Minecraft character one-shots...

By HerobrineGir1

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Minecraft character one-shots (closed)
My One-Shot


85 4 0
By HerobrineGir1

Name: Haylee

Appearance: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=106597826

Situation: You Can Make it Up

Wants to Be With: Quentin (HuskyMudkipz)

Other: None


Haylee's POV

I wake up and look outside. Today is a special party with some friends. Sky aka Adam, Deadlox aka Ty, TrueMU aka Jason and some others. And if I remember correctly, they said they were bringing someone called 'Husky' or something like that...

I walk into my bathroom and do a few things, then walk back to my bedroom. I grab my black glasses and put them on. I hear a knock at the door. "COMING!!!!!" I shout and dash down the hall to the door. I unlock it and open it. "Hey, Ty!" I smile. "Wassup, Haylee?" He smiles. "Just got ready for the party or whatever it is!" I reply. "You?" "Same, as well as coming to get you!"


Once we reach Sky's house, Ty and me walk up to the door and knock. The door swings open and I see someone standing there. He has extreamly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Oh! Hey! You must be Haylee!" He smiles. "I am! And you are...?" I smile back. "Quentin, but if you want, you can call me-" he gets cut off. "FIASHHHHH!!!!!" Sky shouts. "HE'S A FIASH!!!!!" "SHUT UP!!!!! MUDKIPS ARE NOT FISH!!!!! THEY'RE AMPHIBIANS!!!!!" Quentin shouts back, pretending to be mad.

"Anyway, yes, I am called fiash... But people who get the point, they call me Husky." He laughs slightly. "Well, dude, you going to let us in or...?" Ty says. I laugh. "OH! Sorry!" Husky says, and moves to the side to let us in. My mind was arguing to itself about Husky. My common sense was saying, 'He probably has a girlfriend.' My other side was saying, 'C'ommon, Haylee! Just try and see!' I shake my head, trying to get those thoughts out of my head.

"Hey!" I hear behind me. I turn to see Husky. "Oh! Hey, Husky!" I smile. "Hey! Any beautiful girl like you has to call me Quentin! It only makes sense!" He winks. I blush slightly, but try not to let him see. "Ok then..." I don't make direct eye contact. "So... What do you like to do?" He asks casually. "Play Minecraft, watch Pokémon, stuff like that..." I shrug. "Haha! Same! So, you play with Sky-" "FIASHHHH!!!!!" "-and the others?" He asks. "Sometimes..." I reply.

After a while, Sky says, "Hey, everyone! Lets play TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!" "Really, Sky? Really?" Jason laughs. "Sure... Why not?" I shrug. "Yay!" Sky shouts with his childish voice. We all laugh, and sit in a circle. "ME FIRST!!!!!" Mitch shouts. "Ok, Jay-Rome, truth or dare?" Jerome laughs and says, "Dare. Of course!" "Alright... You have to run outside shouting, 'THE FIASH IS COMING!'" Mitch says. Hu- Quentin facepalms. "Really, Benja?" He says. "Yes, really!" Mitch replies. I just laugh.


It was getting close to midnight, and we had had quite a few crazy dares and stuff, but now it was Sky's last turn. "Haylee, truth or dare?" "Um... Truth..." I say. He smirks and says, "Ok... Who's your crush?" "U-ummmm... Quentin..." I say quietly. Quentin apparently hears, because he leans over and whispers in my ear. "Meet me outside in a minute." I nod and say, "Hey, guys... I'm going to get some fresh air for a little bit. K?" "Who did you say?" Asks Ty. "You'll find out..." I reply and walk outside.

When I get out, I notice Husky is already there. And instead of his formally gray shirt, he now has a blue shirt with a picture of a Mudkip on it. "One, how'd you get here this fast, two, why do you have a Mudkip shirt on?" I tilt my head. He sighs and says, "I am a Mudkip. And when I shift back, I always have this shirt on." He shrugs. "That's SO cool!!" I exclaim. "So, you said that you liked me, eh?" He whispers. I blush and look down. "Y-yes..." I whisper.

Husky's POV

I smile slightly and lift her head up to where she's looking at me. "Don't worry. I like you as well." I murmur close to her ear. "B-but-" "I'm not having any 'buts' about it!" I smile even more. She blushes a dark red. I lean down towards her and crash my lips against hers. I can tell she's shocked for a second, but regains herself and kisses back. I pull back and say, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, Quentin!" She smiles and kisses me again. This time she had me pinned up against the side of the house. Suddenly, Ty and Mitch walk out, but run back shouting "HAYLEE AND QUENTIN ARE TOGETHER!!!!!!" I hear another voice, Sky, say, "I KNEW IT!!!!!!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. Haylee backs up a little and smiles. "Now... For a way to get them back..." She smirks. I chuckle. "I think I know how..."


There you go, LightenUpWolf! :) Hope you enjoyed! Anyways... Bye!


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