
By FluffyPieCaKe

23K 1.3K 1.9K

Mistakes are made, secrets are exposed, blood is spilled, and rumors run free. It's all for one cause ... Sur... More

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1.2K 89 75
By FluffyPieCaKe

"Zayn ... Zayn ..."

Harry huffs and dips on the bed next to him. He tries to wake him up gently by calling his name again but gets no type of reaction in return. He knows it's too early and that they both slept late, and he did knock on the door to find it unlocked, which he needs to remind Zayn to take care of that the next time.

He thinks of shaking him awake instead, but his hands rest on Zayn's shoulders once they make contact there. The skin is smooth, and he finds his hands trailing down to Zayn's back and ... He should stop. Zayn isn't wearing anything. He quickly retreats his hands and pushes Zayn's hair out of his face instead. The silky locks fall between his fingers and he leans in to call his name one more time.

"Zayn, wake up already!"

It's still not loud to jolt him awake, but his sleepy figure is distracting Harry. How his long lashes rest upon his cheeks, and the slightly pouty lips, and his scent that he could smell on his neck, and his soft skin underneath his fingers ... Yes he should really stop. But Harry's mind doesn't process that sentence quickly enough that he finds his hands trailing under the covers to Zayn's side and then his thighs.

Zayn shifts slightly and his eyes flutter open. Harry is jolted back to a sitting position, but Zayn could swear he felt something weird.

"Finally awake!" Harry gets off the bed, "Come on, we don't have much time before everybody is awake"

Zayn frowns, "Why the hell are you waking me up so early?"

"You don't want to stay until-" Harry cuts himself off, "Well, let's just say it's better to get up now if we want to leave the castle"

Zayn sighs and blinks a few times, "And where exactly are we going?" he groans flipping back on the pillows.

Harry grins, "To a nearby village" Zayn rubs his face and sits up again giving him an annoyed look. Harry turns to pick a pile of clothes throwing them at Zayn's direction so that they land on the bed next to him.

Zayn runs his hands through them and narrows his eyes at Harry. "These are men's clothes"

"I figured you'd be more comfortable in that. The people won't recognize you outside the castle. That's why you need to hurry up!" Harry walks to a chair sitting on it waiting, "And by the way, don't forget to lock your door next time"

Zayn sighs again. He has no idea why Harry is taking him to a village, but if that means to be himself for a while, then that's more than okay. But there's also the doubt of 'until' He doesn't know if Harry is doing it for him or against him. Either way, he doesn't have much choice really, so he just gets up and put whatever Harry gave him, and surprisingly, they fit very well. And if he noticed Harry watching –again– he doesn't comment on it.

Harry gets up once Zayn's finished and knocks again on the wall. It opens after a few seconds and Liam is there to lead them out.


Dulwich, London, England.

"Are we going to stay there all day? Won't people notice our sudden disappearance?"

"First, I had Liam and your ladies know where we're heading in case you still think I'm planning to kill you or something" Harry turns to look at Zayn who shrugs at him.

"I'm surrounded by English people. Of course I'd make assumptions"

"Anyway, you looked like you're suffocated inside the castle, and I thought that having some fresh air away from all that banter would do you some good, also be yourself ... My parents aren't very fond of you, and you're not making it easier on yourself either"

Zayn scoffs, "Your parents are annoying, not my fault that I care for myself and my country ... And you still haven't answered my question!"

Harry sighs, "Even if they ask about our whereabouts, they'll know that you and I are together. What's the harm in wanting to take my princess out to see the country?" he smiles.

Zayn doesn't glare at Harry for calling him a princess, even when he doesn't need to when they're alone. Sometimes he needs to forget that, but other times he thinks he needs to actually put that in mind. "Remind me again why we're here?" Zayn requires.

Harry sighs, Zayn had been asking him the same question since they left and hasn't stopped until they arrived. "There's some ... old friend visiting the castle-"

"You mean old flame?" Zayn teases. Harry turns to look at him and shakes his head, "Oh come on. I won't judge you. You can have ten mistresses for all I care. You'll allowed to love" Zayn turns and squints his eyes at the sun. Harry doesn't miss how they turn sparkling gold in the sunlight. His stomach starts to make noises and he turns to glare at Harry when he chuckles. "It's your fault that I didn't have breakfast. You basically dragged me out of my bed!"

Harry raises his hands in surrender and his eyes catch a tavern. "I didn't eat myself" he motions for Zayn to follow him, "Come on!"

They enter and order some food. And Zayn is glad he gets to eat without a corset squeezing his body. Without anything girly covering his body.

Harry chuckles at him, "Where did your table manners go?"

Zayn glares at him, "I don't need them right now, so fuck off"

"You really need to watch how you talk" Zayn sends him another annoyed look, "One slip of your tongue can be harmful-" Zayn decides to ignore him for the rest of his speech.

"Your drinks gentlemen" A girl comes up to them, staring a bit too much into Zayn's eyes when putting his drink, and Harry won't blame her. When Zayn's hair is pulled back, his eyes shines the most. Then she turns to Harry with a smile and a wink.

"Is it weird to miss it but as the same time not?" Zayn asks.

"What is?"

Zayn cocks an eyebrow but Harry doesn't exactly follow. Zayn traces his own arm under the sleeve then shakes his head. "Nothing ... Forget it" he leans back in his chair sipping his drink. Harry somehow understands what Zayn is aiming for, but doesn't push him to actually say it. It must be weird enough for him. They finish and leave.

There's a shooting competition inside the village, along with many other tents around. It looks like a celebration. He turns to Harry and smirks.

"Your shooting skills were the funniest thing to watch"

Harry frowns, "That was five years ago!" he protests, "And just because you saw me hunting once doesn't mean I suck at it!"

Zayn raises his eyebrows with his smirk still plastered on his face. "Show me then!" he walks towards the place the competition is being held at and motions for the man responsible for it for them to compete instead.

Harry didn't lie. His shooting skills were indeed horrible, but he got better. He picks a bow and an arrow and aims.

"Try to actually get it inside the board" Zayn whispers from behind him.

Harry misses.

He can hear Zayn's loud laugh from behind him before he turns to see him bent backwards then trying so hard to hold his laughter. It's not his fault Zayn distracted him and if things were different, he would say Zayn actually intended it. At least Zayn is laughing.

He holds another arrow and aims again. This time without Zayn's breath on his neck, he gets it right in the middle. He turns back with a smirk. Zayn bites his lip looking at Harry's arrow.

"That's the best you can do?" Zayn grabs his own bow and arrow and aims at the same board.

His arrow cuts through Harry's own landing at the same spot. It's his turn to smirk at Harry, raising his head high proudly. Harry basically got two arrows so he grabs another, landing at the same spot again, making people gasp in awe.

"Two against one ... I can go all day, but you'd still lose" Zayn whispers teasingly again in his ear and Harry decides that this game would go nowhere like this, so he just allows Zayn to enjoy this little moment of victory.


Despite Zayn's protests that he didn't want to get back, they had to. It was nearly sunset and Harry knew his parents would throw a fit about their sneak out. So they got back to the castle. Zayn actually thought it was kind of Harry to think about his happiness between all what's happening around them and he politely thanked him for the day.

He returned back to his chamber sighing heavily. He had to get back to being a princess, and it isn't one of his favorite things to do. His ladies were talking about the arrival of someone important in the castle, and Zayn guesses it's the same person Harry was talking about, the one he wanted Zayn away from. The reason is still unknown to Zayn.

Simple light dresses might be his best choice. Too much fabric makes him feel self-conscious, and too many details isn't his thing. So here he was, in a burgundy sheath long satin dress that is cut above his chest but covered in lace up to his neck and arms. His hair is left down, naturally straight, with a golden headband. Well, simple for a princess.

"Princess Tiana" someone calls and walks towards him bowing his head slightly and Zayn mirrors his action. He's at the same height and Zayn notices from the way he dresses he must be a noble. "Lord Louis Tomlinson" he introduces himself.

"Louis ..." Zayn repeats quietly. And the fake smile on Louis' face doesn't fade as he waits for Zayn to continue, but he just trails.

"I take it that you heard of me?"

"No" Zayn quickly replies, "It's just ... Your name is French" Louis nods.

"Well I was born in France"

"Oh ..." Louis seems unimpressed by him but Zayn doesn't exactly know what to say, "So you're French?"

Louis inhales and opens his mouth then smiles again, "You're naïve"

"Excuse me?" Zayn frowns.

"You're supposed to be the next queen of two countries yet you have zero information about the country you're currently in-"

"Well, I'm learning"

Louis nods slowly then looks over him, "You're really beautiful ... What a shame" Zayn furrows his brows, "You're just not Harry's type" he says and walks past him.

"Surely there are some information that you're missing" Zayn simply turns, not really fazed by Louis' words making Louis turn in his heels as well, "I don't really care if I'm Harry's type or not. This is simply an alliance between us. We're friends, and that's all ever needed between us"

Louis smiles again approaching him, "Even a queen can't disobey a king's order. If you can't have his heart, then a mistress can turn your life hell ... You're thinking about the military options for your country, and if the German are keeping the French away at that moment, you can't guarantee that the English would move for your country as well ... You're surrounded by English people inside an English territory ... What possible power that you have without an English king?"

They stare at each other for a minute before Louis walks away leaving Zayn alone to think of his words. Zayn hates to admit it, but Louis is right. What power does he hold inside the castle walls? He had been strengthened by Germany's army at the borders. When the queen got a simple idea of replacing him no one would stand by his side.

It's a scary thought. How he has absolutely no ally inside the English court, which he needs to gather some as soon as he can. A thought invades his mind at Louis' words, that if Tiana was at his position instead, things might have been better. She's for one a girl, someone that Harry could fall in love with by time, and have heirs from.

What can he offer?


"Lord Louis is indeed French, but he doesn't follow France. He's been living in England for too many years that he gathered his own men around him. Basically he fights for himself, and what he sees the winning team" Liam explains to Zayn.

He found him on his own sitting beside the lake so he decided to join him.

"A traitor"

"But he's well respected inside the English court, and in a very wide scale in England as well. Even peasants know him. The king and queen respects his opinions. He is quite handy, and Harry's friend as well"

Zayn sighs, "How could they trust someone like him? If he betrayed his country, what makes them think he won't betray them?"

Liam stares at him for a minute, "What did he say that got on your nerves that much?"

Zayn closes his eyes and lay back. He needs a moment. Louis is someone that he can't face, not now at least. But he needs to prove himself a worthy opponent. Just ... What can he do?

"This is not how a princess sits!" he opens an eye to look at Elma who's giving him a look of disapproval. "And what do you two think you are doing? People would start rumors if they see you like this!"

Zayn groans but sits up properly. Elma motions for Liam to scoot to the side so she can sit between the two. "Now, who are we gossiping about?"

Zayn and Liam share a look then chuckle. "Girl's stuff"

"Better get used to it!" Liam replies to him making Zayn roll his eyes.

Elma looks between the two frowning then back at Zayn's heels that are neglected on the grass next to him. "My feet hurt" he whines kicking the heels further. Elma gasps as they roll and fall into the lake. She gets up quickly trying to get to them but she stumbles. Zayn tries to help her but she pulls him with her and Liam tries to pull Zayn but they all end up splashing into the lake.

"I swear you're going to expose yourself!" Elma shouts at him but Zayn laughs at how horrified she looks. They're all wet, but outside thanks to Liam.

Zayn tries to walk but winces, his ankle has been twisted, and ends up leaning on Liam, still giggling when Elam huffs each two seconds clearly irritated about her state.

"Making friends, are we?" Zayn looks up to see Louis. Again. "You'll need them" he nods once towards Liam, "But unfortunately, that's not how everybody sees it" Louis' gaze return to his with a smirk. "Drunk with another man. It's not good for your reputation. Especially with too many eyes watching"

"I'm not drunk" Zayn straightens up, "And-"

"Darling, who would listen to your explanations when they've already seen what happened" Louis cuts him off. "I honestly feel bad for Harry. The amount of rumors that you'll bring upon him" he turns to Liam, "And this poor guard. I wonder how the prince would handle the rumors" he turns back to Zayn, "I'll leave you now then" then he walks away.

Zayn sighs, "That's exactly why he gets on my nerves"

"At least you still look like a princess when you're soaked up" Elma mumbles from his side.

Zayn turns to look at Liam and he seems worried less than panicked, he blinks slowly and follows his gaze where it lands on Harry approaching them, and not with a happy expression either. He can only guess that Louis has a hand in this.

"He twisted his ankle and I was just helping him to get back to his room" Liam explains.

"Might as well carry him there" Harry replies and Zayn frowns. "Elma" he calls but still having his eyes on Liam, "Mind helping Zayn from here?"

"Oh ... yeah, sure" she replies.

"Thank you" Zayn tells Liam quietly, "For everything" he smiles, but Liam just nods letting go of him so he leans on Elma instead. Liam is Harry's friend so he doesn't even think that Harry would punish him for some rumor that isn't true and doesn't even concern him that much, giving the fact that they're not together, and that rumors won't affect their relationship. It's merely political.

But a glance back at Liam who is looking down as if he's ashamed or something changes his mind. Nothing happened. And he's even a guy, that Liam knows he is one, so it's all just for nothing.

He leaves Elma and limps back to them.

"I have no idea why we are doing this, but listen, what harm would it cause some rumors being told between servants?" Harry doesn't look his way but at least he diverts his gaze away from Liam. "I smell Louis in this, but it doesn't matter what he told you. Harry, you already know that I'm not really a princess"

"Zayn" Harry turns to him, "Just go to your room"

Zayn crosses his arms, "Rumors would die eventually if you're worried about yourself. And I don't really care about whatever is going to be told about me. Drop the subject, Harry"

"So you're telling me what to do now?" Harry raises his brows.

Zayn sighs, "I'm reminding you that Liam is your friend that doesn't deserve whatever punishment you're planning to give him. I'm well aware he could handle rumors as well"

Harry narrows his eyes at him, "And why are you defending him?"

Zayn thinks it's a pretty good chance to start gathering his allies now. "Because he's a friend. And I care about my friends"

"Go to your room" Harry repeats again.

"Not before you release Liam"

"He's one of my guards"

"He's one of your friends" Zayn retorts.

Harry stares at him for a while then motions for Liam to go who gladly does as quickly as he can without rushing. Harry walks backwards a few steps then turns to walk away.

"What you don't know is what happens inside the castle's dungeons" Zayn jumps and turns quickly to find a very amused Louis. "What you also don't know is that you're only making it worse" Louis shakes his head. "By the time you're done comprehending this, I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything about it" Louis smirks and walks away like he always does. Leaving Zayn's head a mess. Again, Louis proves to him that he's just a kid interfering in adults' matters.


"Princess!" Liam's eyes go wide when Zayn approaches him that night.

Zayn smiles at him, "The rumors gave me quite the good time that I needed. God, I feel like I'm witnessing the life of another, which is partially true" he sighs, "I hope you don't take it seriously from your side, I mean-" he cuts himself off seeing the way Liam's eyes glance around him in fear. Zayn glance around carefully, "Liam, are you sensitive to rumors?"

Liam's eyes stop at him, "Uh ... no, it's ..."

Zayn takes a step back, "Okay, fine. I'll try to bribe the servants to keep their mouths shut if that satisfies you"

Liam shakes his head quickly, "That's not it ..." he pulls Zayn along until they stop in front of a room and they enter.

"That's definitely doesn't help your case" Zayn chuckles.

"Don't stand against Louis. He does have a hand in this, and you can't face him"

Zayn sighs taking a seat and Liam sits next to him, "What's his gains out of this? To kick me out? Rumors can't do that to me. As long as the German army stays at England's borders fighting against the French, the English can't get rid of me"

Liam takes a deep breath, "I learned today that Louis sent his own forces to replace the Germans" Zayn turns to him with wide eyes and a gaped mouth. "A word has been sent to the Germans that we would handle the situation at the sea, but of course thanking them for their efforts to not to be seen as the English getting rid of them"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I owe you ... And I hate Louis. But also because this might lead to a war between us and your country. And Louis doesn't have a whole country's army to support us" he pauses, "This might have sounded a little selfish from my side-"

"That you care for your country?" Zayn interrupts him, "I would have done the same for my own"

"Well?" Liam asks, "What are you planning to do?"

Zayn turns to him, "Can I trust you?"

"Of course!"

"Then I need you to deliver a message to the German army standing at the borders before they leave ... Personally"


The next day, Zayn stands at a window with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sounds like you're learning faster than I thought" Louis' voice is heard from behind him and he turns slightly and nods once. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all" Zayn replies turning to look out of the window again.

"So ... I've received news that my messenger died on his way to Eastbourne"

"How unfortunate, I'm sorry for your loss" Zayn still keeps his smile not turning towards Louis.

"What exactly are you aiming for?" Louis hisses at him.

Zayn turns then, "I'm just fighting fire by fire. You have to be careful ... You don't want to get burnt"

"Didn't someone tell you not to play with matches? It might burn you as well" Louis spits through gritted teeth but Zayn doesn't flinch.

"All your power comes from your men. I wonder what would you be without them" Zayn turns and leaves. And for the first time, Louis is the one left to his thoughts.


"Your fiancée is surely an impressive young lady"

Harry turns his head to find Louis. "Yes, she is" he mumbles slowly.

"I can only hope that she'd stop sneaking behind your back when she becomes queen as well" Louis shakes his head, "An accusation of adultery would cause her head to be chipped off her pretty little body"

Harry's brows come together, "Are you implying you want her dead?"

"I'm just worried about your future. If you cut the threat now, you needn't worry then" Louis pats his shoulder and leaves.

Harry stays there for a moment before storming out of the hall and calling for Liam.

Liam steps into his room carefully.

"You were gone for an entire day" Harry starts. "As your prince I command you to tell me where were you?"

"I ... was out carrying a letter under the princess's request"

Harry motions for everyone else in the room other than Liam to leave.

"You are having too many secret conversations with my fiancée. Mind telling me why?"

Liam looks up at him, "Harry, we're just friends. He just needed someone he could trust inside the castle. I know who he is and it makes him comfortable to just be-"

"With you?" Harry finishes for him. "I thought you were my friend"

"I am!" Liam protests.

"Then why are you doing things behind my back?" Harry shouts, "Since when do you do that?!"

Liam stays quiet for a moment until Harry calms down, "I'm sorry"

Harry stares at him for a while then flops on a chair rubbing at his temples. "For your sake ... Stay away from him"

Liam gulps. "Yes, your highness"


"There are so many generals being summoned to the castle. What's going on?" Giselle whispers to Zayn.

"I have no idea"

"Where's Liam? Why don't you ask him? I'm sure he knows something" Hylda whispers from his other side.

"Liam's been avoiding me for days ... And Harry too. I have no idea what's going on" he sighs.

He sees a seething Louis approaching him and he rolls his eyes.

"My army is falling because the Germans are firing back at it!" he yells at him.

"Oh ... What a shame" Zayn smiles.

"The French are seeing this as an opportunity to fire at England as well" he hisses, "You wanted to see blood? There you have it!" he then storms to somewhere else and Zayn covers his face with his hands. He had no idea this would happen. He should've thought about the consequences before sending that letter.

Elma approaches them quickly with a panicked expression on her face. "The king is furious about what happened at Eastbourne and is leading an army himself to go there, while sending the prince to Weymouth. The French seems to have seen a chance in getting to England when the German army is weakened at the battle and they're pushing forces into the sea"

"Oh god" Zayn panics. His little actions is now causing a real war. One that he was desperate to put off.

The queen spots them while she's pacing down the halls and hurries to them.

"Louis told me about your filthy actions!" she whisper shouts. "If my husband and son didn't return safely from the war that you caused, I'll have your head cut by my own hands" she glares at him then leaves quickly.

"We better start praying then" Hylda says.

Zayn shuts his eyes tightly. He caused this war. People are dying because of him. Yes, he better start praying.

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