The New Battle- Ghostbuster

By Copercurlz

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Can the Ghostbusters get through this brand new danger with their brand new team mate? *Note* I do not own th... More

2: He Slimed Me!
3: On the Job Training
4: The Dream
5: This is What You Do in Your Spare Time?
6: Lost
7: A Ghostly Prank
8: The Grey Lady
9: Natalie's Demon
10: Lick the Hero
11: Saying Goodbye
12: This Chick is Toast
13: Waves
14: The Amazing Switcho Twins
15: We Come, We Saw, We Kicked It's Ass
16: Hello Dolly
17: Louis Tully
18: Routine Spook Check
19: Got Party on His Mind
20: Ligen
21: You Took Her
22: Back to Busting
23: Sacrifice
24: Doesn't the Knight Get a Kiss?
25: The End... Or Is It?

1: The New Job

2.2K 33 9
By Copercurlz

Great, I thought has I looked up at the old firehouse. This is where I was going to spend the rest of my life, all thanks to him. He just had to get me fired and then make them want to give me a job. None of them even knew my last name! I was glad for that, though. I pushed my hair more into the cap and hoped that no one looked into my eyes to closely. I pushed my glasses up a little on my nose and took a deep breath. I opened the door to see a woman sitting at a desk. She had short red hair, and pointed green glasses. Her blue eye shadow went well with her blue top. Her brown eyes looked up at me and she smiled.

"Welcome to the Ghostbusters. Is there anything I can do for you?" she asked me.

"You're Janine Melnitz, right?" I asked.

"Well if I must, I-"

"Must. I already know that one. Peter already tried it on me. I'm here to see all the Ghostbusters. They know I am coming. But may I ask you something?"


"Is Egon Spengler here?"

"No, why? Is he your boyfriend or something?" she asked kind of scared. I make a sick like motion and she laughed.

"Me date him? Nope, I just know him from the past. Trust me, he is all yours. I just don't get along with him too well nowadays. Well I better get up there."

"No problem. You know you look a little like Dr. Spen-"

"I know, I get that a lot," I said walking up the steps not wanting to hear what she was going to say.

I wasn't watching where I was going when I ran into someone. He had brown hair that somewhat curled a little at the top. His green eyes looked me up and down, and he smiled.

"Well hello there," he told me.

"Hi," I said fixing my hat and glasses.

"Well aren't you a pretty thing. I'm Dr. Peter Venkman. Who would you be?"


"Natalie. Well miss whatever-"

"I'm a doctor, Peter."

"There you are," someone said and I looked up to see two more men. One had orange hair that was comb back nice and neat. His brown eyes looked innocent, has did his somewhat looking baby face. I could tell he was a big kid at heart, has I could tell Peter was a flirt. Next to him was a man with brown skin, black hair and brown eyes. I would also like to point out what they were wearing. All of them had a suit that had a ghost in one of those no signs. They were all a different color. Peter's was a chocolate brown with a dark blueish- green color on the sleeves and neck. The man with the Orange hair's was light brown with a darker brown in the same place as Peter's. The black haired man's uniform was a light blue with red in the detailed places I said before.

"You know her?" Peter asked them.

"Egon told you that the new team member we all agreed to take in was coming today," the blue suit told him.

"Egon should know I don't listen to what he says, Winston."

"Not our fault," the one who wasn't Winston told him. He must have been Ray.

"Ray, I will somehow find a way to blame you for this."

"Hey," I spoke up, "you all forget about me?"

"I remember you being a brunet the last time I saw you. Now it looks like you have," Peter started but stopped when I hit his nose. "Ow! Feisty! I like it!"

"Um, let me get you a uniform. I'll be right back," Ray told me.

"Hey, you had hazel eyes last time too," Winston said looking at my eyes. "They're blue this time. You know you kind of remind me of-"

"Here it is!" Ray said proudly holding up a red suit. It had purple trimming, and matched my glasses. I took it from him and he pushed me into the bathroom. "Come on, I want to see you in it!"

"Ray, Peter, Winston? I'm back," a voice downstairs called up. I stepped inside and changed quickly. I didn't want him to ruin this like he had before. I heard him walk up the stairs and join the others at the top of them. I stayed right where I was and listened. 

"Hey Egon," Winston told him. "You were right once again."

"That is not a surprise," Egon told him. "On what was I right?"

"This new girl," Ray told him.

"Is that it?"

"I just wish she would tell us her last name," Peter put in.

"Well its-"

I interrupted when I ran out of the bathroom screaming. I ran into Egon's arms without even thinking about it.

"What's wrong?" Winston asked.

"That!" I cried pointing at the weird green thing that looked like a snake.

"Slimer!" Peter yelled at it. The snake looking thing turned into a little green spud. He laughed at me and I glared at it.

"That is not funny!" I yelled at it, and it looked up at me. "If you ever scare me like that again I will get you!"

The thing stuck its tongue out at me and raced past. The wind from the thing knocked my hat off, and I watched Peter pick it up. I heard three gasp has they looked from me to Egon. They saw my curly blond hair next to his. My light blue eyes matched his, as did the dark tanned skin.

"Who are you?" Peter asked. "Full name, first and last, now!"

"Peter," Ray started.

"No Ray, we have a right to know," Winston told him. I looked at Egon we gave me a puzzled look.

I sighed, than took a deep breath, "My name is Dr. Natalie Spengler. I'm Egon's twin sister." 

Ohhh... Alright, so I am a big fan of the Ghostbusters, so I thought I would write a fanfic on them. Let's see, this is based off the animated series tittle the Real Ghostbusters. Yes both of the movies have happened, and I will probably have something in with that. I hope you all like it, and if you don't, I don't care. I just want to write this. Good bye my Stars.  P.S- Go see the music video beside the story. It is really good! 

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