the other way or blend in with the others. I just couldn't get myself to act normal in front of him. My heart would beat ten times faster, and my cheeks would turn red as a rose. If only I had the guts to actually go up to him and ask him about his conversation last night. Did he actually mean it? Or is this all just a facade? 

"Can you please deliver this to King Aiden's office?" 

I turned around and saw Liza, she worked in the kitchen and an assistant to the chef. She handed me a bouquet of flowers and walked off with a smile. I looked at the card, which said: 

"To my dearest son Aiden. Please re-think your decision. Love, mother." 

I scoffed and walked up the stairs with anger boiling up inside my body. Re-think the decision? I huffed and puffed with heavy footsteps. Once I was standing in front of his door, I kicked it open. I immediately screamed and dropped the flowers on the ground. In front of me stood a shirtless Aiden. His eyes widened as he ran towards me and shut the door behind us.

I had my hand on my eyes the entire time, even though I took a peek for a second. He put on a black t-shirt and removed my hands from my face. Aiden picked up the flowers that fell on the ground and read the note his mother wrote.

He chuckled and placed the flowers on his side table. I gulped as he turned back to look at me.

"Iris, can we tal-"

"Uh, look at the time. Gotta go!" I exclaimed as I turned around, but Aiden beat me to the door. He put both his hands on either side of my head.

"All right. Make it quick."

He removed his hands and let out a small chuckle.

"About yesterday. I feel different about you. About us," he started. I turned around so I was just a few inches away from him. "I have something to tell you." His stare was intense, but it soon fell to my lips. He slowly leaned in, and surprisingly, so did I. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath against my skin.

"You're so gullible."

My eyes opened as I saw Aiden smirking in front of me. My face heated up as tears formed in my eyes. He turned around and looked into a camera that was drilled into the corner. He gave it a thumbs up and dropped down on his bed.

What the hell just happened?

My eyes fluttered as tears flowed down my cheeks. I looked up at the camera and back down. It was all... fake. I am an idiot. I should've seen this coming.

I heard Aiden sigh and get up with a groan. He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets and a cocky expression on his face.

"Look. The lawyers needed proof. The phone call with that Leon guy, well, he's the son of the man in charge of this fake marriage contract. All I needed was some footage and like that!" He snapped his fingers. "We're in love." He let out a chuckle as I glared at him. I don't know what came over me all of a sudden, but all I know is that I slapped his right across the face. A hard slap. Probably left a mark. After that, I ran out the room and down to the dorms where I cried my eyes out.

I was just another toy that he played with.






I love you all and thank u for 26k reads and 1.2k votes!!

Also if u wanna follow me for updates pls doooo

See you in the next chapter :)

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