The Switch ( Doctor Who/ Sher...

By azariiaa

3.5K 151 43

A skilled detective and his partner receive a letter. Two supernatural hunting brothers find a letter. A lone... More

The Detective and his Partner
The Brothers
The Timelord
All Mixed Up
In Kansas
The Gallifreyan Detective
Solving Cases

The Switch

476 24 9
By azariiaa

Hello! Sorry for the inactivity... school is to blame. So in this chapter, I will write in 3rd POV but then after that, the POV will be of whoever's chapter it is. I'll explain later.


The Doctor stared at the four men that arrived at the same tree he was at. All five men stared at each other.

"Okay... what the hell is going on and who are you?" Dean asked, after an awkward minute of silence.

"You're American," John blurted.

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock. And you're British," Dean spat back. The amount of times he and his brother had been asked if they were American was honestly astounding. Sherlock raised an eyebrow. He looked quite offended.

"Excuse me? What did you just say to me?" Sherlock asked.

"I said, 'No shit, Sherlock.' What, have you never heard that expression before?" Dean asked again.

"Okay, Dean, calm down," the taller but younger Winchester brother said.

"I'll be calm when I find out what the hell is going on. Why did you send my brother and I that letter?" Dean angrily shouted at the other men.

"Dean, correct? We mean no harm. We didn't send you a letter... in fact, we were also given a letter. I'm sensing that we were all somewhat called here without a purpose so why don't we simplify things and introduce each other? I'll start. My name is John Watson," John said, hoping to calm things down and settle information.

"I'm Sherlock Holmes. Watson is my partner. In terms of detective work, not a relationship partner," Sherlock said, his tone slightly monotonous, as if he's said that routinely. Sam and Dean paled.

"Wait.. I thought Sherlock Holmes was just a story...," Dean whispered to Sam. Sam shrugged. Dean then went 'Oh...' as the sudden realization hit that he had insulted the other man.

"Sorry 'bout that, Sherlock. I'm Dean Winchester and this is my little brother Sam," he said, gesturing to himself and to his brother.

"Hold on... Sherlock is just a story? What do you mean?" John asked, as he had overheard Dean. The two brothers looked at each other and then Sam decided to answer his question.

"Well... for us, Sherlock Holmes is a book series written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle," Sam said.

"We're missing a rather obvious point of immediate attention. Who are we all as people and why have we all been summoned by EB to meet here specifically at 8pm on this day?" Sherlock said, clearly agitated by the whole commotion of bickering and banting. This time, the Doctor spoke up.

"Uh.. this gets rather complicated... but for starters, I am the Doctor," he said, his voice a little quiet.

"Doctor? Doctor Who?" Dean said bluntly. Sam elbowed him a little and Dean shrugged at Sam.

"Just the Doctor," the  Timelord replied.

"Are you an actual doctor, like myself, or are you just using the title to make yourself seem better?" John said, crossing his arms. He had heard way too many people self-title themselves as a 'doctor' but never were.

"Well... I guess you could say that I'm a doctor... I don't know why we started calling me that," the Doctor said, half in his own thoughts.

"Well anyways, now we know everyone's name. Uh what about what we do? I'm thinking that we all do something super crazy. My brother and I will start. We hunt supernatural monsters. You know, werewolves, ghosts, demons. Those things," Dean just blurts. Sam elbowed him again.

"You can't just say that out loud!" Sam whispered to Dean. Dean shrugged again.

"Why not? I got a theory here. Maybe we're with other hunters and they're just to shy to say so," he said. He smiled at the other three men. They all stare at the two brothers. Clearly what he had said baffled them.

"Monsters? Those things don't exist," Sherlock finally said. Dean paled and looked at Sam with an apologetic look. They weren't hunters... and now they probably thought that the Winchesters were crazy. The Doctor shrugged.

"Well... if we're going to be brutally honest... I'm not exactly human," he trailed. Everyone's head turned to the Doctor.

"You're not human? Then what are you? A demon? Sam, pass me the holy water, I knew something was fishy about this meeting," Dean said, holding his arm out to Sam. Sam didn't move. The taller brother shook his head.

"No! Absolutely not. I'm... I'm an alien from the planet Gallifrey. I'm... I'm a Timelord," the Doctor explained quickly.

"A Timelord? So you control time?" Sherlock asked, slowly approaching the Doctor.

"Weeeelllll I won't say control time. I have a machine that helps me travel through all of time and space. I can go anywhere and everywhere," the Doctor explained.

"I'm sorry did he just say alien? I heard 'alien', correct?" John chimed in.

"Okay,we deal with all sorts of crazy but alien tops our list. We don't even know if that's real," Dean stated.

"If ghosts and vampires and werewolves can be real, why can't aliens be real?" the Doctor pointed out. Dean shrugged. Fair point, he thought.

"Okay okay. So we've got a skilled detective and his partner, a... Timelord, and two hunters. Why gather us here at this specific time at this specific spot in London?" Sam asked. As if on cue, the London Tower chimed eight times, signifying that it was eight o'clock. Suddenly, a bright light shone on the five men and their worlds went dark.

"Sam!" Dean cried before they were all knocked out. No one witnessed the action. It was as if they just suddenly disappeared.

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