Let Art Be Our Weapon: Frerar...

By FireNinjaDagger

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After his home is gone, Gerard and Mikey must flee from everything they know and the Killjoys take them in. T... More

Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
Phase I
Fun Ghoul and the Rebels
Coming Home to the Hospital
The Cemetery Drive
Our Lady Of Sorrows
The Kids From Yesterday
New Teams
The Girl
Phase II
Na Na Na
Desert Song
Never Let Them Take You Alive
Fading Away
Stay With Me
I Promise You I'm Not Okay
Phase III

Secret Untold

419 20 2
By FireNinjaDagger

        I sit on the cold roof alone. I've been at the base for too long. I want to get out and drive through the Zones with the guys. The base wouldn't be unbearable if Mitch and Justin didn't torment me. For being 21, you would think we would be able to just leave each other alone. No, he has to come find me and personally make my life hell. I didn't think he would be this malicious after all this time. I met him when we were 18 and he has only gotten worse. I have never hated anyone this much before. I don't like hate. There's too much in the world and with the suppression of art and the death we face of the loved ones we lost, I try not to hate things but I hate Mitch. Justin is bad but he tends to leave everyone alone if Mitch isn't around to stick up with him. Mitch, however, can be a jackass all by himself. He just loves blaming me for everything that has gone wrong and uses it to torment me. But he even looks like me, which gives an eerie and unsettling feeling about him. I swear, he cuts his hair to match mine. It can't be a coincidence that he's always had it long and when I lost all my hair, he shaved his head and when it started growing back, so did his. But his hair is white and I do my best to keep mine red. Also, he has a white leather jacket. My Dead Pegasus is navy blue. Mitch also has a mask like mine, except he is blue with a red X going through the whole thing in the middle. We may look identical but there is enough to keep us apart. I'm apparently the only one that thinks this. No one else can get past the white hair but I know we look alike. Which is just another reason to hate him?
I watch the sun rise over the sky. Last time I got to see one from up here was probably Grace-Jeanette's birthday. That was back in the beginning of August. Now, it's the end of October. Frank's birthday tomorrow. Finally, he'll turn 21. Frank insisted I don't get him anything but that wouldn't be right. A Scavenger friend of mine found a Swiss army knife. I polished up and plan on giving it to him tomorrow. Being a technician, it will be a lot more efficient to tune up everything with a real tool instead of scrapes he finds.
It starts warming up outside. The fall air brings a welcoming chill. I sit up and climb back down to head into the diner. A guard sits at the counter and another one makes coffee. "When'd you go outside?" she asks.
"I don't really remember," I answer.
"You come out through the diner?" the guy asks.
The two exchange looks. "Damn, we didn't see you," the girl says.
"It's fine. It's late, don't feel bad about it. There's a difference. A killjoy slips under your radar. You would have noticed the Draculoids or Bounty Hunter approaching," I reassure them. "Don't worry. Just wanted the fresh air. I'm going back to sleep."
"Night, Party Poison," the girl calls back. I creep down the stairs to the base and then go downstairs to the bunks. Frank still sleeps up top. I perch on the bottom mattress and stare and Frank watching him sleep. He looks peaceful. I really just want to climb up and sleep next to him, like how we did when we were in the hospital. Those days were dreadful, for both of us, but there where it's perks. Of course, when Frank was hurt, I didn't know I loved him. I just knew he was important to me and I would lose it all if he died. But he didn't. He's still here and doing well. I gently kiss his forehead and then climb back down to my mattress. I lie still and start drifting off.

The bed frame shifts and I peak open my eyes. Frank climbs down and hops on the floor, looking at me. "Did I wake you?" he asks.
"Only a little but it's okay. I want to be up." Ray's over by his locker's getting ready and Mikey's still asleep. It doesn't matter though because there is a dozen other Killjoy in here bustling around. "Coffee?" I ask.
"You've grown addicted to that stuff," Frank laughs. "Sure, why now?" I go to the laundry room they set up and grab my load of clothes. I put on a new outfit and put the remaining folded clothes in my locker. I decide to leave my jacket and mask in there. I doubt we are leaving today for a new mission. Mikey's in the middle of coaching his trainees how to fight. They've missed him on our last mission. Also, Luke was sent off on his first mission after losing his hearing and Melanie hit her head. Helena is holding them together and making sure they stay okay. They're on a month long trial mission so we're waiting for them to come back to base. They'll be back sometime today or tomorrow. And Mikey is catching up with Addison still. He forgot how much he loved her. I don't want to take him away from her now. I haven't seen him smile this much.
I try shutting my locker but it doesn't close. I adjust the folded clothes and make sure my jacket isn't in the way. I try to close it again but it won't. My holster and blaster aren't blocking it. "What the?" I mutter.
"You good, Gee?" Frank asks.
"My locker won't close. Nothing's blocking it, though."
"Huh, ask Bonnie?" he suggests.
I slam my shoulder against it and it finally clicks closed. "No need," I say, "it closed."
"Let's hope that it's not jammed now so if there's an attack on the base, you have access to your stuff," he says while we head upstairs.
"How about we just hope there isn't an attack on the base?" I laugh.
"Hmm, good idea."
Grace-Jeanette sits at a booth by herself. "Frank, get me a coffee?" I ask.
"Sure thing," he says walking over to the counter.
I slide next to Grace-Jeanette at the booth. "What are you up to?" I ask her. She gives an expressionless shrug. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She just sits still. "What's wrong?" I ask her.
"I just don't feel good. I'm really hungry but I feel like I'm going to throw up," she says.
"You're sick?" I ask her. I place a hand on her forehead. She's a little warm.
"I have a headache." She lies on my arm. Frank slides into the booth across from me and passes me my coffee. "Hi, Fun Ghoul," she moans.
"You okay, sweetie?" he asks.
"I think she's sick," I say worried. Typically, if a Killjoy gets sick, it's not good. It could be nothing but I don't want to risk it. I finish my coffee fast then carry her out of the booth. She wraps her arms around my neck as we walk downstairs and to the hospital wing. Frank follows behind me. "Who's your doctor?" I ask.
"McDougall?" she says not so sure. Makes sense. That was her mother's doctor.
We step into the hospital. Dr. Gunn walks past us. Being her best friend, I assume she would know where McDougall was at. I snag her arm. "Where's Dr. McDougall?" I ask.
"Um, I believe she's in the back at the pharmacy. I can get her for you." Gunn walks towards the back. I put Grace down on the table near us.
McDougall comes over. "Hey, Grace. What's going on?" she asks.
"I don't feel good," she tells her.
"Awe, I'll help you. Come on," she says taking her hand. "I'll be back in about ten minutes," she calls to us.
Frank and I step out of the hospital and into the corridor. "Relax, Gee. She hasn't been injured or exposed to anything. She's been at the base this whole time. She's going to be okay," Frank reassures me.
"Yeah, I know," I mumble, leaning back on the wall.
"I don't think you believe you me," Frank says.
I give a smile. "No, I believe you." I glance around. The hospital is busy but the corridor, not so much. I hold Frank's hands. Frank smiles and leans forward, standing on his tiptoes. I lean down over him when he stiffens up. I raise an eyebrow.
Frank pulls away from me, letting go of my hands. "Uh, you know? Uh, you got something in your eye," he says really fast. He wipes my cheek with his finger. I look over and see Ray staring at us wide eyed. His mouth is open like he's trying to say something but he doesn't know what.
I rub my eye. "I need to wash it out, I think. Hey, Ray? What brings you here?" I ask.
"I was going to see Caleb, Helena's brother. What are you to...doing?" he asks slowly.
"Oh, um, Grace wasn't feeling good so we took her here. Um, you said Caleb was Here? He okay?" I ask really desperate to change the subject.
"He's fine. He works here, training to be a doctor" Ray pauses like there's something else. Yeah, there's definitely something else going on but I don't think he wants to believe it. "Were you-" he stops.
"Yeah. I need to wash out my eye. Tell me if Grace is okay?" I say cupping my face and quickly leaving to the bathroom. I step in there and lean against the wall to breathe for a minute. I splash water on my face for good measure and slowly step out. That just happened but it's over now. Okay. I head back to the hospital but Frank has Grace-Jeanette with him as they leave. "Hey, she okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, she'll be okay. McDougall gave her something. Wanna take her outside for some air?" Frank asks.
"Yeah. Come on," I say taking her hand. Franks smiles at me and shuffles to the technician's lab. She comes with me and we go upstairs to the diner then outside. It's early morning so the temperature isn't bad and there's a nice breeze rushing through the air.

        "Are you feeling better?" I ask.

Grace trots beside me. "Much," she replies. "We've been outside for a while. Can we go in now?" 

She's right. It's been a few hours. We were on the roof for a while because that has the best breeze. Then we walked around the base three or four times now. "You want to?"
"Yes. It's hot now." She has her vest on. I'm just wearing a shirt and jeans.
"It's probably lunch time. You feeling like you want to eat?"
"Yes, please."
"Alright," I say. I lift her up and hold her at my hip. We start walking back around to the front of the base and head to the diner. A guard sits out front by the door leaning in the shade. I walk in at Mikey and Ray are sitting at the counter. I place Grace-Jeanette in the seat next to them. Ray stares at him really hard. Mikey turns around. "Hey, guys. What's wrong?" I ask nervously. I look at Ray and he looks upset. "What?" I ask. What happened? Why do they look angry at me.
"Oh, I don't know. Why don't you tell us?" Ray asks. "Because we sure as hell don't know what happened."
"Where have you been?" Mikey asks.
My mind races around and my stomach twists up. "Guys, please tell me what's going on?" I ask.
Mikey reaches over and lifts Grace-Jeanette up. "Let's go get you lunch?" he says. He carries her to the back to get food.
"Ray?" I ask, sliding in the seat next to him. "What happened?"
"Where were you?" he asks. "You were running outside?"
"Yeah, I was outside with Grace-Jeanette the whole time. Why is that a problem? You're freaking me out. Please, tell me. What's going on?"
"Why are you acting innocent?" he says, his voice breaking.
"I don't know what you're getting at."
"I don't know about you, but when someone gets back to the base, give them some space. The zones are rough; they need a break. And look, I'm sorry if I am taking to personal on my part. I shouldn't get in the way of your interests but the thing is, she wasn't okay with it so that should have been enough!"
I don't say anything. I don't know what to get out of this. "Why are you angry?"
"You think I'm angry?" he laughs. I stare at him. "Well let me tell you, Frank is taking it a lot worse."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Just go and stay away from her," Ray says. He gets up and good over by Mikey.
I get out of the chair and run downstairs. What does he mean Frank is taking it worse? Who is her he kept referring too? I miss the last two steps and stumble down the base. I walk pass Bonnie. "Hey, Gerard," she trails off staring at me sideways. "Didn't you just come down here and pass me?" she asks confused.
Well, yeah but that was a few hours ago. "Yeah," I say, "and now I'm back?"
Bonnie looks at me then shakes her head. "Never mind. I need some coffee," she mutters to herself while heading up to the diner. I carry on.
I need to find Frank. Check the technician's lab? I step in but it's vacant. The table has moved several feet ahead and some trinkets spilled off the counter. It's a bit disorderly and usually messy. Frank's not here and Bonnie just left. "Damn," I mutter. I pass the radio station; he's not there either. I turn around a corner fast and bump into Melanie. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I say.
She returns me with a punch in the shoulder. "Bastard," she mutters, pushing me out of the way and walking past.
I snag her wrist and turn her around. "I said I was sorry," I look at her.
"What, is it my turn now?" she growls at me.
"What?" I ask.
"You know, I don't remember everything but I remember a lot. And not one of those memories involving you were unpleasant. So is this a new thing or did I forget?"
"You know, Mel. I'm glad you and your team returned to the base."
"Yeah, I bet you are," she sneers. "Let go of me."
"I really did miss you guys and I didn't even know you got back until now. I'm sorry I ran into."
"Oh, so you're sorry for that? Let me go." She tries pulling away from me. Melanie is strong but she's about 5 feet tall. I easily hold her back.
"Mikey and Ray are a pissed at me and they wouldn't say why. I now am looking for Frank because he's angrier at me than they are. Now you are. I haven't been on my friends' good side in the last ten minutes and none of them will say why."
"They don't need to explain anything. You know why." She tries pulling away from me again. I don't have anything to say to her and she clearly doesn't want to be around me. I let her go and she turns and runs to the hospital. I watch her weave between the rows and make it to Luke. He speaks to her and she signs back to him. I can't help but watch their conversation. I can't read Luke's lips but I can see Melanie's gestures. She's still with Frank downstairs she signs to him. Luke looks at her and says something. I would be shaken up to if he did that to me.
I turn back around head down to the bunks. Those two sound like Mikey and Ray. Who's she they keep referring to? I turn down to the stairs and peer into the bunk room. No one's in here until I hear talking and shaky breathing. I walk in and in the corner between doing beds, Frank sits with his head down next to Helena on the floor with their backs against the wall. I walk over to them. Helena glances up at me and her eyes widen. There are red marks on her face, neck, and arms like she was beaten up. Her eyes water and her grabs Frank's shoulder. He wraps his arms around his legs and his knees curl up to his chest. He raises his head up at her. His cheeks burn brighter red and his eyes puffy. The tears staining his face just top the picture of Frank crying. His hair tussles and overall, he just looks hurt. I realize there's smudged blood trickling on his face. He glances up at me, blood smeared on his face smudged with tears. He sees me and the sadness in him washes out.

         Staring at the smeared blood on his face and clothes, I don't realize I mutter. "Oh my god, what happened?"
Frank stands to his feet and stands in front of Helena. "You know what." His jaw clenches and dagger shoot out of his eyes but I can still see the pain he's trying to hide from me. He's in a lot of pain but trying to mask it with anger, as if he doesn't want me to know he's hurting. "I thought you never wanted to see me again?" he speaks. There are too many emotions in his voice.
"Why would you think that?" I ask walking over to him.
Helena stands up behind Frank. "Because that's what you told me!" he shouts.
"I never said to you," I say. I would never even think that. Why would Frank think I said that.
"Yes, you did. Helena told me what all happened."
"I didn't even know she and her team got here until just now. What's going on, Frank?" I walk in the row they stand in. Frank shoots back from me, making sure he stands in front of Helena. "What's wrong?" Helena backs up onto the mattress and crawls into a different row.
"Stop being such an asshole. Okay? I fucking saw you! I saw you doing it and you weren't even ashamed about it. Just quit pretending and drop the act. It was over when you did that."
"Did what?" I ask. I'm dangerously close to yelling at him, which I never do. But between Ray and Melanie pissed off at me without telling me why and now him acting like this, I'm very close to yelling. Not out of anger but I'm confused and afraid. "Look, Mikey and Ray and Melanie are mad at me too but they won't say why. They keep saying the same thing and I don't understand what they're talking about. What happened? What did I do?"
"Stop it, okay?" he shouts. He frantically wipes his eyes. My stomach lurches. I don't like seeing him cry. It's the most depressing thing and the fact that he's beating up doesn't help either. "Look," he whispers really softly. "I fucking love you and I thought you did too. I also thought you were also courteous to other people's feelings." I feel myself nauseous from anxiety. I can't say anything I'm so confused and sick. Frank stares at me hard stuck between looking angrier and sympathetic. "Well, why are you crying?" he asks.
"I don't know what's going on. I really don't know. I'm telling you the truth, Frank," I whisper. He looks at me like he's trying to believe me but doesn't know. "I would never mean to hurt you."
"You're acting completely different," he mutters confusedly. "An hour ago you said you never cared about me."
"Frank, I never said. An hour ago I was outside with Grace-Jeanette."
"No, after you came in."
"Frank, I just came in like ten minutes ago. I was outside with Grace since she got back from the hospital wing. I came inside and Ray and Mikey blew up in my face telling me you were pissed. I ran into Melanie on the way down here and she was also pissed and then I just came in here to find you."
Frank looks at me. "You were in the lab though when you started atta-"
"I never went to the lab," I cut him off.
"Gee, I saw you."
I shake my head. "You couldn't have. I never was in there." I look over at Helena. She sits on the other side of the bed away from me, like she's scared of me. The marks and bruises on her face are new, they just happened. Someone attacked her. Her. That's who everyone's referring to? I walk over to her. "Helena, I-"
"Please, stay away from me," she pleads. I stop.
Someone steps in the doorway on the bunk and leans against the wall. "Looks like my fun timed out." I turn and stare at myself, freezing up, along with Frank and Helena. I stare at myself and try to find the words to say. It's not a mirror. There's another fucking me right there. I am standing on the other end of the hospital wearing my Dead Pegasus jacket and my mask that Frank gave to me. My upholstery is on my leg with the canary yellow blaster in place. My hair a brilliant bright red color and piercing hazel eyes. It's me. I'm staring at myself. I look at Frank and he is as bewildered as I am. Helena crouches down in fear. "You seem alarmed, Gerard." the other Party Poison says.
"What?" I mutter. That's all I could get at. There's too much confusion. I don't even know why the others are mad at me but this! This is just unexplainable. Why am I staring at me?
"You seem a bit confused," he says. "Red really is a Party Poison color, don't you think?" he taunts. "Of course you would know. Otherwise, you wouldn't have red hair." He starts walking over to us. A part of me really doesn't want him to. I start freaking out. "Well, let me tell you, I want this color so you're going to have to give it up." I find myself backing away from him. "Oh, what's the matter, Gerard? Cat got your tongue? Say something." I don't say anything. The other Party Poison laughs. "Although, I did realize something just now." He stops and points fingers at Frank and I. "Wow. Even I was a little lost for words there. I mean, at first, it didn't occur to me but once it just clicked I actually choked."
Heat rises to my face and my head spins with anger. He's getting under my skin in the way no one else can except one other person in the world. I grit my teeth and stare at him. "You fucking bastard!" I scream, clenching my hands into fists. "You're masquerading around as me? Making people think I'm doing things when it's really you! What did I ever do to you?"
He laughs again. "I already told you. You are getting good people killed." I start walking towards him. I didn't think he could get any lower with the lies he threw at me but this, pretending to be me and stealing my personal belongings then hurting my friends. Only using it to mock me even more. He's going to die. "You better say on that side of the room mother fucker. I'll knock you out," he laughs. "Hey, Frank. I think you should help your girlfriend over here. Otherwise, I'm going just kill him."
He's going to die. "Good luck trying, Mitch." I lunch at him but he moves to the side. I turn around quickly and grab the front of my jacket, bringing him down. He flips back as I hold onto my jacket. It comes from him and Mitch lands in the doorway. I toss Dead Pegasus to the side and crawl over to him and lunge. He kicks at me and wraps his legs around my waist. I bring my elbow down to his throat and he coughs out, losing his grip on me. I take my mask off his face and kick him in the head. He grabs my wrist and twists it around. I topple back and he punches me down repeatedly in the gut. I block a hit and hit him down. I get the upper hand and start attacking him blindly with everything I'm worth. I stop and yank out my blaster from the holster and I point it at his head.

"Gee," Frank stutters. He stops and comes over behind me but I don't look back. I look at Mitch. There's a little fear in his eyes because he knows he's pushed me into actually killing him but he puts on his pride and acts all smug. My eyes trained on him and the blaster targeted for his head. "Gee," Frank says again.
"Why now?" I growl. "He doesn't do any good for us. He sits around and doesn't help out. He doesn't do anything. He's been nothing but a waste since he got here. It's been three years and he has done nothing, not one single thing good. So tell me, why not?"
Frank doesn't answer me. Mitch stares up at me. "I'm in line after Steve. After he goes, I have a job as DJ," he states ever so proudly. I glare at him. "What? You didn't think Alec was going to die. But he did because you left him. What's to say that something won't happen to Dr. D?"
"Tell me, how does it feel?" I ask. "Is it fun to stare down a loaded gun?" He doesn't say anything. Just staring at me trying to act tough but the edge of fear in his eyes shines through his mask of pride. I debate about pulling back the trigger. He would never bother me or anyone one else again. But I would get in trouble for killing one of our own. Would I? He bothers the others when I'm not around, I'm sure. He doesn't do any good. He's next in line for DJ. If anything were to happen to Steve, Mitch would take his place. If I don't kill him, he would be the DJ after Steve. It's not that I think that he will die but I didn't think I would lose Alec. But do I really want Mitch to be the DJ? He would be in charge of all the Killjoys.
I don't have time to decide. A person whips through the doorway of the bunk room and pushes the gun to the side. I pull the trigger but it misses. The floor smokes right next to Mitch. He shouts out in shock. Justin tries to pry the gun out of my hands but I kick at him. I scurry back into the bunk room. Mitch stands up and wipes the blood off his face. He unclips my holster from his leg and throws it at me. "You're going need that. You can't fire your gun so you might as well put it away. And you call me the useless one?" He looks up at Frank. "Come on, Frank. Not that I care about you but you could've done better. Anyone would have been better." I pick my jacket and holster off the floor, gripping it tightly.
"What do you mean?" Justin asks.
Mitch looks at him and laughs. "Frank's his bitch," he laughs gesturing at me. I take off and run straight at him. Mitch and Justin move out of the way but it doesn't matter. I bolt out of the room and flee up the stairs. I've had it. I'm done, I can't stand to be in the same proximity to him. I hear their laughs echoing behind me, which only makes matters worse.

        I run upstairs to the diner. Ray and Mikey are still up there now with Melanie and Luke. They just stare at me. My cheeks burn up and I feel the urge to just break down and cry out of anger and frustration. I just want to turn invisible and cry by myself. I'm about to go over to the others but they still think I did whatever Mitch did. Grace-Jeanette hops off the seat and sees me. "What's wrong, Party Poison?" she asks. I look at her; I know I'm on the verge of crying. Mikey looks at me sympathetically but doesn't move. Grace starts walking to me but Ray grabs her arm. He doesn't even want her near me. I breathe out slowly trying to keep myself together. The others want to say something but are too angry to talk to me.
Someone starts coming up the stairs. I don't wait to find out who it is. It's probably Mitch coming to mock me for liking Frank. He found out and I know that there is no way he's going to keep that a secret. I know that he is going to make sure everyone knows. I've had it with him. I don't want to hear him speak again.
I don't bother to stop the tears from coming down my face. I give a frustrated scream and let myself cry out. Mikey stands up to say something to me but I don't want him to say anything. I don't want to talk to anyone. I push past him. He grabs my arm. "Gerard?" he asks. I violently yank myself away from him, a little too much and topple over. "What's wrong?" he asks, trying to help me get up but I crawl away from him. I get up and just run out of the base. I don't go into the garage, I dart through the front door and run into the zones. I hear Grace-Jeanette screaming my name and Mikey pursuing after me but I don't stop. I just need to be by myself for a minute. Too much is going on and I just don't want to be with anyone. I'm already freaking out, I just need a minute, a minute to collect myself and calm down. "Gerard, come back!" he shouts at me. I don't turn back but I know someone calls for Mikey to leave me. I keep running through the desert alone. The way I want it.

I finally can't breathe anymore and collapse to the ground heaving for air. Sweat drips off my temple. I sit in the dirt and catch my breath. I don't have a radio so no one can contact me, which is good. My belongings are still with me. I clip my holster to my leg but carry my jacket. I'm too hot to put that on just now. I keep walking further away from the base. I ran a long way. The base isn't in sight so I'm a few miles out and probably in the next zone. I'm not turning back now. By now, Mitch has done his damage. I wish I shot him. My friends hate me for whatever he did, thinking it was me. I'm pretty sure Frank and Helena realized it wasn't me by now but what will they do? I left Frank at the base. He's probably mad about that. God, I just hate everything. I need to break something and scream out. Nothing's around to break and screaming would probably get some unwanted attention. I may be angry but I didn't feel like getting shot up by Dracs. I end up sitting in the dirt. It dawns on me that I don't have my mask so there's nothing to hide my identity. Splendid. How many could more things go wrong? I put my head down and just cry. I want my mask to hide my face. I wish I could hide or better yet turn invisible entirely. But the mask would be nice, something from Frank to hold on to and help me keep my mind at peace.
Something pokes me in my pants pocket. What the? I realize it's the Swiss army knife. Frank's birthday is tomorrow. I doubt I'll be returning then to give it to him. I left him at the base and I won't even be there for his birthday. How many more ways can I mess this up? Maybe it's better this way. He's upset I ditched him to deal with Mitch. I hate myself. Things were fine and two hours ago. Things were perfect. Now, everything's messed up. I still need to break something but there's nothing here, well, except me. There's a sudden urge to just stab me repeatedly. No, no, I'm not doing that. I wipe my face and get up. I put on my jacket and start walking again. Am I ever planning on returning to the base? For now, no. I just need to be away from everyone. I don't want to see them or hear what they now think of me. Forward it is then.

By the time the sun is close to setting, I know that I am in a distant zone. Where exactly, I don't know. I hear an engine approaching in the distance. Well, this is just peachy. I have no way to hide my face, no quick get away, and no back up. I take out my blaster and trot over to a log. I crouch behind it and wait for them to pass. Hopefully, they will carry on without seeing me. I don't want to engage in battle. I'm not in emotionally any condition to fight. I'm still upset and honestly, a bit shaken up still. I wouldn't be able to focus, resulting with me end up getting shot and killed. There's no way I'd get help out here. I'd be a dead man. The car gets closer and the engine becomes more distinctive. I know that engine. That's Kemia. Who the fuck took my car out in the zones? Whoever it drives slowly. Even though I know it's not danger, I still hope they don't see me. I don't want anyone finding me. I just want to be alone. Although, I'm not so happy someone decided to go joyriding in my car.
The car stops and the door opens. Footsteps approach over towards me. I lie flat on the ground. Please don't find me. Take a hint. I don't want to be found. I close my eyes and pretend to be invisible. "Gee, I saw you back there." I open my eyes. Frank stands over my dangling my mask over my face. I reach up and take it. "Get out of the dirt," Frank says.
I listen to him and get up. I still want to be invisible so I put on the mask over my face. "I'm sorry," I mutter.
"You're sorry? For what?" he asks.
"I don't know," I say, looking down.
"Gee, you didn't do anything wrong. That wasn't you."
"Well, yeah. I know that but I ditched you."
Frank shakes his head. "No, you didn't. You wouldn't ditch me. You just left the base to get away. I did too, mostly to find you. Hope you don't mind I took Kemia."
I laugh. "I don't mind you driving."
"Good," he answers. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you early."
"You had a reason to be. You thought it was me, whatever happened," I say. "What did happen?"
"Oh, I guess you're entitled to know," he says. "Remember how your locker was jammed? I guess Mitch did something so he could get your stuff. I was in the lab when the other arrived. Luke was in the heading to the hospital to get checked on. Melanie was unloading the supplies and going to be down soon. They just got back and Helena was talking to me in the lab. I needed to go get something from the supplies. When I came back, I saw you well, thought it was you. Mitch was there and he was kissing Helena. She was trying to move away from him but he was roughhousing her and beating her. She kept fighting to get away from him but he's stronger. I intervened, which then he attacked me and I didn't want to hurt you so I just took it. I asked for an explanation. He just well, you know how he is."
I feel myself get angry again. He beat up Frank. That's why he was bloody. "What he say exactly?" I growl.
"It doesn't matter," personalFrank shrugs off. "We were going back and forth at each other.
"It does to me. Please tell me what he said." I beg.
Frank sighs. "I don't know. Like, why are you crying? You take personally?" He pauses. "I said because I thought you loved me? What happened, Gee?.....Why would I love you? You're nothing to me. I've never cared about you, just humored you to everything you insisted on... I asked like what are you talking about?.....Did I stutter? Get a grip on yourself and stop crying. It's so pathetic.....Why are you saying that? I don't understand.....Why are you confused? You don't have to understand. I never want to see you again. And he walked out of the lab."
"I'm going to kill him," I growl.
"I won't stop you next time," he mutters. There are tears in his eyes as he remembers the incident. "Him attacking me didn't hurt as much as me believing it was you hitting me."
"I would never even dare raise a hand to you," I say.
"Oh, I know that. And you never have. It's wasn't you that hit me."
"Did he," I falter. I don't really want to say it but I have to know. "Did he tell?" I ask vaguely.
"Of course, that's what he does." I open my mouth to speak but Frank stops. "I don't know how the others reacted. I grabbed the keys off the floor when they fell out of your jacket. That would have been really bad if anyone else got them. When he started talking, they looked at me, waiting for me to say that he's lying but I didn't deny it. I just left." He pauses. I don't know about him, but I feel an awkward tension between the two of us. "I told the others it was Mitch, not you so they aren't mad anymore."
"Well there's that," I say trying to look on the brighter side of the bad. "I don't about you, but I don't want to go back anytime soon."
"I'm with you one this," he agrees. We start pacing back to the car. "Gee, does what happened, does that change anything between us?" he asks.
I look at him. "Why would you ask that?" I ask nervously.
"I'm just wondering. I know I was angry at you but that wasn't at you. It's all very backward."
"Yeah," I sigh. "But I still love you. Are you okay with me?"
"Of course. I mean, before I was hurt and felt stupid. But, of course, I'm okay." I smile and fidget with my mask. It molds perfectly to my face and still in good condition after so many years of use. Frank smiles. "I'm glad you still have the mask."
"Why wouldn't I? It's perfect," I say, "just like you."
"Oh, please," Frank laughs. "But see, the problem with these masks is they hide your pretty face." He reaches up and lifts it over my head.
Even though there's no one around, I guess that doesn't matter anymore. I lean down and kiss Frank on the cheek. He turns his head, meeting his lips to mine. He giggles and shoves me on the car. My back slams against the hood and I grip Frank's vest and pull him on me. He drops my mask and it slides off the hood and on the ground. He runs his fingers through my hair then pulls his knees up, bringing his legs over my waist. I hold on to him and slide my hands down his back. "I love you," I breathe and Frank smiles, lifting my face to his. I close my eyes and kiss him. I forget about all the problems, all the fights, and confusion, all the hate. I'm with Frank; it's just us two out in the zones. No distractions or interruptions to stop us. Nothing to go wrong. His heart beats rapidly against my chest. A rush of adrenaline powers through me. He darts his tongue over mine and I playfully bite his lower lip.
Frank rests his forehead on mine and I open my eyes. The green hazel color has always astonished me. It's a similar color to mine, except he are more mesmerizing, more special. They're Frank's eyes. He parts his mouth to ask me something but he doesn't speak. He doesn't have to because the little smirk on his face and that hooded gleam in his eyes already beat him to it. That look struck on his face asks me something, something only I could see. I don't need words to know what he wants. He feels the same way I do. Nothing else in the world matters. Not right now while we're alone together. I answer his question the same way he asked. No words, just returning him with the identical smirk.

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