Solace {A Game of Thrones Fan...

By vaffles

139K 3.7K 196

She reached her hand forward. Theon jerked back a little in instinct. He could feel his whole body shake. "I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 23

2.7K 71 3
By vaffles

Even though it had been a day or so, Theon was unable to relax. He was petrified that Ramsay would find out. When he found out what Theon had told Sansa, who knows what he would do to Tara. Even though a part of Theon knew it was reckless, he had to go see Tara. He had to make sure she was okay.

Theon made his way to the whore house. Luckily enough, Ramsay had gone out in battle against Stannis Baratheon. No one would notice him while they were all out fighting. That was the only reason Theon was able to convince himself that it was safe enough to check on Tara.

He walked into the whore house and immediately looked for Tara. He found her and started to pull her up to the room. She had been completed surprised by Theon. Theon was just glad he was able to find her. They finally made it to the room and Theon shut the door.

"Theon. Goodness, you scared me." Tara started to say.

Theon hugged her suddenly. Tara for a moment was confused, but then soon returned the embrace.

"I'm so glad you are okay." Theon pulled away from the hug, "I was scared Ramsay found out."

"Found out what? What happened?"

"I told Sansa that it wasn't Bran and Rickon." Theon's eyes meet the ground, "I shouldn't have said anything."

Tara placed her hand on his shoulder, "It's alright." Tara tried to comfort him.

"No, no. He's going to find out and he'll punish you." Theon said. He let go of her. He was angry at himself and it was apparent in his words.

"He already did." Tara said.

Theon looked up at Tara in shock. "What did he do to you?" He grabbed her hands out of concern.

"He," Tara even had a hard time saying it herself, "He raped me."

Theon shook his head. It absolutely devastated him that he couldn't protect her like he promised himself a long time ago. No matter what he did, she was always the one to be punished. He just wished that some times the pain would fall on him instead of her.

"He did it again for no reason. If he knew you had told Sansa, he would have done something much worse." Tara said full of concern and fear. "He's too unpredictable."

Theon thought hard for a moment. A great amount of anger grew inside of him.

"We can't stay here Tara." Theon said, "I'm scared for when he finds out what I told Sansa. I don't know what he will do."

"We have to try. We need to leave. Even if we die trying." Tara said.

Tara's words started to stir something up inside of Theon. She was right, but Theon was not courageous enough. He even knew it himself. Tara on the other hand started to think out a plan to escape.

"We should leave now. Ramsay and all his men are too distracted by the battle." Tara stood up and started to rummage through drawers. "You need to go get a rope. We could use it to escape from the broken-"

Theon cut her off, "What if you do die Tara?"

Tara stopped. She turned back to look at Theon. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"I won't be able to live on without you." Theon meant it.

Tara sat down next to him and held his hand tight.

"If I die, I will have died trying. I will die doing something I believe in and I believe in you." Tara said. She had been through this before.

"If I die you keep going. You understand me? Promise me. Promise me Theon Greyjoy."

Theon nodded his head. "I promise."

"Be brave for me." Tara said, "Everything will be okay." She had said the exact same to her little sister years before. The last time she knew not everything would be okay. However, this time she had no idea what was going to happen.


Theon was walking across Winterfell as fast as he could. His heart was beating out of his chest, but like always he just thought about Tara's words.

The plan was for Theon to get Sansa from her chambers. Tara would be ready in the broken tower. The only catch was they had to be fast. They absolutely had to leave before Ramsay and his men returned from battle.

Theon walked across the walkways along the walls of winterfell. He scanned all around watching for anyone who would catch him. Unfortunately, he did find someone.

Myranda was standing directly in front of him. He tried to avoid her, but she made direct eye contact with him. She had definitely spotted him. Theon's whole heart dropped. He knew now that not everything would be okay.

Tara had put on all of her winter clothing. She knew she had to be very fast especially since Theon had left for Sansa quite a few minutes before her. Tara had to find something very important before she could leave.

Tara walked briskly across the yard. She looked around up at the broken tower. No one would hopefully be in there considering it's state of disrepair. Tara checked both ways before she started to climb up the stairs to the top of the broken tower. She paused for a moment when she saw the candle flickering in the window. But who could have lit it? As she approached the flame, her attention turned to the thousands of dead bodies that were in sight through the window. Tara started to worry.

Theon stood behind Myranda. She held her bow with an arrow in it pointed directly at Sansa. Theon really did want the plan to work, but there was no way it could now.

"My lady, I have come to escort you back to your chambers." Myranda said nicely despite the bow.

"I know what Ramsay is." Sansa spoke unwavered. "I know what he'll do to me. If I'm going to die, let it happen when there's still some of me left." Sansa looked at Theon the entire time she spoke.

"Die?" Myranda put down her bow, "Who said anything about dying? You can't die. Your father was warden of the North. Ramsay needs you."

Myranda almost smiled, "Though I suppose he doesn't need all of you. Just the parts he needs to make his heir. Until you've given him a boy or two and he's done using them."

Myranda raised the bow again, "Then he's got incredible plans for those parts. So should we wait for him to come back or should we begin now?"

Sansa stood there frozen.

"You're leaving it to me? Good." Myranda smirked, "Let's begin."

Theon wouldn't let that happen.

He suddenly turned and grabbed Myranda. She started to scream and yell in protest but it was too late. Theon threw her over the railing to her death on the ground. Blood splattered as she hit the stone.

Both Theon and Sansa leaned over the railing and looked at her dead body, frozen in place. A horn blew bringing them back. One man yelled to open the gates. Panic started to arise in both of them.

Theon turned to Sansa as he saw Ramsay and his men ride through the gates. "He's coming back."

Theon grabbed Sansa and lead her to the edge of the Winterfell's walls. He leaned over the edge to look at the ground many, many feet below. He knew they would both have to jump. There was no other way.

He looked up Sansa and they both meet each other's eyes. The drop was very far. They were both unsure whether or not they would be able to survive the fall.

Theon knew that he was leaving Tara, but he still locked hands with Sansa. He knew that he had to jump. He knew that there was no way he could go back for Tara. All he could do was pray that Tara would make it out too and jump, and that's what he did.



I'm so happy I finally got to write their escape! I just wanted to thank anyone who has voted and read this because it means a lot to me :)

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