Cut And Dried

By rutimabe

275K 15.9K 278

The Women of Woodstock (Book 2) Brent Simons the most charismatic Hollywood megastar on the planet today. Top... More

Highlights or Perm?
A British Institution
You nearly Had Your Chips
The Chips Are Down
Wanna Bet
What Have I Done
I'm a Movie Stars Girlfriend
The Works
Gentle Steps
All Dressed Up
The Charity Gala
How To Deal With Stars
Bloody Actors
Damn The Internet
Sod The Media
Going Home
Just The Start
Back To Normal (You Think?)
Help Is At Hand
Kidnapped (Sort Of)
Out In The Open
The Parents
Pleased To See Me (Yeah Right!)
Kidnapped Again
What A Bombshell!
Back To Reality
No Way
What Now?
Sheer Madness
Oh What A Night (Pt I)
Oh What A Night (Pt II)
A New Me
Hood Winked
Press Ganged
Collateral Damage
Welcome Home
The Dreaded Visit
You Idiot
This Is War
Back To Work
Trust Me
All Is Forgiven
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt I)
A Non Movie Stars Life (Pt II)
Family Values
Building Bridges
To Little To Late?
Next In The Series

The Fellowship

4.2K 267 2
By rutimabe


As I entered my lounge, Claudia and Destiny were already there.

"Thank God your here" Claudia sighed as she crossed the room and gave me a quick sisterly hug, before continuing.

"Since we last spoke things have taken a turn for the worse and I would bet my life that our parents are behind it"

"Why what's happened" I enquired.

Then Claudia explained the hate and abuse that had been directed at Chrissie and how Jasper and Mandy have put her up in their B and B for the time being and assigned Gavin and Lisa Smith to accompany her everywhere.

I relaxed a bit at least she was safe now, though the more I thought about the situation the more I became convinced like Claudia that this was the work of our parents, having tried and failed to stop me from wanting Chrissie, they were now trying to get Chrissie to stop wanting me, this just fueled my anger, I was bought out of my building rage by Claudia pushed my arm.

" Hey Brent are you listening to me"

"Um, sorry what did you say"

"I said we have come up with a plan, now will you stop pacing and sit down and listen" she yelled.

It seemed the situation was getting to all of us, our parents had interfered in all our lives as far back as I could remember, grooming us in the way they wanted us to be, but they hadn't taking in to consideration our stubbornness to lead our own lives.

And they were ignorant of the fact their children had formed a pact years ago to help each other against our parents planned futures for us, the pact my sisters laughing called the fellowship after the Lord of the rings film and it had stuck to this day.

"Good now I have your attention, this is the plan we have come up with"

And Claudia went on to explain, the thing with Claudia is she is a detail freak and this whole plan was like a military operation, as I had already seen our parents and told them the situation, we knew they would have eyes on us and be watching every move we made.

So we had to make it look like everything was carrying on as normal, as we set everything up ready for us to make our move.

I had to get Tyler to arrange an interview on the pretence of the new film that I would be working on for a small indie company, but in reality it would be the first string to our bow to be played out later, the hardest part for me was to visit and convince my worst critics of my intentions Chrissie's family.

Destiny as she was the one not affected by our parents demands and as term time in England hadn't started yet, would be the spy in their camp, soshe would go home and stay and report if our parents got any inkling as to what we were up to.

Claudia would be repairing some of the damage my big mouth had caused at the premiere, but she wouldn't let on how she was going to accomplish this, only saying I had to grovel myself to get Chrissie's forgiveness for my outburst.

The whole fiasco seemed so ludicrous,  like a plot from a B rated movie, evil parents against the good guys, in this case their own kids, I couldn't help but shake my head, all for the sake of power and wealth, but at the expense of true love and happiness.

Anyway enough of these melancholy thoughts, I need to get going if I was to stand a chance of repairing the damage I had caused with Chrissie.



Don't get me wrong I was grateful for all the help Mandy and Jasper had given me, but having Mr and Mrs Jackson around all the time was a bit claustrophobic, though they were very nice and stayed out of my way as much as they could.

The attention on me had died down and all but gone, the odd look at me as I walked down the street, but as I now restricted my going out to walking to work and back even the slanderous calls were infrequent.

I just wanted to get back to the way things were before a certain movie star came into my life, but I knew that would take a long time because, yes I was well and truly in love with Mr Brent Simons and even after all that had happened, I still loved him even if my heart was smashed to pieces.

They say there's a fine line between love and hate and I knew as much as I hated him for what he had done, I loved him for what he had done before, if that makes sense.



Now seated at my desk in the study, Tyler was strutting back and forth in front of me on his phone and by the hand motions he was having an intense conversation with somebody.

At last finishing the call, he put away his phone.

"Okay Brent it's all agreed the interview as you want it and shown when you give the okay"

"Thanks Tyler" since Tyler became my new PR manager I felt a whole lot better, god why didn't I see Debbie for what she was before, I was so stupid.

But now at least that part was prepped and ready, next was the hard part Chrissie's family, boy was I not looking forward to this part, I needed to come up with a slam dunk game plan, but so far it had eluded me.

"Hey Tyler, I need you to arrange travel and stay in Manchester England for me, for after the interview, oh and you will be coming with me"

"Gee, thanks" he moaned. "But your on your own with the family" he quickly added.

"Gee, thanks" I mimicked his reply.

"Well if I'm honest Brent, you bought this on yourself and if you have the feelings you say you have for Chrissie, then you would have to face them sometime"

"Yeah I know" I sighed.

"It's a shame her family didn't spend more time on getting rid of their own bitterness towards men and move on rather than try and influence Chrissie, I mean just because they had bad judgement and can't move dosen't mean Chrissie will follow suit" moaned Tyler.

Then it struck me!

"What did you just say"

"I said it's a shame, they shouldn't try and influence Chrissie"

"No, no! Not that about their bitterness"

"I said, It's a shame her family didn't spend more time on getting rid of their own bitterness towards men"

I leapt up out of my chair and hugged Tyler, making him gape in surprise.

"Tyler you are a bloody genius, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, that's it, that's the answer I have been looking for" and for good measure I hugged Tyler again.

I just wish I knew how Claudia was going to deal with Chrissie and hopefully give me a shot at mending our relationship.

Hell I missed her so much it hurt.

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