Son of Bill Cipher (ON HIATUS)

By Mizar-Mayhem

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The chaos of Weirdmaggedon has come to an end. The twins, Dipper and Mabel, birthday are three days away. But... More

After Weirdmaggedon
The Lies of the Pines
Family History
Forgive and Forget
The Change
Power Surge
Monster Falls
Song Chapter
Monster Falls Part 2
Back to Stage One
Smoothies and Dimensions
Counter Parts
Quick A/N
The Lullaby
New Relationship
Nightmare Deal
Questions? Ask Here!!!
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Game Called Life

9.5K 232 83
By Mizar-Mayhem

Back in Reality After Dipper and Bill Left
"I should have told him Grunkle Stan! I should have said something! It's all my fault!" Mabel cried hysterically.

"No, no pumpkin, it's not your fault, it's all of ours." Stan said glaring at his brother.

"There has to be a way to bring him back home. We have to convince Dipper to trust us again." Ford said with his hand to his chin.

"Let's just go back to the shack and explain to everyone what had happened. Your friends are probably worried Mabel. Come on." Stan said standing up pulling Mabel to her feet. She looked back to where her brother stood before turning away to walk back to the shack.

Back at the Shack
Everyone was panicking. They had just witnessed the return of Bill Cipher and Dipper running off into the forest, hands ablaze with green flames. No one could even begin to imagine what was going on or try to understand what had happened.

"I hope Mabel is ok." Candy said to Grenda, who nodded her head. Mabel and the twins came out from the forest and were instantly swarmed by all the people who came to the party. All of them asking what had happened, where's Dipper, why is Bill still alive, what's going to happen. Stan and Ford pushed through the crowd, Mabel trailing close behind. They got up onto the porch and yelled for silence.

"I understand your all very confused and scared about what just happened. So I'm going to be very straight forward about the situation." Ford said addressing the crowd. "Bill was not destroyed. He is very much alive, and is most likely still a threat." Ford said.
The crowd started to panic, some shouting that they were all doomed, it's the end of the world, and so on. Mabel and Stan just stood and watched Ford talking to the citizens of the town.

"Wait wait wait! Hold up! Where's Dipper at?" Wendy asked shouting above the crowd. Everyone fell silent at the question and turned to Ford.

"Dipper is not coming back. He may never come back. He's the son of Bill." Ford said cringing.

"WHAT?!" the crowd shouted. They couldn't and didn't want to believe that the sweet twelve year old boy they knew who loved mysteries and adventure and cared deeply for his family, was the son of a crazed demon.

"I stole him as a baby and gave him to Mabel's parents to take care of. I didn't want Bill to find him because I knew that if he raised him, Dippers powers would be like Bill's. Unstoppable. I thought that raising him here in our world, he would grow up to live a normal life without Bill. When I found out that Bill knew he was his son, I did have the choice to tell Dipper, but ended up hiding it from him, lying to him. I thought that if I could keep Bill away from Dipper and conceal him, Bill wouldn't be able to find him again. My plan failed me and in the process, destroyed what little trust I had with Dipper. I did the same with my niece and own brother telling them to refrain from telling Dipper the truth. This is not their fault. The blame is on me." Ford finished with tears in his eyes. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry, I have to go..." Ford said tears streaming down his face as he turned away from the crowd and into the shack.

"Sheriff, I need a favor. If you see Dipper, find me immediately. Got it?" Stan said to Sheriff Blubs.

"Sure thing Mr. Pines." he replied. "Come on Durland." he said to his partner. They both walked away back to town.

"Ok everyone, just head on home now, parties over." Stan said. Everyone left except Candy, Grenda, Wendy, Soos and Pacifica. The small group walked up to Mabel who was still crying.

"Don't worry dude, we'll get Dipper back." Soos said.

"That's just it. I don't think we can." Mabel said crying.

"Mabel, come on, this isn't you. We'll figure something out." Wendy said kneeling next to Mabel.

"Mabel, we're here for you. Come on, lets go inside." Candy said. The group walked inside the shack.

"Hey let's all hang out here for the night. You can make us all some of you amazing pancakes in the morning." Pacifica said walking up to Mabel. She nodded her head with a sad smile. It was late so everyone got ready for bed. The group slept in the living room that night, spending their last day of summer with Mabel. Once Stan was sure everyone was asleep, he went down to Ford's office. When he got there he saw his brother crying, papers and his journals all over the floor.

"Ford?" Stan asked approaching his brother.

"I need to call Mabel's parents." Ford said lifting his head up off the desk. He walked past his brother and went upstairs to get a phone, leaving Stan to stand in the office by himself. After a few moments, he followed his brother upstairs and saw him hanging up the phone. He walked towards Ford and stood there for a moment, before pulling him into a hug. The twins stood there for a moment before letting each other go.

"Come on poindexter, let's get some sleep." Stan said as they headed off to bed.

The Next Morning
"We're gonna miss you Mabel." Candy and Grenda said, as they wished Mabel farewell.

"Me too guys." Mabel said sadly.
"Mabel, if anything happens here we'll make sure to call ok sweet pea?" Stan said to her.

"Ok Grunkle Stan. I'll miss you guys." Mabel said hugging her two Grunkles.

"We'll miss you too Mabel." Ford said hugging her. Mabel turned towards the bus and got on. The doors closed behind her, and she began her journey back home.

2 Years Later: Nightmare Realm


"Give me all you got Alcor! No holding back!" Gab said her hands ablaze with yellow flames. Bill watched on the sidelines of the arena as Alcor trained with Gab, Bill's twin sister. Alcor shot green fireballs at Gab who easily dodged them. She cast a spell that shot lightning down from the sky. Alcor cast a protecting spell to block the yellow lightning, then cast a spell that rebounded it back at Gab with double the power. She barely dodged the attack, and shot another spell towards Alcor. This went on for a while until Gab decided that it was time to stop. "You've made remarkable progress Alcor, I never expected you to rebound my lightning spell." Gab said impressed with Alcor's abilities.

"Well I did learn from the best." Alcor said smiling at his aunt and mentor. Gab messed up his hair then walked over to Bill to chat with him. Alcor fixed his hair and floated up into the air to admire the Nightmare realm. He decided to write down some of the other spells he learned in his journal. He snapped his fingers and a dark green book with a silver pinetree on the front with the number one on it appeared into his hand. It was a birthday gift from his father two years ago. He cherished it. The book was full of the different spells his dad and aunt have taught over the past two years. He had two other books just like it, each containing something different. The second book contained magical items he found here in the Nightmare realm and his third book contained the different creatures found in his home. As he was writing his father called him. Alcor floated down to his dad to see what he wanted.

"I'm being summoned to Gravity Falls and wanted to know if you would like to join me, you know, to log more facts in your journals." Bill said smiling.

"Yeah! I've pretty much written down everything I've learned and found here. It'd be good to learn and discover some more things to write down. I could use a scenery change too." Alcor said smiling.

"Ok then let's go! See ya later Gab!" Bill said grabbing his son's hand.

"Bye aunt Luna!" Alcor said getting pulled into the Mindscape with his dad. His aunt waved goodbye smiling at the pair as they disappeared.

"Parents these days." Gab said smiling, floating back into the Feramid.

Gravity Falls: Summer 2 Years After Dipper Left
"Mabel! Breakfast!" Stan shouted from downstairs. He was making his famous Stan-cakes for Mabel.

"COMING GRUNKLE STAN!" Mabel shouted from her room in the attic. She put on one of her favorite sweaters, the one with the shooting star on it. She put on a hat that was the same as the hat her brother wore, but it wasn't his. It was just one of the many hats her uncle sold in his gift shop. She wanted something to remember her brother, so her uncle gave her the hat for her birthday when she was in Gravity Falls last year. She missed her brother very much. After breakfast, Mabel decided to call Candy and Grenda to see if they wanted to hang out. While Mabel was on the phone with her friends, Ford walked into the room and walked over to Stan.

"Stanley I need your help. I need to go gather some things from the forest can you help me?" Ford asked.

"Sure thing Ford, let me just tell Mabel." Stan said. Ever since Dipper left, Ford and Stan have bonded a bit more. "Mabel? I'm going out with Ford into the forest to help him look for some things. I'll be back in about an hour or two." Stan said peering into the living room where Mabel just got off the phone with Candy and Grenda.

"Ok Grunkle Stan. I'm gonna go exploring with Candy and Grenda in the forest." Mabel said smiling.

"Just be safe Mabel." Stan said to her. She nodded her head understandingly. After Stan left, Mabel turned on the television and watched some re-runs of Ducktective. Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Mabel got up to answer it. At the door was Candy and Grenda.

"Hey guys, ready to go do some exploring?" Mabel asked.

"OH YEAH!" Grenda shouted fist pumping.

"Let's go!" Candy said. Mabel walked out, shut the door and ran into the forest, her friends close behind. After walking through the forest, they came to a stop at a river with a mini waterfall. The girls decided to take a break here and enjoy the scenery. "This is very relaxing, right Mabel?" Candy asked dipping her feet into the water. Mabel sat on a rock silently, deep in thought.

"Earth to Mabel!" Grenda shouted pulling Mabel from her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh sorry girls, just thinking." Mabel said. Suddenly they heard two voices shouting.

"What was that?" Candy asked looking towards where the sound came from.

'Sounded like Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford...' Mabel thought. "I think those voices were my grunkles! Come on!" Mabel said running towards her grunkles voices. Her friends followed her close behind. When they reached the source of the voices, it was indeed her grunkles. But what she saw, shocked her all together. 'Dipper?' she thought to herself. Not much had changed from the day he left since demons don't age. Mabel saw her grunkles trying to talk to Dipper, but he had just closed himself off from them with a force field.

"I'M NOT COMING BACK FEZ AND SIXER! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Alcor shouted demonically turning red with rage.

"Please Dipper! We're sorry! I'm sorry! Please!" Ford shouted trying to reason with Dipper.

"I SAID NO!" Alcor shouted using a spell from his journal to knock them back.

"Dipper stop it! Please this isn't you!" Mabel shouted running towards the force field.

"Mabel no! DON'T TOU-" Ford shouted but he was to late. As soon as Mabel made contact with the force field, it shocked her, causing her to scream in pain and pass out.

"MABEL!" Stan shouted. The force of the spell Dipper used knocked the wind out of him causing him to not be able to move. He saw Dipper's color return to normal when he saw Mabel fall unconscious.

"SHOOTING STAR!" Alcor shouted releasing the force field to float over quickly to Mabel. "No no no, Mabel it's going to be ok, hold on please." Alcor said panicking. He made a tear into the Mindscape and flew in with Mabel in his arms and took her to the Nightmare realm.

"MABEL!" Ford and Mabel's friends shouted when Alcor disappeared with her.

Nightmare Realm
Alcor appeared in his room and placed Mabel on his bed, then disappeared and re-appeared with his aunt Gab by his side.

"Alcor what's-" Gab started to say when she noticed Mabel lying on the bed unconscious.  "What happened to Shooting Star?" Gab asked looking at Alcor.

"Sixer and Fez saw me in the forest and tried to convince me to come back and stay in Gravity Falls with them even after what they did. I cast a force field spell to keep them away from me and added an electrifying spell on top of it so they wouldn't try anything. Then when they wouldn't back off I cast another spell to knock them back. Shooting Star must've been watching and panicked because she ran up to pound on the shield to get me to stop but ended up getting severely injured. Please can you help her? She-she doesn't deserve to die." Alcor said watching his sister fearfully.

"Yes, I can." Gab said. She walked over to the bed side her hands glowing with yellow flames. She started chanting a healing spell and Mabel's injuries began to heal. After a few minutes, Mabel was as good as new. When Gab finished the chant, she stumbled a bit. Alcor caught her and set her into a chair.

"Aunt Luna, are you ok?" Alcor asked concerned.

"Yes, healing spells take a lot out of me. I'll be fine after I rest." Gab said smiling.

"And Shooting Star?" Alcor asked looking over to his sister.

"She'll be asleep for a while, but she'll be fine. It was a good thing you brought her to me, she may not have survived in a human hospital. You sure did a number on her Alcor." Gab said.

"Thank goodness. Can you send a message to my dad telling him where I am and what happened?" Alcor asked watching Mabel.

"Sure thing." Gab said. With a snap of her fingers, a letter appeared in her hand and after another snap it disappeared. A few seconds later, Bill appeared in the room.

"Pinetree! Are you hurt? Is everything ok?" Bill asked checking his son for injuries.

"I'm fine dad. Really." Alcor said. His dad sighed with relief, then noticed Mabel sleeping on the bed.

"What is Shooting Star doing here son?" Bill asked curiously, with slight anger in his voice.

"Aunt Luna, can you explain to dad what happened please? I want to keep an eye on Shooting Star." Alcor asked.

"Sure. Come on Bill. Let's talk outside." Gab said, disappearing with Bill. Alcor sighed in relief and turned to his sister who had a scared look on her face.

'Must be having a nightmare...' Alcor thought to himself. He put his hand on Mabel's head and removed it pulling her dream out. He watched her dream play out. It was the day he left with his dad. 'This won't do at all.' he thought. He destroyed the nightmare and replaced it with one of his memories of them during the summer. He placed the new dream in Mabel's head and saw her figure relax and smile at the memory.

"" she mumbled in her sleep. He smiled at her. He never realized how much he missed his sister. He yawned and flew up to a tree branch and used his magic to make a small sleeping area in the trees. He lied down and admired the star filled sky that his magic ceiling showed. He fell asleep a few minutes later.

"Sweet dreams Mabel." he said quietly before falling asleep.

And that's a wrap! Whew! Longest chapter yet!
Bill: I can't believe they had the nerve to try and convince Pinetree to come back with them!
Well he has been with the family for his whole life. I know your his dad, but don't forget, they're family too Bill.
Bill: Families don't keep secrets.
Then how come you haven't told Alcor about his mom yet? Hmm? Whose keeping secrets now Bill? *Arms crossed while smirking*
Bill: IT'S A SURPRISE! SHUT IT GAB BEFORE I MAKE YOUR MOUTH DISAPPEAR! *Turns red and is engulfed in flames*
Ok, ok, geez. I'm so tired though. After healing Shooting Star and writing this chapter, I'm wiped.
Bill: Ok go get some rest I'll take over for you.
Ok bro, but if I find out you did something bad, your dead.
Bill: Well it can't be guaranteed, I mean, we are demons and all-
BILL! *Turns red*
Bill: Ok! Now go get some sleep. *Snaps fingers sending Gab to her room to sleep* Well it has been a long night so, you know, read the chapter, vote, wait another five hundred years for an update, and blah blah blah. Oh and if you don't vote, well, let's just say I'll curse you with insanity and nightmares *Demonic voice* FOREVER. Well! As I-
Bill: Says the person yelling...

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