
By moonlightmagic444

105K 6.6K 290

Sequel to Alpha or Beta(Can be read without reading first book): Nine years have passed and Evelyn is now the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 4

3K 198 5
By moonlightmagic444

After showering and changing into fresh clean clothes I decide I should grab some food to eat. I walk into the kitchen and start looking through the fridge. God why didn't I learn to cook when I was younger, I could totally go for an egg sandwich right now.

As if reading my mind I hear a deep voice say, "Want me to make you something to eat Evie." Evie, only a few people still call me that. I look up from the fridge to see Bryce standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

I smile, "Yes please Brycey." I say, calling him the nickname I gave him when I was eight. "I will take an egg sandwich if you don't mind." I walk over to the counter and sit down in a high stool. Ah, just like old times.

"Sure thing." He grabs all the needed items to make my meal. As he starts to prep it he says, "So how did tryouts go?"

I shrug. "They went well, as expected. But I met this girl, her name is Tori and she is absolutely amazing at soccer. Our team is going to be so much better than last year with her and I working together on the field. Plus she's really nice."

"Are you trying to tell me that Evie Brewer is actually making friends?" he says astonished. I frown at him because he is just being a jerk.

"Stop being a meany and get back to your cooking." He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"You're just like your sister Evie."

"Why is Evie like me?" Kari says as she walks into the kitchen. She walks behind Bryce with her pregnant belly taking up more than half the space between the counter and Bryce's back.

"She's just sassy to the extreme." He says and finishes up my sandwich. He plates it then hands me the food.

"Thanks." I say happily and dig in.

"So Evie, how did tryouts go? You didn't get hurt did you?" I look at her with sour eyes.

"No I didn't get hurt." I say angrily. God, ever since she found out I can't change, she has treated me like a fragile flower. I'm not weak, I have average strength of a human girl! "But they went well. I met a new girl and she seems very nice."

"Good, I'm glad you are making new friends." She says as she grabs pickle juice out of the fridge. Then she waddles over to the cabinet and grabs some Oreos.

She sits down next to me and proceeds to dip the Oreos in pickle juice. I pretend to barf and give her a disgusted look. "You are the grossest thing in this world." I say to her. She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well when you're pregnant with twin werewolves and you get weird cravings like this then I'm going to tell you the same exact thing." Pain flashes through my heart for a moment as I realize that I will never be able to hold werewolf pups in my body without having my wolf. I let it slide though because there have been cases of half breeds where the mother is human and the father is werewolf.

"Fine, I won't judge you. But it's still gross." I say and hop off my stool. "See yah!" I shout and run out the room.

"Evie you forgot to take care of your dishes!" Bryce shouts as I'm already gone. I knew I didn't do it, I just didn't want to take the time to clean my dirty dishes. I laugh to myself as I picture the Alpha of our pack cleaning my dirty plate. Props of being the Luna's little sister.

As I turn the corner I run into someone and fall flat on my butt. I hear the other person stumble but they grab onto the wall. I look up and see Ashely. I smile brightly. "Hey Ash, haven't seen you in a little while."

She smiles shyly and reaches her hand out to help me up, "I know, I've been busy. Between taking care of Kyle and Jamie, I just don't have time for myself." Aw, I love Kyle. He is the cutest nine year old out there.

"Speaking of the little devil, where is he? I haven't seen him in a while." She glances around worriedly.

"I know, I haven't either. I've looked everywhere but he's nowhere to be seen." Just then a familiar pain flashes through my head. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing as a scene floats through my mind.

I look around and notice that I'm at the back of the pack house. Everything seems normal. That's when I see Kyle. He's on the roof of the pack house. He starts to peer over the edge. He sees something interesting. Slowly he reaches out to get it. Then he loses his balance, his face changes from one of curiosity to one of horror as he starts to fall.

Then I'm snapped back into reality. I look at Ashley in horror. "He's on the roof. Go now!" I scream. Her eyes open wide and she sprints toward the stairs and up to the roof. I run to the office and slam open the door. Jamie shoots up and looks at me shocked.

"Kyle's in trouble, hurry!" I shout and run outside with Jamie right behind me. We make it out in time to see Kyle reaching for something while he is on the roof. Jamie sees him.

"Kyle no!" he shouts but it's too late. Kyle's face already turned to that of horror and he starts to fall.

Jamie sprints forward. Just before Kyle hits the ground Jamie manages to catch him. I hear a sudden cry and I look up to see Ashley in hysterics on the roof.

I walk over to where Jamie is and look down at Kyle. "He's okay right?" I say worriedly.

I hear Jamie let out a sigh. "Yup he's fine. Just a little shaken up."

Kyle's eyes are wide with fear but he doesn't make a sound. That's what worries me, isn't he rather quiet for a boy who just fell off of a roof?

"Thank you." Jamie says snapping me out of my daze. I look at him with sympathetic eyes.

"You shouldn't be thanking me, with this stupid power I have I should have seen it earlier. Than Kyle wouldn't have fallen."

"No, it's because you have that power that my son is still alive. I owe you so much. Thank you Evelyn." He says to me genuinely. I blush lightly, it's weird to have people thank me because of my power, most of the time I only see bad things that happen. Well this is a bad thing but it helped Kyle.

"I'm just glad he's alright." I say. Suddenly the back door flies open and Ashley comes running to Jamie's side.

"Is... is he alright?" She asks worriedly and reaches for Kyle. Jamie gently hands her their son and she cradles him in her arms.

"He will be fine, he's just a bit shaken. We should take him to get some rest." Jamie says. I see Ashley nod. He starts to lead her toward the house. As they go to walk in the door Jamie turns around one last time and mouths 'thank you' to me.

I just smile at him and nod once. They descend into the door and soon I'm left outside by myself.

I let out a sigh. I'm glad that's over... I always knew Kyle was a trouble maker but I never knew he would come close to killing himself. I turn my head and look into the deep woods. I see the trail that most the wolves run and sadness flows through me. I will never be able to run that path on four paws along with all my friends. I will forever be a mere human who is burdened with the secrets of the werewolf world. Always wanting to be like them but never being able to grasp it.

I decide it's best to take my own pathway. I don't want to meet up with one of my friends who has already changed. I bear right and take the path that I have created over the many years of living here. I work my way around the branches and dead stumps lying on the ground. Eventually I come to a small river. Just down this river is the tree house I discovered when I was ten. I'm the only one who knows about it and I'm going to keep it that way for as long as possible.

As I'm about to cross over the river on the stepping stones that go across it, I hear a rustle in the bush behind me. I stiffen and stop what I'm doing.

No one ever come out here from our pack. I slowly look over my shoulder but I don't see anything. Did I just hear something? I shrug it off and take a step onto the first stone. Just then I hear the quick snapping of a twig and I turn around just in enough time to see a giant thing tackle me into the water.

I splash into the shallow river with a great weight lying on my. I struggle to push it off and it soon lifts up from me. I thrust my head out of the water and gasp for air. After taking a few deep breaths I wipe the water from my eyes and glance to the right of me. I see a giant dirty blonde wolf sitting and looking at me with a lopsided grin. I frown and stand up.

"Jay you're an idiot." I see the wolf pout and I roll my eyes. "Your stupid puppy eyes don't work on me. I can't believe you got me soaked! What am I supposed to do about all my wet clothes?" I ask him.

He raises an eyebrow and gives me one of those creepy perverted looks. I frown even harder. "Haha, very funny. No I'm not taking them off."

He rolls his eyes and stands up. He even manages to tower over me in wolf form. He nudges my side but I ignore him.

He makes this weird snorting sound and he nudges me again. I finally crack a smile. "I hate you so much. You're so lucky that I like your wolf form better than your human form." Before I can look up to see the dirty expression he is giving me from that comment, I feel water hit me and slowly run down my body.

Once again I clear the water off my eyes and see that Jason splashed me with water, but because his paws are so huge it felt like he threw a bucket of water on me. I smirk and splash water at him than run away as fast as possible. Since I only have my stupid human speed, Jason manages to catch me before I get very far. He tackles me to the ground gently.

I sigh and push him off of me. "This so isn't fair. You're a big cheater." He stands and gives me a proud smirk.

Once again I roll my eyes at him. "Lets just go back." I stand up and look down at my drenched clothes. I hate being in wet clothes, it's sticks to your body weird and you just feel so uncomfortable.

I see Jason starting to walk back to the pack house. And I laugh out loud. He turns his head and gives me a questioning look. "Oh Jason, you don't get to just walk back. Because you pushed me into the water you have to repay me by giving me a piggyback ride in your wolf form." He shakes his head no.

I walk up to him and put my hands on his back. "You can't say no because you owe me. You should have thought about it before you pushed me into the water." I say.

I hear him let out a huff of air and he slowly leans down. I jump onto his damp back and hold on tight. "okay I'm all set." I say happily.

He slowly rises and starts to walk back to the pack house. "Come on, go faster!" I say hopefully. After a few moments I feel him starts to move his legs faster and soon we are sprinting through the woods. I smile as I feel the wind brush past my face, I love this. It makes me feel complete. I sigh in content and lean down to enjoy the ride. This is the life.

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