The Cat Girl | MCD boys x OC...

By XxMoonShowxX

1.1K 51 38

This story is about a girl named Ikumi Who is a Meif'wa (A Meif'wa is a human with cat ears and Tail and can... More

My family
Into the woods and Jailed up again!
Family reunion :3 and back story
Welcome! To Pheonix drop
PARTEH!! XD Errr sorry...
Slumbah Parteh :D part 1
Slumbah Parteh :D Part 2
Goodmorning Pheonix drop :3
Food heaven
Srsly dude??!!
Marketplace! (pls also read the note at the end)
Kiki's Baby and Baby Shower!

The time

34 2 2
By XxMoonShowxX

Ikumi's (♠︎P.O.V♠︎)

The baby shower was great than i imagined

But I'm feeling something is not right
Meh is might be my imagination.
I walked out of the baby shower so i could get some fresh air and i saw Garroth come out of the forest looking like he was at a verge of tears, I was confused so i decided to ask him what's wrong

"Hello Garroth! What's the matter don't be sad at a very nice day!" I said to him cheerfully

I still have that feeling that something is not right and i think it is by the caused of Garroth but i'm not sure
Maybe i should read his mind,

"I'm fine alright!" Garroth says angrily

I could read his mind but it was locked since it was personal
I could only read minds if it's not that personal just like relationships, heartbreaks, or love, I hope that he's alright so i decided to ask him

"You are not fine in a matter of fact Tell me whats wrong I could help you!" I told him in a gentle tone

Garroth looks like he was about to explode

"I'M OK AlRIGHT!" He yelled
His sudden outburst make people from the baby shower go outside
to see the where the sudden interruption is located,

"Garroth! Why are you yelling at Ikumi?" Aphmau asks while getting angry

I was about to tell her i'm fine but Garroth yelled again

"You guys are my problem! And Ikumi i don't trust her because she is a monster who murders at my hometown she murders kids and elderly! And she says because those where evil people! She should have just given them a chance! And you guys are trying to defend her because she is Kawaii~Chan sister! And she says she's a descendant! It means that Kawaii~Chan should be too so it's impossible She looks like an easy target so i could kill her almost immediately, She is a fake person who is trying to get you're trust so she will betray you later! I can't believe that people could trust her so easy this is crap!" Garroth yelled at everyone

Each word, each fudging word hurts since i have to kill those corrupted souls in Garroth's hometown just because they can't turn good, I am not fake i am being honest and i was being happy and free for once after 10 years, Garroth does not even know me because he never tries too

I had a single tear  rolled down onto my cheek
I looked around me and saw people looking at Garroth with shocked and angry expressions, Aphmau looks like she was about to rage and hit Garroth but Laurance hold her back, Dante was shaking his head disappointed, i saw Aaron at the bushes looking like he was about to attack

3rd Pov

Ikumi had a single tear rolled dow to her cheek soon it was like a waterfall of tears

"You stupid bastard! Look what you've done Garroth you made Ikumi cried!" Aphmau yelled while being held back by Laurance
Ikumi's golden eyes turned silver in a speed of lightning but then change back to gold in a speed of lightning then she suddenly stops crying

Ikumi's (♠︎P.O.V♠︎)
I knew my eyes suddenly felt like it was turning silver in a speed of lightning  but then it changed back to gold in a speed of lightning

I was panicking inside becuase it haven't happen for the past
900 years which means i knew it was time to leave

I looked at the sky and the full moon was right there shining so bright it almost make me smile
I felt the moon's presence

"Hey mom!" I spoke loudly

Then suddenly Aphmau's rambling stopped and looked at me weirdly while the others did the same except Garroth who still has some smoke coming out of his ears

I got to my knees and closed my eyes and then suddenly i knew what was about to happen in the future
And with that i knew i had to leave, I knew it was already time for Phoenix drop to finally learn the truth not from me but from Aphmau

I knew she had that spark on her that was not familiar to me before but it is now

"Thanks mom" i whispered

I run to my house full speed

Aphmau's (☆P.O.V☆)

"Now look what you've done! She is back to her house probably sobbing! Your should be ASHAMED of yourself! Say sorry to Ikumi at the morning" i yelled to Garroth and i stomped back to my house

Ikumi's (♠︎P.O.V♠︎)
I locked the door of my house quicky before grabbing my combat backpack and started packing some clothes, lots of food and water, and the pictures i took here, i grabbed everything that i need maybe the whole house despise i only have a few things here, the whole house was now completely empty except for the dresser and the bed and the sofa

I looked around and i got to my cabinet and took out my assassin clothes

I put them on in quick speed but one more thing, I grab my iPhone and smashed it with a hammer just to make sure so they won't call me, I put the hammer beside the now destroyed phone at the dresser table thingy, i looked at the mirror infront of me. I noticed that my hair is too long and for me leaving i will stay deep into the forest so it might be not easy to maintain, I will miss this hairdo tho.

I took out my one of my pocketknife and cut my hair

(That's the length now ^ also I'm sorry ;-; also you're before hair length is the girls hair at my book cover)

I put my chopped of hair to the table and i wrote a note
I put the note on top of the chopped of hair and i knew Zane will come soon
I knew he is not a corrupted soul even tho the things he had done alot of bad things but he still has a soft stuff that may break him out his shell

I whispered a spell and it make a legendary moonlight handcuffs with the keys of course, i also made a spell so i could spawn a box. i kept the hand cuffs and keys inside the box i but it beside chopped of hair

I walked out of my bedroom leaving my bed and dresser with the stuff i left
I walked to my stuff that i was gonna bring with me

I put my weapons on the places where i put them around my clothes

It's been awhile since i had this look with my weapons. I grab my backpack and put it behind me with all my stuff which 
Fit. I will miss Phoenix drop but it's for the best for them to figure out themselves since that's what the moon told me
And i should follow her

I will certainly miss Kawaii~Chan but i will see her again many years from now when they find me at the right time, I will of course miss everyone in Phoenix drop also Garroth, Aphmau please take care and find out the truth about the world and your true self

I  a big fat tear rolled down to my cheek and i quickly wipe it off , i went outside and see people sleeping in their homes
I looked at the sky and i whispered a spell so the people can have sweet dreams i look at the sky again and blue started appear which means the spell is working the stars where twinkling nice and bright

"just how i expected it to be" i whispered aloud i then sighed

I pulled my hood up and run to the gates at full speed i jumped on top of the gate and i took one last look of phoenix drop and i jumped down and run into the deep woods

Word count -1342


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