Forever and Always

By MagicGoldenFlower

16.6K 804 555

*Sequel to Married at First Sight* They were told that once they found their true love that everything would... More

Meet again
Deep, but very beautiful
Late night orders
Devil for a Partner
Small bites
Go Home
Switched places
Unlikely Friends
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder

Baby Fever

947 55 6
By MagicGoldenFlower

~Rapunzel and Eugene~
"No Eugene, I said she was coming over for lunch!" Rapunzel cried as paced around the room. She had the kids clean up the living room, which basically meant piling all the toys against the wall. She tried making a decent lunch, which happened to be BLTs. Today just wasn't Rapunzel's day.

"Alright! Alright! I'll ask Mr. Johnson if I can get off work for the rest of the day." Eugene compromised. He knew his boss wouldn't be very happy with him leaving early today and being gone next week, but his boss couldn't fire him. Eugene and Rapunzel were too valuable.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." Eugene replied as he ended the call. Rapunzel sighed and kept tidying the house. She knew Elsa was a clean freak and Rapunzel's house was top on the list of America's dirtiest house.

"Who let Max into the house?" Rapunzel exclaimed as the wet dog ran through the living room. He stood in the middle of the room and shook off the water everywhere. It splattered against the walls and the windows as the kids cheered in delight.

"Bastian did!" Zach yelled as he pointed at his older brother. Bastian covered his mouth and tried to hid his smile. To him, everything was funny, especially when his momma didn't think it was,

"Bastian Timothy, you're standing on thin ice." Rapunzel sternly replied. She wasn't pleased with the way her children were behaving. If they acted like this when Elsa was around, she would never come back. Just like all the other babysitters. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The kids ran to look out the window. They were hoping it was their Aunt Jessica or Uncle Elijah, but they'd never seen this person before. "Elsa!"

"Hi Rap! It's so nice to see you again." Elsa cheered as they hugged on the front step. Elsa finally found the little blue house. It took her ten minutes to search for, but apparently she arrived on time.

"Well come in and met the kids again," Rapunzel smiled as she led Elsa into the living room. "Elsa, this is Bastian and Zachary. Bastian and Zachary, this is Elsa. She's one of daddy's and momma's close friends."

"Does she have any kids?" Bastian questioned. He wanted someone other than Zach to play with. Don't get him wrong, he loved Zach, but he wasn't the best at sharing.

"No." Elsa smiled. She was surprised by how friendly the kids were to her. It was like they didn't see her as a scary babysitter. They just saw her as a friend.

"Why?" Zach asked. His green eyes sparkled with curiosity, something he always was. His head was cocked to the side, making Elsa lightly chuckle.

"Because I just don't yet." Elsa replied, unsure how to answer his question. She didn't want to say the wrong thing to them. Children are like sensitive adults that remember everything you tell them.

"Why?" Zach asked again.

"Sorry, he's in his why stage. All day I get asked why." Rapunzel explained as she gave Elsa a tour of the house. Rapunzel was a little embarrassed by their house, but Elsa seemed impressed. Suddenly, Rosie started crying.

"Momma, Zach took Rosie's toy!" Bastian yelled. Rapunzel groaned and apologized to Elsa.

"Zachary Eugene, you better give her back the toy!" Rapunzel scolded as she led Elsa out of their bedroom. Elsa was surprised how loud Rapunzel could be. Rapunzel's eyes narrowed at the children. Elsa had no idea what to expect.

"But momma, I had it first." Zach frowned. He held the toy truck in his hand, not wanting to give it back.

"Who's the baby?" Rapunzel questioned as she set her hands on her hips. Zach and Rosie are usually the ones who fight. After all, it is hard going from the baby to a middle child. According to Eugene, being the middle child 'sucks'.

"Rosie is but-"

"No buts Zachary, now if you don't give it to her on the count of three, Daddy won't take you the park this afternoon." Rapunzel threatened. She loved putting Eugene as the bad guy. They've always seen Rapunzel as their caring mother, why not use it to her advantage?


"One. Two," Rapunzel started as Zach quickly handed the toy back to the baby. Rosie stopped crying and played with the toy. Elsa watched in awe. She was surprised at how Rapunzel could stand her ground and how Zach obeyed her. Elsa didn't think she could do that next week. "Thank you. She'll be done playing with it soon." Rapunzel smiled as she walked back into the kitchen. Zach mumbled something back, but no one understood him.

"Wow, I just have to say, you're a great mom." Elsa awed as she sat down at the counter. Elsa had never seen that happen with Anna, but then again, Anna doesn't have three kids and any boys. Maybe this was common?

"I'm not a great mom." Rapunzel chuckled. Rapunzel could never categorize herself as a great mom. She's always seen herself as average. Anyone could handle two wild boys and a baby everyday, right?

"Yes you are. To be honest, I don't think I can do this next week." Elsa confessed. Elsa was starting to feel nervous about taking this job. What if she accidentally feeds them the wrong food? Or what if she doesn't disciple them properly? Everyone has a different way of discipling their children.

"Sure you will! The boys will love you after today." Rapunzel encouraged. Rapunzel could feel it in her bones that Elsa would do great. Suddenly, the door opened and slammed shut. They heard footsteps echo off the mudroom.

"Dad!" The boys yelled as they attacked Eugene. Their dad was their role model. Eugene loved playing with his boys, so coming home early was something he enjoyed. He laughed and walked into the kitchen with the boys wrapped around his legs. They sat on his feet and laughed as he walked around carrying them.

"Hey Rap," Eugene greeted as he kissed Rapunzel's head. "Hi Elsa. I see you've found our pigsty." Eugene teased. Their house was mess. Toys and clothes scattered everywhere, the floor covered in crumbs. Even though Rapunzel tried cleaning every morning, it didn't do much.

"Sorry, I never have any time to clean anymore." Rapunzel replied as she elbowed Eugene in the stomach. She felt that Eugene was scaring Elsa away. He knew what she was like an he was saying all the wrong things.

"Oh no, it's okay! I totally understand. Anna's house is the same way." Elsa assured. Elsa was used to messy houses. After Anna and Kristoff had Kristen, everywhere they went was a tornado.

"Dad, can we watch The Lego Movie again?" Zach asked as he waved the movie around. Zach has been obsessed with The Lego Movie since they bought it. He could watch that movie on replay for the rest of his life and he would be happy.

"Sure. Rap, will you put this in?" Eugene questioned. Eugene really wasn't in the mood to put in the movie again. Eugene, along with Rapunzel, had that whole movie memorized. The thought of putting it back in made him want to smash the movie to pieces, but that wouldn't help anyone.

"Sure, then you have to make lunch." Rapunzel smirked as she snatched the movie from his hands.

"No!" Eugene refused as Rapunzel ran into the living room. He was not making lunch. He chased after her, trying to take the movie from her. She stuck out her tongue and open the DVD player. She placed the disc in and turned on the tv. "Wow."

"Go make lunch." Rapunzel smiled as she walked past him and slapped his cheek. He rolled his eyes and walked around Zach who was already laying on the floor, watching the tv.

"Is this a daily thing or?" Elsa asked. She wanted to know what to expect before she had to live here for a week. If watching movies were common, she'd be down for that! Movies were one of Elsa's favorite hobbies.

"Zach watches that movie 24/7." Rapunzel explained. Poor Elsa, you're going to have this movie memorized. Rapunzel thought.


"All kids go through a movie phase. They'll watch one movie and one movie only." Eugene chuckled. He's seen almost every child's movie possible. Of course he had his favorites, but that was a secret. People can't know he actually enjoys the movies.

"Bastian watched Cars so many times that I can quote it." Rapunzel sighed. Just saying the word brought back traumatic memories. No what how hard she tries, every movie she watches that stars Owen Wilson, Rapunzel can't stop picturing Lighting McQueen.

"Cars?" Elsa laughed, making the parents nod their heads.

"Sure, there are some funny scenes in that movie, but it gets super annoying after watching it a million times on repeat." Rapunzel groaned as she got herself a glass of water.

"Remember when Rosie was born and Bastian wanted to name her Sally." Eugene laughed. Bastian wanted to name the baby Mater or Sally. Either one was a terrible idea to them.

"He threw the biggest fit when we told him her name was Rosabella Arianna." Rapunzel laughed, thinking about the memory in the hospital. He was so upset that Eugene had to take him out for ice cream.

"Why didn't you make him watch anything else?" Elsa asked. If they hated it so much, why didn't they just hide it from him or just put on something else?

"Oh, we tried. We put on Cars 2, but he didn't like that as much since he couldn't understand what was happening. Then we put on Finding Nemo or something and he cried literally through the whole movie." Eugene explained as he set the table. Rapunzel set the table and called the boys in for lunch. Eventually, everyone sat down at the table, ready to eat.

"Momma, what's this?" Zach asked as he poked at his BLT. He was the picky eater of the family. If it didn't live up to his standards, you couldn't force him to eat it.

"Bacon, lettuce, tomato, and toast." Rapunzel smiled. He made a face and looked back the food. Oh great.

"Apple sauce!" Bastian cheered as he slammed his spoon against the table. Bastian could possibly be the family's garbage can. Bastian and Eugene could eat anything you laid out in front of them.

"No apple sauce until you finish your sandwich." Eugene replied as he pointed to Bastian's half eaten BLT. Bastian frowned and picked up his sandwich. He liked apple sauce a lot.

"How come Rosie gets apple sauce?" Zach questioned. Zach was always the one coming up with serious questions. Everyone looked at the baby in the high chair putting apple sauce in her hair. She laughed as it dripped onto her nose.

"Because she can't eat BLTs." Rapunzel answered. She went back to her sandwich, hoping that was the end of questions.


"Because she's a baby."

"Dad." Bastian tried to whisper. The boys were terrible at whispering. They talk in their normal voices, and placed their hand over the mouth.

"What?" Eugene replied. Eugene couldn't wait to see what Bastian would ask now. That kid had the strangest imagination. Maybe it was from watching that movie too much?

"What's her name?" He asked as he pointed at Elsa. Elsa smiled and pretended not to hear their conversation.


"Oh. Does she like the color green?" Bastian proceeded. Bastian had become really sensitive on the color situation because Zach and him always argued about it. Bastian was always making sure he was right about colors.

"Ask her."

"Elsa, do you like the color green?" Bastian asked. He had to know if she knew what green was because Zach didn't seem to understand.

"Yes, but I like blue better." She smiled. Elsa couldn't think of a color better than blue. It went with everything.

"Me too! And I like yellow!" Zach yelled. Blue and yellow were colors Zach was good at naming.

"What about red?" Elsa asked. Zach just sorta stared at her. Elsa was waiting for him to reply, when he just looked down at his sandwich. He didn't know how to answer that question. Bastian reached over and tapped her shoulder.

"I like red." Bastian smiled, taking the attention away from the little four year old.

"Momma, I'm done." Zach stated.

"You hardly touched your sandwich."


"Take three more big boy bites and you can be done."

"Two." Zach argued as he crossed his arms across his chest.



"Four." Rapunzel threatened. Rapunzel knew that if he didn't eat his sandwich now, he wouldn't eat it later.

"Fine, three!" Zach groaned as he picked up his sandwich. After lunch, Elsa helped Rapunzel put the kids down for a nap. Elsa found it a little difficult since Rosie had to be sang to sleep. Afterwards, she went back to work, dreading next week.

~Merida and Hiccup~
"Are you sure you want Evangeline over to play with Melissa?" Merida questioned Tiana. Merida knew how rough Melissa could get when she played.

"I'm sure, Mer. My Evening Star will do just fine. She's played with Naveen's little brother who's about ten." Tiana assured. Tiana knew Merida was nervous about Evangeline playing with Melissa, but Tia knew it would be alright. After all, Evangeline was a tough gal, look at her mother.

"Alright, if you say so." Merida chuckled as she let the little girl run through the door. Immediately, she sped down the hall and opened every door. Evangeline had to find her best friend.

"Melissa!" Evangeline called. She couldn't wait to play with Melissa. Merida and Tiana plopped onto the couch. They were tired from watching their children all day. The little girls ran into the living room, carrying all of Melissa's Barbie dolls. They laid them on the floor and sat down beside them, taking turns picking dolls.

"Thanks for letting us spend the day at your house." Tiana smiled. Tia was thankful for Merida and Hiccup. At the moment, Naveen and Tiana's house was being renovated, so they didn't have anywhere to go until five tonight.

"No problem for my favorite coworker," Merida teased. Merida hated working at that damn grocery store, but Tiana helped her through it. "So, I heard your restaurant is getting some big award."

"Yeah, the town is making it the official southern restaurant of Berk." Tiana grinned. Tia couldn't believe how much her restaurant had grown in the past five years. For decades, Tiana was told it would never amount to anything so she should quit while she's ahead, but Tia wasn't a quitter. She was going to make her dream come true, even if it meant wishing on Evening Stars with Charlotte.

"Tia, that's awesome!" Merida cheered. Merida was so proud of her bestie. Tia had worked so hard on her restaurant and now she was finally getting the attention she deserved.

"So, do you have a job?" Tiana questioned. Merida shook her head, her red curls bouncing everywhere.

"Naw, I stay at home with the little lassies." Merida replied as she scrunched up her nose teasingly. Merida loved her children and didn't even like the idea of sending them to daycare.

"Where is little Henry? I've only seen pictures of him on FaceBook." Tiana declared. As if on cue, Henry started crying from his room. Merida excused herself and went to grab the little rascal. She calmed him down as she sat back down by Tiana.

"Would you like to hold him?" Merida offered. Tiana quickly nodded her head. Merida held out her arms and passed her son to her best friend.

"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest thing I've ever seen." Tiana exclaimed as she bopped his nose. Tia rocked him back and forth. She loved babies. When she first married Naveen, they didn't plan on having kids. But after Tia's mother begged for grandkids, Naveen and Tia knew they made the right choice. They loved their little Evening Star and couldn't imagine a life without her.

"Isn't he just a wee lassie?" Merida cooed as Henry took her finger in his hand.

"Oh yes." Tia grinned and she awed over the little baby. She had to admit, he was almost a perfect combination of Hiccup and Merida. He had Merida's blue eyes and you could see his light patch of brown hair. He was an adorable little baby. He almost made Tia want to have another.

"Getting baby fever, aren't ya Tia?" Merida teased. She knew her best friend couldn't resist herself when it came to babies.

"Honestly, I think so sugar." Tia laughed as she cuddled with Henry.

~Kristoff and Anna~
"No! Kristen! Don't touch that!" Anna warned as she ran to the little blonde who was playing outside with her cousins. Kristen was a very curious toddler and the other children didn't notice that she ran away towards the mud puddle.

"Ooo!" She awed as she stared at the sloppy mess. Anna and her had a stare off. Kristen was in her perfect pink dress and her whitest shoes. One step in that puddle and the pink and white would turn into a dirty brown. Anna couldn't let her stain her dress and shoes.

"Kristen. Come to mommy." Anna smiled as she waved her fingers to herself. The little girl looked between her mother and the puddle, trying to make a choice. She took another step towards the puddle.

"Kristen." Kristoff called, making her turn around. She smiled, thinking her dad would let her go in the puddle. She slowly took another step to the sloppy mess.

"No! Stop!" Anna scolded as the toddler sat down in the puddle. Anna groaned and pulled on her hair. Elsa had made that dress for Easter and Kristen already ruined it. The toddler laughed and threw mud everywhere, rubbing it in her hair.

Kristoff chuckled and wrapped his arm around Anna's shoulder. "It's will be alright. At least she's having fun." Kristoff smiled.

"Then you can be the one to tell Elsa what happened." Anna fired back. Kristoff's eyes went wide as he bit on his lower lip. He shook it off and smiled.

"I'm sure Elsa will understand. She loves Kristen. She knows how children are anyways, right?" Kristoff replied, pushing away the thought of Elsa freaking out. He's only seen that side maybe four times in his life, and he doesn't want to go through that again.

"Speaking of which, she has to watch Rap's kids next week." Anna spoke. Kristoff's eyes went wide again as he looked at his wife.

"Like the boys and the baby?" Kristoff exclaimed. Everyone know that Elsa wasn't one for sloppy children. She liked things neat and orderly.

Anna nodded her head and hummed. "I can't believe she agreed. She met the kids at the get together a while back, so she knows how they act." Anna added. Anna knew her sister too well. Elsa wouldn't have agreed unless she felt guilty. Rapunzel's must be doing something important.

"They could have called us. We could have watched the kids." Kristoff shrugged. He figured they could take care of two wild boys and a baby. After all, they've handle their child well.

Anna looked at her husband and narrowed her eyes. "Really? You want to take care of two rowdy boys, a baby, and a little girl while your wife is pregnant? That sound like so much fun." Anna sarcastically cheered. Kristoff huffed, knowing she was right. That job sounded horrible.

"Fine, maybe Mer." Kristoff offered. Anna slapped him and scoffed.

"Just stop making excuses. Elsa can handle this. I believe in her." Anna replied. They looked out at their little girl having the time of her life. Mud was splashing everywhere. If you didn't see her earlier today, you wouldn't have know that her dress was pink.

"Do you think she'll be able to do it by herself?" Kristoff asked after a few moments of silence. Anna frowned and bit her lower lip. Could Elsa really do it by herself?

"Ya," Anna assured. Kristoff shrugged his shoulders, not in the same page as her. He figured that Elsa would break down by the second night. There's no way she'd be able to live there that long. "Besides, if she needs help, we're always fifteen minutes away." Anna added.

"I think we'll be watching them more than she will be." Kristoff teased. Anna chuckled, knowing he was just joking. Hopefully, Els had this under control, but something kept bugging her. There's no way they just planned for Elsa to watch the kids.

Jack walked up to the door and knocked. Footsteps were heard running up and down the house. Jack smiled, ready for some fun. "Jack!" The happy blonde greeted as she opened the door. Suddenly, a little head ran past her, almost knocking her over. "Hehe, won't you come in?"

"Thanks Rap." Jack grinned as he entered the madhouse. The house was mess, clothes and toys scattered everywhere, but Jack couldn't care less. He looked around and noticed the pictures hanging on the wall. Sounds of laughter were heard from the living room. Jack followed the voices and saw Eugene laying on the floor with the kids attacking him.

"Charge!" Zachary yelled as he ran past Jack. He had a small Vikings football helmet on. He sped towards his brother as fast as lightning.

"Hey Jack," Eugene greeted. Suddenly, Zach smashed into Eugene's stomach headfirst. Jack flinched as Eugene just pushed the laughing child away. "Used to it by now." Eugene chuckled as Bastian jumped on his back, bringing him to the ground.

"Daddy! Can we play football?" Zachary asked as he jumped onto Eugene's back. Jack listened to them talk as he sat on the couch. Rapunzel took a seat beside him, holding the clone of her. The baby giggled and looked at Jack.

"Zach's always been good at sports." Rapunzel mumbled as they watched Eugene pass the ball to the boys. Zach could easily catch it, while every once in a while Bastian would drop it.

"I can tell," Jack chuckled. The boys would try to throw it back, but it usually just hit the floor or was really far away from Eugene. Rosie reached towards Jack, trying to his attention. "Hey Rosie." Jack greeted as he took the baby's finger. She smiled.

"Here, you can hold her." Rapunzel offered as she plopped he baby onto his lap. She laughed as Rapunzel quickly snuck away. Now was her time to get some quiet time. She could finally relax.

Jack watched her basically sprint away. He looked down at the baby. She was happy, for once. Jack finally figured out at he had been played. "Jack! You should come play!" Bastian yelled. He was on the floor being tackled by Zach.

"The winner!" He cheered as he sat on Bastian. Bastian laughed and rolled over, now on top of Zach. They laughed as they took turns being on top. Eventually, Zach pinned him and stayed on somehow. "Still the winner!" He cheered again. He felt to hands pick him up and tossed him in the air. He squealed in delight as Eugene caught him.

"Ooo! Me next!" Bastian smiled as he held his arms up. Eugene took turns tossing each child in the air. After a long time of that, Rosie started babbling. She seemed content watching her brothers fly.

Eventually, Eugene told the boys to go play because he was tired. The kids believed it and ran back to their room, ready to play with something new. Eugene sighed as he sat down beside Jack and the baby. "Hey Jack. Hey Rosie." Eugene greeted.

The baby smiled at her dad and Jack, showing that she was okay with him. That was a first, usually she didn't approve of the babysitters. Maybe Jack was a good choice for the kids. "She never smiles at anyone." Rap spoke from behind the group.

Eugene spin around with a huge grin. "That's what I was just about to say!" He exclaimed. Immediately Rapunzel wrapped her arms around Jack, nearly suffocating him.

"You're perfect! I knew the kids would love you!" She cheered. Jack laughed and pushed her off.

"What the big deal about having little R smile at me?" He asked as she took his fingers and placed them in her mouth. Jack wasn't worried because he had just washed his hands. Eugene traded the fingers for a pacifier, knowing that Jack would like that more.

"She doesn't really like anyone but family. Hell, she hardly like my parents." Eugene smiled as he rested his feet on the coffee table. Now they could relax in peace. The baby actually enjoyed someone.

"So?" Jack questioned as he shook his head. Rapunzel jumped in the couch beside her husband, ready to answer.

"Sooo that means the kids will love you for the next week!" Rapunzel smiled. Things were going to go great. The kids loved Jack and Elsa. Everything would be fine...hopefully.


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